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  UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA  2012 Annual Accountability Report Data Glossary and Technical Appendix UC 2012 Annual Accountability Report Data Glossary The following provides brief information on data sources and terms used in the 2011 Accountability Report and hyperlinks for further information The majority of the data for this report was generated by UCOP’s Institutional Research (IR) Unit In addition, some other UC policy departments provided data as noted American Association of University Professors (AAUP) The American Association of University Professors is an organization of professors and other academics in the United States It conducts an annual survey of faculty compensation which is used in this report to compare UC’s faculty salaries More information on the AAUP data set can be found at: www.aaup.org/AAUP/comm/rep/Z/ecstatreport09-10 Association of American Universities (AAU) The Association of American Universities (AAU) is an association of 63 leading public and private research universities in the United States and Canada A list of the institutions can be found in Table of this glossary Membership in AAU is by invitation and is based on the high quality of programs of academic research and scholarship and undergraduate, graduate, and professional education in a number of fields, as well as general recognition that a university is outstanding by reason of the excellence of its research and education programs Throughout this report, the two AAU institutions in Canada are excluded from the “Non-UC AAU Public” group because the Canadian institutions not submit data to the U.S Department of Education which is the source of the AAU data used here For more information, visit www.aau.edu California Health Care Foundation The California Health Care Foundation is a nonprofit philanthropy that provides policy and data analysis on health care issues facing California More information can be found at: www.chcf.org California Postsecondary Education Commission (CPEC) The California Postsecondary Education Commission was established in 1974 The Commission provides the legislative and the executive branches of government with advice and information about major policy and planning issues concerning education beyond high school For more information, visit www.cpec.ca.gov California State Bar Association The California State Bar Association is California’s official bar association and is responsible for managing the admission of lawyers to the practice of law More information can be found at: www.calbar.ca.gov California State Department of Finance The California State Department of Finance is a state cabinet-level agency that is responsible for preparing, explaining and administering the state’s annual financial plan The Department also is responsible for creating and monitoring current and future economic forecasts for the state, estimating population demographics and enrollment projections More information can be found at: www.dof.ca.gov 2012 UC Accountability Report Technical Appendix and Data Glossary Carnegie Classifications The Carnegie Classification has been the leading framework for recognizing and describing institutional diversity in U.S higher education for the past four decades Starting in 1970, the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education developed a classification of colleges and universities to support its program of research and policy analysis Derived from empirical data on colleges and universities, the Carnegie Classification was originally published in 1973, and subsequently updated in 1976, 1987, 1994, 2000, 2005, and 2010 to reflect changes among colleges and universities This framework has been widely used in the study of higher education, both as a way to represent and control for institutional differences, and also in the design of research studies to ensure adequate representation of sampled institutions, students, or faculty This report uses “Research Universities with very high research activity” (RU/VH) (2005 Classification) and “Research University-Extensive” (2000 Classification) as a comparison group for the UC For more information, visit http://classifications.carnegiefoundation.org Comparison (Comp 8) The “Comparison 8” institutions are the eight universities—four public and four private—with which UC regularly compares faculty pay scales and student fees This group is widely recognized as appropriate for purposes of comparison by such external agencies as the California Department of Finance The public universities are: University of Illinois, University of Michigan, University of Virginia, and SUNY Buffalo The private universities are: Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University, and Yale University CPI (Consumer Price Index) The CPI is a measure of inflation experienced by consumers, and an important indicator of the condition of the economy It can be used to adjust other economic data for changes in price level and to convert them into inflation-free dollars For example, retail sales, and income data are "deflated" to assess their "real" movements over time This report generally uses the CPI-U (CA), published by the California Department of Finance and measuring prices for urban consumers in California, to adjust dollars Certain sections of the report with data provided by other entities use the CPI-W, published by the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, which is the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers For more information on the CPI-U (CA), visit www.dof.ca.gov/HTML/FS_DATA/LatestEconData/FS_Price.htm For more information on the CPI-W, visit www.bls.gov/cpi Council on Aid to Education (CAE) The Council for Aid to Education (CAE) is a national nonprofit organization based in New York City Initially established in 1952 to advance corporate support of education and to conduct policy research on higher education, today CAE is also focused on improving quality and access in higher education CAE's Voluntary Support of Education (VSE) survey is the authoritative national source of information on private giving to higher education and private K-12, consistently capturing about 85 percent of the total voluntary support to colleges and universities in the United States CAE has managed the survey as a public service for over 50 years For more information, visit www.cae.org 2012 UC Accountability Report Technical Appendix and Data Glossary IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System) IPEDS is the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System It is a system of interrelated surveys conducted annually by the U.S Department’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) IPEDS gathers information from every college, university, and technical and vocational institution that participates in the federal student financial aid programs The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, requires that institutions that participate in federal student aid programs report data on enrollments, program completions, graduation rates, faculty and staff, finances, institutional prices, and student financial aid IPEDS provides basic data needed to describe — and analyze trends in — postsecondary education in the United States, in terms of the numbers of students enrolled, staff employed, dollars expended, and degrees earned IPEDS forms the institutional sampling frame for other NCES postsecondary surveys, such as the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study and the National Survey of Postsecondary Faculty For more information, visit http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds More detail on the collection of faculty and staff numbers can be found here: http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/surveys/2008/pdf/HR_2008.pdf National Research Council’s Assessment of Research Doctoral Programs The National Research Council (NRC) periodically assesses research doctoral programs Data in this report are from the Data-Based Assessment of Research-Doctorate Programs which was originally released on September 28, 2010 with a revised data release in April 2011 Data were collected from about 5,000 doctoral programs across 62 fields at 