Strong, James The Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible Thomas, Robert L., ed New American Standard Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible Vine, W E An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words This was reported later by Luke in Acts 9-12 You will observe this later when you survey the book Jesus and the disciples were the rst to preach and teach the gospel, according to the four gospels and Acts Bible students di er in assigning a date to Matthew It could have been written as early as A.D 44 Most date it in the A.D 50s The date depends largely on whether Mark or Matthew was the first gospel written 5 F F Bruce, The Books and the Parchments, p 93 Henry C Thiessen, Introduction to the New Testament, p 135 See W Graham Scroggie, Know Your Bible, 2:37 R V G Tasker, The Gospel According to St Matthew, in Tyndale New Testament Commentaries, pp 17-18 The original Bible autographs did not have chapter divisions, or for that matter, paragraph and verse divisions Such divisions are helps to us today for reference and for identi cation of small units of thought 10 A segment title is a strong word or phrase, preferably taken from the text, intended to serve as a clue to at least one main part of the segment The sum total of segment titles is not intended to be a comprehensive outline of contents 11 For quick scannings like this you need not adhere strictly to the segment divisions, hence the chapter designation The new division in Matthew begins at 4:12, even though the clue verse, cited earlier, is 4:17 In the context, 4:17 refers back to the starting point, 4:12 13 The importance of Jesus’ spoken words is seen in the fact that of Matthew’s 1,071 verses, 644 contain spoken words of Jesus 14 “Introduction to Matthew,” in The Westminster Study Edition of the Holy Bible, p 21 15 Lists and brief descriptions of all the parables appear in W Graham Scroggie, A Guide to the Gospels, pp 278-86; 549-51; 663-64 16 G Campbell Morgan, The Gospel According to Matthew, p 141 17 See John F Walvoord, Matthew: Thy Kingdom Come, pp 95-97 18 So named because Jesus and His disciples were on the Mount of Olives at this time The panorama of Jerusalem and its Temple from this spot was beautiful and awe-inspiring (Mark 13:1) 19 The story of Israel’s kingdom in Old Testament times was tragedy The promised messianic kingdom was to be a glorious, miraculous restoration 20 These descriptions represent the pretribulation view of premillennialism These will be discussed later, in surveys of such books as the Thessalonian letters and Revelation 21 For example, Robert L Thomas and Stanley N Gundry, A Harmony of the Gospels 22 The former is Matthew’s usual designation The English word kingdom is a contraction of the phrase “king’s domain.” Consult W E Vine, An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, 2:294-96, for a ... Harmony of the Gospels 22 The former is Matthew’s usual designation The English word kingdom is a contraction of the phrase “king’s domain.” Consult W E Vine, An Expository Dictionary of New Testament. .. glorious, miraculous restoration 20 These descriptions represent the pretribulation view of premillennialism These will be discussed later, in surveys of such books as the Thessalonian letters and Revelation... 4:17 In the context, 4:17 refers back to the starting point, 4:12 13 The importance of Jesus’ spoken words is seen in the fact that of Matthew’s 1,071 verses, 644 contain spoken words of Jesus