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Sandy petersens cthulhu mythos 451

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Invert Birth (Su) When a drakainia uses her dimension door spell-like ability, instead of the normal range, she can choose to teleport to any space occupied by one of her spawn that is within mile of her She doesn’t need line of sight or knowledge of the spawn’s location If she chooses a spawn that is farther than a mile away, she does not lose the use of the spell-like ability, but does lose the action On arrival, she explodes out from her offspring, destroying it entirely Polymorphism (Ex) The spawn gestating inside the drakainia constantly alter her internal construction, making her immune to bleed, disease, poison, and polymorph effects When she is subject to a critical hit or a sneak attack, this polymorphism grants her a 75% chance of negating such attacks Razor Claws (Ex) A drakainia’s claws are razor sharp with a critical threat range of 17–20 and a critical multiplier of ×4 Transfer Suffering (Su) As a swift action, a drakainia can transfer a single harmful spell effect or condition from herself to one of her offspring that is currently within her gestation aura Well of Life (Su) A drakainia can unleash the primal life energy within in her body to channel positive energy as if she were a 20th-level cleric (DC 35) She can use this ability 18 times per day and can choose to expend use of mythic power at each use to maximize the damage healed d% 444 Primal life energy, raw and uncontrolled, seethes through this mother of monsters Her churning, distended belly mocks creation, birthing horrors and dismal failures The weak are torn apart in the writhing mass of her nursery, while the strong transcend their hideous origins to become creatures of greatness in their own right She is always encountered with at least a handful of her favored children, as well as other progeny she can sacrifice to protect herself With their help, she impregnates those who come across her with twisted, monstrous life Drakainia Spawn When a drakainia spawns, either through her own body or through a surrogate, what issues forth is a mutated abomination Any impregnated creature that’s within the drakainia’s gestation aura has a child of the parents’ race, but with one of the following mutations Mutation 01–10 Fatal Mutation The creature is birthed stillborn and horribly disfigured 11–20 Covered in Eyes (Ex) Eyes cover the front and back of the creature’s head It gains all-around vision 21–30 Chameleon Scales (Ex) This creature is covered in scales that shift their hue to blend in with their surroundings The creature gains a +8 racial bonus on Stealth checks and gains hide in plain sight 31–40 Poison Glands (Ex) The creature has a pair of poison sacs near its mouth It gains immunity to poison, and three times per day it can spit a dose of poison up to 20 feet as a ranged touch attack Poison: Contact—injury; save Fort DC 10 + 1/2 the creature’s HD + its Constitution modifier; frequency 1/round for rounds; effect 1d3 Con damage; cure save 41–50 Sticky (Ex) The creature’s limbs are covered in tiny, hooked hairs that give its skin a downy appearance It gains the grab ability on its primary natural attacks (if it has any) or its unarmed strike, and a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks 51–60 Serpent-Headed Tail (Ex) The creature has a tail that ends in a snake head This provides a +4 circumstance bonus on Perception checks and a primary bite attack (1d3 + the creature’s Strength modifier for a Medium creature) In addition, the creature gains Improved Trip as a bonus feat 61–70 Vestigial Companion (Ex) The creature has the head of an animal (usually a goat, chicken, or dog) growing out of its back or torso, providing the scent ability If the base creature already has scent, this mutation allows it to determine the direction of a particular scent as a free action 71–80 Multiple Heads (Ex) The creature has 2d4 heads, granting it a +4 racial bonus on saving throws against illusions and enchantments and a +8 racial bonus on Perception checks The creature speaks an additional number of languages equal to its total number of heads Each head speaks with a different voice 81–90 Tentacles (Ex) The creature’s legs are replaced with multiple tentacles It can’t be tripped and gains a +8 racial bonus to CMD and a +8 racial bonus on combat maneuver checks to grapple 91–99 Impenetrable Skin (Ex) The drakainia spawn’s skin is tough and scaly It gains DR/— equal to half its HD (maximum 10) 100 Favored Spawn (Su) Favored spawn are those a drakainia has marked as successful or quasi-successful mutations These powerful spawn gain a +4 luck bonus on all saving throws, a +4 increase to natural armor, a +4 inherent bonus to two ability scores, and mythic rank

Ngày đăng: 24/10/2022, 19:24

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