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Campaign guide plight of the tuatha 63

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Campaign Guide ROLAND: Leave him alone! This battle is between us! IMP: You expect mercy from one of my kind? Laughable Roland has made a Point, while the imp has attempted to Dismiss his argument Roland rolls Diplomacy against 10 + (the Defense bonus of Dismiss) + (the imp’s Interrogate) bonus He rolls a 10 for total of 21—one point shy of his DC The imp rolls Intimidate against 10 + (the Defense bonus of Point) + (Roland’s Interrogate) He rolls a 12 for a total of 14, also failing ROLAND: No, but you can expect mercy from me Release him, and you may survive this day IMP: Where would I go? ROLAND: Back to your masters IMP: Are you sure? What if I found some other victim? Someone beyond your reach? What havoc might I cause if you not stop me here? Roland is making another Point, but this time, he is adding two Wit Points to his roll The imp’s questions represent his Sophistry Roland rolls a 17 with his three dice for a total of 28 Diplomacy against the imp’s 10 + 10 (Defense) + (Interrogate), dealing damage to the imp’s resolve The imp is also using two wit points He rolls a 14 with his three dice for a total of 22 Bluff against Roland’s 10 + (Defense) + (Interrogation), dealing damage to Roland’s resolve ROLAND: I am not so easily baited, imp There are many evils in this world, and I will not commit one today based on what wickedness you might cause tomorrow IMP: So you would trade the life of your son? Do you hear that, child? Roland’s Rebuttal is sound, as he rolls a for a total of 20 Diplomacy against the imp’s 10 – (Defense) + 3, dealing damage to the imp’s resolve The imp should have known not to Incite the paladin It was a risky maneuver—he took a Defense penalty for the attempt—and even with a roll of 19 he only manages a 22 Intimidate against Roland’s 10 + (Defense) + 11 (Diplomacy) IMP: Do you hear it? He is so noble So pure If only you had the wisdom to understand why your father is choosing not to save you 62 ROLAND: Your cruelty is obvious, but not your wisdom This is a paladin’s blade, and it has cast aside your kind like a peasant throwing grain in the harvest wagon Do you welcome death? The imp is now using a logical Fallacy (in this case, a false dilemma) that he supplements with his last Wit Point, rolling a 16 with his two dice for a total of 25 Bluff against Roland’s 10 - (Defense) + (Sense Motive) The comments stings—he deals damage to Roland’s resolve Yet Roland has made an interesting gamble in his attempt to Incite the imp, dropping his remaining Wit Points on it With his four dice, he has rolled a 13 for a total of 16 Intimidate against the Imp’s 10 + (Defense) + (Diplomacy) He gets lucky on his damage roll, dealing damage to his enemy’s resolve The imp wilts under the paladin’s stern gaze and know that he cannot tempt him, and that he would meet swift and certain doom at his hand It hisses and flaps away as Roland catches his terrified son in his arms His paladin’s code is intact, but he has never felt its burden so much as he does at this moment Advice: While a War of Words is a potent action, it is not magic and does not allow the victor to control the actions of the defeated side Being defeated in a War of Words means that losing side cannot further attempt to convince the winner of their Intent A defeated side always has the choice to prove that they are correct by drawing steel and attacking Round Robin Option There are times when a debate takes place not between two individuals, but with multiple people on each side of the argument Such a setup is also possible when performing a War of Words encounter To engage in this style of War of Words, one PC or NPC must be chosen as the Primary for the argument All Resolve Points and Wit Points are calculated off of the Primary’s stats and level The Primary must also engage in the first round of the Debate In the second round and all following rounds other players may join in the Debate using their character’s skills The assisting player is able to choose what tactic they wish to use as well as roleplay that tactic If the Primary agrees, the assisting player may also use Wit Points from the Primaries Wit Point Pool (the assisting player does not roll nor have their our Wit Points in this War of Words)

Ngày đăng: 25/10/2022, 09:20

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