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London N Breed Mayor Deborah O Raphael Director City and County of San Francisco Department of the Environment Notice of Annual Public Hearing Regarding Pest Management Activities on City Properties (San Francisco Environment Code Chapter 3, Section 310) WHEN: Wednesday, July 10, 2019, 5:00 p.m LOCATION: City Hall, Room 416, Dr Carlton B Goodlett Jr Place San Francisco, CA 94102 AUTHORIZATION San Francisco Environment Code Chapter 3, Section 310 San Francisco city staff have been national leaders in integrated pest management (IPM) since the City passed its Integrated Pest Management Ordinance in 1996 The Ordinance governs the way pests are managed on all City properties, but does not apply to private property Specifically, the law applies to any City staff or contractors managing unwanted insects, rodents, birds, weeds, or other organisms for buildings & landscapes that are owned by the City, even if in other counties, or leased from the City (with leases signed after 1996), such as golf courses or vendors at San Francisco International Airport The San Francisco Environment Code Chapter 3, Section 310, calls for a noticed public meeting at least once a year to consider issues on matters related to pest management activities on City property, including the use of certain pesticides City departments are to explain any exemptions they were granted from the City’s pesticide requirements, as well as any uses of “most restricted” pesticides Important Information Copies of explanatory documents are available at (1) the Department of the Environment (Department), 1455 Market Street, Suite 1200, San Francisco, California, 94103 between the hours of a.m and p.m., Photo identification is required for entry to the building (2) on the Department’s website http://www.sfenvironment.org/article/city-staff/pest-management#meetings; (3) upon request at telephone number 415-355-3709, or via e-mail at anthony.e.valdez@sfgov.org within three business days of the hearing If any materials related to an item on this agenda have been distributed after distribution of the agenda packet, those materials are available for public inspection at the Department of the Environment, 1455 Market Street, Suite 1200, San Francisco, CA 94103 during normal office hours or will be made available on the website http://www.sfenvironment.org/article/city-staff/pestmanagement#meetings San Francisco Department of the Environment 1455 Market Street, Suite 1200, San Francisco, CA 94103 Telephone: (415) 355-3700 • Fax: (415) 554-6393 Email: environment@sfgov.org • SFEnvironment.org Printed on100% post-consumer recycled paper During the hearing, members of the public will have the opportunity to comment about individual agenda items or speak generally about pest management activities on City properties and properties leased by the City, including those activities affecting weeds, rodents, insects, mammals, birds, and aquatic plants Persons unable to attend the hearing may submit to the Department of the Environment, by the time the hearing begins, written comments These comments will be made a part of the official public record and shall be brought to the attention of the Department Any written comments should be sent to: Chris Geiger, 1455 Market Street, Suite 1200, San Francisco, CA 94103 by 5:00 p.m on the day prior to the hearing Comments that cannot be delivered by that time may be taken directly to the hearing at the location above When bringing handouts to hearing, please photocopy on both sides of the paper and try to use post-consumer recycled or tree-free paper ORDER OF BUSINESS 1) Call to order 2) Introduction, current Citywide integrated pest management (IPM) initiatives, pesticide use trends Speaker: Chris Geiger, Integrated Pest Management Program Manager, San Francisco Department of the Environment • Public Comment 3) Presentation by representatives from City departments that requested pesticide exemptions or used pesticides on the “most restricted” list in Fiscal Year 2018-2019 (Informational presentation and discussion only) Speakers: Chris Geiger, Integrated Pest Management Program Manager, San Francisco Department of the Environment; Matthew Pruitt, IPM Coordinator, Department of Recreation & Parks; Deshelia Mixon, IPM Coordinator, Public Works; Deana Noonan, IPM Coordinator, San Francisco International Airport; Richard Berman, IPM Coordinator, Port of San Francisco; Luis Agurto, Jr., President, citywide IPM contractor Pestec; Jessica Appel, Natural Resources Division, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (Explanatory Document: Attachment A: Staff Memo and Attachment B: Summary of Pesticide Use Exemptions Granted for San Francisco City Operations) • Public Comment 4) General Public Comment Members of the public may speak on matters that are relevant to pest management on city properties, or properties leased from the City, but are not on today’s agenda 5) Adjourn ATTACHMENTS: A Staff Memo B Summary of Pesticide Use Exemptions Granted for San Francisco City Operations Announcement The ringing of