346 | Krogh Principle emergency response to displaced animals in 2008 in Rift Valley province, following post-election violence in Kenya, where the group vaccinated, dewormed and treated a total of 10,439 farm, working, and companion animals belonging to the Internally Displaced Persons, who had lost virtually everything they owned except the few animals the lucky ones had left The team also came across dry cattle dips, which left the animals to the mercies of tick-borne diseases Dogs have notably suffered the most The government has been employing very inhumane and brutal means of controlling the stray dog population They are baited and poisoned using strychnine poison, thus dying an agonizing death Donkeys and camels are the mode of transport especially in ASAL areas Despite ravaging famine at times, they are overloaded with household goods and building materials as the pastoralists move around in such of pasture and water The transportation of livestock and poultry destined for slaughter is seriously wanting Kenya has only one meat processing plant in Athi River while most of the animals slaughtered are from pastoralist communities averaging 400km (approximately 250 miles) from the meat processing plant The animals are cruelly stuffed into lorries during transportation On the other hand, poultry farmers stuff their chicken in crates, as well as tying their legs and loading them onto the carriers of public service vehicles to drive them to urban centers for sale to consumers By the time they get to the market, most of them are featherless or have broken limbs due to congestion and heavy winds atop the vehicle In the villages, oxen and donkeys are whipped to force them pull heavy loads as well as perform strenuous jobs like plowing They end up with wounds on their necks and severe injuries on their backs The soaring human population is negatively affecting animals, as space becomes more limited for both wild and domestic animals Animals, especially young ones, naturally need to run around as well as play Migration corridors for wildlife have been interfered with or encroached on, locking the wildlife in one area Currently there is frequent human wildlife conflict as the animals, especially elephants, leopards, and lions stray past their natural habitat due to very limited space in the game reserves and national parks Farming in forests has also interfered with the jungle lifestyle, as the forest grounds are cleared and natural feedstuff for primates such as baboons and monkeys are uprooted In a nutshell, there is a need for policies and legislation that safeguard the welfare of animals These need to be enacted and implemented There is also a need for humane education geared towards valuing and appreciating animals as the sentient beings they are Indeed we appreciate what we love, we love what we understand, and we understand what we are taught Further Reading Food and Water Watch and The Council of Canadians 2008 Lake Naivasha withering under the assault of international flower ven dors Available at http://www.foodandwater watch.org/world/africa/water-for-flowers/ NaivashaReport.pdf Josphat Ngonyo Kisui KROGH PRINCIPLE The Krogh principle is one of the guiding principles of animal investigations In a lecture delivered in 1929, Danish