The Search for Peace in Times of Chaos—Volume The course of our lives is determined by how we react—what we decide and what we do—at the darkest of times The nature of that response determines a person’s true worth and greatness When we are aware that each moment of each day, each gesture and step we take, is truly mystical and full of wonder, we will live our lives with greater thought and care We will also have greater respect and appreciation for the lives of others Live in a way that is full of life…for yourself, for your loved ones, for your friends People who so will find the courage to transform sufferings into hopes Not only that, but they will be able to light the lamp of hope in the hearts of many others, as well Whether in life or in a specific undertaking, there will undoubtedly be times when you achieve genuine progress, only to come up against a wall or feel yourself regressing There will be times when you just need to stop and rest Such are the vicissitudes inherent to any struggle When you challenge to achieve something, be ready to face the unexpected Life may be more akin to a series of meets than a single marathon You can lose a race here or there, as long as you win in one contest, in one area All the struggles you endured will become a prized investment in your own person.23 Human society can be full of contradictions It can be unfair; unforgiving, too…Given a choice whether to sink or swim, we must swim to the very end, no matter how the seas around us may rage.24 Basic Worship Service SGI members perform a morning and evening practice known as , which consists of chanting ǦǦǦ and reciting portions of the Lotus Sutra The duration of any particular chanting session is up to each individual This regular morning and evening ritual is the basis of daily practice, a time when one can reflect on priorities in life, connect with the deeper rhythms of life and unlock one’s hidden potential and