and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices are prohibited at this hearing Please be advised that the hearing officer may order the removal from the meeting room of any person(s) responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar sound-producing electronic devices Public Comment At this time, members of the public may speak on items of interest that are relevant to pest management on city properties but are not on today’s agenda Public comment will be taken following each agendized item Each member of the public may address the hearing for up to three minutes, unless otherwise announced by the hearing officer If it is demonstrated that the comments by the public will exceed 15 minutes, the hearing officer may continue Public Comment to another time during the meeting The Brown Act forbids the Department from taking action or discussing any item or issue not appearing on the posted agenda This rule applies to issues raised in public comment as well In response to public comment, not on an agendized item, the Department is limited to: Briefly responding to statements made or questions posed by members of the public, or Request staff to report back on a matter at a subsequent meeting, or Directing staff to place the item or issue on a future agenda (Government Code Section 54954.2(a).) Disability Access The hearing will be held at City Hall in the Civic Center Area The meeting room is wheelchair accessible The closest accessible BART station is the Civic Center Station at United Nations Plaza and Market Street Accessible MUNI lines serving this location are: #71 Haight/Noriega and the F Line to Market and Van Ness and the Metro Stations at Van Ness and Market and at Civic Center For information about MUNI accessible services call (415) 923-6142 There is accessible curbside parking adjacent to City Hall on Grove Street and Van Ness Avenue and in the vicinity of the Veterans Building at 401 Van Ness Avenue adjacent to Davies Hall and the War Memorial Complex In order to assist the City's efforts to accommodate persons with severe allergies, environmental illnesses, multiple chemical sensitivity or related disabilities, attendees at public meetings are reminded that other attendees may be sensitive to various chemical based products Please help the City accommodate these individuals Individuals with chemical sensitivity or related disabilities should call the Mayor’s Office on Disability at (415) 554-6789 or (415) 554-6799 (TTY) for additional information The following services are available on request 72 hours prior to the meeting; except for Monday meetings, for which the deadline shall be 4:00 p.m of the last business day of the preceding week: For American sign language interpreters or the use of a reader during a meeting, a sound enhancement system, and/or alternative formats of the agenda and minutes, please contact Anthony Valdez at (415) 355-3709 to make arrangements for the accommodation Late requests will be honored, if possible Language Access Per the Language Access Ordinance (Chapter 91 of the San Francisco Administrative Code), Chinese, Spanish and or Filipino (Tagalog) interpreters will be available upon requests Assistance in additional languages may be honored whenever possible To request assistance with these services please contact the Commission Affairs Manager at 415-355-3709, or anthony.e.valdez@sfgov.org at least 48 hours in advance of the hearing Late requests will be honored if possible 語言服務 根據語言服務條例(三藩市行政法典第91章),中文、西班牙語和/或菲律賓語(泰加洛語)傳譯人員在收 到要求後將會提供傳譯服務。翻譯版本的會議記錄可在委員會通過後透過要求而提供。其他語言協助在 可能的情況下也將可提供。上述的要求,請於會議前最少48小時致電 415-355-3709或電郵至 anthony.e.valdez@sfgov.org向委員會秘書提出。逾期提出的請求,若可能的話,亦會被考慮接納。 Acceso A Idioma De acuerdo la Ordenanza de Acceso a Idiomas “Language Access Ordinance” (Capítulo 91 del Código Administrativo de San Francisco “Chapter 91 of the San Francisco Administrative Code”) intérpretes de chino, español y/o filipino (tagalo) estarán disponibles de ser requeridos Las minutas podrán ser traducidas, de ser requeridas, luego de ser aprobadas por la Comisión La asistencia en idiomas adicionales se tomará en cuenta siempre que sea posible Para solicitar asistencia estos servicios favor comunicarse el Secretario de la Comisión al 415-355-3709, o anthony.e.valdez@sfgov.org por lo menos 48 horas antes de la reunión Las solicitudes tardías serán consideradas de ser posible Access Sa Wika Ayon sa Language Access Ordinance (Chapter 91 ng San Francisco Administrative Code), maaaring mag-request ng mga tagapagsalin sa wikang Tsino, Espanyol, at/o Filipino (Tagalog) Kapag hiniling, ang mga kaganapan ng miting ay maaring isalin sa ibang wika matapos ito ay aprobahan ng komisyon Maari din magkaroon ng tulong sa ibang wika Sa mga ganitong uri ng kahilingan, mangyaring tumawag sa Clerk ng Commission sa 415-3553709, o anthony.e.valdez@sfgov.org sa hindi bababa sa 48 oras bago mag miting Kung maari, ang mga late na hiling ay posibleng pagbibigyan Know your Rights under the Sunshine Ordinance (Chapter 67 of the San Francisco Administrative Code) Government’s duty is to serve the public, reaching its decisions in full view of the public Commissions, boards, councils, and