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Utah State University DigitalCommons@USU Economic Research Institute Study Papers Economics and Finance 2008 Experiments Station Service Project Update and Annual Report, 2007 DeeVon Bailey Utah State University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/eri Recommended Citation Bailey, DeeVon, "Experiments Station Service Project Update and Annual Report, 2007" (2008) Economic Research Institute Study Papers Paper 336 https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/eri/336 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Economics and Finance at DigitalCommons@USU It has been accepted for inclusion in Economic Research Institute Study Papers by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@USU For more information, please contact digitalcommons@usu.edu EXPERIMENT STATION SERVICE PROJECT UPDATE AND ANNUAL REpORT, 2007 Project Num ber: Project Title: Project Leader: UTA 686 EconOlrucs Research Institute DeeVon Bailey The o bjectives of this project have not changed from last year ANNUAL REPORT Plan of Work for 2008 PubliC'Cltiol1S-It is anticipated that faculty associated with the E RI will publish at leas t 30 refereed m anuscripts during 2008 The ERI will make a more concerted effort to ensure that all manuscripts submitted for publication are considered for inclusion in the ERI Study PapelS series and that abstracts of tll.e ERI Study Paper manuscripts are posted on tll.e Economics Department Internet site Conference Presentations, Symposia, S eminarJ, and 1P'orkshops-It is anticipated that faculty associated with the ERI will present at least 25 invited papers at regional, n ational, or international conferences during 2008 It is expected that the Economics Department Research Committee will arrange for three seminars featuring prominent scholars who will introduce methodological innovation s or foster collaborative research opportunities SponJored ReJearch Ex tramural funds are crucial for maintenance and expansion of tll.e Department's graduate programs It is expected tll.at facul ty will prepare and sublrut at leas t 25 proposals for extramural funding during 2008 Graduate Student Research Graduate students provide valuable support for faculty research projects First year students provide labor necessary to data collection and data exploration associated with applied projects A dvanced students can be supervised in estimations and analyses that fulfill thesis requirements and to contribute to larger research undertakings \Y/e an ticipate providing about 10 PhD and 10 MS student stipends with a combin ation o fERI and extramural fund s during 2008 No new Ph D students will be admitted to the program for fall 2008 The reason for this is tll.e continued uncertainty regarding curriculum and faculty teaching responsibilities for Ph D courses when a split in the dep artment into business and agricultural united is completed Publications Resulting from Activity Supported in Part by the ERI during 2007 See attached Summary of Major Accomplishments During 2007 T he Plan o f\Y/ork for 2007 established research publication goals of at least 30 refereed publications and 30 ERI Study Papers During 2007, econ omics faculty had 16 refereed publications and 15 manuscripts accepted for refereed publication in 2007; and books, book chapters and other refereed m anuscrip ts jJ-lblished In addi tion, faculty prepared ERI Study Papers and technical memoranda, reports , and other publications Faculty and students associated with the ERI currently have 18 manuscripts undergoing journal review The Plan of Work for 2007 set dissemination/professionalpresentationgoals of25 invited or selected papers at professional meetings, and an active department seminar series involving faculty and invited speakers E conomics faculty and students made 34 presentations at Regional, National, and International Conferences The Plan of\V'ork for 2007 set a goal that ERI faculty would prepare and submit at least 25 proposals for extramural funding During 2007, the Economics faculty participated on 24 separate sponsored research projects with total funding of $4,352,870 During 2007, faculty participation on 16 PhD and 35 NIaster's committees was supported with a combination ofERI project funds and funding from sponsored research projects associated with the ERI These students were assigned to work on UAES projects or other sponsored research projects Facility Upgrades or Changes n/a Project Leader/ Economics Department Head Dean, College