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Wiley signals and systems e book TLFe BO 175

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8 Convolution and Impr~llscResponse 160 This gerreinl form of thc selective property is ~ h o w nin Figure 8.8 f Figurc 8.8: Srlectioii of thr function value j’(t0) B~loreconsidering turt1ic.r properties of the t k l t n impiilsc we will srimmarise the taiiir4 so far They allow iis t o answer the secorid question in Sc !A to C ~ U S Cthe 1tC-circuit depicted in Figure 8.1t o p o d i m ~tlit t~ oiitpiit The iripiit signal t h a t does this is t k r ~tlclta iinprilse ( t ) h(t) is thercfore called the zrnpwlse iesponsf~to the RC-circuit The funclion h(t) = ,l‘{ H ( b ) )that was prcvioudy anonynoiis, is slouily rcvcdiiig itself to be ilpc-)w~rful tool in iclentifyiiig its properties wr iieed ~iioreinfonnetion aFout the delta, iriipul The following deriwi ions of caltilation riiles for I lie ( k l t a inipiilsc drpcntl on two pIiiiciples ‘ % ~ tlclta impulse c m orilj, be t k d t with w l i m it is within an iiikgritl Its proprities (‘an hc cxprcwxd in terms of the eikcts of d e c t i v c propcrty c m othcr functions of timr e Calculations with the delta irnpulsc miirt be consistent with t’rw diilatioii rules for ordinary firnctioris Wc will inwstigntr the proper ties of ddta irnpril Ariotlm possiblity would be using rectangle fiiric4 i 70 -+ its WP did when deriving t h c selectiw property(see (8 ~liislimit, is airiilwisonw, howcvc~,$0 wv will stick with thc cle property

Ngày đăng: 25/10/2022, 09:37

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