passages in the entire Bible It is a doctrinal book in miniature, teaching truths about the Person and work of Christ It is a handbook of Christian living, summing up Christian behavior in one sublime, opening appeal The passage is usually referred to as the kenosis passage, named after the key Greek w o r d ekenosen (“emptied,” v 7) The unstated question of the text is, Of what did Jesus empty Himself when He came to earth? Those who hold that Jesus of Galilee was only human answer that Jesus emptied Himself of deity The marginal note of the New American Standard Bible gives the interpretation that Jesus “laid aside His privileges.” Compare this with the interpretation that Jesus surrendered the independent exercise of some of His relative attributes (e.g., “not my will, but thine, be done”).6 Read the passage What is its main subject? What is the opening, practical exhortation? How the words humiliation and exaltation represent the two parts of the paragraph? B CHRIST OUR GOAL (3:1—4:1) Chapter is the mountain peak of Philippians, challenging and inspiring its Christian readers with the highest of goals (e.g., 3:14) CHART 86: PHILIPPIANS: LIFE IN CHRIST Read the segment different parts in mind: with these three Commands — 3:1-3 Testimonies — 3:4-14 Appeals — 3:15—4:1 Observe the goals Paul writes about How is Christ related to each? Throughout Philippians the Person of Jesus Christ is central There can be no rejoicing outside of Him He is the Christian’s life (1:21), his supreme example (2:5-11), his great goal (3:10), and his gracious provider (4:13) No wonder Paul’s passion and goal was “That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings” (3:10) C CHRIST OUR SUFFICIENCY (4:2-23) The structure of Philippians may be seen as a threefold unit: How is each subject related to each other, and to the general scope of the Christian life? Read 4:2-23 and observe di erent references to the Christian’s su ciency in ... may know Him, and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings” (3:10) C CHRIST OUR SUFFICIENCY (4:2-23) The structure of Philippians may be seen as a threefold unit: How is...Read the passage What is its main subject? What is the opening, practical exhortation? How the words humiliation and exaltation represent the two parts of the paragraph? B CHRIST... (3:1—4:1) Chapter is the mountain peak of Philippians, challenging and inspiring its Christian readers with the highest of goals (e.g., 3:14) CHART 86: PHILIPPIANS: LIFE IN CHRIST Read the segment different