The Search for Peace in Times of Chaos—Volume purchased 500 acres to establish the settlement of Bethlehem in 1741 Today Bethlehem is the home of Moravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary Other settlement congregations were established in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Maryland All were considered frontier centers for the spread of the gospel, particularly in mission to the Native Americans Bethlehem in Pennsylvania and Winston-Salem in North Carolina became the headquarters of the two provinces (North and South), which developed as the became established as an autonomous church body after theͳͺͶͺ The church spread out from the geographical centers of Bethlehem and WinstonSalem, following German emigrants to the Midwest.10 For over five centuries, the Moravian Church has proclaimed the gospel in all parts of the world Its influence has far exceeded its numbers as it has cooperated with Christians on every continent and has been a visible part of the Body of Christ, the Church Proud of its heritage and firm in its faith, the Moravian Church ministers to the needs of people wherever they are The desire to spread the Good News about Jesus Christ carried the Moravian Church literally around the world The modern Unitas Fratrum or Moravian Church, with nearly a million members worldwide, continues to draw on traditions established during the eighteenth century renewal.11 There are Moravians in more than a dozen countries including Canada, the Czech Republic, Jamaica, Germany, Guyana, Honduras, Nicaragua, South Africa, Surinam, Tanzania, the United Kingdom, and the United States If you include all the unity provinces, mission provinces, and mission areas, it amounts to about thirty-five countries today In North America, the Moravian Church has congregations in sixteen states, the District of Columbia, and in two provinces of Canada That being said, “more than 70 percent of the members live in East and Central Africa In total, more than 90 percent of the constituency lives outside Europe and the US.”12 Thus today the Unitas Fratrum, which has asserted throughout its history that true Christian fellowship recognizes no barrier of nation or race and is still an international Unity with congregations in many parts of the world 1