212 research universities Data are based on the 2005-06 academic year; and for some data elements, for prior years as well More information can be found at: http://sites.nationalacademies.org/pga/Resdoc/index.htm NPSAS (National Postsecondary Student Aid Study) The National Postsecondary Student Aid Study is the most comprehensive, nationally representative survey of student financing of postsecondary education in the United States Since 1987, NPSAS has been conducted every to years by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) of the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S Department of Education Previous NPSAS surveys were administered during the academic years 1986–87, 1989–90, 1992–93, 1995–96, 1999–2000, 2003–04 and 2007-08 Undergraduate and graduate students enrolled at all types of postsecondary institutions are represented These include public, private not-for-profit, and private for-profit sector institutions at every level: less-than-2-year, 2-year, 4-year, and graduate-only institutions.1 For more information, visit http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/npsas National Student Clearinghouse The National Student Clearinghouse is an industry-sponsored consortium that was established to proactively enhance the overall student loan program and simplify enrollment verification It collects and provides data on student enrollments and allows institutions to track students who transfer to other institutions For more information, visit http://www.studentclearinghouse.org http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2009/2009166.pdf 2012 UC Accountability Report Technical Appendix and Data Glossary National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF) The 2003–04 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF:04) included a sample of 1,080 public and private not-for-profit degree granting postsecondary institutions and a sample of 35,000 faculty and instructional staff The weighted response rates for the two surveys were 86 and 76 percent, respectively NSOPF gathers information regarding the backgrounds, responsibilities, workloads, salaries, benefits, attitudes, and future plans of both full- and part-time faculty In addition, information was gathered from institutional respondents on such issues as faculty composition, turnover, recruitment, retention, and tenure policies Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED) The Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED) is a federal agency survey conducted by the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) for the National Science Foundation and five other federal agencies (National Institutes of Health, U.S Department of Education, National Endowment for the Humanities, U.S Department of Agriculture, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration) The SED gathers information annually from 45,000 new U.S research doctorate graduates about their educational histories, funding sources, and post-doctoral plans Each year the SED data are added to a larger historical record of doctorate-degree graduates, the Doctorate Records File (DRF) Begun in 1920, the DRF contains annual information used to track the number of graduates in various fields; the educational paths of scientists, engineers, and humanists; movement of graduates into the labor market; and similar information UC Academic Personnel Department The UCOP Academic Personnel department is the primary liaison in all matters related to academic appointees, including faculty, research and health science clinical faculty, librarians, lecturers, graduate student and postdoctoral appointees The department maintains a number of policy documents and data related to faculty and other academic employees More information can be found at: www.ucop.edu/acadpersonnel UC Alumni Survey 2010 UC undertook a survey of baccalaureate degree recipients 5, 10 and 20 years after receiving their degrees (in 2004, 1999, and 1989, respectively) in order to fill a major gap in the information for assessment of student learning outcomes and success The survey sample was designed to support analysis of students in different cohorts and disciplines It will also permit some analysis of the experience of students drawn from different socio-economic, racial, and ethnic groups A survey response rate deemed adequate to support campus comparison was deemed to be too costly to implement Accordingly the data will not support campus-level analysis with statistical reliability Using addresses contributed by campus alumni associations and development offices, a total of 86,439 alumni who received their baccalaureate degrees in 1989, 1999 or 2004 were contacted and invited to respond to the survey instrument by email or by post A total of 5,976 useable responses were received for an overall response rate of percent, with individual campus response rates ranging from percent to 10 percent A comparison of respondents to the population of each of the three graduating cohorts revealed that there was no response bias related to gender, entry status, ethnicity, first-generation college status, first language, final UC GPA, campus, residency status at the time of admission, and Pell Grant recipient status.2 Response bias testing for the class of 1989 was limited to gender, entry status, ethnicity, final UC GPA, and campus because data on the other variables was not collected when this cohort entered UC 2012 UC Accountability Report Technical Appendix and Data Glossary UC Audited Financial Statements UC, like all public entities, is audited by an external auditing firm UC’s external audit is performed by Price Waterhouse Coopers, an external independent certified public accounting firm reporting to the Regents UC’s audited financial statements can be accessed at: www.universityofcalifornia.edu/reportingtransparency UC Budget for Current Operations UC budget documents can be found at: www.universityofcalifornia.edu/reportingtransparency UC Budget Office The UCOP Budget and Capital Resources department maintains a wealth of budget and capital resources information which can be found at: http://budget.ucop.edu UC Corporate Contracts and Grants System The Corporate Contracts and Grants System (CGX) is a set of databases and processes that provides information about sponsored projects at the University of California More information can be found at: www.ucop.edu/irc/systems/cgx.html UC Corporate Financial System The Corporate Financial System (CFS) contains financial data for all UC campuses and is available to corporate functional offices for inquiry and reporting purposes The primary source of data in the CFS is a monthly transmittal file from each of the ten UC campuses Each campus file contains data reflecting current financial, budgetary, and encumbrance balances and current month financial activity in the campus's general ledger More information can be found at: www.ucop.edu/irc/systems/cfs.html UC Corporate Personnel System The Corporate Personnel System (CPS) is a reporting system that provides Office of the President management and staff with demographic, personnel, and pay activity data on employees paid at the ten campuses, the Office of the President, the Division of Agricultural and Natural Resources, the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Hastings College of Law, and the Associated Students of UCLA (ASUCLA) More information can be found at: www.ucop.edu/irc/systems/cps.html UC Corporate Student System The Corporate Student System (CSS) is a set of databases and processes that provides information to meet the management, analytical, and operational needs of the UC Office of the President related to student enrollment and performance The seven CSS databases contain information about enrollment, undergraduate and graduate admissions, financial support, degrees conferred, and health science resident and postdoctoral fellow appointees The databases are created and/or updated with edited data received from the campuses and other sources, and are organized to allow both cross-sectional analyses and longitudinal studies of performance and persistence Registrant and financial support databases are updated quarterly; remaining databases are updated annually Among the significant reports produced