Index | 677 International Space Hall of Fame, 64 International Species Information System (ISIS), 630 International Whaling Convention (IWC), 364 Interspecies communication, 267 Invertebrate pain, 397 Islam: animal sacrifice, 451; Christianity and, 483 –84; humans as caretakers, 67, 449; obligations to animals, 464 –67; overview, 463 –67; ritual slaughter, 464, 484; sport hunting in, 465; wildlife preservation, 465 – 67 Ismail, Sultan, 336 Israel, animal protection in, 340 – 41 Issa (Japanese poet), 417 Jainism, 450, 451, 455, 467–68, 579 Jamieson, Dale, 103, 219 Jane Goodall Institute (JGI), 116 –17, 495 Jaschinski, Britta, 80 Jaspers, Karl, 481–82 Jeffers, Robinson, 417 Jesus: animal sacrifice, 483; donkey associations and, 190; God and, 453, 478; morality, 480 –81, 485 Jewish religions, 190 Jian (restraint, frugality), 459 Jie Geng, 123 Jones, Kim, 77, 215 Journal of Herpetology, 487 Judaism: animal sacrifice in, 451–52, 472–73; the Bible and, 480; contemporary applications, 471; obligations to animals, 449, 469 –70; overview, 468 –72; parent-child animal relationship, 470 –71; status of animals in, 468 –69; tza’ar ba’alei hayyim applications, 469; vegetarianism in, 482–83 Judeo-Christian beliefs, 67, 85, 87, 188 Justice for Animals Art Guild, 80 Kac, Eduardo, 79 Kant, Immanuel, 36 –37, 274, 577–78 Karma (action), 450 Hurricane Katrina, 30, 164, 166, 170 –72, 489, 580 Kaufman, Steve, 480 Kendrick, Keith, 509 Kenny, Maurice, 418 Kenya, conservation ethics, 343 – 46 Kiki (captive bear), 127 Killing contests, 608 –9 Kill-traps, 561 Kilroy, Walter, 157 Kindness-to-animals ethic, 327 Knowles, Toby, 33 –34 Koebner, Linda, 498 Kohler, Wolfgang, 112 Koko (gorilla), 305, 307 Krause, Tom, 560 Kreger, Michael, 102, 103 Krishna, S Chinny, 335, 336 Krogh, August, 347 Krogh principle, 346 – 47 K-9s See Police dogs Kulik, Oleg, 215 Laboratory animal use: breeding in, 237; environments of, 540 – 41; immobilization of, 262; linguistic terms, 395 –96; rabbits, 444; raids, 76; rats, 447– 48; ritual behavior with, 522; as sacrifice, 349 –50; stress with, 539 – 43; training of, 263; welfare of, 350 –53 See also Experimentation / research Laboratory Animal Welfare Act, 237, 350 –51, 367–68 Laboratory for Experimental Medicine and Surgery in Primates (LEMSIP), 114, 115 Labradoodles (Labrador-poodle mix), 436 –37 Ladygina-Kohts, Nadya, 112 Laika (Russian test dog), 62– 63 Lake Tanganyika Catchment Reforestation and Education (TACARE), 497 Lana (chimpanzee), 114 Language research, 303 –7, 413 –14 Lathrop, Abbie E C., 378 Lawrence, D H., 418 Laws See Legislation / laws Leakey, Richard, 239 Lear, Edward, 417–18