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Solution for ineffective leadership in cubes asia

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Tiêu đề Solution for Ineffective Leadership in Cubes Asia
Tác giả Tran Le Hoang Yen
Người hướng dẫn Dr. Phan Thi Minh Thu
Trường học University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City
Chuyên ngành Master of Business Administration
Thể loại Master's Thesis
Năm xuất bản 2018
Thành phố Ho Chi Minh City
Định dạng
Số trang 120
Dung lượng 3,87 MB

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  • 3.2.2 Time line and cost estimation 63

  • Solution S1.2: Implement dedicated communication skill training programs 63

  • Solution S2: Implement strategic planning 66

  • Solution S3: Apply performance management and control framework ...68

  • Chapter 4. Supporting information 72

  • 4.1 Appendix 1: Samples of customer complaints 72

  • 4.2 Appendix 2: Company documents 78

  • 4.3 Appendix 3: Interview transcriptions 87

  • 4.4 Interview guide of interview ground 1 112

  • References 114

  • Diagram 3 - Final cause-effect map 49

  • Diagram 4 – Proposed solutions for Cubes Asia’s central problem 60

  • Diagram 5 – Solution set 1 components 61

  • Diagram 6 – Solution set 2 components 61

  • Chart 3 - Total sales by channel 2017 8

  • Chart 4 - Total sales by channel quarter 1, 2018 8

  • Chart 5 - Total sales by channel quarter 2, 2018 9


    • Table 1 - Annual employee turnover 2014 - 2018 10

    • Table 2 – Comparison of high and low performing managers 34

    • Table 3 – Top five characteristics contribute to leadership inefficacy 39

    • Table 4 – Top five indicators to evaluate leader effectiveness 40


    • Figure 1 - Dimensions and categories of negative leadership and its consequences 42

    • Figure 2 - Dimensions and categories of leadership and its antecedents 45

    • Figure 3 – Stages of strategic planning process 54

    • Figure 4 – Performance management and control framework 56

    • Executive summary

  • 1.1 Cubes Asia history and organizational structure

  • 1.2 Cubes Asia customer and proportion of sales by channels

    • Chart 5 - Total sales by channel quarter 2, 2018

  • Chapter 2. Problem identification

  • 2.1 General symptoms

    • Several in depth interviews were taken place to have ideas about what the company is facing and need to be improved. The information is collected from both current employees and former employees who are:

    • 2.1.1 The first symptoms: High employee turnover

    • 2.1.2 The second symptom: Increasing employee complaints

    • 2.1.3 The third symptom: Increasing customer complaints

  • 2.2 Problem mess

  • 2.3 Potential problems

    • 2.3.1 The first potential problem: Poor employee training

    • 2.3.2 The second potential problem: Ineffective leadership from managers

    • 2.3.3 Central problem

  • 2.4 Problem justification

    • 2.4.1 Problem definition

    • 2.4.2 Problem existence

    • 2.4.3 Problem importance

  • 2.5 Cause validation

    • 2.5.1 Potential causes

    • 2.5.2 Verify causes of central problem

  • 3.1 Solutions

    • 3.1.1 Proposed solutions

    • 3.1.2 Validated solutions

    • 3.1.3 Alternative solution sets

  • 3.2 Action plan

    • 3.2.1 Objectives

      • Interview transcript 1

      • Duong:

        • (*) The soft file – Mr.Duong’s suggestion

      • Interview transcript 2.1, 2.2

        • Transcript 2.1

        • Transcript 2.2

      • Interview transcript 3

      • Trang:

      • Trang:

      • Interview transcript 4

      • Interview transcript 5

      • Interview transcript 6

      • Interview transcript 7

      • Interview transcript 8

  • 4.4 Interview guide of interview ground 1

    • Purpose of the interview. Information security.

    • 5. What is your opinion on Cubes Asia’s working environment? Why is it good or not good? Which points do you think it’s good and which one needed to be improved? How about _ (prompt) in your company? Prompt: Productivity, respect, inclusiveness, friendliness.

    • 7. What do your supervisors/managers do to help you in your job? How do they affect your job performance? Prompt: Teach, coach, develop subordinates?. How they impact the organization’s goals, objectives and strategies to obtain the mission of company? The way they inspire subordinates, communicate and share the organization’s goals, objectives and strategies? How is it? Clear or not. And what do you feel?

    • 10. Which methods do your company use to assess employee performance? How often do your supervisors/managers give feedbacks to you? Do you have timely and open feedbacks from your managers? What is the methods to give feedbacks: one way or two ways or 360 degree? Can you describe your favorable methods to assess employee performance and give feedback?

    • 4. Lowe SC. A systematic analysis of the impact, causes, and potential solutions for employee turnover in a manufacturing organization. 2004.

    • 13. Scott WD. Personnel management: Principles, practices, and point of view. 1954.

    • 16. Sullivan J. Why your training program is dead - and what to do about it. Nation's Restaurant News. 2017 Jun 22.

    • 2013;5(4):137-47.

    • 20. Femi AF. The Impact of Communication on Workers’ Performance in Selected organizations in Lagos State, Nigeria.

    • 21. Shipper F, Pearson DA, Singer D. A study and comparative analysis of effective and ineffective leadership skills of physician and non-physician health care administrators. Health Services Management Research. 1998 May;11(2):124-35.

    • 23. Smith LL. The Performance Appraisal Process: Best Approaches to Support Organizational Justice for Employees: University of Maryland University College; 2017.

    • 33. Smith DA. The organizational context of legal control. Criminology. 1984 Feb;22(1):19-38.

    • 35. Aboyassin NA, Abood N. The effect of ineffective leadership on individual and organizational performance in Jordanian institutions. Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal. 2013 Jan 18;23(1):68-84.

    • 38. How to reduce the misuse of power in a workplace. [Available from: https://smallbusiness.chron.com/reduce-misuse- power-workplace-43541.html

    • 40. Goldhaber, G. and Rogers, D., Auditing Organizational Communication Systems, Kendall-Hunt, TX, 1979.

    • 43. KadingWP. how to resolve the problem of the lack of human resources. [Available from:http://kading.hr/2015/10/17/how-to-resolve-the-problem-of-the-lack-of-human-resources/

    • 46. Wang C, Walker E, Redmond J. Explaining the lack of strategic planning in SMEs: The importance of owner motivation. 2007

    • 51. Bisbe J, Otley D. The effects of the interactive use of management control systems on product innovation. Accounting, organizations and society. 2004 Nov 1;29(8):709-37.

Nội dung


CubesA s i a w a s e s t a b l i s h e d i n 2 0 1 3 w h o s p e c i a l i z e s i n d i s t r i b u t i n g t h e t o p w e l l - k n o w n EuropeancoffeemachinesandgrinderssuchasMelitta,NuovaSimonelli,VictoriaA r d u i n o , A n i m o , C u n i l l , S c ha e r e r , L e l i t e tc B e s i d e s , t h e c o m p a n y a ls o p r o v i d e s o t h e r r e l a t e d productssuchascoffee,blenders,juicers,watersystems,milkfrothers,etc.tomakea coffee competencethatmeetsallcustomerdemand.Thecompanyisthepioneerinthef i e l d oftradi ngprofessionalcoffeemachinesinVietnam.Itsmissionistoprovideexcellentp r o d u c t s toenhancethe quality ofliving,andweprideourselvesincustomersatisfactiona n d faith.

CubesAsia established its head office in Ho Chi Minh City in 2013 and has since opened three showrooms in Ho Chi Minh (2016), Da Nang (2017), and Hanoi (2017), with plans to expand to potential markets like Nha Trang and Phu Quoc Despite being a small company with over 40 employees, the head office oversees all company decisions and hosts training courses, official events, and monthly meetings Competing with other coffee machine distributors such as Perfetto, Epicure, and Charles Wembley, CubesAsia is recognized as a leader in Vietnam's coffee machine distribution due to its pioneering approach and high-quality products The company has a national presence through a distribution system involving dealers, agents, and various sales channels, including roasters like ShinCoffee and LaViet, modern trade outlets, e-commerce platforms like Tiki and Lazada, and private agents.

AtCubesAsia,mostofdecisionismadebytopmanagerswhoarefounder,businessd e v e l o p m e n t managerandcompanydevelopmentmanager.Infact,thefounder(boss)isalwayst he persontomake final decisions whicharemanagerial,operational andbusinessa n d othermanagersarethosewhoimplementandexecutetheboss’decision.Innearfuture,the companyexpectstohavecompleteorganizationalchartindicatedasbelow:

CubesAsiacustomerandproportionof salesbychannels

Cubes Asia caters to both B2B and B2C customers, including resellers, agents, corporations, hotels, resorts, restaurants, coffee chains, coffee shops, households, and individuals The company serves a diverse clientele across Vietnam, featuring prominent coffee chains and establishments such as The Coffee House, Trung Nguyen, Twitter Bean Coffee, Laha Coffee, Aha Coffee, Heritage Line, Khanhcasa, Caudatfarm, Hella, Piza4P, Golden Gate, Novotel, and SolBeach, among others.

Ingeneral,B2BcustomersaccountfortheoverwhelmingproportionofB2Ccusto mers.Thedataofsalesbychannelfrom2016–

2018isdescribedbelowshowingthatB 2 B customers(Dealers,Roasters,Chains,HoReCaetc.)placeextre melyimportantroleinth ecompanyturnoverthanB2Ccustomers (Coporate,retails, sh owrooms, individuals) Therearedifferencesinthenameandthewayindividingchanne lsbecausethedemandso f splittingormergingsubchannelsbythetime.

Dealers Ho.Re.Ca ChainStores

Corp Roaster E-com/Mo.Tra.

Co.Clients Retail Own SR



ThereisaclearandimpressivesymptomthatCubesAsiaisdealingwithsignificantlyh i g h employ eeturnoverrate.Itisalwaysat muchhigherlevelcomparedwiththeindustry( ab o u t 11.9%intradingindustry(2))orevenotherclos etcompetitors(15–20%),

(acquiref r o m availablerelationshipsincompetitor’scompany).Belowtableshowsthee mployeeturnoverfromestablishmentuntilnow:

Whyisemployeeturnoverimportant?“It’snotwhoyouhirethatcounts,it’swhoyouk e e p ” (3).E mployeecontributesinsuccessofabusinessbecausetheycreatelong- termcompetitivea d v a n t a g e E m p l o y e e t u r n o v e r c o s t c a n r a n g e fromm o n i t o r i n g , e v a l u a t i n g f a c t o r s thatimpactit,managingitsprobablecostsintermofhumanandcapitalres ources.F u r t h e r m o r e , h i g h e m p l o y e e turnovermayl e a d to negativeeffect onorganization’sinformationandknowledge,recruitmentandtrainingcostsandperformanc eofremainingemployees(4).Ifweputlossesofhighturnoverinbroadcategories,itcanbeme ntionedf o l l o w i n g (5),whichare:

Basedo n t h e l i t e r a t u r e , t h e r e s e a r c h e r t o o k interviewofH u o n g Nguyen,H u m a n R e so u r c e Executive,whichshowsmanynegativeinfluencestothecompanydueto highturnoverratewhicharesummarizedasbelow:

 Highc o s t o f timet o r e c r u i t a n d t r a i n n e w employees:H R t e a m s p e n d o v e r 4 0 h o u r s / m o n t h , supervisorsspendnearly25hours/monthand15hours/monthforco-workers.

 Highcostofmanagement orhandlingtheformer’sdocuments andnewemplo yeedocuments,forexampleinsuranceissue,thatmaycosttravellingexpenses,time,printingc o s t , et

 Highseparationcosts:costofincreaseofunemploymenttax,costofadministrationf u n ct io n , costofterminatingtheemployee,costofexitinterview,estimatednearly2millionV N D perem ployee

 Negativeimpacttocurrentemployees:allemployeesatthebaselevelexpressedthattheyfeltu nstableenvironment andshortageofmotivationwhenmoreandmorepeoplestartedto leavethecompany.

Thesecondsymptom:Increasingemployee complaints

EmployeesinCubesAsiaaremostlikelyunsatisfiedwiththejobtheyaredoing,notonlyduet o t h e i r r e s p o n s i b i l i t y i t se l f , b u t a l s o d u e tob o a r d o f d i r e c t o r s a n d e m p l o y e e r e l a t i o n s h i p Employeesatisfactionisessentialtothecompany(6)thatitcontribut estop r o d u ct i v i t y o f theemployeesthatrelatesdirectlyt o employee’sperformance,o r g a n i z a t i o n a l commitmentofemployeesand“cohesivenessofworkersforsustainabilityo f ach ievingtheorganization’sgoals”.Thecompanywithlowemployee’ssatisfactionmaylo s e i t s c o m p et i t i v e ad v a n t a g e s –the talent employeeswholeavethecompany,and resultinfurthercrisisbesidestheeconomicdisorder.Furthermore,provedthatemployees a t i s f a c t i o n meaningfullyrelatestobusinessoutcomes(7).

M a r k e t i n g E x e c u t i v e a t C u b e s A s i a mentionedt h a t s o m e p e o p l e w e r e w a i t i n g forfavorableopportunitiestoleavethecompanyandtheydidn’tintendtostaywitht h e companyforlong- term

SalesAdminexpressedthatshelacksmotivationforwork,sometimesshejustwantedtostayat home,didn’twanttogoforwork

 Ms.Sam,Ms.VyandMr.Duong-

FormerHeadofCentralRetailOfficeagreedthattheydidn’tseethatpeoplecandevelopth emselveswiththecompany,orseetheirfutureandcompanyfutureaswellwhenworkingatthec ompany.Peopledidn’tunderstandwhattheyaredoingforandwhytheyhavetodoso,nodirection,nost rategy

 InMs.Sam,Mr.DuyandMs.Nhiopinions,peopleinthecompanyweretiredtodoonejobformoreon ce,theywererequiredtore-dothejobastheboss’srequirementandideas


Manyresearchess h o w t h a t customers a t i s f a c t i o n p o s i t i v e l y influences c o m p a n y ’ s p r o f i t a b i l i t y Moreover,thereisapositivecorrelationamongcustomersatisfaction,loya ltya n d r e t e n t i o n , w h e r e a s , c u s t o m e r d i s s a t i s f a c t i o n i s mainr e a s o n o f d i s c o n t i n u i n g repurchasing fromcustomers (8, 9 ) Ifthe cus to mer s are dissatis fiedwitha company’s pr od ucto r s e r v i c e , theyp o s s i b l y d e c i d e t o d i s c o n t i n u e p u r c h a s i n g p r o d u c t o r s e r v i c e , complaintothirdpartyortothecompanyandco mmunicatenegativelyworthofmouth(10).

PeoplereportedthatcustomersatCubesAsiaarenottakengoodcareofitscustomers.T h e companyr eceivesalotofcomplaints(appendix1)andthereisarecordthatcustomersw h o l e f t c o m p a n y a r e s i g n i f i c a n t Accordingt o M s T r a n g , M s L o i a n d

M s N h i , thecustomerc o m p l a i n t s a r e c o n s i d e r e d a s s e r i o u s i s s u e s t h a t t h e c o m p a n y n e e d s topayattention.Theyassumedthatthecustomersareunhappyw iththeservice andthisissueimpactsonthelong- termsustainabledevelopmentofthecompany.Thedepartmentsknowcustomers’r e a c t i o n ares a l e s , a d m i n , t e c h n i c a l a n d a c c o u n t i n g d e p a r t m e n t Customercomplaintsaree valuatedtoincreasemoreandmorebothwholesaleandretailcustomer:

 Mr.DuongandMs.Loiagreedthatcustomersca ll inthecompany,theydon’ttalkd i r e c t l y withsalespersonsortechnicianorcustomerserviceexecutive.Therearetoomanyp h o n e num bertocontact,3hotlinesfor3showrooms,2hotlinesfor2officesalesperson,1h o t l i n e fortechnical,1h otlineforsalesadmin,1hotlineforBaristatrainer,4landlinesforheadofficeand3showrooms.C ustomersdon’tknowwhichphonenumbertheyshouldc o n t a c t sotheyusuallycallinthehe adoffice,thentheHRexecutiveanswerthephonecalla n d notetheirproblemstotransferrelateddepart mentafterthat

 Threeinterviewees,Ms.Nhi,Ms.LoiandMs.Tranghave thesameopinionthatsomecustomerscancelledcontractsduetonottimelydeliveryandpoorcustomer service

4 daysf o r t h e i r p r o b l e m resolvedaftercontinuouscalls,“Thisisverypopularevenc ustomersinHochiminhstillhavetowaitseveraldaysasaroutine.Inothercompetitors’company,theirt echnicianshavetodoovertimeandontheweekend.Ifcustomersneedtofixthemachine,theyalmost immediatelyarebeing theirplace.

 Mostofcustomerscomplainedpoorserviceinsteadofproducts.Somekeycustomers(dealers)c omplainedunclearinformationortheyarenotinformedessentialinformationfr o m sal espersons(appendix1)


Beingawarewhatishappeningtothecompany,authorfirmly takestheemploy eeturnoverrate,employeecomplaints,customercomplaintsinconsiderationandwanttofindo u t thepot entialproblemsCubesAsiaisfacingwith.

