513 Appciidix A Solutions to the Escrcises Wlieii choosing criteria inlist be satisfied: ~34, Ail iiuagc of the spectrurri Y ( J u )iiiust lie exactly 111 1,liebaschand so n.ii).a = d o , T/, t IN No a,liasirig (overlapping imagcs) may l'wo possilile solutions w = o(~iir- = - The recoiistruc-tiorr h1tt.r must rcniove all imagrs outside of the baseband, a i d d the basrl)and p a s unchanged H(jw) j aiid d Solution 11.20 a) r w l hand-pass signal h) Yes, berauw the allocatcrl frcqueiicy lmid is a riiiiltiplr of the bantltvirltli, S O (I1 42) ii \atished baseband baseband