divisions What are they? Compare the word presentation with your observation of the content of 1:1— 4:11, which you made earlier A two-part outline is shown at the top of the chart Those two phrases of the message about Christ appear in all four gospels, most prominently in Mark What is significant about the order of the two parts? Note the study of contrasts made at the pivotal point of 16:21 For example, before 16:21, Jesus’ ministry was mainly to the multitudes; after 16:21, to the disciples; and so forth Observe at the bottom of the chart what part of Matthew is mainly topical in arrangement, and what part is mainly chronological Note also the geographical settings 5 Note how many chapters are devoted to the birth and infancy narratives, and how many to the death and resurrection narratives In between the two narrative sections noted in point is a series of five discourses, each discourse being introduced by a narrative section Study this alternating arrangement on the chart very carefully It represents the core of Matthew’s gospel.13 Note the subjects of the five numbered discourses, and the outline about Jesus as King in the narrative sections The conclusion of each discourse is identified in the Bible text with words such as these: “when Jesus had finished these words” (7:28) Read in your Bible the five conclusions Observe that the book opens with a reference to Jesus’ kingship (“Son of David,” 1:1), and closes on the same note (“all authority has been given to me,” 28:18) What comparison had you noted earlier? IV PROMINENT SUBJECTS The purpose of these studies is to focus on selected, prominent subjects of the New Testament book, without making any detailed analysis Again, in keeping with the survey method, our interest is mainly in the highlights of the passages involved A OLD TESTAMENT REFERENCES Listed below are major subjects, appearing throughout this gospel, which would be of special interest to Jews with Old Testament background Read the verses cited “Holy city;” “holy place” — 4:5; 24:15; 27:53 “Son of David” — 1:1, 20; 9:27; 12:23; 15:22; 20:30-31; 21:9, 15; 22:42, 45 Fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy — 1:22; 2:5, 15, 17, 23; 4:14; 8:17; 12:17; 13:35; 21:4, 42; 26:31, 54, 56; 27:9-10 Jewish customs — 15:1-2; 27:62 Law of Moses — 5:17-19, 21, 27, 31, 33, 38, 43; 7:12; 11:13; 12:5; 15:6; 22:36, 40; 23:23 “Kingdom of heaven” — (more than thirty references: consult a concordance) Old Testament prophets — (thirty-nine references: e g., 3:3) The preceding references illustrate the ... on the chart very carefully It represents the core of Matthew’s gospel.13 Note the subjects of the five numbered discourses, and the outline about Jesus as King in the narrative sections The. .. subjects of the New Testament book, without making any detailed analysis Again, in keeping with the survey method, our interest is mainly in the highlights of the passages involved A OLD TESTAMENT. .. conclusion of each discourse is identified in the Bible text with words such as these: “when Jesus had finished these words” (7:28) Read in your Bible the five conclusions Observe that the book