The initial cause-effect map was developed through extensive research involving employees at Cubes Asia This study utilized primary data collected via in-depth interviews with eight current and former employees who had worked at the company for at least six months The focus on both current and former employees is crucial, as they possess valuable insights into the company's operations and management systems, as well as the reasons behind employee turnover.

’ s essentialtoknowtheopinionsofformeremployees.Inaddition,thisresearchmostlyl o o k s foremployeeswhoworkatHoChiMinhcitybecauseover70percentofemployeesw o r k atHoCh iMinhandit’seasiertoreachthem(thereareoneemployeewhousedtowo rk f o r C u b es A s i a inDa n a n g c i t y ) T h e i n - d e p t i n t e r v i e w sa r e d o n e byfacet o f a c e interviews(6interviews)andtelephoneinterview s(2interviews).

Thein- depthinterviewwassemistructureanddividedinto2maintopics:thefactorst h a t satisfyanddissa tisfytheemployeesandwhatthecustomerscomplainedaboutandwhy.Forthein- depthinterviewwiththetopicofemployeesatisfaction,itfocusesonmaina s p e c t s : Needsofemplo yees,workenvironment,responsibilities,supervision,fairnessandequity,e f f o r t , employeed e v e l o p m e n t , f e e d b a c k s F o r t h e t o p i c o f customerc o m p l a i n t , a u t h o r f o c u s e s o n c u s t o m e r e x p e r i e n c e w h o a r e m o s t l y d e a l e r s , B 2 B c u s t o m e r s u n d e r viewpointo fCubesAsiaemployees.

- Unsystematicp r i c i n g f r o m d e a l e r s : D e a l e r s ( w h o l e s a l e c u s t o m e r s ) a r e a p p l y i n g dif fer ent pricesofthesameproductstoattractretailcustomers. Therefore,thecompanyr e c e i v e d complaintsfrombothretailcustomersandemployees.Firstly,th eretailcustomerscomplainedthatCubesAsiaalwayssaiditwastheexclusivedistributorofNuo vaSimonelli,M e l i t t a b u t i t s o f f e r p r i c e s w e r e h i g h e r t h a n o t h e r c o m p a n i e s ( w h o l e s a l e s customersofCubesAsia).Secondly,salespersonssaidthatdueto thedifferenceprices,theymeetd i f f i c u l t i e s t o c o m p e t e w i t h t h e d e a l e r s i n s e l l i n g p r o d u c t s I f C u b e s A s i a salespersonsl o w e r t h e p r i c e s too b t a i n c u s t o m e r s , t h e d e a l e r s w i l l c o m p l a i n , b u t ifsalespersonsdon’tlowerthepricestoobtaincustomers,theycannotsellinthecase thecustomersr e s e a r c h p r i c e s a n d h a v e manyq u o t a t i o n s f r o m d i f f e r e n t c o m p a n i e s F u r t h e r m o r e , ifthewholesellercontinueloweringthepricestoco mpeteeachotherlikethis,theywilldistortthemarket,Mr.Duongsaid.

- Dealersdisclosedifferentdiscountschemetoeachother:Dealerstalkwitheachotheraboutthedi scountpercentagetheyreceivefromCubesAsia.Forexample,PhuongBinhG r o u p (dealer) sharediscountinformationwithTheMarriedBean(dealer)thattheyreceiveh i g h e r d i s c o u n t f r o m

C u b e s A s i a T h i s r e s u l t s in The Married Bean complainedwhytheyr e c ei v e lessbenefitthanotherdealerwhile theyhave workedwithCubesAssiaforalongt i m e , Ms.Loimentioned.Withthis case,itpossiblydemotivate dealerswho receive lowermarginperproducts.Moreover,it’satrickythatsomedealerstheywanttomonopolizethemarke tbykickingothercompetitorsoutlikePhuongBinhGroup.

The company faces significant customer service challenges due to the absence of a centralized hotline switchboard Customers are often confused by the numerous hotlines and landlines available, leading them to directly contact the head office or the HR department for assistance This process is inefficient, as customers struggle to reach technicians directly, lacking the necessary contact information Consequently, they are left waiting for callbacks, and during peak times, technicians frequently forget to return calls, resulting in customer dissatisfaction.

- Latemachinei n s t a l l a t i o n a n d r e p a i r : c u s t o m e r s h a v e t o w a i t f o r l o n g timeto g e t machineinstalledandrepair.Thetechniciansusuallyletcustomerswaitfor2- 3daysorl o n g e r a l t h o u g h t h e c u s t o m e r s w i s h m a c h i n e s f i x e d a s s o o n a s p o s s i b l e f o r c o n t i n u i n g sellingcoffeefor theirguests,asMs.Trangsharedintheinterview.Thissituationismoreseriousforcustomerswho arelocatedatoutsideofHCM,forexample,thereisacustomerinDalathadtowait5-

The company's staff often fail to fulfill their promises, primarily those made by technicians and salespersons who interact directly with customers Technicians sometimes assure customers that they will visit to check machines but do not follow through Additionally, when customers seek telephone guidance for cleaning and descaling machines, technicians often cite being too busy as an excuse Salespersons also promise timely delivery of machines, such as within two weeks, but frequently the arrival is delayed While some delays may be attributed to unforeseen issues from manufacturers or shipping, others stem from the salespersons' lack of accountability.

- Salespersonsd o n ’ t wells e r v e c u s t o m e r s : Somesalespersonsdon’ti n f o r m n e w p r o d u c t s andpromotiontodealer s,asMs.Loi,Ms.Samsaidintheinterview.Forexample,t h e c a s e o f P h u o n g B i n h –

B i g g e s t d e a l e r i n H o c h i m i n h , s a l e s m a n t a k i n g c a r e t h i s wholesale customerdidn’tinformthemaboutnewsupperautomaticmachineandpromotionford ealer.Besides,thecompanyhaspolicytogivecongratulationflowersong r a n d openingda yofcustomerswhoarecoffeeshopsbutthesomesalespersonsdon’tofferthisgiftstotheircustomers,Ms. Loiassumed.

Technical service often lacks weekend and overtime support for customers, unlike competitors who ensure their technicians are always available for prompt assistance Ms Trang highlighted that while competitors' technicians are responsive, Cubes Asia's technicians typically do not provide support during peak hours, such as weekends, when coffee shop customers urgently need machine repairs As Ms Loi mentioned in an interview, when customers experience machine issues, salespersons reach out to technicians, but they often decline to assist, citing busyness Consequently, customers do not receive immediate support, forcing salespersons to seek help from external technicians based on their personal connections, as noted by Ms Nhi.

- Techniciansarenotfriendlywithcustomers:technicalserviceisimportantparto fcustomerserviceinand after selling.Technicians areevaluatedwhoarenot friendlywithcustomersandreceivenotgoodfeedbacks,Ms.TrangandMs.Nhihadsameopinion.There w e r e t h e c a s e s t h a t t h e customersa s k e d f o r c h a n g i n g a n o t h e r t e c h n i c i a n f o r n e x t t i m e service.Thecustomerssaidthattheydidn’twantnastytechniciantoinstallorrepairthe machineattheirplace.

- Policyforspecialoffer fordealersforholiday:thereisnospecialofferfordealeronh o l i d a y likeothercompaniessothee mployeesalsoreceivefeedbackfromcustomerswhytheydon’treceivespecialofferforspeci aleventsorwhydon’tsupportthemwiththeire v e n t s

Conflicts arise between wholesale and retail sales due to differing discount percentages offered to each group Retail customers often receive promotions that wholesale customers feel undermine their profits, as they must also offer competitive pricing To address this issue, the company has attempted to provide additional discounts to dealers during retail promotions However, this solution has proven ineffective, as the time frame for these extra discounts is too brief and the margins too low, leaving dealers dissatisfied.

CubesAsiadealw i t h thesamecustomerswhoaretakencarebydealers,thesalespersonhastogiveupthes e customersfordealers,asMs.Nhimentioned.Salespersonsarenotallowedtocompetewithd e a l e r s b ecausethecompanywantstoestablishthegoodrelationshipwithdealers.

- Nopolicyfordealersinpricingproducts:thereisnopolicytorequireconsistentandtranspare ntpricingofdealers(wholesalecustomers).Therefore,theyputdifferentpriceso n theirwebsite ortheydealwiththeircustomersatdifferentpricesthanoriginalonetocompeteothercompa nies.

- Unstablepolicyfordealers:thepolicyfordealers havechanged quicklysosale spersonsexpressedthattheycouldn’tcatchupwithallnewpolicies,Ms.Tienshared.T h e emp loyeesinthecompanycouldn’tadaptquicklynewpolicy,sodothecustomers.T h e custo mersareconfusedwithdifferentpolicy,someothercustomersdidn’tagreewithn e w policysothey complainedbacktothecompany.Forexample,thenewpolicyofextradiscountismentionedbefore.

- Inconsistentp o l i c i e s f o r a l l d e a l e r s : d i f f e r e n t d e a l e r s a r e a p p l i e d w i t h d i f f e r e n t di scoun tframewhichdependsonthepurchasehistoryandagreementbetweensal espersonsa n d dealers.Thesalespersonsmostlikelytoofferaslessdiscountaspossiblebe causeita f f e c t s theircommission,asMr.Duongasserted.Forexample,theycanoffer30%discountf o r thesamepositioncustomers,suchascustomerAandcustomerB.However,ifcustomerB a g r e e w i t h

2 8 % d i s c o u n t , t h e s a l e s p e r s o n s w i l l applyt hi s r a t h e r t h a n t h e m a x i m u m d i s c o u n t theycan.Ittakesalotofworkingefforttomanagealldealerswithinconsistentpo l i cy b e ca u s e i t i s n o t onlyo n p a p e r w o r k b u t a l s o t h e t e c h n i c a l s e r v i c e f o r d e a l e r s ’ cu stomersandpaymentterm.

- Unclearstrategycommunication:Employeesdon’tknowmuchaboutstrategyofthecompan y,eventheydon’thearanythingaboutcompanyvision,goal,thisistheopinionofMs.Sam,Ms.Vyand Mr.Duy.Therefore,theydon’tknowwhytheyshoulddothejobandw h a t t h e companygetfromtheircontribution Furthermore,MsSam saidthatduetolacko fdirectingstrategy,employeesdon’tseetheycandevelopthemselvesan dwhotheyareinthefuture

- Uncleardirectionfromtheboss:Whenemployeesareassignedatask,theyusuallyd o n ’ t receivethedirectionfromtheboss,forexample,whathewantsthemtodo.Becauseo f uncleardir ection,theemployeesoftendoonetasksseveraltimesifit’snotsuitablewithwhatthebossactuallywant. Moreover,thebosschangeshismindtoomanytimessopeoplei s stresstofollowhisideawithoutmuchargu ment,asMr.Duy,Ms.Sam,Ms.Vytoldintheinterviews.

- Thecustomerallocation isunevenamongsalesteam:Mostofcustomersarebeeninc h a r g e bya l e a d e r w h o w o r k s a s s a l e s manager,a s p r o d u c t managera n d a s t e c h n i c a l departmenthead.Thissituation happenafterformersalespersonsleftthecompany,theyh a n d e d overthejobsandtheirc ustomerstothesalesmanagerforlaterallocationtonewsalesstaff.However,thismanagerdidn

’tre- allocatethecustomersofformersalespersons,h e tookoverallthesecustomersandthenewsalesp ersonshavetofindnewcustomersincompetitivemarket(Mr.Duong,transcript).Thisac tionresultsin2mainconsequences.F i r s t , thenewsalespersonslosemotivationbecause theyfeelunfairtreatment.Customersa r e dividedbychannelwhichmeanseachsalespersonhastota kecareandreport1channelandtheyhavetheresponsibilitytotheirchannel.However,theydon’t receivethebenefito f o l d customersi n t h e i r c h a n n e l S e c o n d , b e c a u s e o n e p e r s o n takesc a r e t o o manycustomers,h e c a n n o t s u p p o r t t h e m w e l l a n d r e s u l t i n p o o r c u s t o m e r relationshipa s Ms.TrangandMs.Loiexpressedthroughtheintervi ew.

- Imbalancehumanresourceindifferentchannels:Customersaredividedbychannels,no tbyr e g i o n s , w h i c h i n c l u d e C o f f e e C h a i n s , D e a l e r s , H o R e C a , O f f i c e s , C o n v e n i e n t Store,M o d e r n T r a d e , H o t e l C h a i n s , E c o m m e r c e , e t c w h i l e D e a l e r s c o u n t s f o r h i g h e s t turnoverandModernTrade/

Ecommercecountforlowestturnover,eachchannelistakenc a r e byoneperson(Ms.Loi,tra nscript).Itcausesthedifferentsalesintheendofeverymonthandtoodifferentcommissions alespersonsreceiveintheendofmonthbecausetherei s pe r s o n w h o c a n s e l l a l o t , o n t h e o t h e r h a n d , t h e r e i s a l s o a p e r s o n w h o c a n n o t s e l l anything.Atruestoryfromthesalesperson whoisinchargeofHotelChannel thatCubesA s i a recruitedpeoplehandlingthischannelbuttherewere2people“comein andcome out”duetopoorsalesresult.Somepeopledon’tneedtodomucheffort,theystillmeetthea s s i g n e d t argetontheirpotentialandlucrativechannel,otherpeoplearestrugglingwiththeirdiffi cultchanneltogetsales.

- Ms.TrangandMs.Nhithoughtthatthesalesmanagerdon’tcomplymachinedeliverypolicy:th ecompanyhaspolicythatrequirescustomersbuyingbigmachinetodepositatl e a s t 50%b eforedeliveringbuthedeliveredmachinestohiskeycustomersevennoanyd e p o s i t inadvan ce.Forothersalespersons,theycannotdothat.Theproblemisthemanagera s k e d warehouseteamdeliver tocustomerswithoutinformingsalesadminandaccountants(usually,a c c o u n t a n t s d o n ’ t l e t w a r e h o u s e t e a m d e l i v e r m a c h i n e s t o c u s t o m e r s i f t h e c o m panyh a v e n ’ t r e c e i v e d d e p o s i t , M s T r a n g a s s e r t e d ).T h e c o n s e q u e n c e c a n b e veryseriou sthatfirstly,thecompanycannotcollectthemoneyfromcustomersbecausemachined e l i v e r s w i t h o u t c o n f i r m e d d e l i v e r y n o t e bys a l e s a d m i n a n d s e c o n d l y , i t c a u s e s t h e d e v i a t i o n ofthedataintheaccountingbookandtherealstocksatthewarehouse.O thersalespersonsfeelunfair,chagrinedandlosetheirmotivation,theyseethesalesmanage rd oesn’tdeservetobeamanager,Ms.Nhiassumed

Salespersonsdon’tcomplydiscountschemeforcustomers:sales pe rso ns applydifferen td i s c o u n t s withdifferentcustomers,especially,sometimestheyofferadiscountwhi chiso u t o f t h e sales d is c o u n t schemeo f t h e com pa ny bymakings p ec i a l r eq uest s a n d h a v e managerssignin.However,duetotoomanydifferentdiscountsfordifferentcusto mers,it’shardtomanagelateronandeverythinggoesunsystematic.

- ThereisKPIsfordepartmentsexceptsalesdepartment:Salesdepartmenthassale starg et t o e v a l u a t e t h e e f f e c t i v e n e s s b u t o t h e r d e p a r t m e n t s d o n ’ t haveK P I s t o e v a l u a t e F u r t h e r mo r e, thecompanydoesn’thavebonusandpenaltypolicyift h e staffdowrongsomethings,Ms.Vy,Ms.Samsharedthroughtheinterviews.Hence,th eemployeesloset h e i r motivationbecauseoflackofrecognition.

- Notransparentperformancemeasurement:DuetolackofKPIs,thecompanydoesn’th a v e tra nsparentperformancemeasurement.Attheendoftheyear,employeesreceivea formtoevaluatethemselvesbuttheydon’tbelieveit’svaluabletotheboss.Theydon’t k n o w whichmeasuringmethodthebossbasesontojudgethemandwhytheyreceivethatamount o fbonusdifferentfromothers’,Ms.SamandMs.Vyhadsameidea.Allthingstheyk n o w i s t h e b o s s h a v e a meetingw i t h M r P h o n g – A s t h e s a l e s manager/t h e p r o d u c t manager/ thetechnicaldepartmenthead–toevaluateeachpersoninthecompany.

- Thebosstooconcentrateondetails:Ms.SamandMr.Duyassumedthebosstoopayattenti ontothedetailsratherthanthewholesituationthatmakesemployeesstressedandp r o l o n g thetimetofinishjob.Theemployeesthoughthattheyshouldhavethepowertod e c i d e bythe mselvesandberesponsibleforthesedetails.

- Employeeshavehighpositionwithoutessentialpower:Before,specialrequest sofsalespersonswassignedbytheboss.However,thesalesmanagerusedtowriteanemailtoa s k theb osstherighttoapprovetheseallspecialrequestandotherrelatedproblemswitht h e r e a s o n t h a t h e w a s t h e s a l e s manager.Currently,s a l e s p r o m o t i o n s h a v e a l s o b e e n approved bythebosswithverylittleparticipationofthesalesmanager.However,duetos a l e s promoti onofwhichpurposeistopushsales,thesalesmanagershouldbethemostimportantpersonto involveinthiscase.

