As recorded by the gospels, the life of Jesus was of three di erent and quantitatively unequal parts: Preparation years, relatively obscure, about thirty years in all Public ministry, the highlights recorded in detail, about three and one-half years Sacrifice, the crucial events of Jesus’ ministry, transpiring over a period of only a few weeks Chart 17 shows the periods and movements of Jesus’ career First study the chart very carefully Then read the observations to which special attention is called Notes on Chart 17 Mention was made above of three periods of Jesus’ life: preparation, public ministry, sacri ce Notice on Chart 17 the two phases of Jesus’ life: to minister (serve), and to die Observe that the peak of His public ministry (measured by public acclaim) was reached at least a year before His death His death was the crucial event Jesus’ public ministry lasted for about three and one-half years The annual Passovers mentioned in John5 are datelines that indicate that duration Without John’s gospel, which alone records Jesus’ early Judean ministry, the public ministry of Christ would appear to be much shorter Each year of Jesus’ ministry was of a different sort: a First Year: OBSCURITY No public fanfare attended Jesus’ opening ministries, but gradually He moved from the shades of obscurity to the spotlight of public attention b Second Year: POPULARITY The peak of Jesus’ popularity was reached rather quickly, but from then on His acceptance by the multitudes declined just as rapidly c Third Year: OPPOSITION Open opposition already having been manifested, it was only a matter of time and divine schedule before the hour of the cross would arrive The highest box on the chart represents the main core of Jesus’ ministries — His extended ministries Before that, there were the opening events (four months); then the ministries of the early Judean period (eight months) When Jesus had completed His extended ministries, He turned His face and His footsteps toward Jerusalem, engaging in specialized and concluding ministries on His way to the cross The extended ministries of Jesus were performed in Galilee Most of His services were rendered in this northern province, the land of His youth and young manhood Observe the other geographical regions of ministry, including the short one in Perea just before His death As an exercise, read the references that are cited on Chart 17 at the beginning of each new period of Jesus’ ministry Try to keep those events in your mind as you proceed in your study of Jesus’ career, for they are signposts of junctions in that career The purpose of the above survey of Jesus’ public ministry is to give you a perspective of the total earthly career of Jesus before you survey the partial coverage of each of ... study of Jesus’ career, for they are signposts of junctions in that career The purpose of the above survey of Jesus’ public ministry is to give you a perspective of the total earthly career of Jesus... matter of time and divine schedule before the hour of the cross would arrive The highest box on the chart represents the main core of Jesus’ ministries — His extended ministries Before that, there... to the cross The extended ministries of Jesus were performed in Galilee Most of His services were rendered in this northern province, the land of His youth and young manhood Observe the other