of Agriculture Associate Director, Agricultural Experiment Station Date ANNUAL RESEARCH ACTIVITIES, 2007 DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY Abstract- The research activities described in this document were supported by the Utah State University Economics Research Institute in 2007 The Economics Research Institute was founded in 1965 to provide training opportunities for graduate students and to assist in the solution oflocal, regional, and national economic problems UAES has provided ongoing support for the ERr since 1972 under project number UTA-686 The project has provided the Department of Economics 'w ith resources to search out new developments in economics to analyze new and complex issues in public and private decision making proces ses Boldface type is used to identify Utah State University Economics D epartn1en t facul ty and specialists; student names are underlined 2007 Faculty & Specialists DeeVoll Bailry, Professor and Interim Department I-lead; PhD, Texas A&M University, 1983; agricultural economics and community development NIarion T Bentlry, Extension Specialist, Director of Extension Business and Economic Development Services, and Coordinator of Extension Innovation Centers; MPA; New York University, 1970; rural and economic development and human resource development BaJtlrieu BisJvas, Professor; PhD, University of Chicago, 1976; international trade and econometrics Tyler j BOlvleJ, Professor; PhD, University of orth Carolina, 1991; econometrics and international economics A1thtlr j Caplan, Associate Professor; PhD, University of Oregon, 1996; environmental economics Christopber Fawson, Professor and r\ssociate Dean, Huntsman School of Business; PhD, Texas r\.&M University, 1986; labor economics, microeconomic theory, public fmance, and econometrics/statistics Dillon lv1 Fetl':0 Professor; PhD, Colorado State University, 1990; production and finance, marketing and price analysis Jobl1 P Giluert, Associate Professor; PhD, University of Auckland, 1998; international trade theory and applied general equilibrium modeling Terrellce F Glove1", Professor; PhD, Purdue University, 1971; applied macroeconomics and policy E Bmce Gor!frry, Professor; PhD, Oregon State University, 1971; natural resource economics, agricultural economics, farm management and finance resource use and policy L Dwigbt braelJel7, Professor; PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1979; comparative systems, economic history, and economic thco ry Palll Nl Jaklls, Professor; PhD, valuation orth Carolina State University, 1992; natural resource and environmental economics, and nonmarket John E Keitb, Professor; PhD, Utah State University, 1973; resource and environmental economics, and regional development ~fl: Crls utvis, Professor; PhD, Iowa State University, 1969; regional urban economics, human resource, and managerial economics Kenneth S Lyon, Professor; PhD, University of Chicago, 1970; economic theolY, mathematical economics, and resource economics Reza Olar/i, Assistant Professor; PhD, McGill University, 2000; International trade and finance, game theory and applications H Craig Petersen, Professor and Director of Analysis, Assessment & Accreditation; PhD, Stanford University, 1973; regulation and antitrust, and m;1nagcrial economics Ril/1lJ7o SIJiptsova, /\ssistant Professor; PhD, Ohio State University, 1998; international trade, food safety, and econometrics DOl7a/rf L S,!}rier, Professor and College of Agriculture Associate Dean for Academic Programs; PhD, Utah State University, 1979; agricultural and resource economics Rllf(y A ~l7ard, Associate Professor; PhD, Texas A&M University, 1998; agribusiness management, operations research, and decision making at the fum level 2007 PUBLICATIONS Refereed Journal Publications Banik, N., and B Biswas 2007 Exchange Rate Pass-Through in the U.S Automobile Industry: A Co integration Approach international Review of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters 83 Economics and Finance 16:223-236 Swain, Edward B , Paul M Jakus , Glenn Rice, Frank Lupi, Peter Maxson, Joseph Pacyna, Alan Penn, Samuel Spiegel, and Marcello Viega 2007 " Socioeconomic Consequences of Mercury Use and Pollution." Ambio, 36(1): 45-6l (2006):83-107 Bowles, T.J Employment Discrimination: Distinguishing Between Equitable Remedies and Compensatory Damages Journal ofLegal Economics (forthcoming) Lyon, Kenneth S., and Frank N Caliendo 2008 Optimal Discounting of Benefits from Cleanup at Waste Sites Natural Resource Modeling 21 (1 , Spring) Bowles, T.J , and D.S Bosworth Online Enrollment and Student Achievement: A Treatment Effects Model Perspectives on Economic Education Research (forthcoming) OLAD!, REZA, HAMID BELADI, AND NANCY CHA U Bowles, T.J., A McCoy, and S Bates The Effect of Supplemental Instruction on Timely Graduation College Student Journal (fOlihcoming) "MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS AND EXPORT QUALITY " JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEllA VIOR AND ORGANIZATION, FORTHCOMING Feuz, D.M , W Umberger, C.R Calkins 2007 "The Potentia l for Canadian Branded Beef Steaks In the U.S Market: Results from an Experimental Auction" forthcoming, Current Agriculture, Food & resource issues Beladi, H., Oladi, R " Partial Compliance with International Economic Sanctions." Review of Development Economics, forthcoming (accepted in 2007) GILBERT, JOHN, AND REZA OLAD! "A GEOMETRIC Effect of Conifer Encroachment Into AspEn Stands on Understory Biomass By: Barton R Starn, John C Malachek, D.L Bartos, James E Bowns and E Bruce Godfrey Accepted for publication in Rangeland Ecology and Management (to be published in 2008) COMPARISON OF THE TRANSFORMATION LOCI WITH SPECIFIC AND MOBILE CAPITAL" JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC EDUCA TlON (FORTHCOMING) Oladi, R., H Beladi "Non-traded Goods, Teclmical Progress and Real Wages." Open Economics Review, forthcoming (accepted in2007) [sraelsen, L.D , R.D Israelsen, and W.J Israelsen FOlihcoming2008 Detenninants of migration between mountain states counties The Journal of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters 84 (2007) Israelsen, L.D , R.D Israelsen, and K.E Israelsen F Olihcoming 2008 Determinants oflife expectancies in mountain states counties The Journal of the Utah A cademy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters 84 (2007) Gilbert, J., R Oladi, "Capital Specificity, Imperfect Labor Mobility and Growth in Developing Economics." International Review of Economics and Finance, forthcoming, (accepted in 2007) Israelsen, W.J , L.D israelsen , and R.D Israelsen December 2007 Migrat ion turnover rates in mountain states counties The Journal of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters 83 (2006):64-82 BELADI, HAMID, AND REZA OLAD! "DOES FOREIGN AID IMPEDE FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMEN1"?" IN: SAJAL LAHIRI, FRONTIERS OF ECONOMICS AND GLOBLIZATION: THEORY AND PRACTICE OF FOREIGN AID (INVITED VOLUME SERIE~, Whyte, A.1., L.D Israelsen, and R.D Israelsen December 2007 The determinants of the distribution of mortality in mountain states counties The Journal of 2007,55-63 2007 Regulated Markets." Journal of Computational Economics OLADJ, REZA, H BELADf "MIGRATION AND REAL WAGES." ECONOMICS BULLETIN 6, 2007,1-8 Caplan, Arthur J and Emilson C.D Silva (2007) "An Equitable, Efficient, and Implementable Scheme to Control Global Carbon Dioxide Emissions." Intern ational Tax and Public Finance, 14(3), 263279 GILBERT, 1., OLADJ, R "SIMULATING TARIFFS VS Q UOTAS WITH DOMESTIC M ONOPOL Y " B.E JOURNA L OF IND USTRI A L ORGANLZATION EDUCATION 2, 2007, ARTICLE Caplan, Arthur J , Therese Grijalva, and Douglas Jackson-Smith (2007) "Using Choice Question Formats to Determine Compensable Values: The Case of a Landfill Siting Process." Ecological Economics, 60(4), 834-846 M Harris and Rimma Shiptsova " Consumer Demand for Convenience Foods: Demographics and Expenditures." Submitted to the Journal of Food Distribution Research, accepted for publication , 2007 Caplan, Arthur J., Douglas Jackson-Smith, and Sandra Marquart-Pyatt (in press) "Does ' Free Sampling' Enhance the Value of Public Goods?" Applied Economics Letters Bailey, DeeVon Political Economy of the U S Cattle and Beef Industry: Innovation Adoption and Implications for the Future Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 32, 9December 2007): 403-416 Aadland, David M , Arthur J Caplan, and Owen R Phillips (in press) "A Bayesian Examination of Information and Uncertainty in Contingent Valuation " Journal of Risk and Uncertainty Thor, Eric III, DeeVon Bailey, Alejandro R Silva, and Steven S Vickner "Economic Analysis of Incentives for Foreign Direct Investment in Beef Systems in Argentina and Uruguay." International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 10,3(2007): 19-40 Caplan, Arthur J and John Gilbert (in press) "D is For Dillydally?" Applied Economic Letters Bohara, Alok K , Arthur J Caplan, and Therese Grijalva (in press), "The Effect of Experience and Quantity-Based Pricing on the Valuation