498 k~ppc~ntiix A Solutionr; to the Exercises 1)) Arriplitnde sketch: 20 log /HI jH(g L00)l Fz 10' 100 ' 1000 = 10^20 dH Phase sketch: arg { fi) The system has a band-pass behaviour l l r e niaxirriiiiii aniphtic*stion i h 10 At U! = 1, and at i~ =- 10' it has dcsccnded to of thc maximum ( q i i \ a l r n t to 20 dB) & c) The response to ~ ( tfor ) I -?' oc corresponds to the dc voltage gain, i.e>., IH(w = 0)l The frequency cl = is not in the diagram, but for w