War: Using Animals in Transport | 591 The Animals in War memorial, in Hyde Park (London, England) was dedicated in 2004 by Princess Anne It was designed to honor the animals who have served in wars throughout history (Mark Bridge) hillsides under fire When a mule was hit, it was unhitched, the ammunition removed, and the caravan went on The challenges of transporting goods from the beaches to the soldiers in the mountains were an ongoing cause for concern during the campaign, and those who served at Gallipoli were aware of how much they owed to the mules and their Indian drivers for the supplies of guns and ammunition, food and water that they carried up razor-sharp cliffs to the front lines Mules were beneficial during the Second World War, to Italian forces in the European Alps, the British and other Allied forces in Burma and in China Hundreds of mules were abandoned by Allied forces at Dunkirk in 1940 Even before the Carthaginian Hannibal led his war elephants over the Alps to defeat the Romans, elephants were exploited by humans for many purposes Elephants were first tamed more than 4,000 years ago, and were used for transport and recreation, and also killed for their ivory Elephants were employed extensively in wars in India and Southeast Asia, as when the Magadha Empire defeated Alexander the Great in 327 bce, and in the 300-year war between Burma and Thailand up to 1593 Elephants have been used in numerous conflicts, even to modern times, in World War II, and by Saddam Hussein against the Kurds Further Reading Alexander, H M 1917 On two fronts: Being the adventures of an Indian mule corps in France and Gallipoli London: Heineman Baynes, E H 1925 Animal heroes of the Great War London: Macmillan Cochrane, P 1992 Simpson and the donkey: The making of a legend Melbourne: Melbourne University Press