of a Curbside Recycling Program." Ecological Economics Vickner, S.S., D Bailey, and A Dustin University-Retail Industry Partnerships as a Means to Analyze Consumer Response: The Case of Mad-Cow Disease Western Economics Forum, (Fall 2006): 36-40, publisbed in 2007 Sasaki , Yuya and Arthur J Caplan (in press), "Matching Heterogeneous Traders in Quantity- Books, Book Chapters, and Other Refereed Publications Rimma Shiptsova, Co-author of Colander's Principles of Micro test bank 2007 Lewis, W Cris forthcoming Ethanol Production Increases Risk for Dairy Producers Progressive Dairyman January 2008 Performance and Economics " 2007 Nebraska Beef Report, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska- Lincoln MP90 Chapman , Kim, D.R Zobell, E B Godfrey, D Feuz, e.V Bagley, R.E Banner, T.D Cooper, D Rothlisberger, R.M Nelson, and L.Greenhalgh 2007 Teaching Producers to Manage RisksThe BeeHive Master Beef Program Proceedings of the Western Section of the American Animal Science Association S (WSASAS) 58:183-185 Griffin, W.A , T.J Klopfenstein, G E Erickson, D.M Feuz, K.J Vander Pol and M.A Greenquist 2007 "Effect of Sorting and Feeding Optaflexx on Performance and Economics of Long Yearling Steers." 2007 Nebraska Beef Report, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University Of Nebraska-Lincoln, MP 90 Griffin , W.A , T.J Klopfenstein, G.E , Erickson, D.M Feuz, J.e MacDonald 2007 "Comparison of a Long Yearling System and Calffed Teclmical Publications, Project Reports, Conference Proceedings Michael Pace, Lyle Holmgren, Grant Cardon, and DeeVon Bailey "Corn yield Responses and Profitability Relationship for different application Leve ls and Formulations of Nitrogen Fertilizers in proceedings Extension Annual Planning and Professional Development Conferences, Logan , Utah , March 6-8 , 2007 (p.18) Wolf Creek Dam Report to the U.S Army Corps of Engineers, Nashville District November 2007 Glover, T.F , E.R Stafford and e.L Hartman 2007 The Introduction and Expansion of Renewable Energy Resources in Power Production: The Projected Impact on Utah Electricity Rates Report To Utah Clean Energy July Lyon, K.S 2007, Analysis of Pesticide Resistance in a Two Sector Neoclassical Growth Model Paper Presented at 2007 World Coriference on Natural Resource Modeling, Cape Cod, Massachusettes, June 19-22 Glover, T.F Economic Feasibilty of Anaerobic Digesters for Generating Electric Power for On-Farm Use and the Grid May, 2007 Bowles, D S , L R Anderson, T F Glover and S Chauhan 2007 Impacts of Operating Restrictions at Economic Research Institute Study Papers 2007 50 pages Bailey, DeeVon 2006 Annual research activities, 2006 Economic Research Institute Study Paper ERI 07-00 , Utah State Univeristy, Logan , UT Arthur J Caplan , Douglas Jackson-Smith , Sandra Maquart-Pyatt Does "Free-Sampling" Enhance the Value of Public Goods? Economic Research Institute Study Paper ERI 07-02, Utah State University, Logan UT February 2007 22 pages Jordan Carroll-Larson, and Arthur J Caplan Estimating the Effectiveness ofa Vehicle Miles Traveled Tax In Reducing Particulate Matter (PM2 s) Emissions Economic Research Institute Study Paper ERI 07-01, Utah State University, Logan UT January Kenneth S Lyon A General Equilibrium Analysis 2007 of Pesticide Resistance Economic Research Institute Study Paper ERl 07 -03 , Utah State University, Logan UT March 2007 23 pages Manuscripts in Review Determinants of Student Performance and Satisfaction in Economic Principles Journal of Economic Education Kaheil, Yasir H., DeeVon Bailey, M KashifGill, Mac McKee, and Enrique Rosero R The Synthesis: Long-Term Forecasting of Corn Cash Prices Using a Synthetic Model of Support Vector Machines and Wavelets In 15t review at Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics Coleman, E.A and T F Glover 2007 A Comparison of Demand-Side Water Management Strategies Using Disaggregate Data Water Policy (in review) Halverson, Gary, and DeeVon Bailey An Examination of Economies of Size in Implementing Animal identification Programs Research in progress Glover, T.F 2007 In Line Supplier Oligopolies Review ofIndustrial Organization (in review) Harris, Chad W , Dillon Feuz, and DeeVon Bailey Improving Basis Forecasting Techniques for Utah Feeder Cattle Research in progress Erickson, G E., D J Jordan, T Klopofenstein, D M Feuz and J C MacDonald 2007 "A Comparison of a Long Yearling System and Calffed Performance and Economics." Submitted to Professional Animal Scientist Zhou, Lei, Basudeb Biswas, and Tyler J Bowles "Globalization and