from the Corporate Student System are the annual "Statistical Summary of Students and Staff," quarterly reports of headcount and student credit hour enrollment used for state funding allocations, and most of the university's student data submissions to the U.S Department of Education's Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) More information can be found at www.ucop.edu/irc/systems/css.html 2012 UC Accountability Report Technical Appendix and Data Glossary UC Enterprise Risk Management Information System The UCOP Office of Risk Services works to identify and manage risk throughout the UC system More information on their Enterprise Risk Management Information System can be found at: www.ucop.edu/riskmgt/erm UC Faculty Instructional Activities dataset (“TIE” data collection) UC conducts annual data collections from campuses on faculty instructional activities This data collection was originally undertaken in response to a state reporting requirement which was not renewed The 2007 annual report to the Legislature was the last mandated report; it can be found at: www.ucop.edu/planning/fia/documents/fia_annlrpt2007.pdf Since that time, UC has continued to collect these data for management and accountability purposes UC Graduate Student Support Survey The UCOP Student Affairs department conducts periodic surveys of the competitiveness of UC graduate student support Reports on this survey can be found at: www.ucop.edu/sas/sfs/reports_data.html UC Institutional Advancement Department The UCOP department of Institutional Advancement facilitates and encourages financial support for the University through private giving and other support More information can be found at: www.ucop.edu/instadv UC Medical Centers Audited Financial Statements The UC medical centers, like all public entities, are audited by an external auditing firm The medical center audited financial statements are published separately from UC’s external audit They are performed by Price Waterhouse Coopers, an external independent certified public accounting firm reporting to the Regents UC’s audited financial statements can be accessed at: www.universityofcalifornia.edu/reportingtransparency UC Medical Schools Five UC campuses include medical schools: Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco And UC is planning for a sixth medical school at Riverside More information on these schools can be found at: www.universityofcalifornia.edu/health/medcenters.html UC Statistical Summary of Students and Staff (StatSumm) Each spring, UC Information Resources and Communications publishes the Statistical Summary of Students and Staff, which summarizes data supplied by all campuses and serves as the official record of student enrollment at the University of California The fall 2010 edition is the most recent in a continuous series of reports dating back to 1896 Early reports were called Statistical Addenda to the Biennial Report of the President Additional information can be found at: www.ucop.edu/ucophome/uwnews/stat UC Student Financial Support Annual Reports The UCOP Student Affairs department produces an annual report to the Regents in March of each year These reports and other financial aid information can be found at: www.ucop.edu/sas/sfs/reports_data.html 2012 UC Accountability Report Technical Appendix and Data Glossary UCUES (University of California Undergraduate Experience Survey) The University of California Undergraduate Experience Survey (UCUES) solicits student opinions on all aspects of the UC experience UCUES content is broad and covers most aspects of students' academic and co-curricular experience Students evaluate such things as instruction, advising and student services UCUES has been conducted as a biennial census of undergraduates All respondents answer questions in the core as well as one of three or four module of additional questions to which they have been randomly assigned Thus, the number of respondents can vary greatly for any given items Investigations of response bias in the 2006 and 2008 administration are available at http://cshe.berkeley.edu/research/seru/papers/SERU.TechR.Bias.5.25.07.pdf and http://cshe.berkeley.edu/research/seru/docs/NonResponseBias2008.pdf These investigations concluded that there was no need to weight the data The system wide response rate for UCUES was 38 percent in 2006, 39 percent in 2008 and 42 percent in 2010 More information can be found at: www.universityofcalifornia.edu/studentsurvey 2012 UC Accountability Report Technical Appendix and Data Glossary Table UC Student Enrollment Classification Using UC Corporate Student System Level UC Degree Level UC Student Level Code Graduate Academic Academic Doctoral PhD 6, 7, Academic Masters MA, MS or Post-bacc Professional Doctoral EdD, DEnv, DPh, DPT, DNS, etc 6, 7, Graduate Professional Professional Masters Professional Practice Health Science Resident Undergraduate Disciplines (CIP Categories) Excludes Post-baccs in discipline breakdowns History Visual/Performing Arts Foreign Languages Liberal Arts English Literature Philosophy Bio/Life Sciences Engineering Area Studies Conservation Science Computer Science Psychology Interdisciplinary Math Social Sciences Other/Unknown Physical Science Agricultural Science Business Public Admin Criminology Architecture Law (non-J.D.) Health Sciences Education Communications Library Science Include self-supporting MBA, MPP, MPH, MSW, MLS, M City Planning, MA/MS in Education, MEng, MFT, etc JD, MD, OD, DDS, PharmD, DVM, AudD, etc -BA, BS 5 or R 1-4 Business Public Admin Criminology Architecture Law (non-J.D.) Health Sciences Education Communications Library Science Arts (MFT only) Law (J.D only) Other Health Sciences Medicine (M.D only) Health Sciences All Disciplines, grouped into broad disciplines 2012 UC Accountability Report Technical Appendix and Data Glossary Table UC and Comparative Student Data Classification Using IPEDS Data Enrollment Level Degree Classification IPEDS Degree Disciplines (CIP Categories) Graduate Academic Doctor’s Degree (old) Academic Doctoral Academic Masters Doctor’s Degree – research/scholarship (new) Master Doctor’s Degree (old) Graduate & Professional Professional Doctoral Doctor’s Degree – research/scholarship (new) Visual/Perf Arts English Literature Engineering Computer Science Math Physical Science Foreign Languages Philosophy Area Studies Psychology Social Sciences Agricultural Science History Liberal Arts Bio/Life Sciences Conservation Science Interdisciplinary Other/Unknown Business Architecture Education Military Science Homeland Security Public Admin Law (non-J.D.) Communications Parks & Recreation Agricultural Science Criminology Health Sciences Library Science Theology Business Architecture Education Military Science Homeland Security Public Admin Law (non-J.D.) Communications Parks & Recreation Criminology Health Sciences Library Science Theology Graduate Professional Professional Masters Master First Professional (old) Professional Practice Undergraduate Undergraduate 2012 UC Accountability Report Technical Appendix and Data Glossary Doctor’s Degree – professional practice (new) Bachelor Law (J.D only) Medicine (M.D only) Other Health Sciences Theology All Disciplines, grouped into broad disciplines 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Riverside State Educational Appropriations Student Tuition & Fees Educational Activities Auxiliary Enterprises Private Gifts Other Revenue Grants and Contracts Medical Centers Total $164,282 111,615 4,085 48,351 7,753 21,011 116,607 473,704 $148,365 120,669 3,915 47,522 6,916 22,547 122,883 472,816 $148,132 123,374 3,677 46,655 10,767 23,619 123,735 479,959 $155,577 119,223 3,366 49,494 16,690 25,155 122,736 492,240 $165,675 133,481 3,491 56,591 14,571 31,545 125,345 530,698 $130,019 142,221 4,274 56,074 13,025 26,424 125,515 497,553 $149,266 163,321 4,767 55,331 9,475 65,134 110,150 557,444 $199,625 196,053 9,423 58,032 13,072 82,327 114,588 673,120 San Diego State Educational Appropriations Student Tuition & Fees Educational Activities Auxiliary Enterprises Private Gifts Other Revenue Grants and Contracts Medical Centers Total 217,498 151,672 4,687 83,808 28,171 37,124 175,903 698,864 196,424 168,509 4,854 89,245 34,726 37,722 188,286 719,766 196,228 171,525 5,827 89,988 28,503 