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Leadership Strategies for Implementing Quality Improvement Initia

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Walden University ScholarWorks Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies Collection 2018 Leadership Strategies for Implementing Quality Improvement Initiatives in Primary Care Facilities Jose A PonceVega Walden University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/dissertations Part of the Health and Medical Administration Commons This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies Collection at ScholarWorks It has been accepted for inclusion in Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks For more information, please contact ScholarWorks@waldenu.edu Walden University College of Management and Technology This is to certify that the doctoral study by Jose A PonceVega has been found to be complete and satisfactory in all respects, and that any and all revisions required by the review committee have been made Review Committee Dr Irene Williams, Committee Chairperson, Doctor of Business Administration Faculty Dr Edward Paluch, Committee Member, Doctor of Business Administration Faculty Dr David Moody, University Reviewer, Doctor of Business Administration Faculty Chief Academic Officer Eric Riedel, Ph.D Walden University 2018 Abstract Leadership Strategies for Implementing Quality Improvement Initiatives in Primary Care Facilities by Jose A PonceVega MHA, Baylor University, 2013 MBA, Baylor University, 2013 BS, Southern Illinois University, 2009 Doctoral Study Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Business Administration Walden University December 2018 Abstract Health care spending accounts for 17.7% of the gross domestic product in the United States, and it is expected to continue rising at an annual rate of 5.3% Despite high costs, health care quality lags behind other high-income countries; yet, over 70% of change initiatives fail The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore strategies primary care leaders use for implementing quality improvement initiatives to improve patient outcomes and reduce waste in primary care facilities The target population consisted of health care leaders of primary care facilities in southern California who successfully implemented quality improvement initiatives The conceptual framework for this study was Kotter’s 8-step of change management Data were collected through face-to-face semistructured interviews with senior health care managers, document review, and quality reports Member checking of interview transcripts strengthened the credibility of the findings Data analysis included Yin’s 5-phase process, which consisted of compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding the data Themes emerged from the use of methodological triangulation of data The themes included communication, leadership support, inclusive decision-making, and employee recognition The implications of the findings of this study for positive social change include assisting primary care leaders in improving strategies for implementing quality improvement initiatives to increase efficiency, reduce health care cost, and improve patient and community health Leadership Strategies for Implementing Quality Improvement Initiatives in Primary Care Facilities by Jose A PonceVega MHA, Baylor University, 2013 MBA, Baylor University, 2013 BS, Southern Illinois University, 2009 Doctoral Study Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Business Administration Walden University December 2018 Dedication I would like to dedicate this study to my entire family for their love, support, and encouragement throughout this journey First, I dedicate this accomplishment to my amazing wife, Maegan, for exhibiting tireless patience and understanding while I have been pursuing my personal and professional goals I also dedicate this study to my parents, Luz and Jose, because they have always been my source of inspiration Whatever I am today is because of the values and morals they instilled in me during my upbringing Lastly, I want to dedicate this doctoral study to my mentor and friend, Indira, who has been in my life for the last 15 years She continues to challenge and push me every day to achieve my full potential Acknowledgments The completion of this doctoral study would not have been possible without the assistance and guidance of the committee members My sincere gratitude goes to the committee chair, Dr Irene Williams She displayed exceptional commitment and persistency to guide me to the end of the program I thank the other committee members, Dr Edward Paluch and Dr David Moody, for their critical review and feedback I am grateful for the student cohort and friends for their encouragement throughout the process Lastly, I want to acknowledge and thank the participants of my study for their contributions and time Table of Contents List of Tables iv Section 1: Foundation of the Study Background of the Problem Problem Statement Purpose Statement Nature of the Study Research Question Interview Questions Conceptual Framework Operational Definitions Assumptions, Limitations, and Delimitations Assumptions Limitations Delimitations Significance of the Study Contribution to Business Practice Implications for Social Change A Review of the Professional and Academic Literature Application to the Applied Business Problem 10 Conceptual Framework 10 High Reliability in Health Care 21 i Quality in Primary Care 22 Quality Improvement Strategies 31 Quality Improvement Challenges in Primary Care 37 Transition 39 Section 2: The Project 40 Purpose Statement 40 Role of the Researcher 40 Participants 42 Research Method and Design 43 Population and Sampling 44 Ethical Research 46 Data Collection Instruments 47 Data Collection Technique 48 Data Organization Technique 49 Data Analysis 50 Reliability and Validity 52 Reliability 53 Validity 53 Transition and Summary 54 Section 3: Application to Professional Practice and Implications for Change 55 Introduction 55 Presentation of the Findings 55 ii Emergent Theme 1: Communication 57 Emergent Theme 2: Leadership Support 60 Emergent Theme 3: Inclusive Decision-Making 62 Emergent Theme 4: Employee Recognition 64 Applications to Professional Practice 66 Implications for Social Change 67 Recommendations for Action 67 Recommendations for Further Research 69 Reflections 70 Conclusion 71 References 73 Appendix: Interview Protocol 97 iii 83 doi:10.1097/QMH.0000000000000031 Hughes, M (2016) Leading changes: Why transformation explanations fail Leadership, 12, 449-469 doi:10.1177/1742715015571393 Improta, G., Balato, G., Romano, M., Carpentieri, F., Bifulco, P., Alessandro Russo, M., … Cesarelli, M (2015) Lean Six Sigma: A new approach to the management of patients undergoing prosthetic hip replacement surgery Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 21, 662-672 doi:10.1111/jep.12361 Joslin, R., 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What successful strategies did you use to implement quality improvement initiatives? What strategies failed to meet the intended results, and why they were not successful in your opinion? How did you overcome the challenges posed by those failed strategies? What other comments or additional information would you like to add regarding strategies used to implement primary care transformation initiatives? ... strategies for implementing quality improvement initiatives to increase efficiency, reduce health care cost, and improve patient and community health Leadership Strategies for Implementing Quality. .. process for the quality improvement initiatives? What steps did you follow when implementing the quality improvement initiatives? What successful strategies did you use to implement quality improvement. .. Change The implications for positive social change include the potential for primary care leaders to apply successful strategies for implementing quality improvement initiatives and the possible

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