The Search for Peace in Times of Chaos—Volume Basic Doctrine ǣ Vodoun capitalized is the religion; vodoun in lower case is a spirit Let us recognize that defining Vodoun is not an easy task even for Vodoun adepts Vodoun is more than just a faith practice; it is a way of life For those it touches, it is impossible to define Vodoun is religion, culture, heritage, and philosophy It is also art, dance, language, medicine, music, justice, power, storytelling, and ritual Vodoun is a way of looking at and dealing with life It heals and destroys—it is both good and bad; simple in concept and complex in practice Vodoun is seen in daily life, and every detail of life has meaning in Vodoun It is open to all yet holds many secrets and mysteries to those who are uninitiated Contrary to its reputation, Vodoun did not develop to be used for evil However, there is a dark side to Vodoun practice Sorcerers and sorceresses called Botono are believed to cast hexes on the enemies of supplicants The Botono c laim to call upon evil vodoun (spirits) to bring misfortune or harm to others The b lack magic a spects o f t his religion play a very minor role and are not typical of Vodoun In the early to mid-1900s, there were exaggerated claims about the practice, and movies portrayed followers as ignorant people who were obsessed with evil Werewolves, zombies, the casting of spells, and the use of “voodoo” dolls were sensationalized as the common practices of these people In actuality, the use of black magic is rare, but this stereotype remains with us even today The use of “voodoo” dolls is unheard of in Haiti and most places where the religion is practiced The only recorded serious use of the dolls among Vodoun worshippers was in the New Orleans area in the early 1900s Hexes were cast to bring either good or bad luck to another person The doll was used to symbolize that person The sticking of pins into the doll was to reinforce and direct the spells that were cast The Universe In the created universe, there is a vodoun of the earth, a vodoun of the sky, a vodoun of the sea, and voduns representing the ancestors Indeed, all the elements of the universe are involved in the Vodoun phenomenon Vodoun is thus neither the generator nor the ~ ~