Animals in Scientific Research 407 (Gallup 1970; Kaneko and Tomonaga 2011), which has led scientists, particularly behaviourists, to suggest that chimpanzees should be afforded special protection from pain, suffering and incarceration (Goodall 1987) In addition, studies of mice and rats, suggest that they too possess awareness of self and even subtle ‘human’ qualities associated with empathy and social joy (Panksepp 2007) Animal abuse in science will continue for as long as society remains ignorant of the historical and legal foundations of animal experimentation In addition to the ethical debate, there is a strong scientific case to be made against animal based research in an era of the human genome The biggest obstacle to the replacement of animals in laboratories is not a lack of innovative technology Rather, it is the logistical challenge of mass communicating a complex message to politicians and policy makers, most of whom not have a background in the life sciences Ultimately, this crucial debate will not go away until it is resolved in a transparent manner that embraces both societal norms and current scientific evidence References Aird, W C (2011) Discovery of the cardiovascular system: from Galen to William Harvey Journal of Thromb Haemost, 9(Suppl 1), 118–129 AltTox (2008) Thomas Hartung leaving ECVAM Accessed 25 August 2015 American Humane Association (n.d.) Facts about animal abuse & domestic violence Accessed 25 August 2015 American Medical Association [AMA]: Board of Trustees (1946a) Minutes of the May 1946 meeting, (ACHRE No IND-072595-A), 156–157 AMA Archive, Chicago, IL AMA: Board of Trustees (1946b) Minutes of the 19 September 1946 meeting, AMA Archive, Chicago, Illinois (ACHRE No IND-072595-A), 51–52 AMA Archives, Chicago, IL Animal Legal Defense Fund (2013) No boundaries for abusers: the link between cruelty to animals and violence toward humans Accessed 25 August 2015 American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (2016) Domestic violence and animal cruelty domestic-violence-and-animal-cruelty Accessed 25 August 2015