Income Inequality Within Countries " Contemporary Economic Policy Atwood, S.B., N McCoy, Pfister, D Snyder, F.D Provenza, and R E Banner Mitigating Financial and Non-Financial Livestock Losses to Larkspur Rangeland Ecology and Management (2007) 151 Revision, Resubmitted Caplan, A.J., and J Gilbert 2007 Can Fighting Grade Inflation Help the Bottom Line? Applied Economics Atwood, S.B., N McCoy, F.D Provenza, D Snyder, and R.E Banner Should We Let the Buffalo Roam? An Economic Analysis of Three Bison Feeding Strategies Rangelands (2007) Accepted with revisions Caplan, A.J incremental and Average Control Costs in a Model of Water Quality Trading with Discrete Abatement Units Environmental and Resource Economics D Snyder "Intensifying Beef Production on Utah Private Land: Productivity, Profitability, and Risk" Submitted to Rangeland Ecology and Management Sarker, S , J Gilbert, R Oladi, "Asymmetric Adjustment Costs in LDCs," resubmitted to the Revie'vV of Development Economics on 12/19/07 with Layne Coppock and three graduate students as co-authors Oladi, R., H Beladi, J Gilbert, "Strategic International Outsourcing," with, submitted to Economic Theory Fawson, Chris Information Flows among Exchange Rate Markets: What Do We Learn From NonDeliverable Forward Markets in Asia? With Kai-Li Wang, Department of Finance, Tunghai University Submitted to Journal of Business and Finance Currently in 2nd revision Oladi, R., J Gilbert, "Monopolistic Competition and NOlih-South Trade," Submitted to the European Economic Review Bowles, Tyler J "The Use of Hindsight in Commercial Damages Analysis." Journal of Legal Economics Oladi, R., J Gilbert, H Beladi "Foreign Direct Investment, Non-traded Goods and Wages," with, submitted to Pacific Economic Review! Israelsen, L Dwight, and Karl E Israelsen 2007 2007 Conference, Syn1posia, and Seminar Presentations Bailey, DeeVon Traceability ' s Role in Adding Value to Meat Presented at Meat Solutions for Tomorrow: consumer and Marketplace Insights Edmonton, Alberta, February 16,2007 Presentation 2007 Keith, J E., P.Jakus, C Salinas, and L Summers 2007 Ken's Lake Visitor and Valuation Study Presented at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the Western Reaional Science Association, Newport Beach, CA, I::> February 22-24 2007 Kaheil , Yasir H., DeeVon Bailey, M.KasifGill, Mac McKee, and Enrique Rosero R The Synthesis, Longterm Forecasting of corn cash prices using a synthetic model of supp oli ve ctor machines and wavelets Selected paper at the 18 th lASTED International Conference on Modeling and Simulation Montreal, Quebec, Canada May 30-June 1, 2007 Jakus, P "Socioeconomic Consequences of Mercury Use and Pollution", presented at USU Spring Runoff Conference, Logan, UT, April 2007 Jakus, P "Using the Almost Ideal Demand System to Estimate the impact of Drought on the Demand for Fishing Licenses in Utah," presented at International Symposium of Society and Natural Resource Management, Park City, UT, June 2007 Thor, Eric III, DeeVon Bailey, Alejandro R Silva, and Steven S Vickner " Economic Analysis of Incentives for Foreign Direct Investment in Beef Systems in Argentina and Uruguay " Selected paper, 17th Allllual World Forum and Agribusiness Management Association Parma, Italy Finalist for Best Paper (one of top eight papers of 226 submitted) June 23, 2007 Jakus, P "Recreation Use and Economic Value at Ken's Lake, Utah," presented at International Symposium of Society and Natural Resource Management, Park City, UT, June 2007 Bailey, DeeVon , "Measuring the Impact of A I::>aricultural Marketing Programs." Paper presented• at Symposium titled :Measuring the Impact of ExtensIOn Economics Programming." Ron Plain organizer, Annual meetings of the American Israelsen, L Dwight, Ryan D Israelsen, and William Israelsen Determinants of Migration Between U.S.Counties.SJ st Annual Western Economic Association International Conference, Seattle, Washington, July 1, 2007 Aaricultural Economics Association Portland, I::> Oregon July 31 , 2007 Israelsen, L Dwight, Ryan D Israelsen , and Karl E Israelsen Determinants of Life Expectancies in U.S Counties, 1990 and 2000 SIst Annual Western Economic Association International Conference, Seattle,Washington, July 2, 2007 Bailey, DeeVon , "The Political Economy of the U.S Beef Industry: Implications for the Future " Presidential Address, Western Agricultural Economics Association, Portland, Oregon July 30, 2007 Israelsen, L Dwight, Ryan D Israelsen, and William J Israelsen Determinants of Migration Between Mountain States