- Non- listedr e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s : S o m e t a s ks a r e n o t l i s t e d i n t o j o b d e s c r i p t i o n i n l a b o r c o n t r a c t buttheemployeeshavetodoiftheywanttosmooththeirwork,thisopinionss howedi n t h e t a l k s ofMs.Sam,M s V y andMr.Duy.F o r e x a m p l e , w h e n M r D u y – Marketingexecutive– wasrecruited,theHRdepartmentandonthelaborcontractaddresst h a t Mr.Duyisinchargeofcont entmarketing.However,whenheofficialworksforthecompany,h e h a s t o t a k e o v e r t h e w e b s i t e m a n a g e m e n t , f a n p a g e m a n a g e m e n t , v i d e o pr od uction as well.

- Mix- upresponsibilitiesamongpeople:Somejobsarefinishedbypeoplewhoarenotresponsibleforthem,Ms.Vysaid.Forexample,allsalespersonsneedtoinformcustomerso f promotionbutsomeofthemd idn’tsothebossaskedmarketingdepartmentisinchargeo f informingcustomeraboutthisinformation,Ms.SamandMs.Loisharedintheinterviews.

Anothere x a m p l e , P O S a n d C R M s y s t e m a r e r e s p o n s i b l e bys a l e s admint e a m b u t f o r l o y a l t y programandupdatingsomeinformation,thebossaskedMarketingteamdobecauseh e don’t believesalesadminteamwilldowell.

- Ms.Sam,M r D u y , M s N h i a s s e r t e d t h a t e m p l o y e e s a d d r e s s e d t h a t t h e c o m p a n y d o e s n ’ t haveclearworkflowanddetailprocesssotheresponsibil itiesofeachpersonaren o t exactlysamewithwhatislistedintheirjobdescription.

- Thereisduplicatetaskswhicharedonebydifferentdepartmentssuchasorganizingp a r t y ( M a r k e t i n g a n d HumanR e s o u r e D e p a r t m e n t ) , p r o d u c t c o m p a r i s o n ( P r o d u c t d e v e l o p m e n t manager, Marketingdepartment),POS(SalesadminandMarketing),p r o m o t i o n s informingcustomers(SalesandMarketingdepartment)etc.Thisleadstoonep e r s o n pushresponsibilitiestootherperson,finally,noonedothejob.Furthermore,thereso urceofthecompanywillwastealotiftoomanyduplicatetasksareamongdepartments. Whenaskedfurtherinformation,theintervieweesaddressedmoreconsiderablepointsthatleadstoabove issues,whicharedemonstratedasbelow:

- Therea r e only2 t e c h n i c a l s t a f f i n H C M C – t h e b i g g e s t marketo f t h e c o m p a n y ( ex c l u d e thetechnicaldepartmenthead).Thetechnicianspla ceverycrucialroleincustomerservicepartbecausetheyarenotonlytheonestoinstallthemachinebu talsocheckthemachineevery1monthforeachcustomerintheirvalidwarrantyperiod.Therefore,peop lec o n s i d e r e d that2techniciansforthebigmarketisabsolutelynotenoughandneedtorecruitmorefor bettercustomerservice,throughMs.TrangandMs.Loi’stalks.

- Thetechniciansalsohavetotravelinotherprovinces,suchasPhuQuoc,DaLat,BinhD u o n g , CanTh oetc.ifsalespersonssellproductstocustomerslivingthere.Theproblemisthecoffeemachine isabigequipmentanditrequirestosetupwithparticularelectricp o w e r , particularwater systemintothemachines.Withverytechnicalproductslikethat,t h e customerscannotdobyt hemselvestheinstallationorrepairthemachines.Certainly,travellingtakesalotoftime.

The customer service department is essential for addressing all customer concerns swiftly and effectively, acting as a vital link between technicians, sales personnel, and customers to ensure transparent communication They are dedicated to resolving customer complaints and tracking technicians' schedules to prevent missed meetings Additionally, the department assesses customer satisfaction regarding products and the service attitudes of technicians and sales staff, ultimately enhancing overall customer satisfaction with the company's service quality.

- Inthepast,nooneornodepartmentcontrollednumberofcall- incustomers,numbero f customersr e s o l v e d , n u m b e r o f c u s t o m e r ’ s s i t e s t e c h n i c i a n s n e e d t o g o , numbero f f i n i s h e d i n s t a l l a t i o n s orp e n d i n g e t c Wheni n t e r v i e w e d , M r D u o n g a l s o e x p r e s s e d t h e co n c er n thatthecompanydidn’thavethedepart menttotakeresponsibilityforthatpart.

- AsMs.Trangshared,thecompanyhastakenthisissueintoconsiderationandtriedtoe mp l o y s omeonemanagingjobsrelatingtocustomerservices.However,therewere3turnst h a t peoplecameinthenc ameoutbecausetheyarenotwelltrained,didn’treceivesufficientsupportfromsalesandtechnicaldepartme ntandthecompanydidn’testablishdocumentso r proceduresforthisdepartment.

- Salespersonsatthebeginninghavepoorunderstandingofproductsandmarkets,don’tknow clearlyhowtousemachines,differenttypesofmachinesanddifferentbrandsonthemarketfromother competitors,asMr.Duongaddressed.Moreover,Ms.Nhirevealedthattheydon’tknowtheproc essestoworkwithtechnicians,adminoraccountantssosometimestheymixupandtakelongertimetofinishthe job.

- Salespersonsarepoorproblem solvingskillswhen dealingwithcustomers:A s B2Bs al e s admin,Ms.Trangexpressedthatsalespersonsdon’treactwellinansweringcustomer’scomplaints o r r e q u i r e m e n t s w h e n m a c h i n e s g o w r o n g s o s o m e t i m e s c u s t o m e r s a s k t h e c o m p an y tochangetheconsultants.Thisissuedirectlyimpactsoncustomersatisfaction b e c a u s e salespersonsaretheoneswhoworkwithcustomersfirstly.

- Weekendtechnicalsupport:thecompanyshouldapplytechnicalsupportforweekenda n d eveningl ikeothercompetitors,thisiswhatMs.Loi,Ms.NhiandMs.Trangmentioned,b e c a u s e thattimeist hepeaktimeofacommoncoffeeshop,theprobabilityofmachineb r o k e n i s veryh i g h T h e b r o k e n m a c h i n e w i l l a f f e c t verym u c h c u s t o m e r ’ s b u s i n e s s b ecause t heydon’thavealternativesandalsocannotrepairmachinebythemselves.

Technicians in HCM are deterred from traveling for work or taking on overtime due to insufficient compensation, which primarily consists of extra annual leave This lack of attractive benefits makes them reluctant to engage with customers located far from the city or to work on weekends, as noted by Ms Trang.

- Ms.SamandMs.Vyassumedthatitislackofappropriaterewardandpunishmentforp o l i c i e s a p p l i e d t o e m p l o y e e s F o r e x a m p l e , t h e r e i s n o p o l i c y f o r t e c h n i c i a n s w h o answer/cometocustomer’ssitequicklyorlate.Theyd on’thaveanybenefitwhentheydow e ll oranypenaltywhentheydon’tfulfilltheirresponsibility.

Fordealer policies are problematic due to the absence of specific holiday offers and the conflicting discount schemes between wholesale and retail sales There is no established policy requiring consistent and transparent pricing for dealers, leading to varying prices on their websites and different pricing strategies with customers This lack of stability and consistency in dealer policies undermines fair competition among companies.

Interviews reveal that communication between managers and employees is inadequate, particularly regarding policy generation and strategic direction Mr Duy, Ms Trang, and Ms Sam note that most policies are created by managers without consulting or researching employee input, leading to inappropriate decisions Sales representatives Mr Duong and Ms Tien believe that dealer policies are unsuitable and result in unforeseen consequences For instance, varying discount schemes for different dealers create confusion and future management issues, and there are no regulations for dealers to establish retail prices when reselling products.

Ms Tien and Ms Nhi, current and former sales representatives at Cubes Asia, have identified that inappropriate dealer policies create challenges in product sales Despite their extensive market knowledge, they have not been consulted on new policy issues Additionally, frequent changes to dealer policies hinder both dealers and salespersons from keeping up, as noted by Ms Tien Furthermore, Ms Trang and Ms Nhi highlighted that the technical policies are unreasonable, particularly since technicians do not provide weekend support like their competitors However, the sales team is hesitant to voice their concerns and difficulties to management.

- Whenbeingaskedwhetheremployeesactivelyvoicedouttheiropinionornot,somes a i d “Y es”andotherssaid “No”.Thisissuealsoindicatedthecommunicationbetween m anagersa n d e m p l o y e e s a r e n o t g o o d a n d e f f e c t i v e i n o r d e r t o c r e a t e r e a s o n a b l e a n d inappropriatetechnicalanddealerpolicies.

The sales manager prioritizes his customers by providing exceptional support, including access to technical staff during weekends and evenings This unique approach ensures that his clients receive better treatment than those of other salespersons Technicians are instructed to prioritize the manager's customers, often rescheduling other requests to address their needs first This commitment to customer service was highlighted by Ms Trang and Ms Nhi, who noted that when a technical request came in from another salesperson, it was postponed in favor of the manager's clients, illustrating the high level of support and attention they receive.

- Machinepre- order,machinearrivalinformation:theinformationofmachinearrivalw a s n ’ t s h a r e d t o a l l e m p l o y e e s , M s T r a n g t o l d A sc e r t a i n , s a l e s p e r s o n s a r e t h o s e w h o extremelyneedtobeawareofthisinformationtoconsultcustomersandbuilduptheirownsellingplan. Besides,salesadminalsoshouldbeinformedofthisinformationbecausetheya r e t h e p e r s o n s d e a l i n g w i t h c u s t o m e r s o n contracts,deliverydaye t c

The product development manager, who also serves as the sales manager and head of the technical department, has crucial information regarding machine availability but has failed to communicate this to the sales team Additionally, the purchasing department does not officially inform staff about machine buying and arrival schedules This lack of communication may stem from the manager's busy schedule or fear of competition among salespeople, leading to a situation where he has booked 32 out of 36 large coffee machines for himself, leaving only four available for the remaining 11 salespersons Furthermore, while some salespersons attempt to reserve machines through the warehouse team, these reservations are often not officially documented, resulting in blame directed at them when machines arrive without being held There is no evidence that the product manager or sales manager officially booked the machines with the warehouse team prior to this incident.

- Thebosschangeshismindsoquicklyandfrequently,Ms.Sam,Mr.Duy,Ms.Nhihavesameopinion s,forexample,thewaytobreakdownchannelschangemanytimesandtheallocationofsalescha nnelaswell.ThereisinterestingproblemthatalthoughsalesAisinc h a r g e ofchannelA,allshehastod oisreportingforthatchannel,takingcareofcurrent/ oldcustomerinthatchannelbutshedoesn’treceivecommissionsfromthatchannel– mostofcustomersarebelongtosalesmanager,Ms.Nhiaddressed.

- The boss sometimes assigns tasks or potentialcustomersdirectlytoperson he wants( n o t bysalesinchargechannel).Thisalsodiscouragesalespersonswhoisinchargeofthatch a n n e l becausetheyfeelit’sunfair.Or,thisdistressthosewhohavetodothatjobswhichtheyarenotres ponsiblefor.Inotherwords,theyhavetocoverthetasksofotherpersonsa n d havetotakerespons ibilitiesforthat,Ms.Samsaid.

- Theb o s s i n v o l v e s t o o muchi n d e t a i l j o b c o n t e n t b u t h e doesn’te m p h a s i s onco m mu n i c at i o n o f t h e strategy,t h e w h o l e p i c t u r e , a s M s S a m , M r D u o n g m e n t i o n e d Usually,theargumentsofemployeesarenotacceptedandallpeop lehavetofollowhim,M r D u y said.

- Peoplesaidthatthebossmakeemotionaldecisionsof theperformanceevaluationasMs.Sam,Ms.Vyassumed.Thebonusofendofyearismainlydependedonhi sfeelingabouta person,thereisunclearcriteriatoevaluateemployee’sperformance.

Delegation involves evaluating employees' strengths and weaknesses, allocating resources effectively, assessing performance, fostering teamwork, and assigning tasks to the right individuals During her initial interview, Ms Vy noted that the boss exhibits bias in his appreciation of employees, treating them differently based on personal feelings This bias affects customer allocation for salespersons, bonuses, and job assignments, which stems from a lack of trust Employees self-evaluate using a company form, but the boss conducts a reassessment through meetings with the sales manager, technical department, or product manager to make final decisions Consequently, employees often find the results of performance measurements unclear and confusing.

- Lookinga n o t h e r a s p e c t , t h eb o s s d o e s n ’ t t r u s t e m p l o y e e s s o t h a t makes h i m s e t inappropriateempowerment.Thatmean,employeeshavehighpositionwithoutess entialp o w e r , asmentionedabove.Besides,therearesometasksthatthebossassigne du n r e a s o n a b l y asMs.Samdescribed,forexample,shesometimeshadtohandleadminstaff’stasksandH R’stasks.

- Besides,asdescriptionabove,theworkflowandprocessare unclear.Althoughthereis documentslistingthejobdescriptionsforemployees,therearefewdoc umentsd e m o n s t r a t i n g theworkflowandprocess.Therefore,sometasksareduplicateda ndsomeo t h e r tasksarenothandled.



InObisi’sopinion(12),trainingistheprocessofenhancingand increasinge mployee’ss k i l l s , c o m p e t e n c e s a n d k n o w l e d g e T h e n c e ,t h e t r a i n i n g m akee m p l o y e e p e r f o r m moreeffectivelyandproductively(13).Theyaddressthatit’se asierforthenewemployeestod o w e l l j o b s a n d b e c o m e l e a d e r s i f t h e y r e c e i v e e f f e c t i v e a n d s u f f i c i e n t traininganddevelopment.

The“training”and“development”areusually consideredasanintegrationofwhichco mp o s i t i o n conceptualizationisanyactivitiesgrowingskills, behaviors,knowledge.Theyincludebothformalandinformaltrainingaswellasshadowing,coachin gandmentoring(14).

Therei s a c l o s e r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n t h e e m p l o y e e s p e r c e i v e d e f f e c t i v e n e s s o f trainingandjobsatisfaction,motivationandcommitmentwhichaffectd irectlythecompany’sperformancesuchassalesturnover,productivityandabsence(15).Beside s,iti s provedthattheeffectivenessoftrainingprogramscandecreasetheemployeeturnove r(16).Formal t r a i n i n g p r o g r a m d i r e c t l y i m p a r t s o n e m p l o y e e p r o d u c t i v i t y Employeetraininginfluencesonjobsatisfactionandfromthen,onintention tostaywiththecompany. Asaresult,Ms.Trangagreethatthecompanyhadmisseditsnewemployeesinthep o s i ti o n ofcustomerserviceexecutiveduetopooremployeetraining.

Thetermofreactionmentionshowemployeesfeelaboutthetrainingprogramwhichisabouttrai ner,scheduleandtopic.Inotherwords,it’saboutthesatisfactionofemployees.T h e r e aretworeasonst hatmanagerswouldliketoknowparticipants’reaction:toensurep e o p l e interestedinlearn ingandmotivatedandtomakeappropriatetrainingdecisionsifthereisanyneedtochangetrain ingprogram.

Themeasurementoflearningfocusonthedifferenceofskills,knowledgeandattitudeo f participantsb eforeandaftertraining.Dependingonthepurposeofthetrainingprogram,thecoursecanconcentrateonon lyoneofaboveaspectsorallaspects.

Thef i n a l r e s u l t s r e l a t e t o a l o t o f i m p o r t a n t keyp e r f o r m a n c e i n d i c a t o r s o f t h e companysuchassales,productivity,profit, turnover,quality.Themanagersshouldknoww h e t h e r thetrainingturntheseaspectsintopositive resultsornot.

Ms Nhi from the sales department expressed that her training was too general and did not adequately cover procedures for collaborating with related departments, which hindered her ability to resolve customer complaints effectively Initially, she struggled to mediate between customers and technicians regarding maintenance fees while the customer's contract was still valid, leading to dissatisfaction and a lost customer, Kofi Kai, who vowed not to purchase from the company again Additionally, Ms Nhi missed a crucial deal because she failed to pre-book a machine with the correct person, resulting in her inability to deliver the machine to a customer who had already made a deposit two months prior This lack of essential knowledge and skills negatively impacted her productivity and sales performance She recommended that the company implement regular training for sales personnel, especially as new products are frequently introduced.

Ms Samin from the marketing department expressed her struggles with inadequate training when she started at Cubes Asia, highlighting the lack of a dedicated person for orientation and skills training She felt that the absence of development opportunities hindered her growth, leading her to consider leaving the company Additionally, she noted that ambitious employees are likely to depart unless they have personal plans to stay She also shared a concerning story about the technical department head, who failed to effectively train a new customer service executive, resulting in the departure of two new hires.

