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Encyclopedia of animal rights and animal 361

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318 | Humane Education species of animals, the best, in that more and more people around the world are truly concerned about how we effect the lives of the animals with whom we share space, and the worst in that the global population of humans is increasing steadily at unprecedented rates, and there is less and less space for us to live without intruding into the lives of other animals Humans are a powerful force in nature, and obviously we can change a wide variety of behavioral patterns in many diverse species Coexistence with other animals is essential By stepping lightly into the lives of other animals, humans can enjoy the company of other animals without making them pay for our interest and curiosity There is much to gain and little to lose if we move forward with grace, humility, respect, compassion, and love Our curiosity about other animals need not harm them The power we potentially wield to anything we want to to animals and nature as a whole is inextricably tied to responsibilities to be ethical humans beings We can be no less Further Reading Bekoff, M 2006 Animal passions and beastly virtues: Reflections on redecorating nature Philadelphia: Temple University Press Bekoff, M., ed 2007 Encyclopedia of human-animal relationships Westport, CT: Greenwood Bekoff, M 2007 The emotional lives of animals: A leading scientist explores animal joy, sorrow, and empathy and why they matter Novato, CA: New World Library Bekoff, M., and Jamieson, D 1996 Ethics and the study of carnivores: Doing science while respecting animals In J L Gittleman (ed.), Carnivore behavior, ecology, and evolution, Volume 2, 15–45 Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press Caro, T M., ed 1998 Behavioral ecology and conservation biology New York: Oxford University Press Cronin, W., ed 1996 Uncommon ground: Rethinking the human place in nature New York: W W Norton and Company Festa-Bianchet, M., and Apollonia, M., eds 2003 Animal behavior and wildlife conservation Washington, DC: Island Press Goodall, J., and Bekoff, M 2002 The ten trusts: What we must to care for the animals we love San Francisco: HarperCollins Public says “no” to badger cull http://news.bbc co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/5172360.stm Scharper, S 1997 Redeeming the time New York: Continuum Siebert, C 2006 Are we driving elephants crazy? New York Times Magazine, October http://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/08/ magazine/08elephant.html?ex=116088480 0&en=b2676c7a2fa539e1&ei=5070&emc= eta1 Venting concerns: Exploring and protecting seep-sea communities Science News, October 7, 2006; http://www.sciencenews org/articles/20061007/bob7.asp Whiteface mountain and Bicknell’s thrushes: http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html? res=F40B12FA385A0C778EDDA10894DE 404482 Wilmers, C C., and Post, E 2006 “Predicting the influence of wolf-provided carrion on scavenger community dynamics under climate change scenarios.” Global Change Biology 12: 403–409 Marc Bekoff HUMANE EDUCATION Humane education is about kindness and respect Most clearly identified with George Angell, the founder of the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, it is based on the assumption that if children learn to care for and respect animals they will develop an empathetic or feeling personality that will guide them in their relations with people as well The general theme of being kind to animals was present in the very earliest

Ngày đăng: 24/10/2022, 10:03


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