knowledge to the body of literature that shows virtuousness in organizations can increase workers’ eudaimonic happiness In conclusion, after further analysis of the study’s results, three significant findings became clear Finding #1 is that everyone’s true nature is infinite happiness to be discovered within Finding #2 is that happiness has an animate nature Happiness is identical with human consciousness but distinct from the human mind Finding #3 is that happiness is possible without an external quest for material possessions or satisfaction of desires While all three findings align with the Vedic texts of Eastern religious and psychological traditions, the three findings also align well with Aristotle’s eudaimonic tradition of happiness (trans Aristotle, 2017), with subtle differences However, the study findings question the hedonism theory of happiness, René Descartes’ conception of mind and body, and happiness theories that assume happiness is an emotional state of mind or coded in human genes The study’s findings have added support and supplied evidence to all three pillars of positive psychology that aim to improve people’s positive subjective experiences, develop virtuous traits in people, and create positive organizations In the next two major sections, I discuss the implications of this study on further research and practice Implications for Further Research In this section, I present the implications of this study on future research in the field of positive organizational scholarship (POS), field of consciousness research, spirituality in organizations, and simplification of business processes in organizations 207