Salesadmin expressed concerns about the lack of development opportunities at CubesAsia, noting that the company only provides training once without further investment in enhancing employee skills and knowledge This has led her to feel uncommitted to the company long-term, although personal reasons keep her employed there Similarly, Ms Sam and Ms Vy highlighted the absence of effective training programs, which contributes to high employee turnover, as many perceive a lack of development opportunities.

Mr Duong expressed concerns about the lack of reasonable support for the new employee in Da Nang, Mr Huy, who has been forced to learn marketing and selling skills independently He criticized the sales manager for failing to provide appropriate coaching and mentorship to Mr Huy, which has resulted in Huy not meeting his sales targets during his first four months at the company Mr Duong believes that the issue lies not in Mr Huy's abilities—he considers Huy to be active and skilled—but rather in the inadequate support related to customer relationships and market intelligence.


Effective leadership is closely linked to positive traits such as integrity, ethics, communication, and employee care Barriers to effective leadership are often tied to a company's structure, culture, and policies rather than its finances Managers play a crucial role in directing and instructing employees on their tasks; however, poor leadership can hinder internal communication When managers fail to clearly articulate job expectations or inspire their teams, it leads to confusion and decreased performance Additionally, an inappropriate leadership style can further exacerbate communication issues and negatively impact employee performance.

Inotherresearch,thereisarelationshipbetweenleaderskillsandleaderperformance.A s S h i p p e r ,Pearson,Singer(21),“ effectivemanagersh a v e s i g n i f i c a n t l y d i f f e r e n t leaderships killprofilesthanineffectivemanagers”.Aswecanseethroughbelowresultsf r o m theresearch, 10of18leadershipscaleswereconsiderablydifferentbetweeneffectivea n d ineffectiveperformingmana gers.

In the context of Cubes Asia, ineffective organizational policies are closely linked to poor leadership Ms Trang emphasizes that a leader who neglects their employees cannot implement effective caring policies, such as benefits for technicians working overtime or on weekends Additionally, leadership ineffectiveness is highlighted by the misuse of power; for instance, the sales manager improperly pressured the warehouse team to deliver machines without the required deposit, contradicting company policy Furthermore, inadequate communication between managers and employees indicates low leadership performance, impacting various essential aspects of the organization.

Oneinterestingthings,Ms.SamandMr.Duyinsistedthemanagersseemtocanno tdeterminevision,strategyordirectionandshowittotheiremployees.And,thatbelongstot h e s k i l l s o f v i s i o n i n g , e s t a b l i s h i n g s t r a t e g i c a n d o p e r a t i o n a l o b j e c t i v e s w h i c h a h i g h performingmanagersmusthave.

The integrity of evidence used to assess employees and assign jobs is crucial, as highlighted by Ms Sam and Ms Vy, who noted that the boss's leadership abilities are perceived as ineffective Employees feel that the boss fails to communicate directions and strategies clearly In contrast, other leaders, such as the product manager, sales manager, and technical department head, have been reported by employees like Mr Duong, Ms Trang, and Ms Nhi to exhibit inappropriate work ethics The combination of organizational fairness and performance appraisal is vital; Ms Vy mentioned that employees at Cubes find the assessment process unclear for both daily tasks and annual evaluations The boss seems to favor individuals based on appearance and tends to trust those who frequently communicate with him, as noted by Ms Sam Additionally, favoritism within the sales team affects performance, as the sales manager does not adequately support others in training and information sharing, which directly impacts sales personnel Consequently, the boss's performance appraisals are often based solely on sales figures, neglecting other critical factors.


Effective leadership significantly influences both customers and employees Without strong management, a company struggles to establish effective policies, a clear vision, and suitable strategies Poorly performing managers directly impact employee tasks and responsibilities, leading to decreased employee commitment and increased turnover intentions The effectiveness of leaders is closely tied to company performance metrics, such as customer numbers and employee turnover rates Additionally, as noted by Ms Loi, the lax policies regarding machine sales and customer transactions have resulted in high and overdue accounts receivable, highlighting a critical area for improvement within the company.

 Author,asmarketingpositionatCubesAsia,isresponsibleforinternalandexternalcomm unicationandmostlikelytobeaconnectorbetweenmanagersandotherdepartments.T h e r e is a differe ntbe tw een Cu bes Asia and o t h e r common c o m p a n i e s thatMarketingdepartmentta kescareofemployeeconcernsandreportstomanagers,closelyworkwithH R department (Ms.Huong).Therefore,Marketingunderstandemployeesituationsandc a n colle cttheiropinionofficiallybyresearchesinordertopersuademanagerstomakethingschan ged.

 Theproblemisfeasible tosolve.However,itsomehowrequiresa managerswhoareo pen- m in ded t o t a k e a c t i o n s A t C u b e s A s i a , t h e m a n a g e r s u s u a l l y e x p r e s s e d t o f i x occurringproblemsbuttheydon’tknowwheretostart.Forexample,thecompanyalr eadyt r i e d t o employpeopleforcustomerservicedepartment,thebossoften asksemployeestos h o w theiropinionsbuthedoesn’treceivemanycomments,themanagerstr iedtoupdatef r e q u e n t l y jobdescriptionsofallemployeesbutalldepartmentshaven’tcooperatewell duetounclearworkflowanddetailprocessetc.



” L eaderi s o n e o r moret h a n o n e p e r s o n whoser e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s a r e s e l e c t i n g , training,preparing,affectingoneormorethanonefollowerandwhopossessesvarietyofincent ives,skills,abilitiesanddirects,inspiressubordinatestospendtheirspirit,emotiona n d physi calen e r g y toimplement,obtainorganization’s m i s s i o n a n d goals r ead il y andenthusi astically.

 Leadershipdoesn’tworkalone,“itisagroupandsocialphenomenon”,itcanbenoleaders andfollowers

AccordingtoBarker(25),“leadershipisabouttwothings- processesandbehaviors”.T h e p r o c e s s e s inl e a d e r s h i p a r e d e f i n e d a s s o c i a l p r o c e s s i n w h i c h “individualsando r g a n i z a t i o n membersauthorizethemselvesandoth erstointeractinwaysthatexperimentwith newformsofintellectualandemotionalmeaning”(26).Thi sresearchisconsideredasaremedyforthosestudyonleadershipbasedonleader’straits.Ingeneral,wecanc oncludesomekeypointstosetupadefinitionofleadershipasaprocess:

 Thirdly,“leadershipisaprocessofenergy,notstructure”.Therefore,itisessentialtoc l a r i f y l eadershipwithmanagement.In

Barkeropinion(25),themanagersseemtoobsesss t a b i l i t y butleadershipinvolveschanges Thence,t hes ho rt de f i n i t i o n of l e a d e r s h i p can be asse rt ed as “ap r o ce s s of t r a n sf or mat iv e changewheretheethicsofindividualsareintegratedintothemoresof acommunityasameansofevolutionarysocialdevelopment”(25)

Therearedifferentapproachesintoleadershipeffectiveness.Theleadertraittheorya d d r e s s e d e f f e c t i v e n e s s o f l e a d e r s h i p t h r o u g h numbero f abilitieso r c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f leaders(26).Theseabilitiesorcharacteristicscanbepersuasiveness,g o o d memory ,superiorintelligence,etc.However,thetraittheoryfailstolinkthecharacteristicsofleaderw i t h o r g a n i z a t i o n a l p e r f o r m a n c e s u n t i l b e h a v i o r t h e o r y w h i c h a s s e r t s l e a d e r s h i p ef f e ct i v en e s s byleaderbehaviors.

(27).Lately,theleadershipeffectivenessareexplainedbyl e a d e r s i t u t i o n a l theoryw h i c h c o n s i d e r s l e a d e r s h i p e f f e c t i v e n e s s i n t h e i n t e r a c t i o n s betweendifferentbeha vioralelementsinaspecificleadershipprocess(28).


TheindepthinterviewswithCubesAsia’semployeeshasdonetojustifytheproblemexistence whichisineffectiveleadershipfrommanagers.Theunstructuredindepthinterviewshadoccurre dwithsixcurrentemployeesandthreeformeremployeeswhoarep e r s o n s fromHR,Marketin g,Sales,Accountant,Admin.Theparticipantsarechosenbasedo n thelivingplaceinHochiminhthat’ sconvenienttoresearch,bothcurrentandformeremployeesf o r o b j e c t i v e r e s u l t s , p e o p l e w o r k i n g o n d i f f e r e n t d e p a r t m e n t s d u e t o s m a l l c o m p a n y structureandthe yearpeoplehave/ hadworkedforCubesAsiathatisrequiredo v e r 6monthstounderstandthecompany’ssituati on.Thenumberofrespondentsissevendue tosaturation pointthatmeansuntil theseventhperson,therewas nonew informationt o findout.

It’sn o t easyt o e v a l u a t e t h e l e a d e r s h i p e f f e c t i v e n e s s d u e t o d i f f i c u l t p r o c e s s inm e t h o d o l o g y andconceptualization(29,30).Inevaluatingefficac y,leadershipstyleandi n f l u e n c e isdescribedasorganizationaloutcomesincluding theuseofforce(31),misconductatworkingplace(32),optionalcoercivedecisions(33,31),follower personnel,abnormalfindingsprofusely(31).Ingeneral,whenassessingtheleadershipeffi cacy,wen e e d toconsidertheorganizationalperformance,outcomesandconduct.

ToapplyabovetheoriesintoCubesAsiacases,authoradaptsJosephresearch(34) a n d l o o k s on thecharacterizationsofdimensionsofleadershipsuchastraits andhabits ofb o th ineffectiveleaders,metricstoevaluateleadershipeffectiveness.AsJosephresearch,t h e rankingoftraitsandhabitsthatisusedtoassessoneleaderineffectiveisshownbelowtable:

Furthermore,t h e l e a d e r s h i p e f f e c t i v e n e s s i s a l s o d e m o n s t r a t e d t h r o u g h keyo rg an izat io nal goalsbyJosephresearchandtheyarerankedbyinterviewees:

Ineffective communication among managers in Cubes A stems from a failure to clearly convey the company's vision, strategies, and direction to employees, as highlighted by Ms Sam and Ms Trang Additionally, managers often overlook employee needs, such as personal development and improved customer service policies A critical skill that managers lack is the ability to delegate effectively, which includes accepting feedback, allocating resources, assessing employee strengths and weaknesses, and evaluating performance Interviews with Ms Trang, Ms Vy, and Mr Duong reveal a lack of trust in employees, inadequate assessment of their capabilities, and inappropriate assignment of responsibilities Furthermore, a reluctance to embrace change is evident, as managers, like Mr Duy, often disregard feedback and insist on their own opinions regardless of input from others.

Foreffectivenessleadership,adapting fromthedimensionsoftheory fromJ o s e p h research,managersinCubesAsiaexposetofailbelowkeyindicators:

 Growthanddevelopmentofsubordinates: subordinatesarealmostlearningbydoingbasedontheiravailableskillsandcompetence.Th ecompanynearlydoesn’thaveop po rtun ities andchanceforemployeestodevelopthemselves andtheydon’tseetheycang e t higherlevelwhenworkingatCubesAsialateron,followedbyMs SamandMs.Vy’sopinions.Inlongterm,thecompanycannotretaintheiremployeesifmanag ersdon’tfindw a y toofferemployeeschanceforgrowthanddevelopmentthatmakesthemsatisfied.

 Subordinatesh a v e p o s i t i v e morale:T h r o u g h i n t e r v i e w s w i t h Ms.Vy,M r D u o n g , Ms.Sam,subordinates havenegativemorale suchasdemotivation, de pressed, insubordinate,etc.Even“somedays,Ievendon’twanttogoforwork”,Ms.Vysaid.

 Subordinatesachievedesiredgoals:Theemployeescannotdeterminetheirgoalsduetounclear vision,strategies,directionfrommanagers,“Wedon’tknowwhatwedoforandwhywehavetodoso” –Ms.Sam.Theintervieweeaddressedthatsometasksareveryimportantbuttheyare underratedandsometasksarejustsmalltasks andunimportantbuttheyareoverratedbytheboss.

 Productivityofunit:theinappropriatepolicies,unclearworkflowanddetailprocess,u n c l e a r r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s leadingtoduplicatetasks, poorcommunication, poortrainingetc. somehowr e s u l t i n l o w p r o d u c t i v i t i e s f o r w h o l e c o m p a n y A n d , i t i s c e r t a i n t h a t t h e i n e f f e c t i v e leadershipispartofrootset.

There have been several complaints from subordinates regarding their managers' competencies and decision-making For instance, Mr Duong criticized Ms Dung, the general manager, for lacking the necessary skills to effectively manage her team Additionally, Mr Duong, Ms Trang, and Ms Nhi expressed concerns about Mr Phong, the business development manager, claiming he treats employees unfairly and does not adhere to business regulations, leading to bias and unmet responsibilities Furthermore, Ms Sam and Ms Vy noted that their boss often makes emotional decisions when evaluating employee performance.


Ineffective leadership, often referred to as negative or poor leadership, significantly impacts both individual and organizational performance Research indicates a strong correlation between ineffective leadership and adverse outcomes, including negative feelings and attitudes among followers According to Jan Schilling, such leadership results in destructive behaviors stemming from dissatisfaction with leader performance, conflicts between leaders and subordinates, and a detrimental work environment These factors contribute to decreased morale, diminished team spirit, and overall negative organizational results.

Besides,JanSchillingalsoassumesthatineffectiveleadershippossiblyresu ltsind e v a s t a t i n g organizationalresultsonorganizationalandcompanylevelsuchaslowoverallperf ormanceof“amountofsales,profitability,marketshare,andcompanymarketvalue”,“ c o m p e t i t i v e gap,slowandlateresponsetomarketchanges,ethicalscandalsandethicalv i o l a t i o n s ”

To address the significance of the problem, semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with five current employees and three former employees from various departments including marketing, sales, R&D, purchasing, HR, accounting, technical, and warehousing Participants were selected based on their convenient location in Ho Chi Minh City, ensuring both current and former employees provided objective insights This diverse selection was crucial given the small company structure and the requirement for participants to have worked at Cubes Asia for over six months to better assess leadership effectiveness A total of eight respondents were interviewed until reaching a saturation point, indicating no new information was being uncovered The interview content aimed to verify the impacts of the identified problems at Cubes Asia, revealing the strong influence of ineffective leadership across different aspects of the organization.

Employees expressed negative feelings and attitudes towards their managers, particularly Ms Vy, Ms Trang, and Ms Sam, citing feelings of depression, unfair treatment, and lack of recognition These inappropriate managerial actions have led to a decline in morale, as employees believe their efforts go unacknowledged regardless of their job performance Ms Vy highlighted that unfair treatment can demotivate staff and create skepticism about how managers assess employee performance The results of these assessments are crucial for employees, as they directly affect salary and bonuses When employees feel they do not receive their deserved compensation, it diminishes their dedication and can lead to negative behavior.

 Lowoverallcompany performance:M s N h i sharedthattheproductivities o femployeesareassumedtobelowerbecauseunclearresponsibilities,unclearworkflowandd e t a i l p r o c e d u r e M o r e o v e r , t h e e m p l o y e e s areimpactedfromi n e f f e c t i v e l e a d e r s h i p n e g a t i v e l y t h a t theyaredissatisfiedandwanttoleavethecompany.Employeesdon’tseetheycand e v e l o p w h e n wo rk in g a t th e companyforl on g t e r m an dt h e m a na g e r s do n’ t co m m u n i c a t e clearstrategyanddirection.Therefore,thecompanyhardlyretainspeopleinlongternanditleadstohig hemployeeturnover,asMs.Samassumed.

 Slowa n d l a t e r e s p o n s e t o marketc h a n g e s : t h e r e i s p o o r c o m m u n i c a t i o n b e t w e e n employeesandmanagerswhichresultsininappropriatepolicies.Whenthemarketrai sest h e demandof new r e la t i v e products suchasice maker,roasting machineo r p r i c e war a m o n g dealers, themanagersdon’tknowordon’thave reasonableactionstofightwithit,a s Mr.Duongaddressed.

Ms Tien observed that while employees believe Cubes Asia's products are competitive, the company's customer service falls short compared to rivals Key issues include the technical team's lack of weekend support, slow response times to customer inquiries, and inadequate assistance for customers located in distant provinces Additionally, Ms Loi highlighted that the company lacks promotional policies to support dealers during holidays, unlike other distributors.

Fromalldiscussionabove,wecometofinalcauseeffectmapthatdemonstratesther e l a t i o n s h i p amongcentralproblem,organizationalsymptomsandconsequencesvalidtot h e company.



To effectively address problem-solving in leadership, it is crucial to identify the underlying causes that hinder effectiveness According to Shamas-ur-Rehman, negative personal attributes and organizational impediments can significantly detract from a leader's performance Negative personal attributes include misuse of power, poor communication, incompetence in managing complex situations, and lack of experience Organizational impediments may encompass resource shortages, inadequate planning and control, non-strategic management, and insufficient support from top management Understanding these factors is essential for enhancing leadership effectiveness.