other agencies of the City and County exist to conduct the people’s business This ordinance assures that deliberations are conducted before the people and that City operations are open to the people’s review For more information on your rights under the Sunshine Ordinance or to report a violation of the ordinance, contact the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force, Dr Carlton B Goodlett Place, Room 244, San Francisco, CA 94102, 415-554-7724 (phone), 415-554-5163 (fax) or by email to sotf@sfgov.org Copies of the Sunshine Ordinance can be obtained from the Clerk of the Sunshine Task Force, the San Francisco Public Library and on the City’s website at www.sfgov.org Lobbyist Registration and Reporting Requirements Individuals and entities that influence or attempt to influence local legislative or administrative action may be required by the San Francisco Lobbyist Ordinance [SF Campaign & Governmental Conduct Code §2.100, et seq] to register and report lobbying activity For more information about the Lobbyist Ordinance, please contact the Ethics Commission at: 25 Van Ness Avenue, 2nd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94102; telephone (415) 252-3100, fax (415) 2523112, web site at www.sfgov.org/ethics Anthony Valdez, Commission Secretary TEL: (415) 355-3709; FAX: (415) 554-6393 Posted: June 28, 2019 London N Breed Mayor Deborah O Raphael Director MEMORANDUM From: San Francisco Department of the Environment To: Members of the Public Re: Pest Management Hearing and Reduced Risk Pesticide List Process for 2019 This memo summarizes the timeline for this year’s Pest Management Hearing and Reduced Risk Pesticide List adoption process Annual Public Hearing, Pest Management Activities on City Properties: Each year the SF Department of the Environment holds a hearing on select pesticide product usage by City Departments and pesticide restriction exemptions The hearing affords an opportunity for the public to learn about the accomplishments of the City’s award-winning Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program It is also a venue for the City’s IPM professionals to hear public concerns on pest management and pesticides The annual hearing will be held in City Hall, Room 416 on Wednesday, July 10, 2019 at 5:00 p.m Approval of Reduced Risk Pesticide List: Each year, the Department reviews and recommends to the Commission on the Environment any necessary changes to the City’s Reduced Risk Pesticide List The Commission reviews the list annually and may enact any necessary changes This year, the Reduced Risk Pesticide List will be considered first by the Commission on the Environment Policy Committee on August 12, 2019 prior to review by the full Commission The Department will post its draft Reduced Risk Pesticide List by July 12, 2019 on the Policy Committee website, with an invitation to submit written public comment until p.m on Friday, August 2, 2019 Comments received by p.m on August 2, 2019, will be incorporated into the Department of the Environment’s presentation to the Policy Committee on August 12, 2019, in an Issues and Response Document All written public comment received after August 2, 2019 and all oral public comment given in person will be reflected in publicly available records and the Department will accept comments submitted at any time The Department encourages members of the public to submit written public comments in advance of August 2, 2019, and in general, before p.m the day prior to any scheduled public meeting, to maximize staff and commissioners’ opportunity to review such input Should the Policy Committee vote to advance the proposed Reduced Risk Pesticide List to the full Commission on the Environment on August 12, the Department anticipates that the Commission will agendize the proposed List for discussion and possible vote during the Commission’s regular meeting on September 24, 2019 All written public comment should be sent to Anthony Valdez, Commission Secretary, by email at anthony.e.valdez@sfgov.org or by mail to the San Francisco Department of the Environment, 1455 Market Street, Suite 1200, San Francisco, CA 94103 Thank you and we look forward to receiving your comments San Francisco Department of the Environment 1455 Market Street, Suite 1200, San Francisco, CA 94103 Telephone: (415) 355-3700 • Fax: (415) 554-6393 Email: environment@sfgov.org • SFEnvironment.org Printed on100% post-consumer recycled paper ATTACHMENT B Summary of pesticide exemptions # Product, EPA#, active Pesticide SF City Dept ingredient Type California Academy of Science California Academy of Science Phospho-Jet, #74578-3, Monoand dipotassium salts of Phosphorous fungicide Acid Tree Age G4, #74578-10, Ememectin benzoate insecticide mosquito Citywide/Variou Kontrol , #73748- control s departments 10, Mineral Oil other Contractor Pier 96 / Port Fast Trac Place Pacs, #1245597, Bromethalin rodenticide Location Pest San Francisco City properties, FY18-19 Justification/Applicants' Comments/Limitations Status of Exemption Use Hazard Category Tier 55 Music Concourse Dr Kentia Palms/ Date Palms located at the main pink