5.5 Tlic invcrv hilat,eral Liq)lace trnrisio f i r riglit-sidcd sigiinls aircl the correspoiitlmg im p i se ials (see kJxxri1)le 4.2) Thci dc~iiwititmfor Icft-sided ct out itb iwr (5.29) to ('3.;32), so tliai me cn re tli5tingiiishcd from each othw hv tlie tl gral arid 1Ire sigii o i t h lrft-siiltd function A s the rcgion of cnrrvcrgriicc for lcft-sidtd time functiom lie, leCl o f a vrrtic a1 liii in tlic ,c-plitire (set E ig 4.4) thr ii ciili~rintegral iiiiist d s o he contairied wilhin tliti it+i ItalY of the s-plane Sjrice bv deiirritioii, ( h e positrx e orieiitation of coiiiplcx oritour iritegrali is ( oiint,rr-c.loc.ltwisC,tlw par allcl to the iniagiiiary axis 4ras t o iw tr;wcrwcl in the opposite direction to (