AccordingtoJanSchilling,theineffectiveleadershiparemainlyaffectedbyenv i r on ment oftheleaderwhichincludesfollowers,supervisor,tasks,functionalfieldandr o l e , process es,structures,resources,etc.Thenextstrongimpactispersonofleaderhimorherself,h i s o r h e r t r a i t s , s t a t e s , k n o w l e d g e a n d l e a r n i n g , g o a l s a n d n e e d s A n d , t h e inte ractionoftheleaderwiththeenvironmentareweakesteffect.

Verifycausesof centralproblem

The literaturecannot promoteits supportifit’snot relevanttothecompanycontext.T o provethesecausesexistinthecompany,authordoublechecke dwiththecontentofin- d ep t h interviewsagaintojustifythepotentialcausesoftheineffectiveleadershipinCubesA s i a Bel owfindingsaredescribedandgobelongwithperspectivepotentialcauses:

 Personaltraitsoftheboss:Ms.Trang,Ms.VyandMs.Samagreedthatthebossisaem otionalpersoninthewayheassessesemployeeperformance,assignstasksandmakingb u s i n e s s decisions.Forinstance,asMs.Vy,hejustlikestotalkwithsomepeopleintheco mp any a ndbelieveswhathehearsfromthem;andifhehaspositiveimpressionwithsomeoneatt hefirsttime,hewilltrustandassumethisperson’sabilityandcompetencer a t h e r thano thershehasnegativeimpression.

Misuse of power by managers is a significant issue, as highlighted by employees Ms Trang and Ms Nhi They reported that the business development manager improperly directed the warehouse team to deliver machines to customers who had not made any deposits, violating company regulations Additionally, he reserved machines for clients despite prior bookings by other team members, as noted by Ms Nhi The manager also tasks employees with duties unrelated to their job descriptions, such as asking Ms Sam to create videos for his architecture company, which is unrelated to his coffee machine distribution business, Cubes Asia Furthermore, he has been accused of using disrespectful language and bringing up sensitive personal topics, often referring to employees with derogatory terms like "disaster" and "stupid," as mentioned by Ms Sam.

 Poorcommunicationbetweenmanagersandemployees:it’sobviousthatthemanag ershavepoorabilitytocommunicatewithhissubordinatesasabovedescriptionsinlastpartsaswellas itsconsequences.

 Shortageofresources: t he re arefourmajorresources which arehuman resour ces,financialresources,physicalresourcesandinformationresources.Whenaskedwhetherthec o m p a n y islackingofresourcesthatleadtoineffectiveleadership,intervieweesagreewiththatargumentbecau se:

- Firstly,t h e s h o r t a g e off i n a n c i a l r e s o u r c e s t h a t c a u s e t h e c o m p a n y d o e s n ’ t o r d e r e n o u g h machinef o r s a l e s t e a m tod e l i v e r toc u s t o m e r s T h e r e f o r e , someu n e x p e c t e d situationsoccurredthatthecompanydidn’tdelivermachinesontime andthecustomersw e r e n o t h a p p y w i t h t h a t B e c a u s e o f machines h o r t a g e , t h e ma nageru s e d h i s p o w e r w r o n g lytoget otherperson’smachinebooked.Besides, lack offinancialresourcesseemst o stressthemanagerstomakestrictpoliciesfordealersintermofpayme nt,specialoffers,specialincentives,etc.

- Secondly,lackofhumanresourcescausespoorcustomerservice.Thecompany isl a c k oftechniciansinHochiminhandcustomerserviceexecutiveforbetter customercare andserviceasdiscussioninpreviousparts.Besides,itisalsoduetolackofqualifiedpersonw h o shouldbeinc hargeofdesigningsuitabletrainingprogramandotherissuesrelatingtoo p er a t i o n management,asM s.Samasserted.

Several interviewees, including Ms Sam and Mr Duong, agree that the company lacks strategic business plans Mr Duong noted that the coffee machine and grinder market is saturated, highlighting the need for product line development, yet top management has no strategic plans to address market changes The company's expansion efforts have been disorganized, with recent imports of Braun and Eurohome products failing due to low demand and quality issues Significant expenses in marketing and administration are incurred without a comprehensive strategy Managers should prioritize developing a strategic business plan that considers market opportunities, competition, and potential challenges before making decisions Additionally, the marketing department's planning is weak, with tasks focused more on execution than on strategic planning, leading to inefficient use of time and resources.

The company faces significant challenges due to a lack of internal and external controls Ms Loi highlighted that there is no assigned personnel for tracking installation and service schedules for technicians, resulting in service being provided solely on demand Additionally, there are no policies for rewards or penalties for employees or dealers, leading to non-compliance with customer regulations by sales personnel Although the company mandates a 50% deposit for large machine deliveries, the sales manager often overrides this requirement, delivering products without confirmed deposits Responsibilities among departments are poorly enforced, as employees neglect established flowcharts for new products and fail to communicate essential information Furthermore, favoritism is evident, with the sales manager prioritizing certain customers over others, despite existing policies that require official booking through email and adherence to a "first come, first serve" rule The marketing department has been tasked with informing customers about special promotions due to the sales team's failure to do so, yet some sales personnel withhold customer contact information, hindering effective communication.


Proposed solutions

 Personalt r a i t s o f t h e b o s s : t h e t r a i t s i s c h a r a c t e r i s t i c i n e a c h p e r s o n a n d almostu n ch an ge ab l e, specially,t h i s p e r s o n i s t h e o w n e r w h o p o s s e s s e s h i g h e s t p o w e r i n t h e company.Becauseofthisissue,inauthoropinion,thereisnoeffectivesolu tionproposedf o r thiscause.Asobviously,thecompanycanfiretheemployeesandfindso meoneelser e p l a c i n g theirpositionbutthebosscannotbechangedinalimitedliabilitycompany It’ssamewithjoint- stockcompany,thefirmcanchangetopmanagersbutitcannotreplaced i r e c t l y sharehol derswhoinvestintothecompany.

Powercanbeusedtoaffectsubordinatedinpositivewaysbutifitismisused,“powerm a n i f e s t s asdictatorialandbullyingbehavior”(38).Thepropositionofhierarchicalmisuseofpowerincludesnegativ eorpositiveimpactsonsubordinates’feelingsofdignityandself- r e s p e c t ; i n c r e a s e o r d e c r e a s e e m p l o y e e s ’ p e r f o r m a n c e o r attainmento f d e s e r v e d recompense( 3 9 ) M i s u s e o f p o w e r , o r c a l l e d a b u s e o f p o w e r , c a n b e ph ysicala t t a c k s , d i s c r i m i n a t i o n , namecalling,undermining,intimidationordisclosureofwronginfor mationinintentionalmanneretc.Toreducemisuseofpower,thecompanyfirstlycangenerateap o l i c y manualthatindicatesspecificallyacceptableandunacceptablebehaviors,secondly,o f f e r lea dershiptrainingforleadersandmanagers(38).Belowdescriptionsaresuggestedf o r potentials olutionstoimprovethemisuseofpower:

- Generatingpolicymanual:Themanualshouldincludelistofspecifically types ofb e h a v i o r s thatareassumedtobemisuseof power,consequencesifsomeoneviolatessuchas“verbalorwrittenwarnings,suspension,termina tionandevenlegalprosecution”,stepsf o r employeestofileacomplaintetc.

- Leadershiptraining:trainingforbothsupervisorsandmanagershowtotreatsubo rdinatesfairlyandrespectfully.ThetrainingcanbetakenonetimeandmanagedbyH R d e p a r t m e n t T h e t r a i n e r i s o u t s i d e c o n s u l t a n t s o r e v e n H R h e a d , i t d e p e n d s o n t h e co mpanyconditions.

Thecommunicationbetweenmanagersandemployeesinthecompanyfirmlycontribu testoorganizationalsuccess.Throughcommunication,employeesneedtoknowk e y i n f o r m a t i o n s o a s t o o b t a i n c o m p a n y o b j e c t i v e s D u e t o t h i s c r u c i a l d e m a n d , t h e c o m p a n y shoulddevelopacommunicationstrategywhichshouldembracefourkeystages:

- Determinecurrentimplementation:Managersshouldstartatthepointunderstandingt h e cur rentcommunicationpracticeintheorganization.Managersshouldn’tbaseonhiso w n opiniontoconclude, thesuggestion isusingcommunication audit methodolog ytoassess incidentsandpatterns(40) Fromcommunicationaudit,themembersinorganizationknow(41) :Whoyoushouldcommunicatewith,whodoyoucommunicatewith,whatyous h o u l d becomm unicating,howyoushouldcommunicatewiththem,howyoudoco m mu n i c a t e withthe m.

- Establishstandardstoevaluateeffectivenessofcommunication:Thisjobrequiresthecooperation betweenmanagersandstaffandtheyneedtotakefouressentialkeyfactors:c r u c i a l problem sasconsequencesofpoorcommunication,majorcommunicationproblems,necessarychangesthatneedto implementforproblemsolving,targetsettingtoeliminatec o m m u n i c a t i o n failure.Specifi cally,thetargetscouldbe:increaseofgoodwillandtrustworthiness;frequentcommunicati onflow;enrichmentandconsolidationof knowledge; satisfaction of participants; future exact prospect in organizationald ev e l o p m e n t

- Combinethisprogressintobusinessplanningcycle:it’sessentialforbothmanagersa n d e mployeestoinvolveinsettinggoals,standardsanddevisingmethodsofevaluation.

Besidesimprovinginterpersonalcommunicationbydevelopingcommunications trategy,themanagerscanthinkofdedicatedcommunicationskilltrainingprograms t oincreasetheeffectivenessofinternalcommunication(42).TheprogramscanbemanagedbyHR departmentandtrainedbyprofessionalconsultantsinordertoestablish,reinforcea n d maint aininternalcommunicationthroughfollowingcriticalfields:

- Communicationandorganization culture: theprogram helpslearnerstodeter mine theirownstylesandhowtointeractwithcolleagueswithbestuseofownstrength

- Gender-freecommunication:Programthathelpslearnerto understandthedifferenceb e t w e e n menandwomen’scommunicationandhowtoimproveinterpersona lrelationships

Communicatingr es p e c t intheworkplace:P r o g r a m helpst od e v e l o p t h e r espe ct inp e r s o n a l privacyaswellasdeterminethebullying,inappropriatebehaviorsinworkplace

According to Kading WP, outsourcing can effectively address a company's resource shortages by providing specific knowledge and services, thereby increasing time capacity The advantages of outsourcing include eliminating the costs associated with expert training, reducing overall expenses by not needing to hire full-time specialists, and achieving better quality outcomes To mitigate the impact of limited financial resources and negative cash flow, companies can negotiate extended payment terms with suppliers or take other measures such as freezing salaries, raising product prices, and pausing expansion efforts.

Strategicp l a n n i n g , orb u s i n e s s p l a n n i n g i s d e f i n e d a s “ T h e s e t t i n g o f l o n g - termb u s i n e s s g o a l s , a n d t h e d e v e l o p i n g a n d i m p l e m e n t i n g o f formalp l a n s t o a c h i e v e t h e s e g o a l s ” (45).isusedtodirectlongtermgrowthanddevelopmentthatle adtoincreasingc o m p a n y performance( 4 6 ) According toS t e w a r t an dS he le tt e

( 47 ), th ere isa pos it iv e correlationbetweenstrategicplanningandgrowthinsmallcom panies.Lackofstrategicp l a n n i n g makesbusinessgrowthrateheldbackandcometoalotofri sks(48).

Astrategicplanningprocess,orcanbecalledbusinessoperation,ispresentedint ofivedifferentstages.Thesestagesorthelevelsarenotthesameindifferentorganizations (49)b u t f o r p r o f e s s i o n a l u s e , t h e s t a g e s o r l e v e l s c a n r a n g e f r o m v i s i o n a n d missiond e c l a r a t i o n , businessconditions andcontextevaluation, businesss trategy andobjective i d e n t i f i c a t i o n toactivitiesofmonitoringandcontrolling F ollowingfigure describesthestagesofstrategicplanningprocess:

Managementc o n t r o l s y s t e m ( M C S ) n o t onlyh e l p s managersi m p r o v e t h e i r performancebutalsoassistcompaniesdevelopandmaintainfeasiblemodelofbehaviorbyp r o v i d i n g themessentialinformationfordecisionmaking(50).AccordingtoBisbeandO t l e y (51),t h e componentsofMCSwhichareusedtoimpacttheobjectivesattainmentint hefirminclu desorganizationstructureandinformationofprocedures,processes,practices,r o u t i n e s inmannerofformalan dinformalbase.

O t l e y ’ s ( 5 2 ) , performancemanagementandcontrolframework,whichindicatest heroleofcontrolinmanagefirmperformancethrough12interconnectedquestionsrelatingt o12fieldsnumberedinfollowingfigure:


Thesolutionswhicha r e basedontheoriesa n d experiencearenota s s u r e d t o b e advisa blewithdifferentorganizationcontexts.Therefore,theauthortookaquicksurveys toverify theoreticals o l u t i o n s Asur ve y iscompletedby16currentemployeesin heado f f i c e o f Hochiminhcity,2 currente m p l o y e e s i n D a n a n g s h o w r o o m and2 c u r r e n t employeesinHanoishowroom.Theintervieweesarefromalldepartmentsinthecompany w h i c h arespecifiedinbelowtablebylocationsanddepartments:

Thereisthedifferentinthenumberofintervieweesindifferentlocationsbecausethec o m p a n y started inHochiminhandexpandedinDanangandHanoilaterandtheyareasashowroom,notasabranch sotheyonlyhavemembersin3departments:salesdepartment,admindepartmentandtechnicaldepart ment.Wecansummarizethesurveywithkeypointa s following:

- Samplesize:20employeesin3locations(5salespersons,1humanresource executives,2marketingexecutives,2accountants,1purchasingexecutive,2warehouse keepers,3admins,3technicians,1manager)

Noquestion,agreeornotagreewiththegivensolutionsfortheproblem.Certainly,theintervieweesa resupportedduringthetimetheydo surveyino r d e r t o m a k e s u r e theydon’t m i s u n d e r s t a n d t e r m s i n t h e s u r v e y shee t.

T h e s u m m a r y ofsurveyisindicatedasbelowtablewhicharenoted“Y”aspeoplesay“Yes”tothear guments,“N”areinterpretedaspeoplesay“No”:

SalesDept HRdept MarketingDept AccountingDept PurchasingDept WarehouseDept AdminDept TechnicalDept Managerlevel

The results indicate that only 4 out of 8 solutions achieved over a 50% consensus Notably, developing a communication strategy garnered a consensus of 65% (13 out of 20), while implementing communication skills training programs received an 85% consensus (17 out of 20) Additionally, strategic planning was supported by 75% of respondents (15 out of 20), and applying a performance management and control framework achieved an 80% consensus (16 out of 20).

Alternative solutionsets

 Solutionset1:S1.1,S2,S3:Developingcommunicationstrategyincombinationw ith i mplementingstrategicplanning andapplyingperformancemanagementand c o n t r o l framework

 Solutionset2:S1.2,S2,S3:Implementingdedicatedcommunicationskillt ra in i ng programsincombinationwithimplementingstrategicplanningandapplyingp e r f o r m a n c e managementandcontrolframework

- Samplesize:20employeesin3locations(5salespersons,1humanresource executives,2marketingexecutives,2accountants,1purchasingexecutive,2warehouse keepers,3admins,3technicians,1manager)

Theoutcomeleansonsolutionset2whichpossesses75%numberofpeopleagreed(15/20 ).Whenbeaskedfurtherthereasonsbehind,theyaddressedthatthecommunications t r a t e g y seemst o b e h a r d e r a n d t a k e l o n g e r timet o e x e c u t e b u t theyf e e l t h e t r a i n i n g programsa r e e a s i e r Somep e o p l e e x p r e s s e d , theyl i k e t r a i n i n g p r o g r a m s b e c a u s e t h e c o m p a n y doesn’toffermanychancesforemployeestoattendthetraining,theemployeesa r e willingtoparticipatein.Employeesbelievedthemostoftrainingwillbehelpful.Thes p e c i f i c numberofpersonswhovotedforthesolutionsetsaredescribedinfollowingtable:

SalesDept HRdept MarketingDept AccountingDept PurchasingDept WarehouseDept AdminDept TechnicalDept Managerlevel

Basedontheresultfoundout,theauthorchoosesolutionset2isthecompositionofdevelo pingcommunicationstrategy,implementingstrategic planningandapplying p e r f o r m a n c e m a n a g e m e n t a n d c o n t r o l f r a m e w o r k t od e s i g n t h e a c t i o n p l a n f o r t h e company.



- Improvetheinterpersonalcommunicationbetweenmanagersandemployees,thence,makingsu retoestablish the appropriate policies, retainpeople whentheyknow howtheyc a n developwiththecompanyandcompanydevelopmentpotential

- Settheappropriatecontrolplannotonlyforinternalbutalsoforexternalfactors,thec o n t r o l pla nthathelpspeoplecomplyregulations,policies,andadjusttheirdeviantbehavior whichaffectsorgani zationaloutcomes.


