2), but no formal conclusion There are three types of writing: a) Lyric prophecy (oracles)—chapters 1-2 Key repeated phrase: “Thus says the LORD” (e.g., 1:3) b) Teaching discourse (sermons)—chapters 3-6 Key repeated phrase: “Hear this word” (e.g., 3:1) c) Dramatic revelation (visions)—chapters 79 Key repeated phrase: “The Lord GOD showed me” (e.g., 7:1) Most of the book is about judgment What is the last section (9:11-15) about? What other two-point outline represents the book? Four sections are clearly discernible in the book Mark these in your Bible Check the Bible text to see the identifying phrases which mark the sections Judgments against the nations—chapters 1-2 Judgments against Israel—chapters 3-6 Visions of judgment—7:1—9:10 Messianic promise—9:11-15 Study the two outlines at the top of the chart which identify the people whom Amos’s messages are about Read in your Bible the verses which support the identifications listed on top of page 409 Complete the listing of the ve visions, beginning with locusts As you proceed with your study, look for other references to deliverance and salvation which may appear in the text (e.g., 5:4) (The high point of this redemptive theme is the last section, 9:11-15.) Note the key words and key verses Add to these lists along the way III APPLICATIONS How did James apply the message of Amos, according to Acts 15:16-17? (Cf Amos 9:11-12.) Why is re often a part of God’s judgment? Two basic attributes of God are love and holiness Are both of these manifested in Old Testament history? What references to God’s grace did you read in the book of Amos? How is God’s love related to His holiness? People of Judah “rejected the law of the LORD” (Amos 2:4) Is this sin committed today by unbelievers? Can it be committed by backslidden Christians? If so, in what ways? Someone has written, “A man does not choose to be a prophet; he is chosen.” How ... promise—9:11-15 Study the two outlines at the top of the chart which identify the people whom Amos’s messages are about Read in your Bible the verses which support the identifications listed on top of page... high point of this redemptive theme is the last section, 9:11-15.) Note the key words and key verses Add to these lists along the way III APPLICATIONS How did James apply the message of Amos,... re often a part of God’s judgment? Two basic attributes of God are love and holiness Are both of these manifested in Old Testament history? What references to God’s grace did you read in the