Robyn Lebron Since 1973, smokers are not eligible for baptism, and Witnesses who persist in the habit are subject to being disfellowshipped or one of the less severe forms of discipline listed below: Disfellowshipping is the most severe form of discipline Congregation members, including family members, avoid social and/or spiritual association with disfellowshipped individuals Disfellowshipped members can attend Kingdom Hall meetings but are not allowed to take an active part in meetings or the ministry Reproof involves sins for which one could be disfellowshipped But if true repentance is shown, the person may not be disfellowshipped but merely reproved Reproof may be given before all who have knowledge of the transgression In some cases, it is deemed necessary to make an announcement to the congregation that “(so and so) has been reproved.” Marking is employed when a member persists in conduct that “ is considered a clear violation of Scriptural principles, yet not of a sufficient seriousness to warrant disfellowshipping.” Marking is based on their understanding of 2 3:6 It is used only if the person repeatedly refuses counsel, and the elders feel that not addressing it would pose a spiritual danger to the members of the congregation A talk may be given regarding the conduct (without naming the individual) Though such a person would not be shunned, social interaction outside of formal worship settings would be minimized The Jehovah’s Witnesses not have a system of clergy and laity Rather, they see every baptized person as being an ordained minister who is able to teach and preach All Jehovah’s Witnesses are part of a congregation who are led by a body of elders The elders a re m en who are chosen based on scriptural qualifications and appointed by the governing body as their direct representatives in the local congregation Elders are prominent in congregational matters, particularly in religious instruction and spiritual counseling Ministerial servants generally assist elders in a limited administrative capacity Both roles are unpaid, but circuit and district overseers receive a small financial living allowance Although they teach that the Bible and Jehovah show no prejudice to women, within local congregations, the role of women is minimal in terms of responsibility They cannot serve as elders or ministerial servants, though they carry out a large proportion of the preaching work,9 including missionary work, pioneering, and helping others in the congregation to become more regular in preaching ~ 124 ~