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ADVISING AND STUDENT SERVICES DIRECTORY SECTION OVERVIEW Overview of Academic Advising Structure at Clemson College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences College of Architecture, Arts and Humanities College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences College of Business College of Education College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences College of Science Student Services Directory for Academic Affairs and Student Affairs Athletic Academic Services Clemson Abroad ADVISING AND STUDENT SERVICES DIRECTORY 111 ADVISING CENTERS MATRIX College/Division Advising Model Function of the Advising Center Agriculture, Forestry CAFLS Undeclared students are advised within the Student Advising services for CAFLS undeclared students and all and Life Sciences Services Center by professional academic advisors Within each inquiries regarding change of academic program or shadow academic major, 1st year students are advised by professional majors General advising services for the College academic advisor Once students have completed their 1st year, they may be assigned to a faculty advisor Architecture, Arts All majors: Students advised by a faculty advisor with support General advising services for the College Pre-law advising for and Humanities from Center professional advisors the University Study abroad advising for the College Behavioral, Social Nursing, Health Science, Sociology, Political Science, Advising services for 1st and 2nd year students in the College and Health Sciences Anthropology, Criminal Justice, Psychology, Parks Recreation Center advisors also handle all student inquiries regarding and Tourism Management, Communication, and Sports change of academic program Communication: 1st and 2nd year, new transfer and change of major students advised by Center professional advisors 3rd and 4th year students advised by faculty advisors Business Pre-Business: Students are advised by professional academic Total intake center for all pre-business students Center advisors advisors also handle all student inquiries regarding change of academic Business majors: Students are advised by a faculty or program professional academic advisor Graphic Communication: Students are advised by a professional academic advisor Education All majors: Students are advised by professional advisors Advising services for all Education undergraduate students throughout the program Students are also assigned a faculty Services include student inquiries regarding change of academic mentor in the professional level for further assistance in field program placements Engineering, General Engineering: Students are advised by professional Advising services for general engineering students (No Computing and advisors until they switch into an engineering major centralized advising center for other CECAS majors.) Applied Sciences Engineering majors: Students are advised by professional or Total intake center for all engineering students Center advisors faculty advisors also handle all student inquiries regarding change of academic Other majors: Students are advised by professional or faculty program (No centralized advising for other CECAS majors.) advisors Science All majors: Students advised by professional or faculty Coordinate advising activities for the College and advise advisors Chemistry Freshmen, Pre-professional Health Studies, and Preprofessional Studies-Prepharmacy majors Undergraduate Students advised by professional advisors in the Academic Advising services for all AAH undeclared students and former Studies Success Center