Robyn E Lebron The men can have no definite idea of the elephant or its existence other than a faint notion that something is there This faint notion is possible because of the other senses and the mind with which the men can think The men can only rely on the others for whatever information they can get The Evolution of Spirituality We know that we exist We also know that, because we exist, our existence must have a source, physical or otherwise, that causes it Being a manifestation of our source, we are implicitly aware of it and we have an in-built curiosity to know it Most of us are looking for those who can tell us because we not have the capability to search and explore Some of us are not satisfied with hearsay knowledge and have the courage to embark on a journey in search of the answer Our prophets, sages, and seers were the minority who went on their own journey of discovery of the big picture which they wanted to share with us They shared their insights through scriptures The scriptures use words, and words are imperfect communicators of their intended meaning, especially about That One, which is imperceptible and indescribable In addition, individually we have different in-built abilities to understand abstract and subtle concepts, which are necessary for knowing the Absolute, just as people have different capabilities for understanding the intricacies of physics We must learn from and trust both material and spiritual scientists in matters that we cannot grasp alone And, just as science has evolved as a discipline, so must the understanding of spirituality The key word in knowing the Absolute is growth In growth, our understanding is dynamic in nature; what we know now is not 54