Counties Annual Meeting of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters, Cedar City, Utah, April l3 , 2007 Bailey, DeeVon , Alejandro R Silva, Eric Thor, III, and Steven S Vickner Analisis Economico de los Incentivos para la Inversion Directa Extranjera en los Sistemas Ganaderos de Argentina y Uruguay Selected paper 38 th annual meetings of the Argentine Association of Agricultural Economics, Mendoza, Argentina October 17-19, 2007 Israelsen, L Dwight, Ryan D Israelsen, and Karl E Israelsen Determinants of Life Expectancies in Mountain States Counties, 1990 and 2000 Annual Meeting of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters, Cedar City, Utah, April l3 , 2007 (Best Paper Award, Business Division) Bailey, DeeVon Results of Economic Analyses Relating to Traceability and the U S Food Industry Invited presentation at the annual meetings of the Food Distribution and Research Society, New Orleans, Louisiana November 5, 2007 Oladi, Reza Western Economic Glover, T.F 2007 The Steps to Water Quality Trading: a General Review Paper and Presentation at the Bear River Sy mposium, Logan, Utah, September 2007 Association 2007 2007 Teaching cattle producers to manage Risk-the Beehive Master Beef Manager Program WSASAS Proceedings Vol 58:183-185 Glover, T.F and Bethany Nielson 2007 Water Quality Modeling and Trading Overview in the Bear River System Paper presented at the Water Quality Trading Seminar, Targeted Watershed Program of the u.S EPA , Logan, Utah , July 19 & 20 Bowles, T.J 2007 USU Income Tax School November 15-16, 2007 Glover, T F 2007 The Impacts of Regulation on Dam Operations and Power Production in Mexico Paper presented at the National Water Commission , Republic of Mexico June 28 Shipstova, Rimma "Consumer Demand for Food Product Diversity," with Michael Harris presented at AAEA meeting in Portland, July 2007 Shipstova, Rimma "Demographic and Economic Transitions and its Effects on U.S Agricultural Exports," at WAEI meetings in Seattle, June 2007 Feuz, D.M 2007 " Influence of Commodity Pri:es on Long-Term Nutritional Decisions." Invited Paper Beef Symposium, Western Section American Society of Animal Science, Mosco w, ID Jun e 20 Chapman , C.K., D.R ZoBell, E.B Godfrey, D.Feuz, C.V Bagley, R.E Banner, T.D Cooper, D Rothlisberger, R.M Nelson, and L Greenhalgh Shipstova, Rimma "Household grocery coupon use: the impact of income and demographics,"FDRS meetings in New Orleans, LA, November 2007 2007 Technical Workshops and Seminars Trading Water Quality Workshop Sponsored by the Bear River Commission, Logan, Utah July 19 Caplan, A J A Bayesian Examination of Information and Uncertainty in Contingent Valuation: Cross-Cultural Comparison Between the U.S and Botswana," Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Botswana, Gaborone, October 24, 2007 Feuz, D 2007 Non-Fed Beef Market Intermounta in Beef3910, Logan UT January Oladi, Reza Department of Economics Seminars, Utah State University, Logan UT Oladi, Reza Department of Economics Seminars, University of California-Riverside Jakus, P "China: An Emerging Superpower", College of Business Seminar, Utah State University, Logan UT October 2007 Israelsen, D Demographic Economics, Department of Economics Seminar Series, Utah State University, Logan UT 2007 E Bruce Godfrey Public land management: lessons from the past and implications for the future Departmental Seminar, Utah State University, Logan UT November 14, 2007 Glover, T F 2007 Examples of Water Quality Sponsored Research Projects Coppock, D Layne, DeeVon Bailey, and Claudia Radel Improving Pastoral Risk Management on East African Rangelands U.S Agency for International Development, Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program ($600,000) llltlatlVe, USDA CREES, Utah State Legislature: $450,000/yr (2002-08) Keith, J 04/01 /07 - 10101107 Training of OMVS personnel ($38,000) Caplan, A.J 2006 - 2011 Utah Experiment Station Grant UTA-043 - Associations of Non-Point Source Polluters and Water Quality Trading in the Bear River Basin Utah State University, Logan, UT ($137,200) Keith, J., C Fawson, R Krannich, 04/0110612/31107, Baseline Socioeconomic Study of Pu bl ic Land Linkages to the State of Utah and Local Utah Communities ($747,807.50) Caplan, A.J., N Mesner, Horsburgh, T Glover, and Barnett 2004-08 U.S EPA Watershed Initiative Grant Program-Tri-State Bear River Basin Watershed Proposal, January, Utah State University ($750,000) Keith, J., C Fawson, R Krannich, P Jakus, B Godfrey, S Burr, and D Tarboton, 04/0110612/31107, Baseline Socioeconomic