40,310 184,741 717,122 206,088 170,308 6,062 90,821 27,984 49,671 201,976 752,911 219,466 189,583 6,306 96,498 33,025 52,940 203,560 801,378 172,233 199,695 8,120 100,923 34,843 47,906 203,759 767,479 194,322 229,843 8,048 101,192 30,631 48,820 197,174 810,030 168,662 261,801 7,277 95,331 36,465 77,714 196,808 844,058 San Francisco State Educational Appropriations Student Tuition & Fees Educational Activities Auxiliary Enterprises Private Gifts Other Revenue Grants and Contracts Medical Centers Total 132,270 105,438 4,780 71,270 7,400 25,259 113,607 460,025 119,569 117,235 5,581 77,654 7,252 24,951 123,853 476,096 119,382 116,872 6,409 76,225 8,615 28,296 128,313 484,111 125,382 119,253 7,773 83,463 8,888 28,268 136,302 509,329 133,525 131,733 9,726 89,568 10,154 30,367 146,569 551,641 104,789 136,455 8,932 90,202 9,609 28,740 149,617 528,343 120,109 146,333 1,498 86,681 9,259 46,169 131,732 541,782 153,384 174,963 1,388 88,680 8,889 57,184 139,752 624,240 Santa Barbara State Educational Appropriations Student Tuition & Fees Educational Activities Auxiliary Enterprises Private Gifts Other Revenue Grants and Contracts Medical Centers Total 321,093 173,242 195,919 120,114 62,166 67,990 763,877 595,759 2,300,160 289,980 204,020 188,280 122,884 57,146 78,324 764,532 644,402 2,349,569 289,406 213,907 201,160 121,475 53,324 91,074 762,392 689,619 2,422,357 303,950 217,499 219,324 129,566 67,268 113,539 793,419 708,439 2,553,004 323,673 247,563 240,380 140,401 63,527 114,108 822,356 786,892 2,738,900 254,015 270,944 236,167 139,748 57,936 105,514 844,068 836,511 2,744,903 287,231 318,067 264,767 136,158 87,089 148,775 897,377 869,549 3,009,013 298,025 350,454 311,959 136,374 51,284 164,739 959,865 935,058 3,207,758 State Educational Appropriations Student Tuition & Fees Educational Activities Auxiliary Enterprises Private Gifts Other Revenue Grants and Contracts Medical Centers Total 246,354 30,649 101,391 24,093 136,086 97,218 887,735 1,301,806 2,825,333 222,484 36,005 102,618 24,211 114,393 98,671 898,087 1,331,978 2,828,447 222,137 36,515 106,236 32,113 151,420 112,404 925,407 1,405,850 2,992,082 233,299 45,006 128,085 41,251 124,231 113,320 928,673 1,488,257 3,102,123 248,445 43,935 138,008 45,621 159,424 161,128 969,830 1,591,788 3,358,181 194,976 46,721 139,590 45,099 123,426 138,461 932,388 1,712,351 3,333,013 220,046 49,602 133,939 44,048 175,691 145,866 1,032,570 1,822,487 3,624,249 209,453 52,455 162,035 46,635 152,315 190,699 1,106,007 1,886,771 3,806,370 Santa Cruz Source: UC Audited Financial Statements Figures are in billions of inflation-adjusted 2009-10 dollars; Department of Energy laboratories, including the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, are excluded The Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco campuses operate medical schools and teaching hospitals In addition to the funds associated with medical school and teaching hospital operations, these programs help campuses attract additional contract and grant revenue 12.2 Operating expenditures by function, Universitywide, 2000-01 to 2010-11 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 NOT ADJUSTED FOR INFLATION Instruction, Research & Public Service Support Activities Auxiliary Enterprises Student Financial Aid Other expenditures Medical Centers Total $5,150,660 1,901,124 537,774 279,663 1,480,967 2,672,448 12,022,636 $5,467,829 2,003,312 573,087 317,888 1,438,072 2,836,611 12,636,799 $5,802,990 2,101,706 610,794 358,711 1,564,454 3,153,768 13,592,423 $6,059,457 2,072,340 646,458 358,048 1,672,955 3,352,536 14,161,794 $6,333,968 2,106,202 695,310 369,424 1,780,575 3,549,309 14,834,788 $6,649,345 2,373,649 719,551 363,635 1,904,720 3,675,271 15,686,171 $7,097,736 2,545,728 807,271 406,520 1,985,154 4,085,642 16,928,051 $8,105,238 3,145,712 955,702 425,985 2,159,266 4,757,958 19,549,861 $8,497,975 3,160,638 969,652 458,474 2,253,066 5,225,712 20,565,517 $9,366,822 3,320,075 985,639 544,280 2,440,501 5,827,790 22,485,107 $9,757,814 3,660,477 1,012,290 600,712 2,505,569 6,077,986 23,614,848 ADJUSTED FOR INFLATION Instruction, Research & Public Service Support Activities Auxiliary Enterprises Student Financial Aid Other expenditures Medical Centers Total 6,625,916 2,445,645 691,804 359,764 1,905,147 3,437,892 15,466,168 7,033,929 2,577,102 737,231 408,938 1,849,966 3,649,075 16,256,240 7,068,749 2,560,134 744,022 436,954 1,905,696 3,841,674 16,557,228 7,245,308 2,477,902 772,971 428,119 2,000,356 4,008,636 16,933,292 7,331,330 2,437,850 804,795 427,594 2,060,949 4,108,192 17,170,711 7,384,725 2,636,161 799,129 403,851 2,115,371 4,081,735 17,420,974 7,624,780 2,734,762 867,215 436,706 2,132,562 4,389,022 18,185,047 8,707,094 3,379,298 1,026,668 457,617 2,319,603 5,111,261 21,001,540 8,824,628 3,282,130 1,006,924 476,097 2,339,671 5,426,583 21,356,034 9,528,892 3,377,521 1,002,693 553,697 2,482,728 5,928,626 22,874,158 9,757,814 3,660,477 1,012,290 600,712 2,505,569 6,077,986 23,614,848 Source: UC Audited Financial Statements Medical centers include UC’s hospitals and other patient care activities; auxiliaries include operations such as food service, parking and student housing; other expenses include interest, depreciation and other miscellaneous expenses Department of Energy laboratories, including the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, are not included in the data above “Other expenditures” Includes costs such as travel, postage, rent, printing and reproduction, repairs and maintenance, insurance, and all other operating expenses not included in categories above Also includes two line items in the nonoperating category of the University’s statement of revenues, expenses and changes in net assets, gain or loss on disposition of capital assets and other nonoperating expense Statements are available at www.universityofcalifornia.edu/reportingtransparency 12.2 Expenditures by function, UC campuses, 2000-01 to 2010-11 NOT INFLATION ADJUSTED 1,498,326 2004-05 $887,597 290,044 84,599 77,724 227,562 1,567,526 2005-06 $916,957 310,112 90,896 65,876 238,918 1,622,759 2006-07 $957,596 330,034 104,647 77,005 219,647 1,688,929 2007-08 $1,025,887 363,156 118,294 69,251 270,281 1,846,869 2008-09 $1,087,654 367,322 118,249 77,753 281,364 1,932,342 2009-10 $1,102,103 342,503 119,887 83,988 306,876 1,955,357 2010-11 $1,159,410 391,246 119,126 115,446 163,956 1,949,184 Instruction, Research & Public Service Support Activities Auxiliary Enterprises Student Financial Aid Other expenditures Medical Centers TOTAL 820,844 232,962 81,727 32,837 250,026 700,781 2,119,177 869,335 229,048 73,835 33,920 268,483 766,547 2,241,168 908,868 255,473 72,229 30,854 290,331 755,761 2,313,516 983,773 263,512 88,741 40,090 296,468 834,870 2,507,454 1,032,109 288,941 86,381 40,933 322,497 920,305 2,691,166 1,070,425 293,962 89,997 51,203 312,872 976,359 2,794,818 1,071,871 288,140 81,223 66,845 319,312 996,162 2,823,553 1,133,277 318,125 86,450 65,576 373,276 1,104,661 3,081,365 Irvine Instruction, Research & Public Service Support Activities Auxiliary Enterprises Student Financial Aid Other expenditures Medical Centers TOTAL 520,657 165,999 56,280 45,868 149,082 345,435 1,283,321 551,739 162,996 84,103 42,610 156,175 383,219 1,380,842 599,182 176,755 64,487 49,448 169,783 401,135 1,460,790 638,259 190,388 73,017 54,934 185,355 430,378 1,572,331 680,322 212,271 120,983 64,742 202,814 461,763 1,742,895 683,922 229,202 116,385 64,346 208,917 498,903 1,801,675 666,550 212,992 98,596 70,885 255,888 535,389 1,840,300 714,438 238,272 105,101 85,693 294,144 568,936 2,006,584 Los Angeles Instruction, Research & Public Service Support Activities Auxiliary Enterprises Student Financial Aid Other expenditures Medical Centers TOTAL 1,404,439 408,715 184,298 69,573 331,452 870,464 3,268,941 1,474,877 415,624 193,065 67,328 367,184 905,338 3,423,416 1,511,840 430,929 206,510 58,528 364,712 906,671 3,479,190 1,606,182 474,377 222,747 55,232 360,820 1,014,900 3,734,258 1,756,541 518,428 239,984 63,108 409,418 1,066,665 4,054,144 1,844,971 535,868 243,858 71,197 447,818 1,224,887 4,368,599 1,915,983 526,968 238,459 61,862 435,006 1,223,431 4,401,709 2,042,878 554,904 252,276 59,277 490,359 1,284,847 4,684,541 Merced Instruction, Research & Public Service Support Activities Auxiliary Enterprises Student Financial Aid