students returning (see population specific section) For all areas, see the pages that follows for contact information, organized alphabetically by College/Division ADVISING AND STUDENT SERVICES DIRECTORY 112 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, AND LIFE SCIENCES ADVISOR CONTACTS LEAD ADVISING CONTACT FOR THE COLLEGE Katie Black HULSE 656-6662 F153 P&A AGRICULTURE UNDECLARED Katie Black HULSE 656-6662 F153 P&A AGRIBUSINESS Christi Leard CCAMPB3 656-4082 265 McAdams AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION Christi Leard CCAMPB3 656-4082 265 McAdams AGRICULTURAL MECHANIZATION AND BUSINESS Christi Leard CCAMPB3 Hunter Massey HMASSEY 656-4082 656-4056 265 McAdams 249 McAdams ANIMAL AND VETERINARY SCIENCES Jason Allen Glenn Birrenkott 656-3162 656-4019 131 P&A 140 P&A ENVIRONMENTAL AND NATURAL RESOURCES Amy Sanders AMYBS 656-4840 265 Lehotsky FOOD SCIENCE AND HUMAN NUTRITION Glenda Brown (Lead Admin) GBRWN Allison Butterbaugh (Food Technology) KERFOOT Bridgit Corbett (Nutrition) BRIDGIC 656-5698 656-5698 656-3397 224 P&A 207 P&A 219 P&A FOREST RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Amy Sanders AMYBS 656-4840 265 Lehotsky HORTICULTURE Lisa Flick LFLICK 656-3683 169 P&A PACKAGING SCIENCE Pat Marcondes PATM 650-5830 230 P&A PLANT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Lisa Flick LFLICK 656-3683 169 P&A TURFGRASS Lisa Flick LFLICK 656-3683 169 P&A WILDLIFE AND FISHERIES BIOLOGY Amy Sanders AMYBS 656-4840 265 Lehotsky JA6 GBRRNKT ADVISING AND STUDENT SERVICES DIRECTORY 113 COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE, ARTS, AND HUMANITIES ADVISOR CONTACTS LEAD ADVISING CONTACT FOR THE COLLEGE Cari Brooks CABROOK 656-4485 103 Strode ARCHITECTURE Tim Brown Michelle McLane 656-3914 656-3938 1-159 Lee 3-129 Lee CONSTRUCTION SCIENCE MANAGEMENT Deborah Anthony* ADEBORA Mike Jackson NMJACKS 656-0181 656-3878 2-122 Lee 2-123 Lee ENGLISH David Coombs Keri Crist-Wagner DCOOMS KCRISTW 656-1676 656-3152 801 Strode 801 Strode HISTORY Amit Bein Sheri Marcus ABEIN SSHERI 656-3153 656-7538 202 Hardin 126 Hardin LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Matthew Powers* Michelle Marchesse POWERS8 MARCHES 656-4408 656-3926 3-116 Lee 3-112 Lee LANGUAGE AND INTERNATIONAL HEALTH Yanhua Zhang (CHIN) YHZHANG Julia Harvey (SPAN) JMDINGL Kelly Peebles (FR) KPEEBLE 656-3122 656-6433 656-3393 304 Strode 703 Strode 504 Strode LANGUAGE AND INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Su-I Chen (CHIN) SCHEN Julia Harvey (FR) JMDINGL Lee Ferrell (GER) FERRELL Jae Takeuchi (JAPN) JTAKEUC Luca Barattoni (ITAL) LBARATT Ellory Schmucker (SPAN A-G) ESCHMUC Daniel Garcia Vievrac (SPAN S-Z) DDGAXCI 656-2852 656-6433 656-3393 656-3393 656-3392 656-3933 656-3393 215 Daniel 703 Strode 501 Strode 313 Strode 303 Strode 710 Strode 215 Daniel MODERN LANGUAGES Steve Fitzmaurice (ASL) Yanming An (CHIN) Joe Mai (FR) Johannes Schmidt (GER) Luca Barattoni (ITAL) Jae Takeuchi (JAPN) Ellory Schmucker (SPAN) SFITZMA YANMIND JMAI SCHMIDJ LBARATT JTAKEUC ESCHMUC 656-3393 656-3544 656-3242 656-3241 656-3538 656-3393 656-2626 320 Daniel 716 Strode 509 Strode 706 Strode 303 Strode 313 Strode 701 Strode PAN-AFRICAN STUDIES William McCoy WMCCOY 656-3484 242 Hardin TB2 WKING ADVISING AND STUDENT SERVICES DIRECTORY 114 PERFORMING ARTS Becky Becker Claire Kelly BECKER1 CKELLY6 656-3043 656-3043 221 Brooks 221 Brooks Kelly Smith KCS 656-1093 208 Hardin RELIGIOUS STUDIES Benjamin White BWHITE5 656-2001 126D Hardin UNDECLARED Jessica Owens* Eshani Agrawal Christian Barrientos Kim Carter Brittany Goodson Jada Hardric Lori McGregor DEAN4 EAGRAW CBARRIE KEC2 GOODSO6 JHARDRI LMCGREG 