cigarette prices leads to a 12% increase in young males using smokeless tobacco Sources: Matthew C Farrelly, Terry F Pechacek, and Frank J Chaloupka; “The Impact of Tobacco Control Program Expenditures on Aggregate Cigarette Sales: 1981–2000,” Journal of Health Economics 22:5 (September 2003): 843–859; Michael Grossman, “Cigarette Taxes,”Public Health Reports 112:4 (July/August 1997): 290–297; Hana Ross and Frank J Chaloupka, “The Effect of Public Policies and Prices on Youth Smoking,” Southern Economic Journal 70:4 (April 2004): 796–815; John A Tauras “Public Policy and Smoking Cessation among Young Adults in the United States,” Health Policy, 68:3 (June 2004): 321–332 ANSWER TO TRY IT! PROBLEM Using the formula for cross price elasticity of demand, we find that eAB = (−3%)/(10%) = −0.3 Since the eAB is negative, bagels and cream cheese are complements Using the formula for income elasticity of demand, we find that eY = (+1%)/(10%) = +0.1 Since eY is positive, bagels are a normal good [1] See Georges Bresson, Joyce Dargay, Jean-Loup Madre, and Alain Pirotte, “Economic and Structural Determinants of the Demand for French Transport: An Analysis on a Panel of French Urban Areas Using Shrinkage Estimators.” Transportation Research: Part A 38: (May 2004): 269–285 See also Anna Matas “Demand and Revenue Implications of an Integrated Transport Policy: The Case of Madrid.” Transport Reviews 24:2 (March 2004): 195–217 Attributed to Libby Rittenberg and Timothy Tregarthen Saylor URL: 266