Study of Public Land Linkages to the State of Utah and Local Utah Communities ($747 ,807.50) Keith, J 01 /01/07 - 06/30108 Beryl-Enterprise Groundwater Management Project ($39,000) Caplan, A., Fulbright Scholars Award #07-12043 LecturinglResearch in Botswana, Africa Jakus, P., 01101105-04/30107., Perceptions and exposure of Arsenic in Private and Public Drinking Water Among Households ($8,138) (University of Botswana), 2007-2008 ($89,000) Snyder, D.L (PI) and 12 others, representing units on campus 1996-2009 Federal/state pasture Godfrey, E.B Ongoing Farmland assessment research 2007 and valuation Utah Tax Commission, $25,000 per year Bear River Basin initiative, U.S EPA Targeted Watershed Initiative Program ($107,751) Godfrey, E.B 08/01 /96-2/28/10 An economic analysis of waste water disposal alternatives at the Hunter and Huntington power plants Pacific Corp: $37,900 Godfrey, E B 1011106-9/30107 management: $300,676 USDA Hartman, c., E Stafford, and T.F Glover 1011105-9/30109 Wind power development in Utah U.S Department of Energy ($11 ,000 for Economics as part of $500,000 grant) risk Godfrey, E.B 3/23 /99-111110 NG firms in Utah UFB Power: $3,000 Hartman, C., E Stafford and T F Glover 711 107 6130108, Renewable Energy Projections for Utah Eccles Foundation ($8,000 for Economics) Keith, J., C Fawson, R Krannich, P Jakus, B Godfrey, S Burr, and D Tarboton, 04/0110612/31107, Baseline Socioeconomic Study of Public Land Linkages to the State of Utah and Local Utah Communities ($747,807.50) Black, B., D Drost and R Ward High Value Crop Rotations for Utah High Tunnels Western- SARE ($139,996).2007-2010 Chapman, K , D Zobell, and B Godfrey Utah Master Beef Management Program Western Center for Risk Management Education Approx $25,000 Bailey, D (PI), R Shiptsova, R Ward, K.R Criddle, D.1 McMahon, D CornfOlih, and A Young 2002-2007 Center for Food Quality, Certification, Transparency, and Traceability UTA Project #029, USDA, CSREES ($150K) Glover, T F 711 106 - 6130108 Economics of Water Quality Trading USU Water Initiative Grant ($2,400) Ward, R (PI), contract with ARS Bee Lab to look at impacts of pollination Cooperative agreement 20072008 Fernando Silva-Tula, T F Glover and D.S Bowles 911106 - 6130107 The Introduction of A Dam Safety Regulation Program in Mexico National Water Commission Republic of Mexico and Institute for Dam Safety Risk Management ($16,000 for Economics) Ward, R., and D Bailey 9119/05-4/30107 Risk management-Educating livestock & specialty crop producers about risks & opportunities associated with food supply chains U.S Dept of Agriculture, FCIC ($148,401) Glover, T F 911 106 - 12/31107 Development and Review of Risk Analysis Software Institute for Dam Safety Risk Management ($4,600) Barnett, 1., D.S Stevens., N Mesner, J Horsburgh, T.F.Glover,and A Caplan 1011l04-9/30107.Tri-state Sponsored Research Proposals Barnett, J., D Stevens, N Mesner, T Glover, J Horsburgh July 2007 Extension of Targeted Watershed Contract, U.S EPA and Bear River Commission (Funded $11,000 for Economics) Keith, J., M McKee, and W Grenney Reprogramming the OMVS Cost Allocation Model OMVS ($475,000) Feuz, Bridger, D Feuz, J Hewlett and B Godfrey Sheep LRP Western Center for Risk Management Education Fernando Silva-Tula, D S Bowles and T F Glover February 2007 Analysis of a National Dam Safety Regulatory Program in Mexico Proposal to National Water Commission, Republic of Mexico and World United Nations Meteorological Organization, ($375,000) Glover, T September 2007 Financial Services Workshop of Combined Investment House Training (Funded, $13 ,600) Bastidas, L., B Bishop, M McKee, and T Glover September 2007 Transition of Research Applications to Climate Services (TRACS) Proposal to NOAA ( interdisciplinary proposal, $11 ,000 for Economics) Chen, C A., Z Ye and T F Glover February 2007 Water Allocation Infrastructure and Administration in the Northeast China Basin Information Paper and Proposal to the Asian Development Bank and Chinese Ministry of Agriculture ($883,000) Hartman, c., E Stafford and T F Glover 2007 Renewable Energy Projections for Utah Proposal to the Eccles Foundation(Funded $8,000 for Economics) Glover, T F and A Said January 2007 Alternative Water Management in the Lost River Basin Proposal to 10 2007 the University ofIdaho and National Research Initiative ($4,600 for Economics) Annual Meetings and Combined Investment House Training Planning Meeting, Chicago, Illinois (Funded, $3,200) Glover, T F January 2007 Travel Grant to ASSA Glover, T F January 2007 Travel Grant to