Other expenditures Medical Centers TOTAL 8,941 13,333 3,617 25,894 12,981 17,712 295 64 3,184 34,236 17,424 27,141 4,351 3,522 25,840 78,278 25,627 30,731 3,744 -109 35,006 94,999 32,417 37,524 5,371 8,931 40,526 124,769 40,409 43,698 7,262 -1,279 62,033 152,123 42,628 43,586 8,534 7,253 44,793 146,794 48,438 49,509 11,751 9,785 48,897 168,380 Riverside Instruction, Research & Public Service Support Activities Auxiliary Enterprises Student Financial Aid Other expenditures Medical Centers TOTAL 191,673 83,048 36,629 24,824 66,226 402,400 201,862 91,342 35,753 26,478 68,351 423,786 217,464 103,736 38,156 28,321 78,713 466,390 234,897 115,192 42,872 34,942 86,588 514,491 252,547 135,416 52,944 34,627 98,104 573,638 265,038 128,897 50,440 39,094 96,541 580,010 263,505 107,279 53,339 47,423 101,870 573,416 280,604 116,903 56,961 58,717 111,705 624,890 San Diego Instruction, Research & Public Service Support Activities Auxiliary Enterprises Student Financial Aid Other expenditures Medical Centers TOTAL 824,873 258,048 74,072 36,797 232,506 447,545 1,873,841 885,798 253,402 80,914 40,024 251,067 490,795 2,002,000 921,205 282,556 86,366 41,425 275,126 524,314 2,130,992 974,365 306,453 97,487 49,830 290,511 573,102 2,291,748 1,050,946 361,467 107,773 55,106 285,051 656,326 2,516,669 1,101,476 374,043 110,933 58,932 293,428 692,853 2,631,665 1,197,262 367,713 108,026 94,148 323,373 720,912 2,811,434 1,282,254 397,982 112,199 82,649 327,581 793,039 2,995,704 Berkeley Instruction, Research & Public Service Support Activities Auxiliary Enterprises Student Financial Aid Other expenditures Medical Centers TOTAL Davis 2003-04 $847,168 274,177 74,995 68,569 233,417 San Francisco Instruction, Research & Public Service Support Activities Auxiliary Enterprises Student Financial Aid Other expenditures Medical Centers TOTAL 2003-04 $709,758 287,320 17,384 33,521 206,753 988,311 2,243,047 2004-05 $730,921 279,784 17,476 35,002 220,953 1,040,844 2,324,980 2005-06 $780,146 317,449 24,253 35,408 239,002 1,130,762 2,527,020 2006-07 $831,275 360,434 29,958 38,758 265,171 1,227,486 2,753,082 2007-08 $899,142 397,693 31,215 33,165 238,485 1,409,687 3,009,387 2008-09 $951,628 408,821 33,199 34,122 254,322 1,519,637 3,201,729 2009-10 $929,944 396,069 31,214 33,665 317,182 1,583,442 3,291,516 2010-11 $1,042,123 421,904 31,111 16,902 332,504 1,631,345 3,475,889 Santa Barbara Instruction, Research & Public Service Support Activities Auxiliary Enterprises Student Financial Aid Other expenditures Medical Centers TOTAL 271,132 106,286 58,017 37,240 113,007 585,682 297,555 107,498 62,365 36,019 119,040 622,477 312,982 113,648 64,026 37,610 122,284 650,550 328,474 126,276 65,770 44,418 145,989 710,927 352,931 141,440 73,430 44,111 131,672 743,584 365,285 147,804 75,167 48,804 148,213 785,273 366,021 130,281 75,540 64,388 139,829 776,059 367,614 142,274 72,995 74,866 145,591 803,340 Santa Cruz Instruction, Research & Public Service Support Activities Auxiliary Enterprises Student Financial Aid Other expenditures Medical Centers TOTAL 187,552 86,733 62,596 7,627 58,070 402,578 195,537 88,048 63,487 8,574 75,003 430,649 211,703 95,959 68,604 10,691 82,659 469,616 230,041 107,300 76,779 10,072 80,114 504,306 249,395 118,229 83,123 10,671 92,858 554,276 253,056 119,387 83,615 12,979 85,266 554,303 230,820 106,857 83,468 13,188 91,973 526,306 244,631 114,461 80,675 31,158 111,055 581,980 INFLATION ADJUSTED Berkeley Instruction, Research & Public Service Support Activities Auxiliary Enterprises Student Financial Aid Other expenditures Medical Centers TOTAL 2003-04 $1,012,961 327,834 89,672 81,988 279,097 1,791,552 2004-05 $1,027,360 335,715 97,920 89,963 263,394 1,814,353 2005-06 $1,018,367 344,409 100,949 73,162 265,341 1,802,227 2006-07 $1,028,703 354,541 112,418 82,723 235,957 1,814,341 2007-08 $1,102,064 390,122 127,078 74,393 290,351 1,984,009 2008-09 $1,129,462 381,441 122,794 80,742 292,179 2,006,619 2009-10 $1,121,172 348,429 121,961 85,441 312,186 1,989,190 2010-11 $1,159,410 391,246 119,126 115,446 163,956 1,949,184 Davis Instruction, Research & Public Service Support Activities Auxiliary Enterprises Student Financial Aid Other expenditures Medical Centers TOTAL 981,485 278,553 97,721 39,263 298,957 837,926 2,533,905 1,006,223 265,114 85,461 39,261 310,759 887,249 2,594,068 1,009,384 283,727 80,217 34,266 322,440 839,344 2,569,378 1,056,823 283,079 95,330 43,067 318,483 896,863 2,693,646 1,108,748 310,396 92,795 43,972 346,444 988,642 2,890,999 1,111,571 305,262 93,456 53,171 324,898 1,013,889 2,902,248 1,090,417 293,126 82,628 68,002 324,837 1,013,398 2,872,408 1,133,277 318,125 86,450 65,576 373,276 1,104,661 3,081,365 Irvine Instruction, Research & Public Service Support Activities Auxiliary Enterprises Student Financial Aid Other expenditures Medical Centers TOTAL 622,551 198,485 67,294 54,844 178,258 413,037 1,534,470 638,617 188,662 97,346 49,319 180,767 443,562 1,598,273 665,448 196,303 71,619 54,917 188,560 445,498 1,622,345 685,653 204,525 78,439 59,013 199,119 462,336 1,689,085 730,839 228,033 129,967 69,549 217,874 496,051 1,872,314 710,211 238,012 120,859 66,819 216,948 518,080 1,870,929 678,083 216,677 100,302 72,111 260,316 544,653 1,872,142 714,438 238,272 105,101 85,693 294,144 568,936 2,006,584 Los Angeles Instruction, Research & Public Service Support Activities Auxiliary Enterprises Student Financial Aid Other expenditures Medical Centers TOTAL 1,679,291 488,702 220,366 83,189 396,318 1,040,816 3,908,681 1,707,115 481,069 223,465 77,930 425,002 1,047,895 3,962,476 1,679,041 478,587 229,349 65,001 405,047 1,006,944 3,863,969 1,725,449 509,602 239,287 59,333 387,613 1,090,262 4,011,547 1,886,973 556,924 257,804 67,794 439,819 1,145,870 4,355,185 1,915,890 556,466 253,232 73,934 465,032 1,271,970 4,536,523 1,949,134 536,086 242,585 62,932 442,533 1,244,600 4,477,870 2,042,878 554,904 252,276 59,277 490,359 1,284,847 4,684,541 Merced Instruction, Research & Public Service Support Activities Auxiliary Enterprises Student Financial Aid Other expenditures Medical Centers TOTAL 2003-04 $10,691 15,942 4,325 30,962 2004-05 $15,025 20,501 341 74 3,685 39,627 2005-06 $19,351 30,143 4,832 3,912 28,698 86,935 2006-07 $27,530 33,013 4,022 -117 37,606 102,053 2007-08 $34,824 40,310 5,770 9,594 43,535 134,034 2008-09 $41,962 45,378 7,541 -1,328 64,417 157,970 2009-10 $43,366 44,340 8,682 7,378 45,568 149,334 2010-11 $48,438 49,509 11,751 9,785 48,897 168,380 Riverside Instruction, Research & Public Service Support Activities Auxiliary Enterprises Student Financial Aid Other expenditures Medical Centers TOTAL 229,184 99,301 43,797 29,682 79,187 481,151 233,648 105,725 41,383 30,647 79,114 490,516 241,514 115,209 42,376 31,453 87,418 517,970 252,339 123,746 46,055 37,537 93,018 552,695 271,300 145,471 56,875 37,198 105,389 616,234 275,226 133,852 52,379 40,597 100,252 602,305 268,064 109,135 54,262 48,244 103,633 583,338 280,604 116,903 56,961 58,717 111,705 624,890 San Diego Instruction, Research & Public Service Support Activities Auxiliary Enterprises Student Financial Aid Other expenditures Medical Centers TOTAL 986,303 308,549 88,568 43,998 278,008 535,131 2,240,556 1,025,278 293,303 93,655 46,326 290,601 568,077 2,317,240 1,023,085 313,805 95,918 46,006 305,553 582,300 2,366,668 1,046,717 329,209 104,726 53,530 312,083 615,658 2,461,923 1,128,984 388,308 115,776 59,198 306,218 705,062 2,703,545 1,143,816 388,421 115,197 61,197 304,707 719,486 2,732,823 1,217,978 374,075 109,895 95,777 328,968 733,386 2,860,079 1,282,254 397,982 112,199 82,649 327,581 793,039 2,995,704 San Francisco Instruction, Research & Public Service Support Activities Auxiliary Enterprises Student Financial Aid Other expenditures Medical Centers TOTAL 848,659 343,549 20,786 40,081 247,215 1,181,726 2,682,017 846,014 323,839 20,228 40,514 255,745 1,204,738 2,691,077 866,426 352,557 26,935 39,324 265,434 1,255,818 2,806,494 893,002 387,198 32,183 41,636 284,861 1,318,633 2,957,512 965,908 427,224 33,533 35,628 256,194 1,514,364 3,232,850 988,208 424,536 34,475 35,434 264,098 1,578,050 3,324,800 946,034 402,922 31,754 34,247 322,670 1,610,840 3,348,468 1,042,123 421,904 31,111 16,902 332,504 1,631,345 3,475,889 Santa Barbara Instruction, Research & Public Service Support Activities Auxiliary Enterprises Student Financial Aid Other expenditures