of Dexterity and melee weapons use Strength *This storage can be used to hold equipment, extra rounds or whatever the pilot chooses **These crystals are provided by the Mandorian Government only for the VOID Hunter prestige class If you are not a member of the prestige class you either have to purchase these crystals or acquire them The Mandorian VOID Hunter is the main support for scouting trips and expeditions The VOID Hunter walker is available to the VOID Hunter prestige class or any person that has government contracts that are adventuring with or for the Mandorian military Excess Power (EP/round): 10 Jusay Crystal Classification requirements**: 41 cu/inches of Class D Yellow Jusay crystals (512,500 gp/cr) or cu./inches of Class A and cu/inch Class D (512,500 gp/cr) Heavy Turret Firing Computer: Type M, Model Advanced Synaptic Core, Basic Verbal Command, 10,000xp data storage, High Autonomous Logic Program Computer Programs Installed: Antimissile, Anti-aircraft, Gunner Interact, Weapon Systems (Heavy Turret) Computer Price w/programs: 40,500 gp/cr Combat Statistics: The VOID Hunter Twolegged vehicle has a +10 equipment bonus Strength score when using the arms (appendage) It takes a –8 penalty on Hide checks The VOID Hunter Two-legged vehicle has a single slam attack that deals 2d8+10 points of damage It has a reach of 10 feet Available Weapon Slots: appendages (1864vL carrying capacity), heavy turret (2000vL max weapon space) (additional equipment can be purchased or fitted At any time the pilot can replace older technology equipment with newer equipment when it becomes available as per the class or the money the pilot has Standard Equipment Package: Pressurized cockpit (torso and helmet), Spinal node neural link (TL 14 and 15), arm appendages (Str 30, Dex 20) that can be used to hold weapons, communications system (500km range), sensors (touch sensitivity to the arm appendages +2 Dex), standard radar sensor system (5km range) Dredan campaign setting uses a mixture of Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and T20 rules One major change is that Dredan uses the standard Pathfinder Roleplaying Game system when applying damage for ranged and melee weapons Ranged weapons go off COMBAT The VOID Hunter vehicle uses the pilot’s skill to operate the vehicle and has its own Strength score built into its appendages The pilot of the VOID Hunter cannot be the target of any spell or effect that has to have line of sight Line of sight is essentially blocked because the character is inside the cockpit of the vehicle The pilot of the vehicle in melee combat uses his pilot’s skill plus the vehicle’s Strength score to figure the vehicle’s to hit bonus Damage is calculated using the vehicle’s Strength score Any ranged attacks not tied to a firing computer use the pilot’s gunnery skill + any vehicle or appendage Dexterity bonus VOID Holocaust (Two-legged vehicle available only to the VOID Crommandant Prestige Class): Size: Large (4000 vl) Structural Integrity: 25 Armor Class: 21 (10+AF+agility rating + size modifier) Armor Factor (armor rating T20): 12 Agility: Reach: 10ft Strength Bonus: 45(+17) appendages only 147