3differentpartsfollowing3differentsolutions.However,t h e s e s o l u t i o n s i n s o m e wa yss u p p o r t e a c h o t h e r F o r example,t h e b e t t e r c o m m u n i c a t i o n skilltrainingp rogramhelpsmanagersandemployeescommunicatetoeacho t h e r better,thence, su p p o r t toim plementationof st r a t e g i c planningandapplicationof performancemanagementand controlframework.

Asdemonstrationofsolutionproposal,thetrainingprogramsofcommunicationskillsincludeseriesoft rainingcoursewhichcoverdifferentareas( Co mm un ica ti on ando r g a n i z a t i o n c u l t u r e , C o m m u n i c a t i n g inad i v e r s e e n v i r o n m e n t , G e n d e r - f r e e communication,Communicatingrespectintheworkplace,Communicatingwitha s s e r t i v e n e s s , Communicationforeffectiveconflictmanagement).Weexpecttofinish allt h e trainingin3monthsforallstaffin3locations:Hochiminh,HanoiandDanang.The c o n t e n t s ofactionplan,aswellasthetimelineandcostestimationaredemonstratedi nbelowtable:

2.Preparecontents,d ocuments,manuals andallr elat ive ma terials

HR department,trai ner,allparticip ants

 Relatedwork:flightsbooking,hotelr ese rvation etc.

Trainer,HRdep artment,Board ofdirector

 Meetingtodeterminecorrespondingactiond e p e n d i n g ontheresults 6.Furtheractionstoco rrectandadjust Trainer,HR department, learners

 Takeactionstocorrectoradjust:re- training,extr a training

Criticalpath Costbreak-down Costaccount(unit) Estimatedc ost (VND)

2.Prepare  HRDept.prepare  Topmanagers:2 454.000 contents, documents,manuals hours 3.060.000 documents,  Reviewbymanagers  HR:36hours 6.000.000 manualsandall  Materialproduction:  Materials:30sets relativematerials manuals,books,pensetc.

3.Training  Communicationbetween  HR:8hours 680.000 confirmation HRDept.andemployee  Learner:8hours 680.000

 Flightbookingfor2  Flights:2waysfor 12.000.000 trainerstoDanangand 2persons,2locations

 Hotelbookingfor2 2persons,2 trainersinDanangand locations,4dayseach Hanoi

4.Carryout  Learningtime:4days  Trainer:192hours 16.320.000 training eachemployees(30  Employees:960 81.600.000 employees) hours

 Trainingtime:12days  Cateringbusiness 3.200.000 eachtrainer(2trainers) tripfor2trainers,8

 SupportingfromHRas  Cateringfor 12.000.000 necessary learners:waterand lunch

5.Evaluating  Assessmentplanand  HR:16hours 1.360.000 training executionfromHRDept  Topmanagers:3 681.000 effectivenessand  MeetingtimewithBoard hours review ofdirectors

6.Furtheractions  HRsupport  HRsupport:8 680.000 tocorrectand  Trainerre-trainpeople hours adjust  Learnerslearnandadjust  Trainer:24hours 2.040.000

- Averagesa l a r y o f e x e c u t i v e s a r e 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 V N D p e r months o i t i s a b o u t 8 5 00 0VND perhourswithaveragenumberworkingdaysof22days

- Ascompany policy,thebusinesstripexpenseforcateringis200.000VND/daywiths t a f f leveland500.0 00VND/daywithmanagerlevel,forhotelis500.000VND/ daywiths t a f f leveland1.000.000VND/daywithmanagerlevel

Therearefivestagesofstrategicplanningbasedon theorywhich arethecontentthemanagersarerequiredtoconsider.Weassumethatthemanagersexpectt ocompletethestrategicbusinessplaninonemonth.Followingtheproposedprocess,thecontentsof whatC u b e s Asianeedtotakeactions,timelineandcostaresuggestedasbelow:

Boardofdirecto r,headofalldepa rtment,employe es

 Specifytheobjectivesandgoalsbothinqu al it ati v e andquantitative

Boardofdirecto r,headofalldepa rtment,employe es

 Needtocollectopinionfromsubordinatesbefo re finalizing 6.S t a g e 5:Effortst ochangeforimpro vement

 Developrewardsandpunishmentsystem 7.C o m m u n i c a t e clearlytostaff Boardofdirecto r,headofalldepa rtment,allemplo yees

Criticalpath Costbreak- down Costaccount(unit) Estimatedc o st (VND)

1.I n i t i a l  Meetingtime  Topmanagers:6hours 1.362.000 discussionto of3topmanagers  Departmenthead:10hours 1.420.000 implement  Meetingtime strategicplanning of5department heads 2.S t a g e 1:Vision andmissiondefinitio n

3.S t a g e 2:  Timeofboard  Topmanagers:3hours 681.000 Definecompany ofdirectors  Departmentheads:20hours 2.840.000 objectivesand  Timeofall  Employees:15hours 1.275.000 goals departmenthead

Analysis ofdirectors  Departmentheads:20hours 2.840.000 strategically  Timeofall  Employees:30hours 2.550.000 departmenthead

Strategy ofdirectors  Departmentheads:20hours 2.840.000 development  Timeofall  Employees:40hours 3.400.000 departmenthead

 Timeof employees 6.S t a g e 5:  Timeofboard  Topmanagers:15hours 3.405.000 Effortstochange ofdirectors  Departmentheads:40hours 5.680.000 forimprovement  Timeofall departmenthead 7.C o m m u n i c a t e  Timeofboard  Topmanagers:3hours 681.000 clearlytostaff ofdirectors  Departmentheads:10hours 1.420.000

- Averages a l a r y o f departmenth e a d a r e 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 V N D p e r months o i t i s a b o u t 1 4 2 0 0 0 V N D perhourswithaveragenumberworkingdaysof22days

- Averagesa l a r y o f e x e c u t i v e s a r e 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 V N D pe r months o i t i s a b o u t 8 5 00 0VND perhourswithaveragenumberworkingdaysof22days

Themanagementcontrolsystemsupportstheideatoevaluatethecontrolsystemandfro m t h a t , i d e n t i f y t h e s h o r t a g e int h e s y s t e m T h e theoryc o m e s w i t h 1 2 a r e a s t h a t r esear ch er canlearnfromtheorganization.Withtheresultsaftertakingsurveyorresearch,t h e c ompanyknowwhatitneedstocover,develop aplanforoneormorethanoneofspec ificfieldsofthese12areas:

However,thecontrolsystemseemstobemasswithinacompanyanditissomehowco v e r e d whenimplementingthestrategicplanningthatitisquitesimilarwiththestage5:effortstochangefo rimprovement.Inorderwords,thecompanyneedtofindoutwhatitislackofandbuildup.Thecontro lplanafterthatwillcometothesemainstages:

HR Department,em ployees,topman agers

Headofdepart ment,HR  Discusswithallemployees,partnersintheflow s

4.Makethesystemco metoeffect Boardofdirecto r,headofdepart ment,HRdepart ment

5.Communicateclear lytostaff Boardofdirecto r,headofdepart ment,allemplo yees

1.Surveytoidentifydefectsofcontrolsystem 2days,1-3/12/2018 2.Determineimportantproblemtoresolve 2days,3-5/12/2018 3.Developacontrolsystemrelatedtocrucialareaschosen 7days,5-12/12/2018

Criticalpath Costbreak- down Costaccount(unit) Estimatedc o st (VND)

1.Surveyto  Preparingtime  Topmanagers:2hours 454.000 identifydefectsof ofHRdepartment  Departmentheads:4hours 568.000 controlsystem  Surveytimeof  Employees:20hours 1.700.000 employeesand topmanagers

2.Determine  Meetingtime  Topmanagers:2hours 454.000 important  Departmentheads:4hours 568.000 problemto resolve

3.Developa  Timefor  Departmentheads:10hours 1.420.000 controlsystem developinga  Employees:20hours 1.700.000 relatedtocrucial controlsystem areaschosen

4.Makethe  Timeofboard  Topmanagers:2hours 454.000 systemcometo ofdirectors  Departmentheads:5hours 710.000 effect  Timeof departmentheads(includeHR)

5.Communicate  Timeofboard  Topmanagers:3hours 681.000 clearlytostaff ofdirectors  Departmentheads:10hours 1.420.000

- Averagesalaryo f t o p m a n a g e r s a r e 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V N D p e r monthsoi t i s a b o u t 2 2 7 0 0 0 V ND perhourswithaver agenumberworkingdaysof22days.

- Averages a l a r y o f departmenth e a d a r e 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 V N D p e r months o i t i s a b o u t 1 4 2 0 0 0 V N D perhourswithaveragenumberworkingdaysof22days

- Averagesa l a r y o f e x e c u t i v e s a r e 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 V N D pe r months o i t i s a b o u t 8 5 00 0VND perhourswithaveragenumberworkingdaysof22days

Fromthesuggestedtimelineandcostestimated,thesolutionset2comeswithtotalb u d g e t of228.140.000VNDinthedurationof3monthsfortrainingprograms,1monthforstrategicpla nningandnearly1monthforapplyingperformancemanagementandcontrolframeworkinCubes Asia.

Thestudycontributestoresolvetherealproblem frommanagersthatleadstoth ecustomercomplaints,employeecomplaints,thence,highturnoverrate.Throughactualdataa n d theories,a uthorfoundthatthecompanyisdealingwithtwopotentialproblems:pooremployeetrainingan dineffectivenessleadership.However,theineffectivenessleadershipseemsto affectandcausehigherimpactthan pooremployeetraining.

Therefore,potentialc a u s e s areidentifiedfollowingwithcorrespondingsolutions.Inconclusion,there ishighlyr e co m m en d a ti o n thatthecompanyshoulddevelopcommunicationstrategyorim plementc o m m u n i c a t i o n skilltrainingprogramsforallstaff,implementstrategicplanningandapply performancemanagementandcontrolframeworkinitscurrentsituation.

Appendix 1:Samplesofcustomercomplaints


Appendix 2:Companydocuments

Appendix 3:Interviewtranscriptions

Typeofresearch: Qualitative research–In- depthInterviewLocation: Telephoneinterviewing

Interviewee: NguyenVanDuong–Position:HeadofCentralRetailOffice(Former)N o o f interviews: 1time(once)

Yen:Goodmorning.I’mYen.Longtimenotalkwithyou.AsIexpressedwithyoubeforeI’mresearchformythesis soIneedyoursupporttomakeaninterview.Please answerasyourownopinion,

Iwillnotchangeanyinformationyoushare withme.First ofall,please introduceyourselfaboutthe timeyouwork atCubesAsiaandaboutyourjob.


Yen:Whenyouwork atCubesAsia,howdoyouthink aboutcustomersatisfaction?

Duong:Actually,formycustomers, theyarequitesatisfiedbecausetheybecome loyalcustomers.

Yen:Inyouropinion,whatare the issuesinthecompanythatneedtobeimproved?

Duong:IrememberIusedtomakea softfile(*)for companyimprovementthatwassenttoMs.DungwhichaddressesessentialchangesafterIhadworkedfor6monthsbutmayben o w nothingch angesasyouknow.Thatlist is verydetailed, it’saboutworkflow,thingneedstobechanged.

Yen:BecauseI’mnotsurethatIcan approach thatdatasocouldyoupleasesharewithmewhichimportantthingsaffectcompanydevelopmentsthatthecompanyneedstoimprove?

Mr Axel, the boss of the company, plays a crucial role in its operations While he possesses adequate thinking abilities in marketing and other areas, his focus on detail is limited He tends to set up tasks without ongoing oversight, failing to track progress or prioritize essential jobs like strategy development, while getting bogged down in minor, less significant tasks Additionally, his conservative nature and unwillingness to listen to others or adapt his views hinder the company's growth, despite having strong capital resources Ultimately, the effectiveness of the boss is pivotal to the company's success.

Yen:Youmentionedthatthebossdoesn’tbuild upstrategies,youdon’tseeanystrategies,doyou?

Duong:CubesAsiacompanyspecializesindistributionsostrategiesarenotaverybigthing.Talkingaboutstrategies,asmycompanynow,wedistributealotofmachinebrandswithdifferentmark et,soitneedclearstrategies.ForCubesAsia,thecompanyonlyspecializessingleequipmentsostrategiesyoucanthinkofaresupplyingotherkindsofequipmentfordiversity,ortargetingothercustomer s,notonlyaboutcoffeemachinesbutalso othermachines,or relatingtocoffeepreparationorotherservicetobetterserving customers.

Secondly,aboutcustomerservice,customerserviceneedtobeputinthefirstpriority,thatisthefirstthingwhenIfirstcameinthecompanyIusedtosay,thecompanyneedacomplete customerservice departmenttoresolve allessentialworks.Tohave suchcompletecustomerservice department,themember ofthisdepartmentneedselling experienceorusedtodirectlydealwithcustomerssothattheynowhowtotakegoodcareofcustomers.Customerstheyboughtmachinesfromus,weneedtotakegoodcareoftheminordertogettheirs atisfaction,andthey willcome backtous.

Cubes Asia faces a strategic conflict by operating both wholesale and retail channels, offering similar discounts that undermine wholesale customer margins, which are only about 10% This pricing strategy discourages wholesalers from actively selling their products, as they may shift their focus to other brands like Breville or Expobar if opportunities arise The Nuova brand, distributed by Cubes Asia, is often a last resort for wholesalers in tough situations due to the company's policies that do not effectively support dealer incentives Furthermore, the lack of control over dealer pricing compared to competitors exacerbates the issue, making it difficult for the company to maintain a competitive edge in the market.

Duong:Somedealersofferverylowpricestocustomers,forexample,20%.Ifotherdealersalsodolikethat,itmakesmarketdevaluation,lowerthepriceofourmachines.Whent h e y offerpr icelikethat,theycannothavemargintodocustomerservicesowhenmachineisbroken,theyblame formachine itselforblameforsupplier(meanCubesAsia).Thisisunfaircompetitionamongdealers,whenfirstdealersreduceprices,laterdealerscannotsellwithcommonprices,laterdealerswillbediscourageda nddon’twanttosellthisproducts.Yen:Asyoumentionedwedon’thave customerservice department,whataretheconsequencesofthisissueoccurringtoyourcustomers?

Duong:Mostofcustomerstheyhaveproblemwiththemachinewillcallinthecompanyimmediately,untilnowisthesame.Iftheycallme,IstillresolvetheproblemluckilybecauseI stillworkinthisindu stry,althoughI’mresolvingcustomerproblemforCubes.Becausetheyaremyfriends,myloyalcustomers.I’musingoursourcestohandleCubesAsia’scustomersbecauseCubes doesn’tsolvethatproblem,orsolve asquickasmineoreventhereisnoreliablepersonformetohandletheproblem.Acompanysellingmachinebutit ist o o badinresolvingthatpart Ithinkthecompanycannot develop.ThisproblemI proposemanylongtime ago,nowit’s stillthere.

Duong:OtherreasonsIthinkcomingfromsalesman.Whathe/shepromisetohis/hercustomers,whethersalespolicyiscontrolledstrictlyornot.Andthecompanyalso doesn’thaveselling programs,meansthetrainingprograms.Forexample,whenIcometothecompany,I doand learnallbymyself,nooneteach/coachmeor justcoachgeneralthings.Thereisn o documentsofsellingprocedure,productlinecomparison,prosandconsofourmachinescomparingtoothermachines,howtodealwithcustomersincaseby case.Allofthesesalesmanneeds tolearnbyhimselfbasingonhisskills.

Duong:I thinkit’saboutthe boss.Becausewecanstillrunwithoutcustomerservice developmentfromthepast untilnow,andwecandobycontrollingselling process,controllingh o w salespersonsconsultcustomers,support trainingprogram.Therestis theboss’sstrategies:whatis thevision,missionforthecompany?Focus onretailorwholesales,focusoncustomerexperienceorsales.

Duong emphasizes the lack of effective leadership in managing human resources within the company, highlighting the absence of a structured recruitment and training process for new employees He cites the example of Huy, a new employee who, despite being proactive in seeking customers, struggles due to inadequate training and support Duong recalls his own experience at Cubes, where he transferred customers to a colleague, illustrating the importance of mentorship and customer care He argues that Huy's situation is dire, as he has no existing customers and faces the challenge of selling in a competitive market without proper guidance Duong believes that if this situation persists, Huy is likely to leave the company, feeling demotivated and unsupported in his sales efforts.

Thereis aneedofapersonwho dounderstandequipment,machines,understand selling products, understandcustomers,totrainnewsalespersons.Ifthecompanycandothat,therei s possibletoimprove,butnow,nooneisresponsible forthat.Mr.Phong,hedoesn’tcompletethatresponsibility.Sowhocare? Mr.Axel?

Hedosomethingsthatmakepeopleleave.I seeIjoined10meetingsatCubes,themeetingproposelistofjobsbutnojobissuccessful.Actually,fromI’matCubes,videomarketingcannotbedone ifIdon’tpushandcallagencytodo.IfIhadn’tdonethat,Ibelievenowwedon’thaveanyvideomarketing.Onlyonproposalbutnoimplementationandnocontrol.Youseeourcompanyhaveman ypotentialhumanbuttheyallleft,thecompanycannotretainthem,theyjustworkedforCubes1-

2years.Forexample,Mr.Vu,heissuchgoodthathehashisownbusiness.Ifthecompanyhavegoodpolicytoretainme,ImaybestillworkforCubes,notlikethis– justworkfor1year.Idedicatedmyenthusiasm forthecompanysoonlyworkingfor6months,I sentallmysuggestiontohelpthe companyimprove.Sothat’sall:weneedarealbossandarealleadertomanageallissues.

