Robyn Lebron Initiation, Baptism, or Confirmation Tradition holds that a Shaman is chosen by the spirits, not by the people Shamanism begins with an inner calling, which is actually the call of the spirit who has chosen the Shaman and who oppresses them until they accept this vocation Known as , the spirits’ torments will anguish them for months, and in some cases, for years—that is, for as long as the human avoids the inevitability of their calling “ ǡ ǡ ” said a Nivkh (southeastern Siberia).25 A Shaman may be initiated via a serious illness, by being struck by lightning, or by a near-death experience, and there usually is a set of cultural imagery expected to be experienced during Shamanic initiation regardless of method Such imagery often includes being transported to the spirit world and interacting with beings inhabiting it, meeting a spiritual guide, being devoured by some being and emerging transformed, and/or being “dismantled” and “reassembled” again, often with implanted amulets such as magical crystals The imagery generally speaks of transformation and granting powers or of traveling to the other world and making useful contacts with spirits there 26 Dream and trance initiations and experiences with spirits are also common experiences of those being called to become a Shaman Sometimes psychic distress may be experienced as sudden and significant mood swings or periods of lengthy melancholy, loss of affect, incoherency, or even loss of consciousness When signs of shamanic tendencies are recognized by other shamans or members of the Shaman’s family, clan, or community, the individual who appears to have been called may be advised to seek training and begin to gather the necessary equipment of a Shaman, which is appropriate to that community and cultural milieu Some may choose to avoid this call to become a Shaman; others may deliberately seek it out ~ 344 ~ ... being and emerging transformed, and/ or being “dismantled” and “reassembled” again, often with implanted amulets such as magical crystals The imagery generally speaks of transformation and granting... transformation and granting powers or of traveling to the other world and making useful contacts with spirits there 26 Dream and trance initiations and experiences with spirits are also common experiences... experience, and there usually is a set of cultural imagery expected to be experienced during Shamanic initiation regardless of method Such imagery often includes being transported to the spirit world and