656-2365 656-2359 656-6153 656-5429 656-1893 656-6255 656-6452 201 ASC 207 ASC 204 ASC 200 ASC 206 ASC 203 ASC 209A ASC VISUAL ART Todd McDonald Todd Anderson Kathleen Thum Anderson Wrangle Valerie Zimany MCDONA5 TDANDER KTHUM AWRANGL VZIMANY 656-3881 656-3881 656-3881 656-3881 656-3881 2-G28A Lee 2-G25 Lee 2-G28 Lee 2-140 Lee 2-121 Lee WOMEN’S LEADERSHIP Diane Perpich DPERPIC 656-2001 220 Hardin WORLD CINEMA Diane Perpich DPERPIC 656-2001 220 Hardin PHILOSOPHY ADVISING AND STUDENT SERVICES DIRECTORY 115 COLLEGE OF BEHAVIORAL, SOCIAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES ADVISOR CONTACTS LEAD ADVISING CONTACT FOR THE COLLEGE Kristin Goodenow KRISTIG 656-5123 309 Edwards ANTHROPOLOGY Kaela Gardner KAELAG 656-8960 309 Edwards COMMUNICATION VACANT N/A N/A 309 Edwards CRIMINAL JUSTICE Kaela Gardner KAELAG 656-8960 309 Edwards HEALTH SCIENCE Kristin Goodenow KRISTIG 656-5123 309 Edwards NURSING VACANT Allysa Sutton Cynthia Mihalchick (RN to BS; 2nd Degree) N/A ALLYSAS MIHALCH 656-2161 656-1503 720-2056 309 Edwards 309 Edwards 605 Grove Rd, Greenville, SC PARKS, RECREATION, & TOURISM MANAGEMENT Troy Thieman TTHIEMA 656-0371 309 Edwards POLITICAL SCIENCE Jason Chavis JCCHAVI 656-3385 309 Edwards PSYCHOLOGY Jeff Moore Caroline Oncken JTMOORE CONCKEN 656-2570 656-2571 422 Edwards 427 Edwards SOCIOLOGY Kaela Gardner KAELAG 656-8960 309 Edwards SPORTS COMMUNICATION VACANT N/A 656-8960 309 Edwards ADVISING AND STUDENT SERVICES DIRECTORY 116 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADVISOR CONTACTS LEAD ADVISING CONTACT FOR THE COLLEGE Sandy Edge SEDGE 656-6172 TBD PRE-BUSINESS Sandy Edge (Director of Advising Center) Ed De Iulio Faith Bridges (CUBS) Emily Danuser Kristy Lockhart David O’Nan Melonee Wolfe Jill Williams SEDGE EDEIULI FBRIDGE EDANUSE KRISTYL DONAN MELONEY JNRICHA 656-6172 656-6955 656-8977 656-2826 656-6957 656-6956 656-3943 656-2526 TBD TBD 103 Douthit E TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD ACCOUNTING Mike Mendonca MENDONC 656-3245 TBD AEROSPACE STUDIES Capt Joseph Blanton (Freshman) Maj Wayne Leneau (Sophomores) Capt Rachelle Miller (Juniors) Col Keith Balts (Seniors) JBLANTO WLENEAU RMM2 KBALTS 656-3673 656-2800 656-3668 656-3254 311 Tillman 306A Tillman 306 Tillman 300BTillman ECONOMICS Robert Fleck Scott Baier RFLECK SBAIER 656-3964 656-4534 TBD TBD FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Taylor Gladieux Jack Wolf (Honors Students) Josh Harris (2nd degree students) TGLADIE JACKW JWHARRI 656-2677 656-3954 N/A TBD TBD TBD GRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS Hanna Gardner HGIBSON 656-3447 200 Godfrey MANAGEMENT Liz Laxton Si Bischof POPE4 SBISCHO 656-1333 656-1285 TBD TBD MARKETING Rob Massey MASSEY 656-1934 TBD MILITARY LEADERSHIP LTC Eric Christiansen – Seniors/ML IV CPT Justin Merhar – Juniors/ML III CPT Michael Gibson – Sophomores/ML II CPT Joseph Valez – Freshman/ML I EPC JMERHAR N/A N/A 656-3107 656-3107 656-3107 656-3107 Johnstone Johnstone Johnstone Johnstone ADVISING AND STUDENT SERVICES DIRECTORY 117 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION ADVISOR CONTACTS LEAD ADVISING CONTACT FOR THE COLLEGE Jamie Garland JGARLAN 656-3180 105 Tillman MATHEMATICS TEACHING, SCIENCE TEACHING, SPECIAL EDUCATION, SECONDARY EDUCATION, MIDDLE LEVEL EDUCATION Jamie Garland JGARLAN 656-3180 105 Tillman EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION, ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Staci Koonce SKOONCE ADVISING AND STUDENT SERVICES DIRECTORY 656-0491 105 Tillman 118 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, COMPUTING, AND APPLIED SCIENCES ADVISOR CONTACTS GENERAL