Robyn Lebron ǯǣ It is the cosmic vital energy that enables beings to survive and links them to the universe as a whole Taoists view the body as a miniature of the universe, filled with the Tao The parts of the body have their counterparts in physical features of the universe, and “ ǡ ǡ ”(Livia Kohn, ǣ ǡ 1993).24 ǣ There is a long history of involvement by Taoists in various exercise and movement techniques Tai chi in particular works on all parts of the body It stimulates the central nervous system, lowers lood pressure, relieves stress and gently tones muscles without strain It also enhances digestion, elimination of wastes and the circulation of lood oreover, tai chi s rhythmic movements massage the internal organs and improve their functionality Traditional Chinese medicine teaches that illness is caused by blockages or lack of balance in the body’s (intrinsic energy) Tai Chi is believed to balance this energy flow.25 he basic material of all that exists It life and furnishes functional power of events Qi is the root of the human body; its quality and movement determine human health…There is a normal or healthy amount of Qi in every person, and health manifests in its balance and harmony, its moderation and smoothness of flow This flow is envisioned in the texts as a complex system of waterways with the “Ocean of Qi” in the abdomen; rivers of Qi flowing through the upper torso, arms, and legs; springs of Qi reaching to the wrists and ankles; and wells of Qi found in the fingers and toes Even a small spot in this complex system can thus influence the whole, so that overall balance and smoothness are the general goal “ Ǣ Ǥ ǣ ǡ ” (Livia Kohn, ǣ ) A person can gain or lose their qi based on their actions and relationships with others.26 ǣ It is an ancient Chinese system of aesthetics believed to use the laws of both heaven (astronomy) and earth (geography) to help one