rot, fusarium entrance One time effort to control pink rot and fusarium systemically Trunk injections being utilized for smaller product amounts and reduce the exposure to the public, APPROVEDno R.E.I needed Reduce the pest pressure to allow tree to regain vigor in a less Regular Exemption then ideal location Situation will need to be evaluated if not effective / Not currently listed Least hazardous (Tier III) 55 Music Concourse Dr Kentia Palms located at the main Scale entrance One time effort to control scale systemically Trunk injections being utilized for smaller product amounts and reduce the exposure to the public, no R.E.I needed Reduce the pest pressure to allow tree to regain vigor in a less then ideal location Situation will need to be evaluated if not effective / LIMITATIONS: APPROVEDOne-time only at this site Palms need to be replaced with more appropriate species if this problem occurs again, as the location is quite shaded Only for use Regular Exemption at the site noted Not currently listed More hazardous (Tier II) Catch BasinsVarious Locations in catch basins mosquito with adult mosquito activity pupae Catch basins throughout San Francisco are treated on a minimum of twice annual basis with larvicide to prevent the emergence of adult mosquitoes and reduce the risk of mosquito borne illness Catch basins that are found to be active with adult APPROVEDmosquitoes at the time of inspection or are otherwise reported by the SFDPH must be treated with a pupicide to control late stage larva and pupa that will not Regular Exemption be effected by the larvicide treatment / Not currently listed More hazardous (Tier II) Pier 96 in inaccessible areas Norway within pier 96 Rats warehouse Norway rats pose substantial public health risk from indoor air pollutants (urine, feces, dander), ectoparasites, zoonotic diseases and can potential create work place hazards by startling workers operating or working around heavy machinery / Please review the label for Fastrac Pellets Place pacs are pellets placed in a package This is beneficial so that the rodenticide does not get contaminated by dust However, given the food competition at the site and the limitation of treating burrows we may need the use of the pelleted version For indoor use only APPROVEDLIMITATIONS: Limited to this site only, as a last resort Department of Public Regular Health has reviewed this situation and categorized it as posing a significant Exemption health risk L* - Limited Use, Special Most Concern hazardous (most hazardous) (Tier I) Page 1 ATTACHMENT B Summary of pesticide exemptions # Product, EPA#, active Pesticide SF City Dept ingredient Type Port Of San Francisco Roundup Custom, #524343, glysophate herbicide Location Pest San Francisco City properties, FY18-19 Justification/Applicants' Comments/Limitations Status of Exemption Algerian sea lavender (Limonium ramosissimum; LIRA) is an invasive non-native plant largely relegated to the upper elevation tidal marsh that was first identified in San Francisco Bay in 2006 Two studies at Katharyn Boyer’s lab at San Francisco State University have documented LIRA’s ability to out-compete native plants in the upper intertidal zone, especially in disturbed and restored marsh areas They documented the rapid spread of the new invader over four years (113% increase, with LIRA found in an additional 45 locations) LIRA was identified by USFWS as one of four “Highest Priority” weed species in the South San Francisco Bay Weed Management Plan prepared for Don Edwards National Wildlife Refuge and is cited as an ideal opportunity for an “early detection/rapid response” treatment approach Impacts from LIRA invasion may include displacement of rare native plants, as well as taller native high marsh vegetation (such as Grindelia stricta and Frankenia salina) that provide refuge for the endangered Ridgway’s rail and salt marsh harvest mouse during high tide events The remaining large marshes of the Estuary lack a substantial high marsh component or terrestrial-estuarine transition zone These zones have been disproportionately impacted by development, yet they tend to have greater plant diversity providing a broad range of habitat values and ecosystem services Replacement of the native plants in these zones with short rosettes of LIRA is unlikely to provide comparable refugia from predators, especially at high tides when wildlife is most vulnerable and vertical structure is essential for cover / Heron's Head Park LIMITATIONS: As noted Reducing populations to help restore habitat as noted Intertidal areas manual weeding will then be used for maintenance We had extensive Limonium conversations with Port and ISP regarding alternatives and with the Biodiversity APPROVEDinfested with ramosissi Program If possible, set aside some small plots for trial with lower dilution of Regular Algerian Sea mum Exemption Lavender glyphosate Use Hazard Category Tier L* - Limited Use, Special Most Concern hazardous (most hazardous) (Tier I) Public Health Fastrak, #1245595, bromethalin rodenticide 88 5th St Building exterior, within the fenced areas and Rats the dock area Rodent trapping has