ENGINEERING Melinda Finkle (Director of Advising Center) Dion Harry Kate Lombard Meg Newton Stephanie O’Brien Natalie Poulos Khristy Parham MJFINKL DIONH KMLOMBA NEWTON8 OBRIEN4 NPOULOS KHRISTP 656-9862 656-1262 656-4096 656-4096 656-3088 656-9878 656-8995 B01 Holtzendorff B01 Holtzendorff B01 Holtzendorff B01 Holtzendorff B01 Holtzendorff B01 Holtzendorff B01 Holtzendorff BIOENGINEERING Janeen Putman Tammy Rothell JANEEN TAMMY 656-0308 656-9843 302B Rhodes A 302A Rhodes BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING Tom Owino (Program Coordinator) VACANT (Student Services Coordinator) Caye Drapcho TOWINO N/A CDRAPCH 656-4041 656-0470 656-0378 441A Brackett 444 Brackett 441B Brackett CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Chris Kitchens Joy Rodatz Caitlin Clark CKITCHE JRODATZ CAC4 656-2131 656-3055 656-0822 130 Earle 127 Earle 127A Earle CIVIL ENGINEERING CJ Bolding CWBOLDI 656-3030 125 Lowry COMPUTER ENGINEERING Carl Baum (Program Coordinator) Patty McNulty (Student Services Manager) Jenna Elliot (Student Services Coordinator) BAUMC PMCNULT ELLIOT3 656-5928 656-5291 656-3375 304 Fluor 104A Riggs 104B Riggs COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS & COMPUTER SCIENCE Chris Plaue (Program Coordinator) CPLAUE Amanda Menefee MENEFEE Melissa Green MEG5 656-6933 656-0944 656-1772 106 McAdams 101 McAdams 100 McAdams ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Carl Baum (Program Coordinator) Patty McNulty (Student Services Manager) Jenna Elliot (Student Services Coordinator) BAUMC PMCNULT ELLIOT3 656-5928 656-5291 656-3375 304 Fluor 104A Riggs 104B Riggs ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING David Ladner (Program Coordinator) VACANT (Student Services Coordinator) Michael Carbajales-Dale Kevin Finneran David L Freedman Nicole Martinez Sudeep Popat LADNER N/A MADALE KFT DFREEDM NMARTI3 SOPAT 656-5572 656-0470 656-0523 656-4202 656-5566 656-1984 656-5568 431 Brackett 444 Brackett 436A Brackett 312 BRC 445B Brackett 338 Brackett 431 Brackett ADVISING AND STUDENT SERVICES DIRECTORY 119 GEOLOGY Alan Coulson (Program Coordinator) VACANT (Student Services Coordinator) Mary Kate Fidler Alexander Pullen Emily Scribner ACOULSO N/A MFIDLER APULLEN EXCRIBEN 656-1897 656-0470 556-8180 656-5015 N/A 339 Brackett 444 Brackett 442 Brackett 335 Brackett 435 Brackett INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Jess LeCroy (Student Services Manager) Sarah Clarke David Neyens JPRUSZK SJENKI4 DNEYENS 656-0183 656-1227 656-0795 115 Freeman 116 Freeman 124 Freeman MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING Laura Kinard Marian Kennedy Olin T Mefford LKINARD MSKENNE MEFFORD 656-1512 656-5349 656-4307 162B Sirrine 201B Olin 110 Olin MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Todd Schweisinger Julie Markus Spencer Davenport Becca O’Donnell Portia Mitchum TODDS JWMARKU SDAVEN2 RLODONN PORTIAM 656-5542 656-3110 656-2924 656-3473 656-3470 101 Fluor 102F Fluor 102B Fluor 102D Fluor 102E Fluor ADVISING AND STUDENT SERVICES DIRECTORY 120 COLLEGE OF SCIENCE ADVISOR CONTACTS LEAD ADVISING CONTACT FOR THE COLLEGE Adam Hunter HUNTER3 656-3288 105 Long BIOCHEMISTRY Alison Starr-Moss Joey Thames 656-6877 656-0873 158 P&A 159 P&A BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES & MICROBIOLOGY Londan Charley (Director) LONDANM Ashley Hubbard AHUBBA2 Brad Jones DJONES1 Anna Lee Masters ACMASTE Laura Love LSLOVE Megan Metcalf MRMETCA 656-3604 656-3830 656-1300 656-2416 656-5074 656-0838 124 Long 125 Long 151 Long 143 Long 129 Long 145 Long CHEMISTRY Dennis Taylor Kris Coleman DFTAY KCOLEM3 656-2680 656-3089 265 Hunter 219 Hunter