To effectively address the challenges within a company, it is essential to have a person who deeply understands the organization and can balance the boss's opinions with the pressing issues at hand This individual must possess the ability to train staff in essential skills such as sales and persuasion, while also having a thorough knowledge of machinery and equipment By fostering enthusiasm and learning about technical aspects, this person can develop strategies that align with the company's goals It is important to recognize that the boss's desires, though sometimes overwhelming, stem from a genuine passion for the business Given the current situation, where the company's profit margins are tight and risks of losses are present—not just financially but also in terms of capital rotation and accounts receivable—addressing these issues promptly is crucial for maintaining control over the company's financial health.

Youopenashowroomtherewithoutcarefulcalculationandanalysis.IthoughtthatthecompanywhenopeningDanangs h o w r o o m allthingsarewellarrangedbutthetruthisonlyuntilIj oinedthecompany,Ifinallyknewthereisnotfinancialplan.Wecannotdowithnothingarranged.Becausethatweemployedadirector–Ms.Dung–butwedon’texpectthatsheisjustlike… inmylife,Ihaven’tmetanyterribledirectorlikethat,shedoesn’tdeservetobemydirector.Youcansee,thebossemployedsuchdirectorafter6monthsnothingchange.Sowhereistheproblem?

Ifwerecruitedqualifiedperson,everythingwouldnothappenlikethat.It’snoteasytochangethebossbutwecanfindapersonthatthebosstrustandthispersonisresponsible,enthusiastic,doesn’ tthinkaboutpersonalinterests.Ifapersoncannotbequalifiedandmanagewell,thecompanyincreasinglygoesdown.


Yen:Actually,thepersonleadingsalesteam now,accordingtome,Iseehedidn’tsupportothersalespersonsontraining,sellingplan,customers,sharingcustomers.WhenMr. Vus t i l l workedforthecompany,hadyoujoinedthecompanyyet?

Duong:No Iworkedforthecompanyfor1monththenMr.VuleftCubesAsia.

Yen:Mr.Vusupportedothernewsalespersonsbecausetheyareinnewmarket,theyarehardtoapproach customersimmediately.The firstfewmonths,theydon’thaveanysalessowehavetosupport.However,nowtherearenewsalespersons,theyhavetodobythemselves.Alloldcustomersaretakencareby1person.

Duong emphasizes the importance of sharing customer relationships within a company to foster teamwork and growth He believes that when he left the company, passing his customers to Mr Phong was essential for training new salespersons and ensuring they understood the customer base Duong notes that the industry is becoming increasingly competitive and saturated, leading to slower sales He highlights the need for the company to diversify its offerings beyond just machines, suggesting that they should consider selling complementary products like coffee Additionally, he advocates for focusing on dealer relationships rather than retail sales, encouraging salespersons to prioritize dealer management and debt collection to minimize conflicts.

I’manexclusiveimporterLamancoffeeincentralofVietnam,Isellcoffeetodealers,1priceonly.Ihaven’treducedtheprice.IfIrealizeadealersellsdifferentprice,Iwillnotcooperatewiththemanym ore.Thisisthenewmarket,whodowell,choose sustainablewaywilldevelopforalongtime.

Duong:Cubeshasalotofcustomerdatabutitdoesn’twelltakeadvantagesbecausesomecustomerstheydon’tbuymachines,whiletheybuyotherproductlinesweonlysupplymachines.When allthingsare saturated,whatwillwesell?Untilthatpoint,theturnoverdecreaseleadingtoemployeecut.Weshouldopenaservice center,distribute otherproductl i n e thatcanbeattached withmachines.I’msureitwillbewonderful!Wedon’tneedtoopenanynewshowrooms.

Yen:The companyis developingcustomerservice departmentbutpeoplecomeinandcomeout,2peoplealready.Wearenowrecruitingthethird person.However,whowillbuildu p theguidelines?

Tasklistthatinstructher:responsibilities,peopletocontact,peopletocooperateetc.noonetakescareofher.Asyouknow,Mr.Phonghastoomanycustomerst o careofandthecustomerservice departmentareclosedtotechnicaldepartmentorsalesdepartment.Mr.Phongisbothsalesmanagerandtechnicalmanager,n o w hedoesn’ts u p p o r t , theywillbediscouragedand leave soon.

Duong:You’reright.It’snoteasytofindpeopleworkingascustomerservicebecausethisisnewfield.Inordertobeacustomerservicestaff,shehastoknowsellingskills,otherwise,s h e hastoverycl osedtosalespersonsandaresharedallexperienceincustomercare.Takingcareofourcustomersarenoteasybecausewhenacustomercallin,servicememberneedtoanswer… especially,Iseethesimplestthings,thecompanyhas5-

7phonenumbers,toomanyhotlines,noonewantstocontact.Asmyowncompany,Ionlyhave1hotline,a telephoneswitchboardnumberonly,whencustomerscallin,ithasextensiontochoos e:regional,salesdepartment,technicaldepartmentorcustomerservicedepartment.Thecompanyhas 5-7phone numbersis dealingwithproblemsincommunication!

Yen:Yes.Iused to mention thatweshouldusesinglenumber.When customerscallintheyfollowdirectiontoswitchtodepartmenttheywant.Butnow,north/central/southregions,eachhas

1hotline,serviceteamhas 1hotline,2hotlinesatoffice,1hotlineforbaristaschool,asnowit’s justlikepersonalphonenumber.

Duong:That’sright.Customersdon’tknowwhotheyshouldcontact.Wehaven’tcommunicatedcorrectly.Asmyownbusiness,althoughwehavejustestablishedfor3months,Ia m willingto payfortelephoneswitchboardnumber,switchboardnumberforcellphone,notexpensive,only300.000VNDpermonth.Customerswhentheycallintheyactivelycontactwithdesireddepa rtment,thiswillnotaffectnon-relateddepartment.Forexample,theycallforsalespersonsbutsalespersonsdon’tknowtechnicalissues,sowhattheydo?

Tootired.Iftheycalldirectlytechnicians,technicianscansolvetheirproblemimmediately.Fromthere,I’mnotdisturbedandfocusonselling products.Moreover,iflateronesalesmanleave company,weonlychangethenumberthatreceivescallintonewsalesman’sphonenumber.Thenallthingsare OK.D o n ’ t needmore effortandworrytoloss customers.Just onlysuchsimpleissuelikethat,ifapersonwithnohead,don’t thinkthoroughly,itwillcausealot ofproblemlateron.

Duong:You’rewelcome.Iwillsendyoumylastsuggestionforthe companylater.

2 Training Salevề càphê,cácdòngcàphêmộtcáchchuyênnghiệp(Báncàphênhưngkiếnthức về càphêvà sảnphẩm mìnhđangbáncònrấthạnchế)

3 Đadạngcácdòngmáyliênquanhơn(Vdmáylàmđá, máyxaysinhtố…),máyhỗtrợtốthơncho việcbánhàng

5 Vănhóacôngty,sinhnhật,chúcmừng…liênkếtcácthànhviênlạivớinhau.Chúc mừng,tônvinhsaletốt? Hiện tạichưathấy.

7 ChínhsáchCTVvà ĐạiLýcầnrõrànghơnnữa.Hoăc chínhsáchchungđểquảnlýdoanhsốđại lý vd:bán2máylàmCTV, bán3máynếucónhu cầuthìlênĐạiLý(yêucầuđạilý:cầncóđăngkýdoanhnghiệprõràng, trụsởkinh doanhvà ápdụngdoanhsốbánhàng)Nếusau6tháng ĐạiLýbánít hàngkođạtdoanhsố sẽxemxétchuyểnxuốnglạiCTV

11 ChínhsáchgiảmgiácủaSalenênthốngnhấtlại?Chỉnhbảnthânnộibộcôngtybị lụcđụckhigiảmgiákogiốngnhau.Mặc dùtuântheoScheme sale

1 MarketingthôngquaYoutube channel,video pha chế,giớithiệumáymócmộtcácchuyênnghiệp.Yêucầutừnhàcung cấp

4 Quytrìnhvệsinhmáyhướngdẫnsử dụngnênlàmthànhvideo,dánmãQ Codetruycậplênthânmáyđểkháchhàngchủđộngvệ sinhvà xửlý.Tạosựchuyênnghiệp

TạoDatabase kháchhàngcầnliênhệchàohàng,keylênCRMthôngtinkháchhàngđ ã contact.Tìnhtrạng,gọ ilại.

Adminchúýduyệtchosalehàngngày.Adminc ậpnhậttìnhhìnhhànghóa,giá… trênCRM.Saledựa vàocáo cáođểđ á n h giáhànghóatrongkho.Biếtrõtồnk honhưthế nào

2 Gặpkháchhàng Thờigian,gặpai?Tìnhtrạng sau khigặp.Báocáovàocuốituần.

3 Chốtdeallàmhợpđồng EmailAdmin,cc cấptrên Adminchúýthờigiangửilạihợpđồngchosale+ báogiá.NotelênCRMđểtheodõi

-Emailkếtoán, kho,adminbáocáotìnhhình KếtoánxácnhậnthìKhogiữ hàng Chỉgiữhàngkhihoàntấtkhoản thanhtoán

- Thôngbáothôngtinkháchhàng(Tên,địachỉ,dòngmáy,thờigiandựđịnhsetup+s d t , chúý thutiềncònlạiluôn…)

- Đồngthờiccemailchămsóckháchhàng.BộphậnchămsócKHsẽnotelạivàod a n h sá ch.Địnhkỳgọiđiệnhỏithăm

-Nhắc nhởkháchthanhtoánphầncònlại.Khinàonhận được thanhtoáncònlại:- Emailkếtoán(cc admin) thôngbáohoàn thànhhợpđồng.Tiếnhànhlàmhợpđồngtríchthưởngnếucó.- AdminnotetrênCRMchosaleKếtoánnhậnđượcthanh toánthìb á o salehoặc adminkháchhàngđểadminthôngbáoSalevànotelênCRM

BáocáohàngthángchoManagertheomẫubáocáo cósẵn.Thốngnhấtvà cầnlàmrõcác vấnđềsau:1.Kháchhàngliênlạcmới.CóthểlấytrênCRMhoặcSalecó bộdatabase riêng.2tênKhphảigiống nhau.

(tên,SDT,Web,Email,ngườiphụtráchchính,tìnhtrạngliênlạc,tìnhtrạng gọilại,hànhđộngtiếptheo)2.Kháchhàngđãl à m hợpđồng3.Các khoảnthutiềnvề4.Cáccuộcgặp,đithịtrường(Báocáochiphín ế u có)5.Kháchhàng tiềmnăng,dựtínhthờigianchốtdeal6.Báo cáođại lý(Máy,s ố lượng,tiền thuvề?Cònnợ?

Admindựavàokháchhàng tiềmnăngsaleb á o cáohàngtuầnđểnotelêntrên 1bảngt h ố n g kê và cóướctínhđặthàngmáyphùhợp.Cũng nhưtồn khoở 3chinhánh.

Emailkỹthuật-cc Chămsóckháchhàngthôngbáotìnhtrạngmáy.K ỹ thuậtxácnhậnthờigianđi bảohành,gọilạichokháchxác địnhlỗi

Chămsóckháchhàngsẽbáogiásảnphẩm,phụkiệnthaythế… gửimailhoặcxácn h ậ n vớikháchhàng.( Đềxuất chomượnmáynếuquátrìnhsửachữalâu)AdminnotelênCRM Chămsóckháchhànghỏithămsaukhisửachữa

Mailthôngbáochokhokhilấyhàngvềnhậpkho và xuấtmáymớiđổichokháchN o t e lạilỗibáocáonhà sảnxuất

12 Đàotạokỹthuậtvềmáymới Hàngthánghoặcquýcómộtbuổiđểkỹthuậtgiớithiệumáymới,thôngtincầntraođ ổ i về máyhiệntạicụthểhơn.Hoặckỹthuật đàotạocáchsửdụng…

1 Câu hỏiđểsalebánhàng(Giúpsalehọchỏikinhnghiệmvàtraudồikiếnthứcthêm,họchỏithêm cácứngxửvớikháchhàng)

Typeofresearch: Qualitative research–In-depthInterviewLocation:

Executive(Current)N o o f interviews: 2times(twice)

Duration: (2.1)34minutes 31secondsand(2.2)22minutes33seconds

Yen:Hello,asmydiscussionlasttime,todayIwouldliketocomeheretodosecondroundinterviewtolearndeeperaboutyourfeelingofyourjob.Allinformationwillbekeptconfidentialandsupp ortforstudypurposeonlysoyoucanbeassuredofthis.Couldyoupleaseintroduceyourselfagain?Forexample,yournameandyourjobtitle.

Sam:I’mXuanandI’mworking atMarketing departmentinCubesAsia.Myjobspecializesinbranding,companystrategyandmarketingresearch.

Sam:ForgeneralfeelingaboutmyjobatCubesAsia,thejobisfine.However,forlong-termdevelopmentandjob directionlateron,it’sunclear.

Sam:Actually,whenIfocusonmyworkandsetacertainobjectiveforadayoraweek,IseethatmyproductivityisOKbutifthereisaraisingchagrinorinterruptedthing,inoverall,I’mnotquite satisfied.

Sam:Thejobprovidesflexibletime,independencebuttheindependenceappearsinsmallissues,intheotherhand,bigissuesI’mdependenttoomuch.Oneotherthing,whenworkingo n somethin g,it needsto haveadirectionatleastfor3monthsforinstance,butinhere,itdoesn’thavesuchdirectionforMarketingdepartmentworks.

Yen:Couldyouplease explainmore aboutthe independence youmentioned?

Sam:Forexample,whenbossassignsthejob,youhavetherighttochoosewhichagencyyouwanttocorporate,butwhenyoushowtoyourboss,everythingwillchangeimmediatelya n d youhavetod ofromthebeginningoftheprocessagain.Thatmeans,youcandecideminorthingsbutthebossre-decidesthatmakeyoure-dothejobanditisverytimeconsuming.Yen:Howaboutthe non- directionasyoumentioned?

Sam:Itrulythinkthateachcompanyintheendofyearwillhaveaplanfornextyearthatleadstochangesofemployeepositionandresponsibilities.However,atthiscompany,itd o e s n ’ t ex ist.Thejobcanchangedaily.Itmeanwhenthebossthinkit’ssuitablethenwedothis,iftheresultsarenotsuitable,thenwemovetootherdirection.Forexample,ifIwanttodeveloptrademarketingb ut inthemiddleofyearthebosssaysthatcompanycannotfindqualifiedpersoninthatfieldsoI don’thaveanyonetocoordinatewithtodevelopt r a d e marketing.

Yen:Soyouthinkthatyouare notdirectedaboutcompanystrategyandobjectivesarenotconsistent,is thatright?


Sam:OK.Iflookingonrelationshipinthecompany,Ithinkthereis onethingthat needs tochangethat is personalinformationorconfidentialpersonalinformationshouldbemoreassuredfrom managerandotherlowerlevelofemployees.Forexample,thebossshouldn’tcaretoomuchforpersonallifeofemployees orothersensitiveissuesinthecompany.Yen:Howdoyoufeelaboutthelevelofit?

Sam:Infact,formyself,I’mnotinfluencedtoomuch aboutthisissuebutfromotherpeopleinthecompany,theyareaffectedbythisissue.Forinstance,thebossknowsthestoryofsomeone’sfamilyandbackbiteherorotherstufflikethat.It’sabadthing inworkingenvironment,itmakestheenvironmentlackofprofessionalismandcausesdiscomfortforp e o p l e Andforpeoplewhoconcentrateontheirwork onlyandwanttodojobbest,theywillbeverydis-comfortable andquicklyquit thejobduetothisproblem.


Sam:Firstly,thetimeandsecondly,theenvironment.Formyjob,Ilovemarketingbutbettergoingalong withlong- termdirection.However,atthepresent,sometimeswhenI’mint h e roughtime,Iseethedisorderdirection of thecompany,mymoodisreallydown,butinotherdaywhenmythoughtismorepositive,Ithinkeverythingcanbeacceptable.WhenI c o n s i d e r thelong- termcarrier,Ifallinnegativefeelingduetothisproblem.

Sam:No.TherecognitionsometimescomesfromwhatIthinkit’snotimportant,andevensomeworksIevaluateitasanimportantjob,theyarenotrecognized.Maybethebosst h i n k thatit

Yen:Howdoyoufeelaboutthe jobcanmeetyourneeds?Forexample,basicneedssuchaspersonalcare,family,friendrelationship,working balance,etc.

Sam:I thinkit’s OKatthiscompany.The benefitis quitegoodandI’mquitesatisfiedaboutthisaspect.