proved ineffective Rats continue to migrate into this area from the surrounding plaza and neighborhood / Please inform Crane Pest Control if this application is approved or denied Thank you, LIMITATIONS: As noted - only for special situation at Mint Building APPROVEDRegular Exemption Public Utilities Commission (Water) Garlon Ultra, #62719-527, Triclopyr herbicide Summit Reservoir Poison fifteen feet from Oak trail Health and Safety of Public / These are spot treatments that will be applied with blue marking dye Trail heads and Forks that have any treatment within fifteen foot buffer will be barricaded with caution tape and signage LIMITATIONS: As listed APPROVEDRegular Exemption L* - Limited Use, Special Concern (most hazardous) L* - Limited Use, Special Concern (most hazardous) Oust, #432-1557, Sulfometuron, herbicide Metsulfuron PG&E easements and Rights of Ways IF approved annual PG&E to send weeds maps PG&E is under scrutiny to increase its vegetation management around power lines They are required to use a pre-emergent to ensure there is no growth around equipment that may fail an cause a fire They have requested to use this material for similar reasons to SFO need / PG&E feels it must this to meet regulatory and public pressure to all it can to prevent accidents that may cause fires LIMITATIONS: As per request Only around towers APPROVEDRegular Exemption L - Limited More Use (more hazardous hazardous) (Tier II) Public Utilities Commission (Water) Most hazardous (Tier I) Most hazardous (Tier I) Page 2 ATTACHMENT B Summary of pesticide exemptions # Product, EPA#, active Pesticide SF City Dept ingredient Type Public Utilities Commission (Water) Recreation & 10 Park Dept Recreation & 11 Park Dept Location Pest San Francisco City properties, FY18-19 Justification/Applicants' Comments/Limitations Status of Exemption Use Hazard Category Tier RoundUp, #524343, Glyphosate herbicide Peninsula Watershed Skyline and Crystal Springs Rd Peninsula Watershed's Tom Sawyer Trail See Black Acacia maps in email Some blackwood acacias grow within 15 feet from a public trail and/or close to an aquatic resource Limited applications of RoundUp Custom are recommended as part of an IPM approach to manage Black acacias / The Black acacia seed bank is very persistent and these plants readily re-sprout from root structures Some of APPROVEDthese can be removed by hand others sprouting from rootstock should be treated Regular Exemption to impact the root structure LIMITATIONS: As shown on exemption request L* - Limited Use, Special Most Concern hazardous (most hazardous) (Tier I) garlon ultra, #62719-527, triclopyr herbicide These parks have a diversity of native plants growing adjacent to trails including but not limited to: Grindelia hirsutula (gumplant), coast rock cress (Arabis blepharophylla), Pacific reed grass (Calamagrostis nutkaensis), stonecrop (Sedum spathulifolium), meadow white (Cerastium arvense), silver bush lupine (Lupinus albifrons), Mission bells (Fritilaria affinis), footsteps of spring (Sanicula arctopides), California buckwheat (Erigonium latifolium), soap plant (Chlorogalum pomeridianum), dichondra (Dichondra donelliana), varied lupine (Lupinus variicolor), California buttercup (Ranunculus californicus), checkerbloom (Sidalcea malvaeflora), campion flower (Silene scouleri) and coast red onion (Allium dichlamydeum) Many of these plants are considered sensitive species and some of them support important local wildlife, such as the lupine species that are host plants for the endangered Mission blue butterfly (Icaricia icariodes missionensis) SFRPD is obligated to manage the land at Twin Peaks for the Mission blue butterfly as part of the Recovery Plan with the U S Fish and Wildlife Service, including the management of oxalis In recent years, Garlon Ultra is being used to protect these sensitive areas from this invasive weed The Oxalis pes-caprae is a major threat to the existing biodiversity of wildlife within the native grasslands A defensive perimeter around these sensitive areas include sections of designated trails If left untreated these areas will greatly interfere with the progress already made in controlling this weed / The trail-side application is not continuous along the length of these trails The approximate lengths of trail proposed for treatment are: Twin Peaks: 850 linear feet of 6,939 linear feet of RPD Natural total designated trail or about 12% Bayview Hill: 850 of 5,498 linear feet of Resources areas designated trail or about 15% Mt Davidson: 600 of 12,589 linear feet of described below designated trail or about 5% Oxalis will be spot treated with the use of a Within fifteen feet backpack sprayer Most spots are individual plants or small clumps These spot of designated trails treatments will be applied with a blue marking dye The designated trail heads APPROVEDat: Twin Peaks, and forks that have any treatment within the fifteen foot buffer will also be Oxalis pes- barricaded with an orange cones and signage LIMITATIONS: As listed in Regular Mount Davidson Exemption and Bayview Hill caprae request L* - Limited Use, Special Most Concern hazardous (most hazardous) (Tier I) herbicide The existing moss population on the putting green surfaces has resulted in undesirable playing conditions It has also impeded on the growth of the desirable Bent grass Hand removal is not a practical or an effective solution The moss has persisted even though the growing conditions have been altered to discourage its growth The extensive moist weather conditions this summer have aided the proliferation of it's growth The ideal timing of this treatment is during APPROVEDthe turf grass peak growing season (Fall) / Application of this product will be limited to the putting green surfaces only LIMITATIONS: As shown on exemption Regular Exemption request Quicksilver, #279-3265, carfentrazoneethyl 899 Lake Merced Blvd Harding Park Silvery Thread & Fleming Golf Moss Courses Not currently listed Most hazardous (Tier I) Page 3 ATTACHMENT B Summary of pesticide exemptions # Product, EPA#, active Pesticide SF City Dept ingredient Type Location Pest San Francisco City properties, FY18-19 Justification/Applicants' Comments/Limitations Status of Exemption Use Hazard Category Tier Suspend Polyzone, #4321514, insecticide deltamethrin Carpenter Bees are damaging the structural integrity of several structures at Camp Mather The bees are burrowing into the support wood of the roof and walls Public safety is of concern if this infestation is not controlled in a timely 35250 Mather Rd manner These structures house city staff throughout the year as well as camp Exterior of cabins, patrons during the summer This insecticide is a necessary tool for managing this APPROVEDtargeting infested Carpenter infestation / Treatments will be limited to actively infested wood sites only These Regular Bee Exemption wood structures will not be occupied during application Not currently listed Most hazardous (Tier I) Recreation & 13 Park Dept Termidor, #7969insecticide 329, Fipronil Not currently listed Most hazardous (Tier I) Recreation & 14 Park Dept Tri-Fol, #CA2935-50152, Propanetricarbo xylic acid, calcium chloride adjuvant subterranean termites various weeds Golden Gate Park and GGP Section 1, 2, insects and Botanical (pH Gardens adjuster) The Conservatory of Flowers is a historic landmark that has been verified to have an active subterranean termite infestation This structure houses several rare tropical species of plants This makes preventative measures such as habitat modification difficult The interior climate must remain warm and moist to accommodate the plants ideal growing conditions, which is also the same conditions the termites thrive in The Conservatory and structural maintenance staff are doing what they can slow the spread of the infestation Staff perform inspections throughout the building for areas of infestation and damage Carpenters remove damaged wood and repair as needed They have reduced food sources (cellulose materials) –by removing scraps/mulch > 6” from foundation Reduced access by sealing gaps / entry points; reduce wood to ground contact Reduce excess moisture by eliminate any pooling water from roof or foundation and repaired any leaks Fresh coats of paint are maintained to keep the wood sealed Unfortunately, an insecticide will be needed to control the termite infestation and minimize further structural damage Altriset was considered as our first option, but it requires both the interior and exterior stem wall to be treated This poses a high risk of damage to the rare plant species located inside the structure during the application Termidor requires only the exterior to be treated The insecticide is applied 12 inches below surface eliminating possible surface run-off All flowering shrubs surrounding the outer wall of the building will be removed to protect pollinators / All flowering shrubs APPROVEDgrowing against the structure will be removed prior to the treatment to protect Regular pollinators LIMITATIONS: As listed This is an unusual situation involving an Exemption historic landmark This material is an acidifier and buffer agent to lower the pH of spray water The intended benefit from using this adjuvant is to lower application rates and reduce APPROVEDRegular overall pesticide use / This is a limited use trial to evaluated the products Exemption effectiveness It will be initially used with burndown herbicides Not currently listed More hazardous (Tier II) citywide Rodent Bait Stations Solentra is a non-anticoagulant bait with a lower risk of secondary poisoning to non-target animals than what is currently on the reduced-risk pesticide list It is a new formulation that may have better acceptance than Terad3 Blocks / LIMITATIONS: Only for use after intensive trapping, exclusion, and sanitation has failed to achieve sufficient control to offset significant public health risk This is a APPROVEDTrial Use trial exemption of an ingredient that is a safer alternative to anticoagulant baits Report back on effectiveness prior to next Reduced Risk Pesticide List process Exemption Not currently listed More hazardous (Tier II) Recreation & 12 Park Dept Solentra Rodent Citywide/Variou Bait, #7969-382, rodenticide 15 s departments Cholcalciferol 