Medical Centers TOTAL 324,193 127,086 69,371 44,528 135,123 700,301 344,409 124,425 72,185 41,691 137,784 720,494 347,596 126,217 71,107 41,769 135,808 722,497 352,865 135,653 70,654 47,716 156,830 763,717 379,138 151,943 78,883 47,386 141,449 798,799 379,326 153,485 78,056 50,680 153,910 815,458 372,354 132,535 76,847 65,502 142,248 789,487 367,614 142,274 72,995 74,866 145,591 803,340 Santa Cruz Instruction, Research & Public Service Support Activities Auxiliary Enterprises Student Financial Aid Other expenditures Medical Centers TOTAL 224,256 103,707 74,846 9,120 69,434 481,364 226,327 101,912 73,484 9,924 86,813 498,460 235,116 106,572 76,191 11,873 91,801 521,553 247,123 115,268 82,480 10,820 86,063 541,753 267,914 127,008 89,295 11,463 99,753 595,434 262,783 123,976 86,829 13,478 88,544 575,610 234,814 108,706 84,912 13,416 93,564 535,412 244,631 114,461 80,675 31,158 111,055 581,980 Source: UC Audited Financial Statements Campus-level data not available before 2003-04 The Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco campuses operate medical schools and teaching hospitals In addition to the funds associated with medical school and teaching hospital operations, the programs help campuses attract additional contract and grant revenue 12.3.1 Current giving by purpose, Universitywide, 2000-01 to 2010-11 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Not inflation adjusted Capital improvement Department support Instruction Other purposes Research Student support Unrestricted TOTAL $194,153,634 355,148,008 54,308,642 151,490,667 272,474,801 119,062,124 31,981,450 1,178,619,326 $241,472,925 361,665,064 34,941,691 79,540,714 330,622,114 99,824,752 23,694,418 1,171,761,678 $124,081,432 377,610,251 40,911,435 51,126,281 332,218,165 87,319,669 24,046,833 1,037,314,066 $225,449,765 374,561,957 61,718,707 63,525,936 291,927,985 84,018,424 21,652,814 1,122,855,588 $243,249,780 355,663,183 22,742,434 73,188,216 358,399,601 118,524,315 25,110,780 1,196,878,309 $211,220,742 420,078,817 34,561,178 73,018,780 386,794,711 137,441,225 33,162,141 1,296,277,594 $182,288,335 437,656,945 38,314,861 85,202,102 408,961,539 121,091,033 25,751,007 1,299,265,822 $208,384,332 608,246,806 36,440,385 133,897,394 466,897,070 123,054,553 32,120,352 1,609,040,892 $148,535,879 463,255,407 37,087,733 118,177,374 411,500,058 103,491,075 25,221,371 1,307,268,897 $183,875,969 466,766,846 25,578,459 88,482,197 430,762,919 103,074,390 26,885,615 1,325,426,395 $253,561,066 533,573,585 29,807,160 138,663,658 486,022,551 121,500,827 25,042,528 1,588,171,375 Inflation adjusted Capital improvement Department support Instruction Other purposes Research Student support Unrestricted TOTAL 249,763,258 456,869,756 69,863,762 194,880,733 350,517,230 153,163,983 41,141,600 1,516,200,323 310,635,774 465,253,432 44,949,715 102,322,823 425,319,138 128,416,629 30,480,990 1,507,378,502 151,146,311 459,975,319 49,835,115 62,278,043 404,682,225 106,366,002 29,291,974 1,263,574,989 269,570,845 447,864,663 73,797,211 75,958,120 349,059,018 100,461,038 25,890,324 1,342,601,219 281,552,496 411,666,793 26,323,514 84,712,615 414,834,094 137,187,449 29,064,786 1,385,341,747 234,580,572 466,537,179 38,383,451 81,094,248 429,572,038 152,641,454 36,829,688 1,439,638,629 195,824,195 470,155,258 41,159,939 91,528,803 439,329,068 130,082,674 27,663,154 1,395,743,091 223,857,956 653,412,306 39,146,274 143,839,974 501,566,615 132,191,996 34,505,456 1,728,520,577 154,245,442 481,062,457 38,513,346 122,719,988 427,317,686 107,469,163 26,190,854 1,357,518,935 187,057,501 474,843,126 26,021,033 90,013,169 438,216,238 104,857,845 27,350,806 1,348,359,718 253,561,066 533,573,585 29,807,160 138,663,658 486,022,551 121,500,827 25,042,528 1,588,171,375 Source: UC Institutional Advancement 12.3.2 Total giving by type, 2002-03 to 2010-11 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 Current Operations Other Total $124,172,543 100,777,716 224,950,258 $113,870,054 98,971,169 212,841,223 $123,374,990 106,802,230 230,177,220 $125,111,278 148,057,451 273,168,728 $165,751,901 94,864,296 260,616,197 $170,433,470 136,101,548 306,535,019 $136,158,966 128,741,746 264,900,712 $171,430,715 141,399,057 312,829,772 $179,075,198 104,271,634 283,346,832 Davis Current Operations Other Total 53,326,252 25,442,215 78,768,467 47,555,532 50,903,126 98,458,658 58,402,285 57,017,251 115,419,535 58,915,657 27,344,456 86,260,112 50,780,599 50,984,128 101,764,727 58,196,689 49,177,276 107,373,965 66,091,349 29,971,658 96,063,008 78,302,098 32,607,389 110,909,487 74,416,064 36,818,711 111,234,775 Irvine Current Operations Other Total 51,018,676 12,754,669 63,773,345 49,123,809 12,822,987 61,946,795 47,623,445 15,537,623 63,161,067 79,740,964 13,632,530 93,373,494 60,609,609 19,139,877 79,749,486 70,681,229 28,450,929 99,132,158 63,479,106 14,987,032 78,466,138 54,290,621 36,496,371 90,786,992 77,573,887 16,913,186 94,487,073 Los Angeles Current Operations Other Total 186,256,665 193,858,977 380,115,642 170,204,282 143,247,434 313,451,716 212,152,063 113,734,362 325,886,425 189,174,689 165,749,681 354,924,370 226,106,992 165,759,545 391,866,538 250,677,846 239,885,454 490,563,300 246,880,296 118,327,243 365,207,539 245,870,646 100,426,039 346,296,685 229,511,823 185,518,599 415,030,422 Merced Current Operations Other Total 1,017,150 9,919,950 10,937,100 1,678,811 3,551,130 5,229,940 2,468,122 3,436,477 5,904,599 8,647,946 5,345,494 13,993,439 4,889,958 1,781,199 6,671,157 9,165,336 2,220,174 11,385,510 7,527,049 1,114,798 8,641,847 2,012,961 806,312 2,819,273 3,796,099 582,331 4,378,430 Riverside Current Operations Other Total 15,454,463 3,719,809 19,174,272 11,803,230 8,724,126 20,527,356 18,844,487 3,696,765 22,541,252 18,796,216 14,828,500 33,624,716 15,274,801 4,797,211 20,072,012 19,870,675 3,101,204 22,971,879 18,438,896 2,853,132 21,292,028 21,859,331 1,952,576 23,811,907 22,431,623 12,508,600 34,940,223 San Diego Current Operations Other Total 98,487,663 70,155,596 168,643,259 79,898,096 40,793,892 120,691,989 95,228,459 50,603,790 145,832,249 124,663,888 80,713,193 205,377,080 89,599,962 54,451,424 144,051,386 102,096,407 28,796,422 130,892,829 81,103,734 23,681,452 104,785,187 82,091,723 26,351,768 108,443,491 88,274,554 27,876,175 116,150,729 San Francisco Current Operations Other Total 204,085,935 68,391,949 272,477,884 162,481,566 93,394,916 255,876,482 196,653,782 142,404,463 339,058,244 143,907,376 79,551,283 223,458,659 186,750,983 83,902,616 270,653,599 297,297,362 95,953,117 393,250,479 236,475,010 75,497,299 311,972,309 209,271,636 64,286,058 273,557,695 191,621,647 217,826,316 409,447,963 Santa Barbara Current Operations Other Total 23,687,307 51,272,524 74,959,831 26,974,674 61,466,880 88,441,554 38,473,908 18,105,368 56,579,276 35,916,118 25,795,425 61,711,544 37,004,094 18,061,522 55,065,617 62,798,384 34,112,702 96,911,086 28,409,947 13,866,760 42,276,707 32,533,672 13,095,601 45,629,273 34,318,582 13,148,337 47,466,919 Santa Cruz Current Operations Other Total 18,626,117 3,468,921 22,095,038 14,947,796 2,889,669 17,837,466 22,474,248 5,409,434 27,883,682 25,170,643 3,761,131 28,931,774 25,526,583 5,755,994 31,282,577 26,378,981 2,898,467 29,277,449 22,048,037 11,408,772 33,456,808 16,720,591 5,455,259 22,175,850 16,636,649 3,480,218 20,116,867 General (no campus) Current Operations Other Total 22,267,019 44,623 22,311,642 5,676,686 14,034,029 19,710,714 5,858,541 709,330 6,567,872 6,908,572 683,265 7,591,838 6,781,869 312,136 7,094,005 7,058,172 8,386,406 15,444,578 5,048,592 2,247,061 7,295,654 4,059,529 20,400 4,079,929 5,341,845 5,341,845 Inflation adjusted Berkeley 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 Current Operations Other Total $101,937,698 82,732,044 184,669,742 $95,232,765 82,772,404 178,005,169 $106,590,919 92,272,735 198,863,654 $112,652,538 133,313,703 245,966,241 $154,294,714 88,307,037 242,601,751 $158,652,681 126,693,867 285,346,548 $131,118,894 123,976,230 255,095,124 $168,514,968 138,994,098 307,509,066 $179,075,198 104,271,634 283,346,832 Davis Current Operations Other Total 43,777,435 20,886,427 64,663,862 39,772,044 42,571,732 82,343,776 50,457,173 49,260,560 99,717,733 53,048,761 24,621,460 77,670,221 47,270,516 47,459,977 94,730,493 54,173,988 45,778,019 99,952,007 63,644,906 28,862,225 