Beij ing Institute of Agriculture Meetings on Water Allocation in Northeast China (Funded by ADB , $6,300) Graduate Student Research Doctoral Student Research Supported bv ERI James Whitaker Enrolled in the PhD program , R Ward, B Biswas Lu Liu Enrolled in the PhD program F Caliendo, A.Caplan Jeremy Kidd Enrolled in the PhD program A Caplan Rui Min Enrolled in PhD Computer Science program C Fawson Prabuddha Ghosh Enrolled in the PhD program J Gilbert, R Oladi Aerwadee Ubolsook Enrolled in the PhD program T Glover AImita Ghosh-Dastidar Enrolled in the PhD program C Lewis, R Oladi Pete Gombin Enrolled in the PhD program D Snyder Rachna Gollamudi Enrolled in PhD program, D Bailey, D Feuz, E.B Godfrey Shantanu Bagchi Enrolled in the PhD program F Caliendo, B Biswas, Devalina Chaterjee Enrolled in the PhD program, B Biswas, F Caliendo, L D lsraelsen Chaoqun Lai Enrolled in the PhD program, T Glover, B Biswas, C Fawson, L D Israelsen Qianri Li Enrolled in the PhD program , B Biswas, C Fawson, L D Israelsen, K Lyon Sanjib Sarker Enrolled in the PhD program, B Biswas, J Gilbert Yuexia Zhu Enrolled in the PhD program, P Jakus, B Biswas, J Caplan Hengrui Qu Enrolled in the PhD program, J Gilbert, B Biswas, T Glover, K Lyon Masters Student Research Supported by ERI Gardner Gee Plan C Enrolled in the MS program, T Bowles, D Feuz, C Lewis Sarah Drollette Plan B Enrolled in the MS Applied Economics program, T Bowles, C Fawson Jordan Carroll-Larson Plan A Enrolled in the MS Applied Economics program A Caplan, P Jakus, J Keith D Scott Bosworth Plan A Enrolled in the MS program A Caplan Derek Johnson Plan B Enrolled in the MS Political Science program C Fawson Angela Redding Plan C Enrolled in the MS Political Science program C Fawson Stephanie Baldwin Plan C Enrolled in the MS Political Science program C Fawson Jacoba Larsen Plan C Enrolled in the MS Applied Economics program D Feuz, R Ward Cody Bingham Enrolled in the International MBA Gary Halverson Plan A Graduated from International MBA program, D Bailey, D Feuz, E B Godfrey Shane Ellis Plan A Enrolled in MS Applied Economics Program, E B Godfrey, D Bailey, R Ward Chad Harris Plan A Enrolled in International MBA program , D Feuz, D Bailey Sandra Reategui Plan C Enrolled in the MS Applied Economics program, C Fawson, B Biswas, J Keith Carolina Salas Garcia Plan B Enrolled in the MS Applied Economics program, B Biswas, C Fawson Hannes Schenk Plan C Enrolled in the MS program, C Fawson, B Biswas Tingting Li Plan C Enrolled in the MS program, L.D Israelsen, B Biswas, T Glover Wandnerys Fuertes Plan C Enrolled in the MS Applied Economics program, T Bowles 11 2007 program E B Godfrey, D Feuz Robert Fawson Plan C Enrolled in the MS Applied Economics program T Glover, J Keith Melvin Parades Forzani Plan C Enrolled in the MS Applied Economics program T Glover, K Lyon Sarah Thompson Plan C Enrolled in the MS program T Glover Shane Thompson Plan C Enrolled in the MS program L.D Israelsen, T Glover Fai Wang Plan C Enrolled in the MS program L D Israelsen, T Glover Ann Whyte Plan C Enrolled in the MS program T Glover Christopher Thompson Plan A Enrolled in the MS Applied Economics program E.B Godfrey, J.Keith JC Olson Enrolled in the International MBA program E.B Godfrey Ben Young Enrolled in the International MBA program E.B Godfrey Irene Whittier Plan B Enrolled in the MS program L.D Israelsen Mark Cottle Plan C Enrolled in the MS program L.D Israelsen Andrea Bohmholdt Plan B Enrolled in the MS Applied Economics program P Jakus, J Keith Will Jenson Plan C Enrolled in the MS Applied Economics program J Keith, R Ward Curt Wheeler Plan B Enrolled in the MS Applied Economics program D Snyder, J Keith Scott Taylor Plan B Enrolled in the MS Applied Economics program J Keith Linda (Yue) Chen Plan A Enrolled in the MS program D Snyder Jason Jorgensen Enrolled in the MS Applied Economics program R Ward Anne Israelsen Enrolled in the MS Applied Economics program R Ward 12 2007 ...EXPERIMENT STATION SERVICE PROJECT UPDATE AND ANNUAL REpORT, 2007 Project Num ber: Project Title: Project Leader: UTA 686 EconOlrucs Research Institute DeeVon Bailey The o bjectives of this project. .. K.J Vander Pol and M.A Greenquist 2007 "Effect of Sorting and Feeding Optaflexx on Performance and Economics of Long Yearling Steers." 2007 Nebraska Beef Report, Institute of Agriculture and Natural... Use and the Grid May, 2007 Bowles, D S , L R Anderson, T F Glover and S Chauhan 2007 Impacts of Operating Restrictions at Economic Research Institute Study Papers 2007 50 pages Bailey, DeeVon 2006