Finding the Common Ground Between Science and Spirituality Let us examine the limits of consciousness related to the Super Soul in the light of the first triad On one side, our heads can be full of mystical, all-encompassing, and inclusive wisdom of infinite possibilities in the light of the ineffable and unknowable On the other side, it can also be full of what we recognize as intellectual understanding, which can create boundaries or exclusiveness There are no limits to wisdom, but understanding, intelligence, and knowledge are definitely limited The limited cannot be all-inclusive because of its boundaries, which are prone to being overrun Our self-realization begins with the experience of our body and proceeds successively through the experience of our sensory faculty, ego, heart feelings, intellectual ability, and intuitive faculty all the way to the experience of a spark of the divine truth If we have not experienced all levels of our consciousness from body to the spark of the real truth, we don’t quite know ourselves and our full potential If we not know our full potential, it takes work to realize it Knowledge and realization of our full potential is the key to the union with the whole of existence through our selfless active service, transcendent love, and limitless wisdom All of these spiritual scientists, sages, and prophets have come to the same conclusion: We must rise from our basest level, the animal mind or ego, pass through our intellectual mind’s limitations and conclusions, and open ourselves to our spiritual or highest mind or consciousness to begin to understand the truth of who we all are 127