Sam:Forme,ifcould,thecompanyneedstohaveclearassessmentsystem amongdepartmentsincasethereisastuck,weknow exactlywhichdepartmentisnotdoingwell.Here,wedon’thavethis.Thefriendlinessinthecaseofunclearresponsibilitiessometimesaffectsproductivityifpeopleignoretheproblem.Thisiswha tIthinkthecompanyneedstoimprove.

Yen:Doesanythingelsethat theenvironmentstill needstobeimproved?Forexample,respectamongpeople.

Sam:Ithinkeverybody respecteachother.Insomeminorcases,Ithinkit’s notsomeaningful.Ingeneral,IthinkpeopleherearenicebutthisissuemayhaveothersideeffectasIm e n t i o n e d before.Therefore,thecompanydoesneedtohaveastrictmanagertocl arifytheresponsibilitiesanderrorsofemployees.

Yen:Iwouldlike toaskmoreaboutjobresponsibilities.Howdoyoufeelyourresponsibilitiesatthe company?Forexample,thesuitabilityofresponsibility.

The marketing department is small, and everyone has to manage significant responsibilities, which can lead to inefficiencies Many minor tasks consume valuable time and could be outsourced or delegated to part-time employees to boost overall productivity This approach would also allow employees to recognize the value of their experience and education, rather than relegating them to trivial tasks While I still focus on major projects, small tasks, which account for about 20% of my workload, can be meaningful, such as summarizing meetings, even if some minor tasks feel less beneficial.

Sam:Mychallengecomesfromthebosswithemotionaldecisionandunclearassessmentprocess.EvenunclearKPIoreventhebossdoesn’tknowwhethertheKPIisappropriateo r notbecaus eheis notinmarketing field.Thejobisclearintermofjobresponsibilitybutit’s notclearintermofthedirection,theplanforrunningthejob.

Sam:Mybossisactive,creativebutconservative.Ithinkthebossismoresuitableforcreativity ratherthanbusinessmindset.Formarketingatclient,if thecompanydoesn’thavea b i l i t y tocreatesomething,wecanoutsource,butbusiness intelligenceis onethingthatmusthave.Ifnot,the waythecompanygoeswill belike zigzagwithoutanydirection.

Yen:Currently,thework atCubesAsiais inclinedbusiness,isit?


Sam:Yes.Oneskillisthatcheckingthingsverythoroughly.Forotherskills,IthinkNO.ThebossisforeignersoIcanimprovemyEnglish.AndwhenIcomeinthecompany,Ihaven’tbeentrainedan ything.AsIsee,sales needtohave officialtrainerbutatthiscompany,wedon’thavethisguy.

Sam:SometimesIfeelthatIdon’tknowwhatI’mdoingthisworkfor,don’tknowthepurpose.Whenthebossassignsthejob,hedoesn’tcommunicateclearlyaboutthepurpose,t h e directionoft hecompanyinoneyearor sixmonthssowhenI dothistask,Ifeeldis-comfortable.

Supposethatwhenyoumakesafilewhichyouunderstandwhattheuserreallywant,youwillmakethisfilefasterandbeconfidentwithwhatyouaredoing,evenyoucandosuitableextradataorsomethi ngother.Onthecontrary,youhavenoobjectives,youd o the jobthenyourbossisnotsatisfied,yourbosswillsayyou’retooslowtounderstandwhathemeans.Buttheproblemis Ineedto seethedestinationIwanttogo.

Yen:Besidesthat,doyoufeelyourboss inspireemployeestodothejob?Ordothe boss sharehisgoal,strategiesor…

Sam:Ithinkit’s50-50.Hesaysnon-officiallywithoutmeeting.Somepeopleknowandothersdon’tknoworeven differentunderstanding.Ithinkit’snotgoodcommunicationhere.

Sam:I thinkit’snotfairbecausethecompanydoesn’thave assessmentmethods andthe bossisemotional.

Yen:Whichfactorsdoes thisemotionaldecision dependon?Age,gender,etc.

Sam:I thinkitcomesfrombiasofassessortoemployees.For thesamejobwithsameresults, it’sevaluateddifferently.

Sam:I thinkthe employeeswhogainfavorableemotionfrombossfirstly,theyaregoodatcommunicationorreconciliation withtheboss.

Sam:Iseethereis nopenalty.Fortherewardpolicy,bonusis OKbutnotclear.Thecompany doesn’texplainwhythispersonreceivesthisamountandother personreceivesothera m o u n t Andhowtocalculateit,thecompanydoesn’t showout.Therefore,theemployeescanknowintheendofyearhowmuchtheywillreceive.Themoreobviousthis problemi s , t h e more reliablethecompanyis, and,themore convert,the moredis-comfortablefromtheemployee.

Yen:Doyourcompanyprovideyouthe opportunitiestodevelopyourself?Forexample,challengejob,learningopportunities.

Sam believes that challenges in his job stem from unclear expectations from his boss, prompting him to put forth extra effort by proposing multiple options He feels that learning opportunities are limited, requiring him to largely self-educate Despite some pressure, he perceives the employee turnover rate as manageable due to a satisfactory working environment For current employees, factors such as flexible hours, a positive atmosphere, and supportive colleagues are important, although the company lacks the same level of development opportunities found in other firms Ultimately, employees' choices depend on their life circumstances.

Yen:Ifeelyou’re stressfuldueto yourboss Doyoufeelyourbossis themostinfluentfactoronemployeeturnover inyourcompany?

Sam:Yes.Ithinkthesepeoplecontinueworkingforthecompanybecausetheyneedabovefactorsatthistime,infact,ifthesefactorsdonotexist,theywillnotstaywiththecompany.I t h i n k personswho areinprobationthey willquitaftertwomonthsofprobation Ihave workedforCubesAsia10months.

Sam:The companydoesn’thaveanymethods.The employeesfillinthe assessmenttable bythemselvesandthat’sall.Forinstance,in othercompanies,theheadofdepartmentwillassessyoubasedonworking attitude,performance.Forme,mycurrentbossisemotionaltoassesspeople.

Sam:No Iusuallyhearfeedbacksfromotherpersons.Inmyopinion,it’s not agood thing.

Sam:Sometimes,Iasksmybossforhisfeedbacks.However,it’s notalwaysthat Irememberpromptlytoaskforfeedbacks.Thebosscananswermy emailorsendmemessagestogivefeedbacksbut heis not.Andhejustexpress discomfortorrequiremetore-dothetask.

Sam:InpreviouscompaniesIusedtoworkfor,Ihavechancetogiveassessmenttomysupervisoranduppermanagerstohaveacomprehensiveconclusion.Ithinkforthiscompany,firstofall,whennew comerstartsworkingforthecompany,theyneedaclearjobdescription,KPIandareviewafter6monthsthatprovidesher/ himchancetoexpressfeelings.Andeverysuchmeeting,wecanupdatejobdescriptionalittlebittochallengeemployees.I’mafraidthatsomecompaniestheydon’thavetimetodoitsothisputs thedutytoHRdepartmenttoremindall.Thathelptoretain people,avoid peoplesuddenlyquitthejob.

Yen:Besidesallthingswediscussed,doyouhaveanythingselse youwanttoshare?Orsome commentsforcompanyimprovement.

Sam:IthinkIneedapersonthatstandsinthebetweenofmeandmyboss,hecanbemysupervisororuniontoprotectemployees.Secondly,whenproblemoccurs,wefixthep r o b l e m butweneedtofindouttherootofitandsolveitseriously.Thirdly,respectingemployee’sprivateissueinthecompanybecauseitmakesemployeescomfortabletogotowork.Finally,andcertainl y,it is thevision,thedirectionofthecompany.

Yen:Sodoyouthinkthatyourmanagersdon’thavedirectionforthe companyor theydon’tcommunicatetothe employees?

Yen:Goodafternoon,Ms.Sam.IamdoingresearchaboutancriticalsymptomsatCubesAsiarecently,it’shighturnoverrate.Therefore,Iwouldliketointerviewyoutoknowmorea b o u t itandI hopetoreceiveyoursupport.Allinformationis confidential.Couldyou please introduceyourself?Aboutyourfieldandthetimeyouhave workedforCubesAsia.

Sam:Ok,Hi.Yen.I’mSam.I’mMarketing executiveandspecializeinbrandingandplan.Ihave workedforCubesAsia for1year.

High employee turnover in companies often stems from a lack of clear guidance and support for new hires Many new employees feel isolated and uncertain about their roles, as they do not receive essential information or assistance, such as where to find shared company resources or even basic support like lunch arrangements This lack of communication can lead to feelings of inadequacy, making employees believe that the company is not a suitable environment for them To improve retention, it is crucial for organizations to foster a supportive atmosphere and ensure that new staff members are well-informed and integrated into the team.

To ensure a smooth onboarding process for new employees, it is essential to have an official announcement regarding their supervisor and department assignment The designated supervisor or HR department should appoint a team member to assist the new hire during their initial period, facilitating connections with colleagues Currently, there appears to be a lack of clear communication about the new employee's departmental affiliation and management structure This clarity would enable the supervisor to request support from HR or team members for the new employee, helping them acclimate to the company environment effectively.

Yen:Whenthecompany recruitanemployee,doesthecompany havespecificpositionforthat person?

Sam:There arepositionsthatbelongtoavailabledepartmentsbutthere are alsopositionsthatdon’tbelongtoanyavailabledepartments.Forinstance,customerservice position.Sowhichdepartmentshouldthispositionbelongto?

Everyonepossiblyknowwhichdepartmentthispositionshouldbelongtobutthereisnoofficialannouncementforallemployeest o clarify whichdepartmentthispositionrelatestoforlaterresponsibilityandmanagementofmissingposition.However,whenwelookbacktotheprocedure,Iseenothing.

Yen:Sobecausethecompanylacksofprocedureandresponsibility clarificationorbecause related departmentdidn’twellfinishitsresponsibilitiestotake carethisperson?

There are several issues regarding HR management that need to be addressed Firstly, the HR department must take responsibility to ensure that new employees are effectively integrated into the company If direct supervisors fail to assist new hires in connecting with their colleagues, HR should step in Additionally, clear procedures must be established so that new employees understand their team affiliations and reporting structures Clarifying these responsibilities helps manage work-related issues effectively Furthermore, the company lacks a structured training process, which should encompass both general company training and specific technical training Implementing a two-step training approach will help new employees feel like integral parts of the organization, rather than leaving them feeling passive and disconnected.


Forexample,HRdepartmentmustbethepeopletoi n t r o d u c e companyculturetonewemployees,ortechnicaldepartmentmustbethepeopletotrainnewemployeesintechnicaliss ues.Sotheproblemisthetrainersdidn’tdogoodj o b orthe companydoesn’thavetrainingprocedure.

Sam believes that both the company and its employees share responsibility for ongoing issues He emphasizes that the company should be held accountable first, as it lacks clear procedures, which raises questions about why certain positions remain unfilled Additionally, he points out that HR and technical employees often fail to recognize their critical role in addressing these problems They may feel overwhelmed by their workload or constrained by unclear procedures, leading them to neglect essential tasks Yen then inquires about the long-term employees in the organization.

For former employees, the lack of a clear development environment stems from uncertainty about the company's direction Without understanding the long-term goals, such as a focus on retail in the modern trade channel, employees struggle to align their skills with the company's needs This absence of clarity not only hampers self-development but also affects confidence when transitioning to new roles Additionally, the perception of unprofessionalism arises from the absence of defined procedures, leading to individuals taking on multiple roles For instance, if responsibilities are not clearly delineated, one employee may have to cover for others, resulting in inefficiency and frustration.

Sam:Lackofprocedureisdealteveryday.Forlackof direction,ifthepeopleareambitious,peoplewillbedepressedatthisplaceandwanttogo.However,thegoodthingsatthecompanyareotherHRpolicies,forexample,flexibletime.Wecouldsaythi sisthesafechoiceforpeoplebutif theyfindotherjobwhichhassimilarornearlysimilarbenefitwitht h e cleardirectionforpersonaldevelopment,theywillleave.Ithinkbecausenow theyhaven’tfoundoutthegoodopportunity,ifyes,theywillleave.Forpeoplewhohaveworkedformore3years,theyfeelalot ofattachmentwiththecompanyso theydon’twanttoleave.Somepeopledon’twanttochangethecompany.

Yen:Foryourself,whatis themostimportantthingthataffectyourdecisiontoleaveor staywiththecompany?

Sam:Actually,whenworkingforacompany,I plantoworkforacertainperiod.However,italsodependontheimpactof thecompany.Forexample,Iseetheimprovementof thecompany,thebosslistentotheemployee’sopinions,oreverythingbeginstogowithprocedure.Imean,ifwecanseetheimprovementin1oreven2years.Iftheystaywiththecompany for1,1.5or 2yearsandseetheveryslowimprovement,theywillconsidermore.Forexample,iftheystaylonger,2yearsmore,whetheranythingwillchange.If nothingh a p p e n s , theywillleave.

Yen:Dothecompanyhaveprocedureorthecompanyhaveprocedurebutpeopledon’tapplyit?Dothecompanyhavejobdescription foranyone?

At CubesAsia, the absence of formal procedures and clear communication channels among departments leads to inefficiencies and a lack of accountability Employees often rely on word-of-mouth for project responsibilities, resulting in confusion about who is in charge and causing critical tasks to be neglected This lack of a defined working culture fosters a mindset where individuals refuse to take on additional responsibilities, stating, "that's not my job," instead of collaborating to complete unfinished tasks The pressure falls disproportionately on the most capable employees, who may struggle to coordinate with others due to insufficient authority Furthermore, the absence of middle management creates a disconnect between leadership and staff, leaving employees unsure about whom to approach for guidance This gap can lead to frustration and a decline in workplace morale, as talented individuals may be tempted to seek opportunities elsewhere.

Yen:Inourcompany,thereis nomiddlemanageror thereis otherreasons? BecauseIseethatsomedepartmentsstillhave middlemanager.

In the company, only the technical department has middle managers, meaning the boss has only communicated with the technical manager and not the technical staff directly This contrasts with other departments such as sales, administration, HR, marketing, and showroom coordination, which lack middle management A general operator or HR manager must have a comprehensive understanding of the company's operations, the nature of work across all employees, and interdepartmental procedures This role is crucial for balancing operations and assisting Axel, the boss, in identifying effective departments and areas needing improvement, not for punishment but for constructive feedback Additionally, heads of other departments cannot relay such information to Axel, as it falls outside their responsibilities.

Yen:Doyouthinkthecompanydoesn’thave clearprocedureduetothe boss?

The boss aims to communicate directly with all employees, believing he can manage without intermediaries However, this approach may overlook how employees truly perform, as they might hide issues or provide inaccurate information In contrast, having a middle manager, such as an HR or sales admin manager, can streamline communication and accountability This manager can address departmental challenges effectively, allowing the boss to focus on broader organizational goals.

Sam:I’mnotsure whatitis.Actually,Iseethebossisbrilliant,Idon’tknowwhyhecouldn’tunderstandthatproblems.Maybe,it isbecauseofhischaracter,helikesit. Hedoesn’tbelieveanyonetoempowerthattasks.


1 WhatdoyoufeelaboutyourjobatCubesAsia?(Describegeneralfeelingintheirjob:happy?satisfied?productive?).Why?

Prompt:Needsofemployees,workenvironment,responsibilities,supervision,fairnessandequity,effort,employeed e v e l o p m e n t , feedbacks.

Prompt:Salary,Benefitasholiday,education,insuranceorbonus,etc.;balanceatwork,generalfeelingofo n e ’ s satisfactionwiththecur rentanddesiredstateofbeing.

Whichpointsdoyouthinki t ’ s g oo d a n d w h i c h o ne ne ede d tob e i m p r o v e d ? H o w a b o u t _ (prompt)inyourcompany? Prompt:P r o d u c t i v i t y , respect,inclusiveness,friendliness.

Prompt:T e a c h , coach,developsubordinates?.Howtheyimpacttheorganization’sgoals,objectivesandstrategiestoobtainthemissiono f company? Thewaytheyinspiresubordinates,communicate andsharetheorganization’sgoals,objectivesandstrategies?H o w isit? Clearornot.Andwhatdoyoufeel?

Prompt:Age,gender,ethnicity,disability,sexualo r i e n t a t i o n , geographiclocation,orothersimilarlydefinedcategories.

Lessormore.Prompt:Challengejobs,learningopportunities,opportunitiesfora d v a n c e m e n t andotherpersonaldevelopment.

10 Whichmethodsdoyourcompanyusetoassessemployeeperformance?Howoftendoyoursupervisors/ managersgivef e e d b a c k s toyou?Doyouhavetimelyandopenfeedbacksfromyourmanagers?

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45 WangC,WalkerEA,RedmondJ.Ownershipmotivationandstrategicplanninginsmallbusiness.JournalofAsiaE n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p andsustainability.2006Aug1;2(4):50.

46 WangC,WalkerE,RedmondJ.ExplainingthelackofstrategicplanninginSMEs:Theimportanceofownerm o t i v a t i o n

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49 FathiM,WilsonL.StrategicPlanninginCollegesandUniversities.BusinessRenaissanceQuarterly.2009Mar1;4(1).

Ngày đăng: 23/10/2022, 11:56

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