What are some of your new impressions of Matthew’s gospel after this scanning? Did you observe any of the following: main characters; main events; discourses of Jesus; opposition to Jesus? D SEEING HOW THE BOOK HOLDS TOGETHER Compare the opening verse (1:1) with the concluding verses (28:19-20) For example, compare what is suggested by “son of David” and “all authority.” Also, compare the first two chapters with the last two Read the rst two verses of each chapter.11 Write a list of Matthew’s contents, just based on these verses Do you observe any groups of chapters, for example, actions, discourses, events, and so forth? A clue to a group of chapters is when a new chapter shows that it is continuing what went before For example, the prominent quotation marks in NASB at 6:1 and 7:1 show that these spoken words follow what went before, in the preceding chapters Compare 4:17 and 16:21 Note the phrase, “from that time.” These are key clues to the structure of Matthew’s account What does each verse suggest concerning what follows in the gospel account? Does this support observations you have already made of the content of chapters 4-16 and 16-28? If not, scan these two divisions again until you have seen this Justify the words proclamation and passion in this outline of Matthew 4:12—28:20:12 Note the discourses or sermons that are recorded in 4:12— 16:20 Mark these in your Bible Scan the passion division (16:21— 28:20) again What parts of the account are about, or related to, Jesus’ death? Scan 1:1—4:11 again Review your segment titles for the six segments, and identify the general contents of this division of the account Relate this division to the two that follow it, namely, proclamation and passion Have you observed any more key words in Matthew? Consult an exhaustive concordance and note how frequently these words appear in Matthew: king, kingdom, ful lled How does this support the earlier discussion of Matthew’s theme? CHART 22: MATTHEW: JESUS AND HIS PROMISED KINGDOM Does Matthew’s account have a climax? If so, what is it? E SURVEY CHART The organization of Matthew’s writing is shown on the survey chart, Chart 22 Notes on Chart 22 Matthew is divided into three major ... frequently these words appear in Matthew: king, kingdom, ful lled How does this support the earlier discussion of Matthew’s theme? CHART 22: MATTHEW: JESUS AND HIS PROMISED KINGDOM Does Matthew’s... These are key clues to the structure of Matthew’s account What does each verse suggest concerning what follows in the gospel account? Does this support observations you have already made of the. .. account have a climax? If so, what is it? E SURVEY CHART The organization of Matthew’s writing is shown on the survey chart, Chart 22 Notes on Chart 22 Matthew is divided into three major