Supervisor Lesko Attends Fire Prevention & Safety Day At Stony Brook Fire Department pos ted on /2 /2 1 :1 :1 P M October 24, 2011 Pictured left to right at the Stony Brook Fire Department's Fire Prevention and Safety Day are Stony Brook Fire Dis trict Commis s ioner Paul Degen, Supervis or Mark Les ko and Stony Brook Fire Department Chief Peter Leonard Farmingville, NY - O n Sunday O c tober , Supervis or M ark L es ko joined members of the Stony Brook Fire D epartment for their A nnual Fire P revention and Safety D ay T he event, whic h was attended by hundreds of res idents , inc luded fire prevention and s afety demons trations , dis plays and ac tivities for all ages and a s pec ial appearanc e by "Smokey Bear." "I c ommend the Stony Brook Fire D epartment for organizing this s pec ial event," s aid Supervis or L es ko "I t's great to s ee s o many people c ome out, es pec ially the c hildren who got the c hanc e to learn about fire prevention and s afety I t's a lot of fun, but the real purpos e is to help s ave lives " Stony Brook Fire C ommis s ioner P aul D egen s aid, "I t was a beautiful day that our res idents c ould enjoy with their families and learn about fire prevention and s afety We are very proud of our all our volunteer members hip and their dedic ation I t was great to s ee Supervis or L es ko here s upporting our Fire D epartment and c ommunity during Fire P revention D ay." Division of Public Inf ormat ion * Of f ice of t he Supervisor O ne I ndependenc e H ill • Farmingville • N Y 1 • P hone (6 ) - • Fax (6 ) -