21:6) Earlier in this chapter we studied the progression of history unfolded in the drama of the Old Testament (e.g., Chart 3) Intimately involved in this historical progression were the ever enlarging and deepening revelations which God gave to man (doctrinal progression) When we study the Old Testament we must keep this in mind, otherwise we might force upon an early book a doctrine which is not there, or fail to see in a later book a truth that is really there This does not mean, however, that in studying the Old Testament we should not interpret it in the light of events which took place hundreds of years later, during New Testament times We who have been enlightened with the truth of the New Testament should always be looking for the anticipation of it in the Old.47 This is how Jesus and the New Testament writers applied the Old I THE OLD TESTAMENT IS GOD’S VOICE TO US TODAY, ANCIENT AS THE BOOK IS If we discard a message only because it is ancient, we would reject the New Testament as well But God’s Book—both Old and New Testaments—is timeless in its application That is why the apostle Paul, writing to his friend Timothy about their ancient Bible, asserted dogmatically that “all Scripture is inspired by God and pro table for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work” (2 Tim 3:16-17) In the same context, Paul had reminded Timothy that it was the sacred writings which had given Timothy “the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus” (2 Tim 3:15) So it is correct to say that all spiritual lessons derived from passages in the Old Testament have something to say, directly or indirectly, about these two timeless, vital life truths: way to God, or walk with God The Old Testament is that contemporary And so we must open our hearts to its message In the words of Edward Young, In approaching the Bible … we need to remember that it is sacred ground We must approach it with humble hearts, ready to hear what the Lord God says The kaleidoscopic history of negative criticism is but further evidence that unless we approach the Bible in a receptive attitude, we shall fail to understand it Nor need we be ashamed to acknowledge that the words of Scripture are of God… The attempt to explain them as anything less than Divine is one of the greatest failures that has ever appeared in the history of human thought.48 SOME REVIEW QUESTIONS What are some of the important reasons for studying the Old Testament? In what ways is the Old Testament related to the New? In your own words, describe the history of the Bible’s coming from God to man What is revelation, as referring to God? What is the di erence between general revelation and special revelation? How were the original Scriptures inspired by God? Were the original autographs inerrant? Do we have any portion of the original autographs? Are the existing ancient copies of the Bible inerrant in every letter and word? If not, how dent can we be that they accurately represent what the authors originally wrote? ... QUESTIONS What are some of the important reasons for studying the Old Testament? In what ways is the Old Testament related to the New? In your own words, describe the history of the Bible’s coming...applied the Old I THE OLD TESTAMENT IS GOD’S VOICE TO US TODAY, ANCIENT AS THE BOOK IS If we discard a message only because it is ancient, we would reject the New Testament as well... that the words of Scripture are of God… The attempt to explain them as anything less than Divine is one of the greatest failures that has ever appeared in the history of human thought.48 SOME REVIEW