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Haven for all Hungry Souls- The Influence of the African Methodis

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Georgia State University ScholarWorks @ Georgia State University Educational Policy Studies Dissertations Department of Educational Policy Studies 7-3-2009 Haven for all Hungry Souls: The Influence of the African Methodist Episcopal Church and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools on Morris Brown College Serena Celeste Wilson Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.gsu.edu/eps_diss Recommended Citation Wilson, Serena Celeste, "Haven for all Hungry Souls: The Influence of the African Methodist Episcopal Church and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools on Morris Brown College." Dissertation, Georgia State University, 2009 https://scholarworks.gsu.edu/eps_diss/31 This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Department of Educational Policy Studies at ScholarWorks @ Georgia State University It has been accepted for inclusion in Educational Policy Studies Dissertations by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ Georgia State University For more information, please contact scholarworks@gsu.edu ACCEPTANCE This dissertation, HAVEN FOR ALL HUNGRY SOULS: THE INFLUENCE OF THE AFRICAN METHODIST EPISOCOPLA CHURCH AND THE SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE AND SCHOOLS ON MORRIS BROWN COLLEGE, by SERENA C WILSON, was prepared under the direction of the candidate’s Dissertation Advisory Committee It is accepted by the committee members in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the College of Education, Georgia State University The Dissertation Advisory Committee and the student’s Department Chair, as representatives of the faculty, certify that this dissertation has met all standards of excellence and scholarship as determined by the faculty The Dean of the College of Education concurs Philo Hutcheson, Ph.D Committee Chair Deron Boyles, Ph.D Committee Member Joel Meyers, Ph.D Committee Member Linda Buchanan, Ph.D Committee Member Sheryl A Gowen, Ph.D Chair, Department of Educational Policy Studies R.W Kamphaus, Ph.D Dean and Distinguished Research Professor College of Education AUTHOR’S STATEMENT By presenting this dissertation as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the advanced degree from Georgia State University, I agree that the library of Georgia State University shall make it available for inspection and circulation in accordance with its regulations governing materials of this type I agree that permission to quote, to copy from, or to publish this dissertation may be granted by the professor under whose direction it was written, by the College of Education’s director of graduate studies and research, or by me Such quoting, copying, or publishing must be solely for scholarly purposes and will not involve potential financial gain It is understood that any copying from or publication of this dissertation which involves potential financial gain will not be allowed without my written permission _ Serena C Wilson NOTICE TO BORROWERS All dissertations deposited in the Georgia State University library must be used in accordance with the stipulations prescribed by the author in the preceding statement The author of this dissertation is: Serena C Wilson 350 Parkway Road Union City, GA 30291 The director of this dissertation is: Dr Philo Hutcheson Department of Educational Policy Studies College of Education Georgia State University Atlanta, GA 30303-3083 VITA Serena Celeste Wilson ADDRESS 350 Parkway Road Union City, Georgia 30291 EDUCATION Ph.D 2008 M.P.A 1997 B.A 1995 Georgia State University Educational Policy Studies University of Georgia Public Administration Morris Brown College English Literature PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2006- Pres Institutional Effectiveness Specialist Georgia Department of Technical and Adult Education, Atlanta, GA 2004- 2006 Dean of Student Affairs Morris Brown College, Atlanta, GA 2002-2004 Director of Admissions Morris Brown College, Atlanta, GA 2001-2002 Director of Alumni Affairs Morris Brown College, Atlanta, GA 2000-2001 Director of Scholarships and Standards Morris Brown College, Atlanta, GA 1997-2000 Admissions Counselor Morris Brown College, Atlanta, GA PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES AND ORGANIZATIONS 2006- Pres Argosy University, College of Education Advisory Board 2003- Pres National Council of Negro Women 1993- Pres Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc 2002-2004 United Way of Metro Atlanta Volunteer Involvement Program 2002-2005 Women’s Action For New Directions (WAND) 2002-2003 History of Education Society 2001-2003 National Alliance of Black School Educators 2001-2003 Georgia Campus Community Services Association PRESENTATIONS Wilson, S