University of Dayton eCommons News Releases Marketing and Communications 4-24-1957 UD Student Wins First Prize in Regional Paper Competition Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation "UD Student Wins First Prize in Regional Paper Competition" (1957) News Releases 134 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Marketing and Communications at eCommons It has been accepted for inclusion in News Releases by an authorized administrator of eCommons For more information, please contact, Dick Beach t Direotor Academi~ Intor.mation lIE 6721 E%tQ 200 PUBLIC RELATIONS DEPAR1'MENT UNIVERSITY OF DAYTOn DAYTON 9, OHIO April 24, 1957 A, B, NCWC, Cath Tel Albert Victor Ferris, Univorsity ot Dayton engineerinc; student from Bangalore, India, has won first pr~;o in n student paper compotition over students tron 19 regional colleges and universities, it was announced Wednesd~o Ferris., a senior, had previously taken top honors at tho University of Cincinnati in a tr:t collego competition ,, his • paper "Baa the Enginoer By Passc··, Educa.tion?" was also held in The regional meet Cincinnati The competition was Mechonical nnginoerso s~~red b,#' the American Society of ... of Cincinnati in a tr:t collego competition ,, his • paper "Baa the Enginoer By Passc··, Educa.tion?" was also held in The regional meet Cincinnati The competition was Mechonical nnginoerso... Ferris, Univorsity ot Dayton engineerinc; student from Bangalore, India, has won first pr~;o in n student paper compotition over students tron 19 regional colleges and universities, it was announced... Intor.mation lIE 6721 E%tQ 200 PUBLIC RELATIONS DEPAR1'MENT UNIVERSITY OF DAYTOn DAYTON 9, OHIO April 24, 1957 A, B, NCWC, Cath Tel Albert Victor Ferris, Univorsity ot Dayton engineerinc; student