X KEY WORDS AND VERSES OF KINGS See the survey Chart 52 for suggested key words and verses XI APPLICATIONS OF KINGS Sin and its judgment are prominent throughout Kings Make a list of the various spiritual lessons taught about these subjects in the book Your conclusions will re ect both the character of man and the character of God XII FURTHER STUDY OF KINGS Study the life and work of Elisha Jeremiah was Judah’s leading prophet during the years leading up to the Babylonian Captivity Read the books of Jeremiah and Lamentations, and study the prophet’s life and ministry XIII SELECTED READING FOR AND KINGS Archer, Gleason L A Survey of Old Testament Introduction, pp 275-82 Baxter, J Sidlow “Judges to Esther.” In Explore the Book, vol Bruce, F F Israel and the Nations, pp 13- 104 Crockett, William Day A Harmony of the Books of Samuel, Kings and Chronicles Ellison, H L “I and II Kings.” In The New Bible Commentary, pp 300-301 Finnegan, J Light from the Ancient Past, pp 129-91 Free, J P Archaeology and Bible History, pp 146-225 Gates, John T., and Stigers, Harold “1 and Kings.” In The Wycliffe Bible Commentary, pp 307-9 Krummacher, F W Elijah the Tishbite Morgan, G Campbell Living Messages of the Books of the Bible, pp 176-206 Pfeiffer, Charles F The Divided Kingdom Pink, Arthur W Gleanings from Elisha Schultz, Samuel J The Old Testament Speaks, pp 141-228 Unger, Merrill F Archaeology and the Old Testament, pp 188-288 _.Introductory Guide to the Old Testament, pp 298-304 Whitcomb, John C Solomon to the Exile Wood, Leon A Survey of Israel’s History, pp 287-376 _.Elijah, Prophet of God G Campbell Morgan, Living Messages of the Books of the Bible, p 177 First and Samuel were called I and II Kingdoms in the Septuagint version Carl E De Vries, “Solomon,” in The ZondervanPictorial Bible Dictionary, p 802 Coverage by Chronicles is included in the outline, for future reference Some Bible students hold that Hezekiah ... list of the various spiritual lessons taught about these subjects in the book Your conclusions will re ect both the character of man and the character of God XII FURTHER STUDY OF KINGS Study the. .. to the Old Testament, pp 298-304 Whitcomb, John C Solomon to the Exile Wood, Leon A Survey of Israel’s History, pp 287-376 _.Elijah, Prophet of God G Campbell Morgan, Living Messages of the. .. A Survey of Old Testament Introduction, pp 275-82 Baxter, J Sidlow “Judges to Esther.” In Explore the Book, vol Bruce, F F Israel and the Nations, pp 13- 104 Crockett, William Day A Harmony of