Finding the Common Ground Between Science and Spirituality heavens, And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.”(56) In these verses, notice the plurality in relation to the heaven: “generations of the heavens” and singularity in relation to “the earth,” while Genesis 1:1 uses singular expressions for both the heaven and the earth The use of both the singular and the plural for the heavens shows a plurality of realms within one heaven Heaven is something so deep that its various reaches may have their own particularities It is significant to note that in Jewish notion, there are three heavenly realms: 1) that of the birds, 2) the starry heaven, and 3) heaven of heavens The realm of the birds is the closest to the earth Genesis seems to make a difference between creation and formation or making Creation happens in ideas, in planning, and in intention Formation or making, on the other hand, is the process of implementation of the ideas in causing things to materialize Before man becomes a living soul, he was created in the divine mind as an image of the divine Before every plant of the field was in the ground, they were created in the divine mind Although rain was intended, it was not caused to hit the ground It was not caused to hit the ground because there was no material ground, no man to till the ground Light of Intellect and Mind Nothing had any concrete form; everything existed in a state of flux and fluidity There was the Spirit of God, That One, and there was this state of formless instability Then the Spirit of God started man- 99