CHART 119: JUDE: KEEPING ONESELF IN THE LOVE OF GOD Michael the archangel (v 9) This is the only explicit Bible reference to this Michael His chief responsibility may have been the care of the Jewish people Jude is probably citing a story given in the apocryphal book, Assumption of Moses In so doing, Jude is not recognizing the book as having canonical status, but he is recognizing the event as being factual The same principle applies to his quote of the book of Enoch in verses 14-15 XXX THEME, KEY WORDS AND VERSES FOR JUDE What key words and verses you identify with Jude? State the theme of the epistle in your own words XXXI APPLICATIONS FROM JUDE What forces threaten Christ’s church today, similar to those mentioned in the epistle? In your own words, paraphrase Jude 17-25 as the verses apply to Christians today XXXII REVIEW QUESTIONS ON JUDE Identify the author of Jude To whom was the epistle written? When did Jude write the letter? What were some of Jude’s purposes in writing? Why was there a delay in the church’s recognition of Jude as part of the inspired Scriptures? What is the main section of Jude (5-16) mostly about? Where in Jude is there a turning point? Name ve key words of Jude, and quote a key verse XXXIII FURTHER STUDY OF JUDE Study the similarities of the epistles of Jude and Peter With the aid of outside sources, reach a conclusion regarding how these similarities can be accounted for (For example, did Jude use Peter’s letter as a source?) Read what various authors have written concerning these subjects:22 a the Bible’s full teaching about the evil angels’ fall (v 6) b Jude’s sources for his references to Michael the archangel (v 9) and Enoch (vv 14-15) XXXIV OUTLINE JUDE: Keeping Oneself in the Love of God JOHN’S GOSPEL AND FIRST EPISTLE COMPARED SALUTATION 1-2 WARNINGS ABOUT UNGODLY MEN 3-16 Occasion of the Letter 3-4 Historical Fate of Ungodly Men 5-7 Description of Ungodly Men 8-16 EXHORTATIONS TO BELIEVERS AMID APOSTASY 17-23 DOXOLOGY 24-25 XXXV SELECTED READING FOR THE EPISTLES OF JOHN AND JUDE ... in Jude is there a turning point? Name ve key words of Jude, and quote a key verse XXXIII FURTHER STUDY OF JUDE Study the similarities of the epistles of Jude and Peter With the aid of outside... Jude write the letter? What were some of Jude’s purposes in writing? Why was there a delay in the church’s recognition of Jude as part of the inspired Scriptures? What is the main section of Jude... Occasion of the Letter 3-4 Historical Fate of Ungodly Men 5-7 Description of Ungodly Men 8-16 EXHORTATIONS TO BELIEVERS AMID APOSTASY 17-23 DOXOLOGY 24-25 XXXV SELECTED READING FOR THE EPISTLES OF