Theme Conclusion From the sadhus’ perspective, this study that found self-knowledge can help people get closer to ananda (Sanskrit: happiness) or lasting happiness They emphasized the study and the practice of Vedantic (Sanskrit: end section of the Vedas) texts about the truth of our most fundamental nature or true self Along with self-knowledge, the sadhus mentioned compassion and serving others helped them experience happiness Serving others is a part of living a life of dharma (Sanskrit: moral laws as prescribed in the Vedas) This is the topic of Theme 10—serving others Theme 10: Serving Others “… Therefore, live only to serve.” —Swamini Nirmalananda (personal communication, April 3, 2018) Theme 10 answered the third research question—What the sadhus perceive to be the factors that influence their happiness? Thirteen out of 20 sadhus spoke about serving others as one of their central practices, and thus, Theme 10 emerged—serving others, a factor that influences sadhus’ happiness See Table 20 for the summary of the results of Theme 10 Table 20 Theme 10 Summary Serving Others Research Question 3: What the sadhus perceive to be the factors that influence their happiness? Theme Number of Participants Number of References N=20 Serving others 13 (65%) 64 Quote: … Therefore, live only to serve — Swamini Nirmalananda (personal communication, April 3, 2018) 152