C (2002, Fall) Black colleges as community change agents Paper presented at the National Alliance of Black School Educators Conference, Atlanta, GA Wilson, S C (2002, Fall) Black colleges as community developers: A conceptual argument Paper presented at the History of Education Society Conference, Pittsburgh, PA Wilson, S C (2001, Spring) Have we done our jobs? The process of determining effectiveness in institutions of higher learning Paper presented at the Higher Education Symposium, Georgia State University, Atlanta ABSTRACT HAVEN FOR ALL HUNGRY SOULS: THE INFLUENCE OF THE AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH AND THE SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS ON MORRIS BROWN COLLEGE By Serena Celeste Wilson Morris Brown College is a small, private historically Black college located near downtown Atlanta, Georgia The College is the only post-secondary institution in Georgia noted for having been founded by Blacks for the purpose of educating Blacks The relationship between Morris Brown College, and the African Methodist Episcopal Church and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools presents an untapped area of research regarding the how external regulatory and fiscal contributing bodies influence the internal mission, culture and management of an institution of higher education Morris Brown College presents a unique case because, since its founding, it has maintained a close affiliation with the Church that established it The Church is closely connected to the College’s identity and mission Yet, in recent years, its financial existence has been dependent upon the receipt and use of public funding—which is intricately tied to accrediting standards and oversight This research is timely because in 2003 the College lost its accreditation This raises questions regarding the internal operations of the institution, as well as its interactions with external entities that affect its financial solvency This study employs an ethnographic case-study qualitative research design to explore how the College’s relationship with these bodies influenced the institution’s organizational structure, fiscal management, and administrative culture and identity HAVEN FOR ALL HUNGRY SOULS: THE INFLUENCE OF THE AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOAL CHURCH AND THE SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS ON MORRIS BROWN COLLEGE by, Serena Celeste Wilson A Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Policy Studies in the College of Education Georgia State University Atlanta, Georgia 2008 Copyright by Serena C Wilson 2008 263 another The ramifications of conflict from two (or more) key external supportive bodies may create an inability of the college to function satisfactorily However, if there is a conflict, the College must effectively balance its relationships in a way that maintains needed support, involvement, and approval This study does not dictate the process for creating that balance However, it does illustrate some of the internal activities that are involved in an effort to find that balance Specifically, this study clearly illustrates that while historical connection and philosophical meaning may be facilitated through the College’s connection to the African Methodist Episcopal Church, the current financial reliance upon public monies necessitates that compliance with accreditation regulations should be a top priority for college administrators Further, this study provides an insight into the impact of crisis on an institution A college that is threatened with the loss of accreditation (and the loss of public funding) does not operate in the same mode as a college that is not facing possible demise The expectations of administrators and the board change under crisis The rate at which negative evaluations result in employee turnover changes in crisis Administrative processes are modified to (ideally) produce quicker results when an institution is faced with crisis Simply, an institution that is faced with crisis requires a different system of management—and employees must be equipped to understand the difference in management, and to adapt Morris Brown College is but one institution Unfortunately, the College contended with some debilitating problems during this time period Despite these challenges, employees at the institution largely remained committed to the College’s mission and existence There were instances in which there was not synergy between the 264 faculty, the staff, the president and the board—and the impact of this was heightened given the urgent nature of many of the College’s problems Ideally, this research will be used as a tool for Morris Brown College (and perhaps other institutions as well), to increase an awareness of the multiple factors and actors that impact a college’s existence at any given time What a college is is contingent