161 8.3 T h e Dclt a Irrryulsr rty of d ~ lnt iinpul is thcir behaviour M lrrri atltlccl ant1 of tlw f o i i r r d ( f ) + b h ( t ) T h e p igatecl using t lie srled ivr prop x h -21 Cr,d(t)+ bb(t) = (a+ b ) S ( t ) I (8.17) (8.19) Delta impulses with wigbting f cxs arc dtipicbtcd ab a vertical arrow sliotviiig thc c*orrrsporrdiiigwright The sralrd tlrlt a inipnlw fi om (8.19) has t lit rrpresciitnt iotr shown iui Figurc 8.9 Fiom (8.19) it IS iniiiictliafely yieldccl when CI = -1 that the delta iinpulsv is ei-cn, b o (8.20)