100 John F Kennedy Dr Conservatory of Flowers - Main Structure Rats and Mice Page 4 ATTACHMENT B Summary of pesticide exemptions # Product, EPA#, active Pesticide SF City Dept ingredient Type Contractor 16 Pier 96 General 17 Hospital General 18 Hospital Public Utilities Commission 19 (Water) Recreation & 20 Park Dept ContraPest, #91601-1, 4Vinylcyclohexen e diepoxide; rodenticide Triptolide Advance 360a, #499-496, Abamectin Location Pier 96 Inside recycling plant warehouse Advance Granules , #499370, Abamectin insecticide 1001 Potrero Ave indoors or in bait stations 1001 Potrero Ave voids and cracks and crevices where ants travel or inside bait stations Imox, #8192766, Ammonia of herbicide Imazamox Sheep Camp Creek BHR site Spot treatment Gully PoaCure SC, #NA, Methiozolin insecticide herbicide San Francisco City properties, FY18-19 Status of Exemption Use Hazard Category Tier Pest Justification/Applicants' Comments/Limitations Rats The sites operation creates ample conditions that are conducive to rodents Recycled material debris produces both food sources and harborage Water sources are available through the requirements of fire control practices, wetting the areas when welding is done in the processing area Machinery has very low clearance and is difficult to maintain free of build up Rats pose a risk to work staff who may be alarmed by their presence when working with heavy machinery, from the indoor air contamination the rats create, and the ectoparasites they may be harboring The regulatory inspectors are citing the plant for rat activity I not believe that we will be able to meet our management objectives of: - keeping rats from off the work platform - bringing the visible rat population to zero during day time operations - stop machinery damage from rats utilizing our current tools and tactics I am requesting this exemption to target breeding rats that we may no be otherwise catching, to reduce population rebound / According to a press release this product has been approved in CA It is worth a shot and my client is APPROVEDTrial Use eager to explore everything to achieve their management objectives Exemption LIMITATIONS: Only for designated pilot test sites AApproved Missing (least hazardous) data Ants Same as Advance 375a granules An alternative ant bait is needed when ants not take carbohydrate based liquid ant bait This bait is a dual sugar and ant bait and may be helpful for controlling ants that are nesting in walls or under concrete APPROVEDslabs This may also improve ant baiting strategies at the exterior of buildings by Trial Use Exemption providing two different food sources for ants to choose from / AApproved Most hazardous (least hazardous) (Tier I) We currently utilize liquid ant baits as our primary control Ants are many times looking for a protein versus carbohydrate food source and stop feeding on the APPROVEDliquid ant baits used A protein ant bait is needed to redirect trailing ants and Argentine control their numbers so that they not pose a nuisance and hazard to staff and Trial Use Ants Exemption patients at the hospital / AApproved Most hazardous (least hazardous) (Tier I) Harding grass 899 Lake Merced Blvd Harding Park Poa Golf Course annua putting greens This is a trial exemption for a product that is not on the CRLF injunction and is a possible replacement for glyphosate in some cases It is labeled for use in aquatic environments / This product is on the list of additions for the 2019 reduced risk APPROVEDlist for a potential replacement for glyphosate in some instances LIMITATIONS: Trial Use Exemption As listed - please report on results of this trial Not currently listed More hazardous (Tier II) Harding Park Golf Course putting greens are infested with Poa annua When compared to creeping bentgrass, Poa annua grass is much more susceptible to abiotic stress disorders(heat, drought, cold, foot traffic), nematodes, disease and produce an abundance of seed head that negatively impacts the putting surface quality Consequently, greater use of plant growth regulators (TRIMMIT), fungicides, nematicides and a seed head suppressor (PROXY) to maintained premium quality putting surfaces are generally required This product will be used on an experimental basis as part of the ongoing trials conducted by the University of California at Riverside Limited trials conducted thus far have shown to significantly reduce Poa annua infestations The experiment will provide valuable information about efficacy of application frequency, rates, and timing / The PoaCure SC experiment conducted by UCRiverside will be restricted to Harding APPROVEDTrial Use Park putting greens only LIMITATIONS: This is an experiment in conjunction Exemption with UC Riverside Use limited to designated plots Not currently listed Missing data (not registered) Page 5 ATTACHMENT B Summary of pesticide exemptions # Product, EPA#, active Pesticide SF City Dept ingredient Type Recreation & 21 Park Dept RejeX-it Migrate, #58035-9, Methyl repellent Antranilate Location 100 John F Kennedy Dr Conservatory Valley Hayes & Steiner Alamo Square Park - No Mow Fescue San Francisco City