92,507,131 76,970,311 32,052,793 109,023,104 74,416,064 36,818,711 111,234,775 Irvine Current Operations Other Total 41,883,062 10,470,766 52,353,828 41,083,639 10,724,228 51,807,867 41,144,698 13,423,867 54,568,565 71,800,258 12,274,985 84,075,243 56,420,121 17,816,880 74,237,001 65,795,564 26,484,330 92,279,894 61,129,358 14,432,271 75,561,629 53,367,229 35,875,629 89,242,858 77,573,887 16,913,186 94,487,073 Los Angeles Current Operations Other Total 152,904,782 159,145,793 312,050,575 142,346,682 119,801,904 262,148,586 183,290,659 98,261,813 281,552,472 170,336,434 149,244,118 319,580,552 210,477,909 154,301,829 364,779,738 233,350,364 223,303,968 456,654,332 237,741,754 113,947,231 351,688,985 241,688,802 98,717,961 340,406,763 229,511,823 185,518,599 415,030,422 Merced Current Operations Other Total 835,015 8,143,643 8,978,658 1,404,037 2,969,911 4,373,948 2,132,356 2,968,975 5,101,331 7,786,772 4,813,183 12,599,955 4,551,952 1,658,078 6,210,030 8,531,805 2,066,710 10,598,515 7,248,427 1,073,533 8,321,960 1,978,724 792,598 2,771,322 3,796,099 582,331 4,378,430 Riverside Current Operations Other Total 12,687,123 3,053,725 15,740,848 9,871,377 7,296,235 17,167,612 16,280,862 3,193,853 19,474,715 16,924,465 13,351,859 30,276,324 14,218,968 4,465,616 18,684,584 18,497,164 2,886,841 21,384,005 17,756,360 2,747,520 20,503,880 21,487,541 1,919,366 23,406,907 22,431,623 12,508,600 34,940,223 San Diego Current Operations Other Total 80,852,058 57,593,247 138,445,305 66,821,051 34,117,092 100,938,143 82,273,473 43,719,594 125,993,067 112,249,700 72,675,671 184,925,371 83,406,587 50,687,605 134,094,192 95,039,247 26,805,941 121,845,188 78,101,592 22,804,857 100,906,449 80,695,481 25,903,569 106,599,050 88,274,554 27,876,175 116,150,729 San Francisco Current Operations Other Total 167,541,470 56,145,406 223,686,876 135,887,955 78,108,825 213,996,780 169,900,782 123,031,600 292,932,382 129,576,898 71,629,465 201,206,363 173,842,286 78,103,056 251,945,342 276,747,422 89,320,596 366,068,018 227,721,631 72,702,684 300,424,315 205,712,279 63,192,661 268,904,940 191,621,647 217,826,316 409,447,963 Santa Barbara Current Operations Other Total 19,445,760 42,091,456 61,537,216 22,559,687 51,406,500 73,966,187 33,239,874 15,642,294 48,882,168 32,339,546 23,226,684 55,566,230 34,446,278 16,813,065 51,259,343 58,457,602 31,754,746 90,212,348 27,358,322 13,353,467 40,711,789 31,980,329 12,872,867 44,853,196 34,318,582 13,148,337 47,466,919 Santa Cruz Current Operations Other Total 15,290,848 2,847,762 18,138,610 12,501,267 2,416,713 14,917,980 19,416,826 4,673,529 24,090,355 22,664,119 3,386,592 26,050,711 23,762,122 5,358,125 29,120,247 24,555,600 2,698,118 27,253,718 21,231,905 10,986,463 32,218,368 16,436,202 5,362,474 21,798,676 16,636,649 3,480,218 20,116,867 General (no campus) Current Operations Other Total 18,279,795 36,633 18,316,428 4,747,574 11,737,057 16,484,631 5,061,539 612,832 5,674,371 6,220,608 615,225 6,835,833 6,313,089 290,561 6,603,650 6,570,294 7,806,716 14,377,010 4,861,713 2,163,884 7,025,597 3,990,483 20,053 4,010,536 5,341,845 5,341,845 Not inflation adjusted Berkeley Source: Council on Aid to Education (CAE) 12.4.3 Percent of alumni who donate FY2000 FY2001 FY2002 FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 Berkeley Davis Irvine Los Angeles Merced Riverside San Diego San Francisco Santa Barbara Santa Cruz UC 9.5% 9.1% 8.6% 8.6% 8.3% 8.5% 8.3% 8.1% 8.0% 7.4% 7.3% 7.1% Non-UC AAU Public 13.8% 13.2% 13.5% 13.8% 13.2% 13.6% 13.4% 13.7% 13.0% 12.2% 12.0% 11.0% FY2000 11% 8% 5% 12% FY2001 10% 9% 6% 10% 8% 6% 23% 7% 10% 6% 7% 20% 9% 8% FY2002 9% 9% 6% 11% 0% 4% 6% 18% 6% 8% AAU Private 23.4% 24.5% 23.0% 22.3% 21.4% 21.0% 19.5% 20.7% 19.8% 19.0% 18.5% 20.7% FY2003 10% 8% 6% 10% 0% 3% 7% 18% 8% 7% FY2004 9% 7% 5% 9% 0% 4% 7% 21% 8% 6% FY2005 9% 7% 7% 10% 0% 5% 7% 20% 8% 6% FY2006 8% 8% 10% 9% 100% 5% 7% 19% 6% 6% FY2007 9% 8% 11% 9% 65% 6% 7% 21% 6% 3% FY2008 9% 8% 6% 9% 24% 6% 4% 18% 6% 9% FY2009 8% 8% 4% 9% 15% 6% 4% 11% 5% 10% FY2010 9% 7% 4% 9% 5% 4% 6% 11% 5% 8% FY2011 8% 7% 3% 9% 1% 5% 7% 13% 5% 8% Source: Council on Aid to Education (CAE) 12.3.4 Support from specific groups per alumni of record, inflation adjusted Alumni UC Non-UC AAU Public AAU Private Foundation UC Non-UC AAU Public AAU Private Other UC Non-UC AAU Public AAU Private Total UC Non-UC AAU Public AAU Private FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 $107 190 657 $90 146 560 $88 141 753 $100 160 738 $85 162 736 $79 179 676 $66 133 504 $62 118 540 $56 128 589 1,003 185 636 687 131 634 853 186 661 732 148 681 781 161 874 1,231 182 738 1,032 154 598 718 153 714 803 144 671 810 294 660 917 254 680 1,102 252 669 790 255 669 810 264 742 909 276 765 587 259 662 574 243 673 815 254 757 1,920 669 1,953 1,694 531 1,874 2,043 580 2,084 1,622 562 2,088 1,676 586 2,352 2,220 637 2,178 1,685 547 1,764 1,355 514 1,926 1,673 526 2,018 Source: Council on Aid to Education (CAE) 12.4.4 Endowment per alumni of record, UC and comparison institutions, FY2000 to FY2011 Total Endowment, not adjusted for inflation, millions of dollars Berkeley Davis Irvine Los Angeles Merced Riverside San Diego San Francisco Santa Barbara Santa Cruz Universitywide 2000 $2,910 531 173 1,942 85 393 1,224 115 114 7,488 2001 $2,513 553 163 1,789 90 353 1,123 112 98 6,793 2002 $2,282 516 152 1,575 85 333 1,026 104 88 6,164 2003 $2,185 490 151 1,623 12 78 329 1,041 108 91 6,107 2004 $2,436 514 177 1,826 15 92 375 1,158 127 96 6,816 2005 $2,584 564 188 1,930 18 97 407 1,221 145 104 7,259 2006 $2,737 613 210 2,124 21 106 469 1,286 169 108 7,843 2007 $3,110 699 244 2,469 26 129 564 1,464 204 127 9,035 2008 $3,100 700 269 2,493 27 132 565 1,403 205 124 9,018 2009 $2,479 559 222 1,953 21 103 448 1,153 160 98 7,198 2010 $2,645 608 250 2,199 23 112 486 1,275 181 104 7,883 2011 $2,937 731 301 2,640 28 141 569 1,550 222 119 Non-UC AAU Public Total 37,015 35,035 32,453 31,468 35,601 39,547 48,915 56,857 57,577 45,181 49,880 57,882 138,425 127,599 120,658 119,095 132,888 146,269 161,667 190,093 193,617 139,837 148,605 169,934 2003 340,578 164,658 70,571 280,670 52,080 92,455 25,696 106,393 58,337 1,191,438 2004 371,980 171,206 73,114 310,174 54,191 98,859 26,707 114,329 61,484 1,282,044 2005 379,894 175,308 71,146 325,124 57,756 105,530 26,995 121,796 64,187 1,327,736 2006 398,458 184,794 84,573 336,476 60,151 111,236 27,953 140,633 64,187 1,408,464 2007 399,689 191,958 86,278 341,636 54 64,318 116,606 28,704 144,034 66,956 1,440,233 2008 403,862 165,553 104,331 351,764 152 67,326 120,444 28,981 138,800 55,302 1,436,515 2009 416,449 166,091 112,509 367,042 495 69,747 122,338 30,485 153,083 56,839 1,495,078 2010 423,875 174,566 120,067 383,187 824 77,919 113,988 37,858 158,591 57,337 1,548,212 2011 430,933 179,348 127,967 388,855 1,056 84,785 111,091 41,433 161,367 59,298 1,586,133 AAU Private Total Number of Alumni of Record Berkeley Davis Irvine Los Angeles Merced Riverside San Diego San Francisco Santa Barbara Santa Cruz Universitywide 2000 313,232 139,639 65,627 268,001 2001 318,768 140,424 66,319 264,812 38,249 80,188 24,501 127,153 40,796 1,097,386 40,198 84,963 25,142 100,817 46,031 1,087,474 2002 325,011 156,273 68,440 270,192 45,930 93,378 25,554 136,166 47,022 1,167,966 Non-UC AAU Public Total 6,242,754 6,864,608 7,091,511 7,299,282 7,930,724 8,045,084 8,097,134 8,603,573 8,916,968 9,075,346 9,316,885 9,675,062 AAU Private Total 3,169,414 2,758,395 3,286,944 3,430,129 3,625,596 3,700,720 3,881,105 3,752,942 3,942,349 3,995,642 4,123,244 4,144,402 Endowment per Alumni Berkeley Davis Irvine Los Angeles Merced Riverside San Diego San Francisco Santa Barbara Santa Cruz Universitywide Non-UC AAU Public Total AAU Private Total 2000 $9,292 3,800 2,633 7,248 2001 $7,883 3,936 2,451 6,754 2002 $7,022 3,300 2,216 5,828 2003 $6,415 2,977 2,134 5,782 2004 $6,549 2,999 2,414 5,889 2005 $6,801 3,218 2,638 5,936 1,682 3,857 45,244 1,189 1,623 5,467 2006 $6,868 3,317 2,487 6,311 7,092,996 1,766 4,218 46,001 1,199 1,686 5,568 2007 $7,781 3,641 2,823 7,228 476,711 2,013 4,834 50,998 1,417 1,890 6,273 2008 $7,675 4,231 2,580 7,086 174,602 1,956 4,687 48,426 1,479 2,249 6,277 2009 $5,952 3,369 1,970 5,322 43,241 1,483 3,665 37,833 1,048 1,727 4,815 2010 $6,240 3,483 2,080 5,738 28,120 1,437 4,264 33,682 1,142 1,809 5,091 2,212 4,899 49,968 906 2,806 6,823 