GENETICS Alison Starr-Moss Joey Thames ASTARR JTHAMES 656-6877 656-0873 158 P&A 159 P&A MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES Sean Sather-Wagstaff UGCMATH 656-6404 O102 Martin MICROBIOLOGY Londan Charley LONDANM 656-3604 124 Long PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY Celeste Hackett Chad Sosolik CHACKET SOSOLIK 656-3418 656-0310 118 Kinard 206 Kinard PRE-PROFESSIONAL HEALTH STUDIES Adam Hunter HUNTER3 656-3288 105 Long PREPHARMACY Adam Hunter HUNTER3 656-3288 105 Long ASTARR JTHAMES ADVISING AND STUDENT SERVICES DIRECTORY 121 ACADEMIC AND STUDENT AFFAIRS DIRECTORY ACADEMIC SUCCESS CENTER 233 Academic Success Center 656-6452 clemson.edu/asc ADMISSIONS 105 Sikes Hall 656-2287 clemson.edu/admissions CAMPUS LIFE 706 University Union 656-2926 clemson.edu/campus-life/student-orgs/index.html CENTER FOR CAREER AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 316 Hendrix Student Center 656-6000 career.clemson.edu CLEMSON ABROAD E-301 Martin Hall 656-2457 clemson.edu/studyabroad CLEMSON HOME 100 Mell Hall 656-2295 housing.clemson.edu COUNSELING AND PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES Redfern Health Center 656-2451 clemson.edu/campus-life/student-health ENROLLED STUDENT SERVICES 104 Sikes Hall 656-2174 clemson.edu/registrar FINANCIAL AID G-01 Sikes Hall www.clemson.edu/financial-aid/ 656-2280 FRATERNITY AND SORORITY LIFE 100 Norris 656-7578 clemson.edu/campus-life/fraternity-sorority-life/ GANTT MULTICULTURAL CENTER 300 Brackett 656-7625 clemson.edu/centers-institutes/gantt INTERNATIONAL STUDENT SERVICES 108 Long Hall 656-3641 clemson.edu/ia/services MILITARY AND VETERAN ENGAGEMENT 107/8 Vickery Hall 656-2982 www.clemson.edu/studentaffairs/veterans/ OFFICE OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES 101 Vickery 656-3022 clemson.edu/ugs STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES Redfern Health Center 656-1541 clemson.edu/campus-life/student-health REGISTRAR 102 Sikes 656-7855 clemson.edu/registrar REGISTRATION SERVICES E-206 Martin Hall 656-2305 clemson.edu/registrar ADVISING AND STUDENT SERVICES DIRECTORY 122 ATHLETIC ACADEMIC SERVICES ADVISING CONTACTS LEAD ADVISING CONTACT FOR THE AREA Leslie Moreland LMOREL N/A Nieri BASEBALL Lindsey Ricketts LKRICKE N/A Nieri FOOTBALL Matt Lombardi Luke Fieser MLOMBAR LFIESER N/A N/A Nieri Nieri BASKETBALL Leslie Moreland (men) Sarah-Jo Lawrence (women) LMOREL SARAHJL N/A N/A Nieri Nieri CROSS COUNTRY Adam Hatem Sarah-Jo Lawrence AHATEM SARAHJL N/A N/A Nieri Nieri GOLF Leslie Moreland LMOREL N/A Nieri SOCCER Lindsey Ricketts (men) Erin DeChellis (women) LKRICKE EDECHEL N/A N/A Nieri Nieri TENNIS Yashica Martin YMARTIN N/A Nieri TRACK AND FIELD Adam Hatem Sarah-Jo Lawrence AHATEM SARAHJL N/A Nieri ROWING Yashica Martin YMARTIN N/A Nieri SOFTBALL Erin DeChellis EDECHEL N/A Nieri VOLLEYBALL Adam Hatem AHATEM N/A Nieri ADVISING AND STUDENT SERVICES DIRECTORY 123 PAM HENDRIX CENTER FOR EDUCATION ABROAD WHO SHOULD CONTACT US? Clemson students participating in academic programs, research, internships and co-ops, or servicelearning abroad In addition, if students are traveling abroad on behalf of Clemson University or as part of a University organization, they will need to register with our office ACADEMIC PROGRAM TYPES Faculty-Directed Program Coordination: Clemson University Duration: Two weeks to a full semester Academics: Students enroll in Clemson University courses Fees: All students pay in-state tuition, fees, and a program fee to Clemson University Exchange Program Coordination: Clemson University partners worldwide Duration: Full semester or academic year Academics: Students