properties, FY18-19 Status of Exemption Use Hazard Category Tier Pest Justification/Applicants' Comments/Limitations ravens There is extensive damage to the annual flower beds caused by ravens They are pulling the foliage off and entire plants out of the soil The on site staff replant what is salvageable on a daily basis Unfortunately, the issue is becoming more wide spread with each passing day Migrate is a bird repellent product and is APPROVEDintended to discourage birds from entering the area / The use of physical barriers such as netting is not practical for this area LIMITATIONS: Please report Trial Use Exemption back on effectiveness Not currently listed White Clover White clover is rapidly infesting the newly planted no-mow fescue at Alamo Square The no-mow fescue has replaced a great part of previously mowed turf to ultimately reduce fertility and watering requirements Efforts have been made to prevent the further spread of this weed since the renovation Unfortunately, the white clover is smothering sections of no-mow and interfering with it's establishment This herbicide will be used in conjunction with cultural preventative measures to achieve a manageable threshold We intend a limited use of this material during the establishment period / This is the optimal time of year to apply this herbicide LIMITATIONS: This is an experiment for finding alternatives to glyphosate in no-mow fescue, and per our discussion is APPROVEDonly permitted at the Alamo Square site All herbicide restrictions must be followed We recommend educational posting so the public understands RPD is Trial Use Exemption conducting a trial at the location L - Limited More Use (more hazardous hazardous) (Tier II) Rats and Mice Solentra is a non-anticoagulant bait with a lower risk of secondary poisoning to DENIEDnon-target animals than what is currently on the reduced-risk pesticide list It is a Regular new formulation that may have better acceptance than Terad3 Blocks / Exemption AApproved (least hazardous) Recreation & 22 Park Dept Sapphire, #62719-547, Penoxsulam Contactor/ Cal 23 Academy Solentra Rodent Bait, #7969-382, rodenticide Cholcalciferol General 24 Hospital Maxforce Complete , #4321255, Hydramethylnon insecticide California Academy of Science Rodent Bait Stations 1001 Potrero Ave in bait stations and interior wall voids/cracks and crevices General 25 Hospital Solentra Rodent Bait, #7969-382, rodenticide Cholcalciferol 1001 Potrero Aven Rats and Rodent Bait Mice Stations Solentra is a non-anticoagulant bait with a lower risk of secondary poisoning to DENIEDnon-target animals than what is currently on the reduced-risk pesticide list It is a Regular new formulation that may have better acceptance than Terad3 Blocks / Exemption AApproved (least hazardous) Selontra Rodent Bait , #7969-382, rodenticide Cholcalciferol 100 Larkin Street Garage/ Utility chases/ Structural House Mice Voids House mice have entered the building from the basement/ground level and are within structural voids and utility chases where they cannot be readily trapped Mice pose a risk to indoor air quality and electrical and IT systems in the building DENIED/ Can this exemption be made to apply to all SFCC properties and for this Regular purpose? For treating interior chases/voids where trapping has proved Exemption insufficient AApproved (least hazardous) Roundup Custom, #99999, herbicide glysophate Heron's Head Park Intertidal areas infested with Algerian Sea Lavender Invasive sea lavender in the intertidal zone and the transition zone between High Tide Line and upland has displaced native species and reduced biodiversity and DENIEDecological value The intertidal and transition zone are dedicated habitat areas, Regular signed to indicate no public access Manual removal has proven unsuccessful Exemption due to the current abundance / AApproved (least hazardous) Library, San Francisco 26 Public Port Of San 27 Francisco herbicide Argentine ant seek different types of food during their reproductive cycles We currently have only one type of protein bait on the list, Advion Ant Bait Arena's Argentine Acceptance of this bait varies and the size of the station limits where it can be ants applied / Limonium ramosissimum (LIRA) DENIEDRegular Exemption Least hazardous (Tier III) AApproved Most hazardous (least hazardous) (Tier I) Page 6 ATTACHMENT B Summary of pesticide exemptions # Product, EPA#, active Pesticide SF City Dept ingredient Type Contactor/ 28 UCSF Solentra Rodent Bait, #7969-382, rodenticide Cholcalciferol Location UCSF Parnassus Campus Rodent Bait Stations San Francisco City properties, FY18-19 Status of Exemption Pest Justification/Applicants' Comments/Limitations Rats and Mice Solentra is a non-anticoagulant bait with a lower risk of secondary poisoning to non-target animals than what is currently on the reduced-risk pesticide list It is a EXEMPTION new formulation that may have better acceptance than Terad3 Blocks / This is NOT not CCSF property and therefore not subject to exemption requests, although REQUIRED they are voluntarily following our program Use Hazard Category Tier AApproved (least hazardous) Page 7