Robyn Lebron God only, with no partnership of any kind And belief in Jesus as a deity, part of a deity, son of God, or Christ, is incompatible with Judaism The belief that Jesus is the Messiah or a prophet of God is also incompatible with traditional Jewish tenets For this reason, related issues such as the historical existence of Jesus and whatever his life involved are likewise not considered relevant in Judaism “The idea of the Jewish Messiah is different from the Christian Christ because Jews believe Jesus did not fulfill Jewish Messianic prophecies that establish the criteria for the coming of the Messiah Authoritative texts of Judaism reject Jesus as God, Divine Being, intermediary between humans and God, Messiah or saint.”15 Basic Worship Service Traditionally, Jews recite prayers three times daily, with a fourth prayer added on (also known as Sabbath in non-Jewish circles) and holidays At the heart of each service is the Amidah Another key prayer in many services is the declaration of faith, the The Shema is the recitation of a verse from the Torah ( 6:4): “ǡǨ ǨǨ ” Most of the prayers in a traditional Jewish service can be said in solitary prayer, although communal prayer is preferred Communal prayer requires a quorum of ten adult Jews, called a minyan In nearly all Orthodox and a few conservative circles, only male Jews are counted toward a minyan; but most conservative Jews and members of other Jewish denominations count female Jews as well In addition to prayer services, traditional Jews recite prayers and benedictions throughout the day when performing various acts Prayers are recited upon waking up in the morning, before eating or drinking different foods, after eating a meal, and so on Approach to prayer varies among the Jewish denominations Differences can include the texts of prayers, the frequency of prayer, the number of prayers recited at various religious events, the use of musical instruments and choral music, and whether prayers are recited in the traditional liturgical languages or the vernacular In general, Orthodox and Conservative congregations adhere most closely to tradition, and Reform and are more likely to incorporate Reconstructionist synagogues translations and contemporary writings in their services ~ 144 ~ ... the use of musical instruments and choral music, and whether prayers are recited in the traditional liturgical languages or the vernacular In general, Orthodox and Conservative congregations... Conservative congregations adhere most closely to tradition, and Reform and are more likely to incorporate Reconstructionist synagogues translations and contemporary writings in their services ~ 144 ~... Jews, called a minyan In nearly all Orthodox and a few conservative circles, only male Jews are counted toward a minyan; but most conservative Jews and members of other Jewish denominations count