upon who is responsible for (and accountable to) the college 265 References Allen, Walter R and Jewell, Joseph O “A Backward Glance Forward: Past, Present and Future Perspectives On Historically Black Colleges and Universities,” The Review of Higher Education 25:3 (2002): 241-261 Anderson, Richard “A Financial and Environmental Analysis of Strategic Policy Changes at Small Private Colleges.” Journal of Higher Education 49 no (1978): 30-46 Avery, Vida L “A 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Principal Mrs Mary McCree Mrs Alice D Carey Dr E W Lee 1888-1892 Fourth Principal 1892-1896 First President 1896-1904 1904-1908 Second President Third President Professor A St George Richardson Professor A St George Richardson Dr James M Henderson Dr J.S Flipper 1908-1911 1911-1920 Fourth President Fifth President Dr E.W Lee Dr W.A Fountain, Sr 1920-1928 Sixth President Professor J.H Lewis 1928-1950 Seventh President Dr W.A Fountain, Jr Notes Would later become Fourth President Later named first President Same as Fourth Principal There is an AME Church within two blocks of MBC’s current campus named in his honor His presidency ended when he was elected the 33rd Bishop of the AME Church Same as the Third Principal His son would later become president During the same period, he would become Chair of Board He was an alumnus of the institution and had also attended Clark College, and Allen University (an AME institution) The College’s Athletic Complex is named for him; he would later become Eighth President He was an alumnus Son of fifth president During his presidency his father was Bishop of the 6th District of the AME Church 275 Dates of Administration Title 1950-1951 Acting President Dr Edward C Mitchell 1951-1958 Eighth President Dr John H Lewis 1958-1965 Ninth President Dr Frank Cunningham 1965-1973 Tenth President 1973 A Consulting Firm, husband and wife team Name Dr John A Middleton 1973-1984 Twelfth President Dr Robert Threatt 1984-1992 Thirteenth President Fourteenth President Fifteenth President Dr Calvert H Smith 1993-1998 1998-2002 Dr Samuel D Jolley, Jr Dr Dolores E Cross Notes He is an alumnus who’d previously served in various positions, including professor, Dean of Men, Vice President, etc Although the College has had other Acting Presidents, his is the only picture displayed on the College’s pictorial chronology of chief administrators (located in the Administration Building) Same person as Sixth President The Bishop’s Office was moved off campus during this term, in compliance with SACS regulations The College’s largest/primary auditorium is named in his honor The College’s largest residential complex is named in his honor He was a graduate of Allen University (another AME institution) The remaining presidents are misnumbered because the next president is listed as the twelfth president, not the eleventh He is an alumnus of the institution He would later become Seventeenth President She is the College’s first/only female president 276 Dates of Administration Title Name 2002-2003 Sixteenth President Dr Charles E Taylor 2004-2006 Seventeenth President Dr Samuel D Jolley, Jr Notes He was in office for only three months at the time the college loss its accreditation Same person as Fourteenth President * The information contained in this figure was obtained from (1) a pictorial chronology of chief administrators (including dates in office) displayed in the College’s administration building; (2) Morris Brown College,The First Hundred Years, by George A Sewell and Cornelius V Troup APPENDIX B: Morris Brown College Alma Mater Alma Mater, pride of earth, Gav’st to me another birth, Haven for all hungry souls, Feeding them shall be our goal, Ever let thy banner be, Emblem of the brave and free, A welcome true to everyone, Until thy work is done Hail to Thee, maker of men, Honor to Thee once again, Sacred truths on firmest ground, Hail to Thee, Dear Morris Brown To her precepts praise accord, To them may we e’er be bound, And bow and thank the gracious Lord, For dear old Morris Brown Words by Milton Randold, class of 1933 Music by Professor E Waymon Hathcock, Morris Brown College Department of Music 276 ... at the Higher Education Symposium, Georgia State University, Atlanta ABSTRACT HAVEN FOR ALL HUNGRY SOULS: THE INFLUENCE OF THE AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH AND THE SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION OF. ..ACCEPTANCE This dissertation, HAVEN FOR ALL HUNGRY SOULS: THE INFLUENCE OF THE AFRICAN METHODIST EPISOCOPLA CHURCH AND THE SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE AND SCHOOLS ON MORRIS BROWN... statement of the College contains pertinent information regarding the way in which the college defines itself As the mission of the College is intended to be the guide for the subsequent operations of

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