2,247 4,151 44,680 1,112 2,134 6,247 1,845 3,571 40,143 764 1,881 5,277 1,494 3,562 40,510 1,011 1,559 5,126 1,692 3,795 43,369 1,112 1,557 5,316 5,929 5,104 4,576 4,311 4,489 4,916 6,041 6,609 6,457 4,978 5,354 43,675 46,258 36,708 34,720 36,653 39,524 41,655 50,652 49,112 34,997 36,041 Source: Council on Aid to Education (CAE) Chapter 13 Capital Program and Sustainability 13.1.1 Sources of capital spending, Universitywide, 1998-99 to 2010-11, thousands of dollars 00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 State Funds $1,221,563 578,826 772,116 405,684 480,167 409,014 384,215 592,089 278,070 32,212 369,198 Non-State Funds $1,492,405 1,799,942 1,566,245 858,404 983,359 932,261 1,905,185 2,052,736 3,366,272 2,304,004 2,476,109 Source: UC Capital Resources Not adjusted for inflation 13.1.2 Types of capital projects, Universitywide, 2007-08 to 2010-11 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 Enrollment Needs $610,695,000 308,069,000 188,256,000 317,588,000 173,667,000 New Program Initiatives $1,006,699,000 2,184,618,000 1,104,594,000 1,020,270,000 239,449,000 Source: UC Capital Resources Not adjusted for inflation Renewal/ Modernization $547,616,000 832,035,000 618,354,000 736,194,000 164,718,000 Seismic/Life Safety $159,874,000 99,368,000 326,600,000 643,935,000 696,686,000 13.1.3 Types of capital projects, Universitywide, 2007-08 to 2010-11 Davis 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 Enrollment needs $52,670,044 1,509,222 2,312,000 0 Irvine 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 90,167,261 42,572,547 2,668,000 48,553,000 262,863,309 5,179,000 122,870,000 20,121,553 58,552,365 56,622,000 19,270,000 11,232,000 38,381,210 4,533,710 0 237,650,000 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 0 0 65,998,327 387,783,354 317,798,000 255,353,000 35,726,169 190,126,683 277,853,000 117,000,000 60,516,756 23,273,046 242,967,000 327,589,000 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 195,887,078 150,026,519 34,496,000 86,366,000 72,707,894 249,094,134 594,800,000 328,050,000 21,237,262 114,235,395 83,452,000 145,995,000 0 0 613,000 219,460,000 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 0 0 364,270,344 1,444,972,057 47,150,000 22,877,000 52,272,962 97,608,768 95,878,000 47,869,000 0 0 50,616,000 Los Angeles San Diego San Francisco New program initiatives $74,731,073 45,377,403 52,950,000 266,428,000 Renewal/ Modernization $75,684,479 156,260,874 45,202,000 105,278,000 70,394,000 Seismic/Life safety $6,992,321 0 41,128,000 Berkeley 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 Enrollment needs $0 0 98,500,000 Merced 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 56,276,449 61,449,909 3,700,000 142,470,000 38,748,000 0 7,447,000 3,000,000 0 0 4,500,000 0 0 3,020,000 Riverside 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 4,388,320 5,571,426 147,748,000 73,950,000 1,020,777 35,110,060 0 91,803,000 46,630,107 24,064,934 19,694,000 31,558,000 13,492,000 0 0 21,135,000 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 2,609,402 0 0 22,307,870 9,400,000 20,492,000 72,979,000 15,500,496 22,060,027 7,175,000 96,970,000 53,946,000 6,180,804 27,923,625 0 1,075,000 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 223,994,169 46,637,774 0 0 0 74,667,000 68,205,247 65,691,447 8,004,000 17,654,000 7,804,000 38,977,343 0 16,822,000 Santa Barbara Santa Cruz New program initiatives $175,815,543 6,263,573 69,870,000 0 Renewal/ Modernization $221,871,973 109,667,430 24,474,000 150,100,000 6,000,000 Seismic/Life safety $12,147,245 44,382,001 326,600,000 400,355,000 189,590,000 Source: UC Capital Resources Includes both state-supported and non-state-supported capital projects Not adjusted for inflation 13.1.4 Assignable Square Footage (ASF), Universitywide 2001 to 2011 Classroom Labs Office Study Special Use Food and Rec Support Hospital Residential TOTAL 2001 1,288,587 10,975,068 13,611,537 3,578,139 3,667,967 3,314,443 3,634,112 3,129,511 11,771,583 56,254,745 2002 1,309,335 11,563,275 14,242,387 3,674,367 3,654,830 3,386,321 3,570,587 3,139,215 12,221,151 58,230,120 2003 1,330,426 11,836,425 14,448,451 3,643,952 3,673,082 3,392,541 3,528,849 3,160,973 12,609,555 59,286,452 2004 1,371,848 12,252,701 14,763,694 3,513,053 3,734,014 3,496,280 3,704,586 3,231,820 13,332,559 60,927,930 2005 1,442,243 12,963,535 15,041,313 3,528,356 4,096,204 3,530,414 3,759,398 3,200,015 14,416,075 63,957,583 Source: UC Capital Resources Does not include corridors, bathrooms, or building infrastructure 2006 1,478,828 13,479,924 15,406,344 3,579,625 4,237,128 3,667,204 3,784,907 3,300,630 15,117,039 66,320,085 2007 1,550,846 13,942,822 16,043,590 3,713,161 4,166,389 4,103,988 3,807,926 3,403,011 15,743,809 68,594,309 2008 1,503,619 14,055,730 16,657,409 3,769,604 4,363,146 4,159,045 3,852,216 3,467,974 15,987,749 70,529,787 2009 1,556,311 14,435,533 17,326,838 3,746,253 4,434,480 4,302,568 3,866,985 3,714,206 16,315,505 72,168,091 2010 1,627,979 14,771,947 17,513,722 3,750,050 4,463,014 4,248,819 3,802,858 3,817,664 16,745,582 72,782,988 2011 1,617,135 14,910,781 17,887,270 3,812,464 4,527,013 4,271,358 3,746,599 3,907,189 17,055,485 73,818,203 13.1.5 Active Projects, Universitywide, 2006-07 to 2010-11 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 Total # of Active Projects 341 280 291 229 223 Dollar Value of Active Projects $7,802,000,000 $8,126,000,000 $9,182,000,000 $9,418,000,000 $8,918,000,000 Source: UC Capital Resources Not adjusted for inflation 13.2.1 Greenhouse gas emissions, Universitywide, 2007 to 2010 Year 2020 UC Policy goal (1990 emissions levels) Year 2014 UC Policy goal (2000 emission levels) 814,822 1,099,649 110,731 202,148 Campus estimate Campus estimate 142,196 245,837 Data source Campus estimate Campus estimate Los Angeles Scope 1&2 GHG emissions Data source 271,763 Campus estimate 244,421 Campus estimate Irvine Scope 1&2 GHG emissions Data Source 58,262 CCAR* 91,827 CCAR* Systemwide Scope 1&2 GHG emissions metric tons of CO2e Berkeley Scope 1&2 GHG emissions Data source Davis Scope 1&2 GHG emissions 2005 50,854 Campus estimate 78,824 Campus estimate San Diego Scope 1&2 GHG emissions Data source 108,543 Campus estimate 148,220 Campus estimate San Francisco Scope 1&2 GHG emissions Data source 55,200 Campus estimate 110,148 Campus estimate Santa Barbara Scope 1&2 GHG emissions Data source 49,647 Campus estimate 58,575 Campus estimate Santa Cruz Scope 1&2 GHG emissions Data source 22,826 Campus estimate 29,797 Campus estimate Source: UC Capital Resources 2007 2008 2009 2010 1,191,580 1,210,794 1,195,134 1,167,501 219,258 CCAR (includes campus updates) 136,033 CCAR (includes campus updates) 155,020 CCAR (includes campus updates) 157,339 CCAR (includes campus updates) 148,878 148,778 TCR TCR 227,410 Inventory reported to CCAR NB: Only CO2 212,547 Inventory reported to CCAR NB: All gases 242,642 238,725 234,545 227,832 CCAR CCAR TCR TCR 265,146 CCAR 289,409 CCAR 311,965 Campus estimate 292,018 Campus estimate 291,778 Campus estimate 110,270 CCAR* 113,458 CCAR 118,272 CCAR 109,765 CCAR 111,484 TCR 7,926 CCAR Report 8,962 CCAR Report 8,176 CCAR 8,741 CCAR 8,145 TCR 96,548 CCAR 98,439 CCAR 96,873 TCR 79,851 TCR 193,640 CCAR 190,165 CCAR 214,609 TCR 213,514 TCR 127,900 Campus estimate 124,527 Campus estimate 128,062 Campus estimate 118,908 Campus estimate 47,451 Campus estimate 49,851 Campus estimate 51,074 Campus estimate 52,528 Campus estimate 53,006 Campus estimate 39,877 42,050 CCAR 36,639 CCAR 37,177 TCR 33,113 Campus estimate 100,072 CCAR* Merced Scope 1&2 GHG emissions Data source Riverside Scope 1&2 GHG emissions Data source 2006 197,239 CCAR 46,210 Campus estimate 203,329 CCAR 13.2.2 Energy efficiency cost avoidance, Universitywide, 2005 to 2011 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Additional avoided costs from energy efficiency projects, by year $1.8 $2.9 $5.0 $12.0 $15.0 $21.0 $32.0 Cumulative avoided costs from energy efficiency projects implemented to date $1.8 $4.7 $9.7 $21.7 $36.7 $57.7 $89.7 Source: UC Capital Resources 13.2.3 LEED Certifications 2000-2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Certified Silver Gold Platinum 1 0 2 1 14 10 18 1 Source: UC Capital Resources

Ngày đăng: 25/10/2022, 02:15


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