The Search for Peace in Times of Chaos—Volume also about one’s attitude toward these material goods Many Friends who have been considered exemplary have also been wealthy; their commitment to the testimony, however, led them to use their wealth for spiritual purposes, including aid to the poor and oppressed Early Friends believed that it was important to avoid fanciness in dress, speech, and material possessions because those things tend to lead a person to focus on himself more than on his fellow human beings Plain dress generally meant wearing clothes that were very similar to Amish or conservative Mennonite dress: often in dark colors and lacking adornments such as pockets, buttons, buckles, lace, or embroidery The l ogo o f Quaker O ats s hows a s tereotypical 700s Quaker wearing traditional clothes As the Quaker Oats brand shares the Quaker name, despite having no links with the Society of Friends, there is now a somewhat popular misconception that all Friends today still wear the traditional clothing 24 Friends United Meeting: Formerly called ǯ esta lished 02 (FUM) grew out of the western migration of Quakers in the late 1800s When meetings grew rapidly because of new converts, pastors were hired to provide leadership and care Today, there are both “programmed” and “unprogrammed” meetings in FUM and they are the largest of the meetings FUM Friends make a commitment to “gather people into fellowship where Jesus Christ is known, loved, and obeyed as Teacher and Lord.”…FUM is an international group, with more than 50,000 members in the United States and Canada and more than 100,000 in Cuba, Jamaica, and Africa, which were its mission fields.25 Evangelical Friends International (EFI): (EFI) is the most recently organized (with the Association of Evangelical Friends emerging in the 1940s and , now EFI, in the 1960s) They are also the most theologically conservative These Friends take into practice George Fox’s admonition to “let all nations hear the word by sound or writing” and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19–20) Mission fields include: Bolivia, Peru, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, 21