[...]... paper, and each is capable of holding thousands of bits of information The pages are manufactured using a unique technology called a binding that keeps the pages in their correct order Using a process called double-sided technology (DST) allows manufacturers to use both sides of 4 Don’t Oil the Squeaky Wheel the paper, thereby increasing the information density, reducing weight, and minimizing costs below... Click here for terms of use 8 Don’t Oil the Squeaky Wheel managers have not built a solid foundation Here is what I mean Let’s say that you want to build your dream house, so you buy the best of everything the best lumber, the best bricks, the best roof, and so on Then you proceed to build your dream house on quicksand Will it last? Does it matter that you bought the best of everything? Of course not!... building their organizations They buy the best, or at least the latest, of everything and begin the implementation without a solid foundation, without getting their own heads screwed on right, without changing their basic belief system (especially as it relates to people), without clearly defining their philosophy and core values, and without changing the organizational culture As a result, just like the. .. which were required in order to grow the company (For example, two of the new managers were not the right fit, and several others who had helped build the company had outgrown the company and needed to be asked to leave.) This need-to-be-liked issue prevented Kevin from doing the right thing for the company And everything—as you can well imagine—went downhill from there The moral of this story: If you want... all the diet books in the world and never lose a pound.) A good example, recently shared with me by Walter, one of my “coachees” (the people I coach) involves one of Walter’s grade-school buddies walking up to the high diving board at the beginning of the swimming season and without a moment’s hesitation jumping into the pool Never mind that the dive looked absolutely atrocious Once he was in the water,... Some know more than I do They’ve got it all together They can talk a great game, and yet, when I watch what they actually do, which is what consultants and coaches do, I find that generally they do not act in accordance with what they know They act in accordance with their habit patterns, which typically are based on what has worked for them in the past The problem—need I say it?—is that we live in a hyperspeeded... quicksand, the management model will work for a while, but then it will crumble or even implode The result is that instead of building a high-performance organization, employees feel used or even abused; they become cynical and strengthen their basic defense mechanisms so that they can remain sane The outcome is lowered performance and productivity and resistant employees who have mastered the art of... to help him manage the company and take it to the next level For some reason or another, though, very few of the new managers lived up to Kevin’s expectations They either were too aggressive, too slow, too dependent, or didn’t work hard enough—and the list goes on As a result, the new management team was disillusioned, dissatisfied, and demoralized, and Kevin couldn’t figure out what their problem was... consultant to straighten out the mess and quickly discovered that it had less to do with the new management team—true, not all were the right 13 Copyright © 2004 by Wolf J Rinke Click here for terms of use 14 Don’t Oil the Squeaky Wheel fit—and much more with Kevin Kevin was just not okay inside his own skin, which prevented him from making the hard decisions that would cause others to dislike him This,... to download the information directly into their “hard drive.” To progress through BOOK, the user simply flicks a finger The browse feature allows the user to move instantly from page to page and even go forward and backward The higher-priced models feature an optional device called an INDEX that allows the user to instantly find the exact location of specific information During interruptions, the user merely . Don’t Oil the Squeaky Wheel Tells you what you need to know to win in the game of leadership in these turbulent times. —J. W. Marriott, Jr., Chairman of the. 1992 The Winning Foodservice Manager: Strategies for Doing More with Less, first edition, 1989, second edition, 1990 Don’t Oil the Squeaky Wheel and 19 Other