The Search for Peace in Times of Chaos—Volume ȄWe are called to lead by Jesus Christ’s example, to identify spiritual gifts and to equip and support Christians of all ages for faithful and effective servant leadership in all parts of the body of Christ.9 Basic Worship Service The order of a Sunday worship service in a Presbyterian church is determined by the pastor and the session, the church’s governing body The Session of the local congregation has a great deal of freedom in the style and ordering of worship, within the guidelines set forth in the “Directory of Worship” section of the Book of Order Worship varies from congregation to congregation The order may be very traditional and highly liturgical, or it may be very simple and informal This variance is not unlike that seen in the “ ” and Dz dz styles of the Anglican Church The Book of Order suggests a worship service ordered around five themes: • • • • • Gathering around the Word, Proclaiming the Word, Responding to the Word, The sealing of the Word, and Bearing and following the Word into the world.10 The pastor has certain responsibilities that are not subject to the authority of the session In a particular service of worship, the pastor is responsible for: (a) the selection of scripture lessons to be read, The minister of Word and Sacrament should exercise care so that over a period of time the people will hear the full message of Scripture It is appropriate that in the Service for the Lord’s Day there be readings from the Old Testament and the Epistles and Gospels of the New Testament The full range of the Psalms should be also used in worship Selections for reading in public worship should be guided by the seasons of the church year, pastoral concerns for a local congregation, ~ 187 ~