enroll in host university courses and receive transfer credit Fees: All students pay in-state tuition and fees to Clemson University Additional costs are paid to host university Third-Party Program Coordination: Partner study abroad organizations Duration: Two weeks to an academic year Academics: Students enroll in host university courses and receive transfer credit Fees: Tuition and fees are paid to the third-party organization ***All students participating in for-credit experiences abroad pay a Study Abroad Fee to Clemson University This fee is 10% of in-state tuition and fees and will be charged to the student’s university account GETTING STARTED Clemson Abroad has outlined three steps for students who are ready to start planning their study abroad program Please advise them to follow these simple steps Attend a Study Abroad 101 Session Research Programs Talk to the Experts INSURANCE All students participating in international experiences are required to purchase international health insurance For additional information, please have students contact the Pam Hendrix Center for Education Abroad FINANCES Studying abroad does not have to break the bank! The study abroad office at Clemson works to provide affordable programs to all students If students receive financial at Clemson, their financial aid package may be eligible to be applied to a program abroad Students should discuss their specific financial aid package with the Financial Aid Office ADVISING AND STUDENT SERVICES DIRECTORY 124 There are many additional study abroad scholarships available to students Encourage students to visit the study abroad website for more information, including eligibility requirements and application deadlines ENROLLMENT WHILE ABROAD All for-credit students will remain enrolled as Clemson students while abroad The courses utilized by Clemson Abroad are characterized by the TSAP, SAP, and CAP prefixes Course enrollment is coordinated by Pam Hendrix Center for Education Abroad CROSS-CULTURAL AWARENESS Students can fulfill their CCA requirement as part of their international experience Many facultydirected programs offer IS 2100 as a course option In addition, the Study Abroad Offfice oversees IS 1010 each term This is a one-credit hour course that students can enroll in concurrent with their study abroad IS 1010 will fulfill the CCA requirement Students must be participating in an approved program that is at least weeks in duration Course enrollment is coordinated by Pam Hendrix Center for Education Abroad Students are responsible for paying tuition and fees TRANSFER CREDITS Students participating in exchange programs and third-party programs will transfer their course credits back to Clemson upon completion of their program Students are required to complete the Request for Approval of Courses to be Taken Abroad form prior to departure Students are instructed to take official course descriptions and/or course syllabi to relevant department chairs to determine the equivalent course at Clemson Additional information can be found on the Pam Hendrix Center for Education Abroad webpage COURSE REGISTRATION WHILE ABROAD Students studying abroad during a fall or spring term will be registering for classes while abroad Please note that these students will be contacting you, their academic advisor, to seek advice and to request their PIN number CONTACT INFORMATION We’re here to help! Please not hesitate to contact us if we can support you or your students in any way! Pam Hendrix Center for Education Abroad E-301 Martin Hall 864-656-2457 abroad@clemson.edu www.clemson.edu/studyabroad ADVISING AND STUDENT SERVICES DIRECTORY 125