This is because the present study indicates (Theme 12) the sadhus are very happy people living a simple life However, further research is needed to show a positive relationship between simplicity in organizations and happiness of employees So, the present study has implications for POS in that POS may consider continuing to keep an explicitly “positive” focus with an assumption that happiness is within and is most essential for human beings, which is in sync with Finding #1 As for the implications of this research on the field of consciousness research, the present study shows that human consciousness and happiness are identical, and consciousness is not just subjective, but there is one enduring and all-pervasive consciousness Therefore, both fields are likely studying an identical phenomenon The present study also calls for further research to implement spirituality in organizations Implementation of spirituality in organizations could be a complicated task However, this study shows a spiritual orientation can likely make people very happy Academic literature on spirituality in organizations is multiplying rapidly Finally, this research also suggests more research on the simplification of business processes at the workplace This is because living a simple life is a significant predictor of a sadhu’s happiness (Theme 12) Implications for Practice In this section, I present the implications of this study on practice concerning four areas for increasing eudaimonic happiness of employees: (a) cultivation of relaxed work environment in organizations; (b) suggestions for self-control training of the mind for leaders for developing ethical work cultures and increasing happiness of employees; (c) 215