107 6.2, Fiiidiiig the Systeni Fuuction \Ye will tiow tlemonstrattl Irow to lirid it system fii:llnctioii, iwiiig two elrctricd ricltworks as marnples In Chapter 3.2.3 we learnt two Lvaya of avoiding physical tfiinenxions WP will prrfor’orrn both of these iric,thoris liere in Esaitiplrs 6.1 t,o 6.5 we will wvrk with riormniisrd equations, a i d in E;xampl~s7.1 to 7.5 in the ncxt chapter, wc will dviiionstratc the proceduxe with phpical uiiits The first iirt-cvork w c ’ will coiisitler is the KC-circuit c-irpic*tcdin Figurc 6.3 ‘Thc cornpoiir~ntshave iL1rpxiy been YIUInialibed S O t l i i b t t hcy lrxvr helpfid valiirs c = 0.01 0