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Education Resources Consultation proposal document We are looking for your views on the ♦ Proposal to change the catchment areas of both Newfield and Stonehouse Primary Schools to better align new housing developments in the area to the primary school geographically closer to the development Closing date for responses: Tuesday 29th October 2019 A public meeting will be held on Wednesday 25th September 2019, 6pm – 7pm at Stonehouse Primary School Contents 10 11 The proposal and consultation process Background to the proposal Proposals Implementation date for the proposal Educational benefits - assessment of the likely effects of the proposal Assessing the impact on the local community affected by this proposal Employee implications Financial implications Responding to the proposal Appendices o Appendix Distribution list o Appendix 2-4 Maps showing current and proposed catchment areas Consultation response form This document has been issued by South Lanarkshire Council for consultation under the terms of the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010 If you need this information in another language or format, please contact us to discuss how we can best meet your needs Phone 0303 123 1015 Email: equalities@southlanarkshire.gov.uk The proposal and consultation process 1.1 Proposal South Lanarkshire Council is seeking views on the following proposal, namely: to change the catchment areas of both Newfield and Stonehouse Primary Schools to better align new housing developments in the area to the primary school geographically closer to the development 1.2 Decision to undertake the consultation: 28th August 2019 On 28th August 2019, the Executive Committee of South Lanarkshire Council (“the Council”) agreed that a statutory consultation with all stakeholders be undertaken on the proposal within this document 1.3 Consultation on the proposal Under the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010, if a local authority proposes to alter the catchment area of a school or to vary the arrangements for the transfer of pupils from a primary school to a secondary school, it must undertake a statutory consultation with key stakeholders affected by the proposal In this instance, the affected schools are Newfield Primary School and Stonehouse Primary School The formal consultation on the proposal within this document will be undertaken under the terms of the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010 (“the Act”) The consultation period will start on Monday 9th September 2019 (with due notice of the proposal to the consultees listed in Appendix 1) and will end on Tuesday 29th October 2019 (30 school days) Written representations must be received by this date in order to be taken into account 1.4 Public meeting: 25th September 2019 We will hold a public meeting on Wednesday 25th September 2019 between 6.00pm and 7.00pm at Stonehouse Primary School The meeting will provide those in attendance with an opportunity to: • Hear about the proposal • Ask questions about the proposal • Express views about the proposal A note will be taken of the views expressed during the public meeting and of any questions asked In addition to the public meeting, written representations will be able to be made during the consultation period 1.5 Education Scotland (formerly HM Inspectorate of Education, HMIe) The Council will provide the proposal document to Education Scotland at the start of the consultation period When the consultation period has ended, the Council will collate all of the relevant written representations received during the consultation period and oral representations made at the public meeting Thereafter, the following information will be provided to Education Scotland: • A copy of relevant written representations made to the Council on the proposal (or summary of them if agreed with Education Scotland) • A summary of oral representations made at the public meeting • Other relevant documentation, so far as is practicable Education Scotland will prepare a report on the educational aspects of the proposal taking account of the above, and in so far that Education Scotland considers them relevant, any written representations made directly to them Education Scotland may also visit the schools affected by the proposal Education Scotland require to send its report to the Council no later than weeks (or longer if agreed with the Council) after having received the information from the Council 1.6 Consultation report After receiving Education Scotland’s report, the Council will review the proposal taking account of relevant written representations received during the consultation period, oral representations made during the public meeting and Education Scotland’s report The Council will then prepare and publish a consultation report which will include a recommendation on the proposal and make it available for inspection The Council will inform any person who made relevant written representations on the proposal of the publication of the report The consultation report will be published weeks before it is formally considered by the Council 1.7 Inaccuracies or omissions Where the Council is notified or discovers inaccuracies in or omissions from this proposal document, the Council will determine whether relevant information has been omitted or, if there has been an inaccuracy Appropriate action will then be taken by the Council which may include issuing corrections, issuing a corrected proposal document or an extension of the consultation period In any of these events all relevant consultees (and where applicable the notifier(s) of any omissions or inaccuracies) and Education Scotland will be advised of the appropriate action Notifiers of any omissions or inaccuracies will also be given the opportunity to make representations if they disagree with the Council’s determination of and any action on the matter, which may result in the Council making a further determination/decision on the matter 1.8 Implementation date of the proposal If the proposal is approved, the catchment change would be implemented as soon as possible after approval of the proposal after the consultation process has been completed, parents of any pupils registering in January 2020 would be informed of the change to their catchment Primary School Background to the proposal 2.1 The current catchment areas for both Newfield and Stonehouse Primary Schools are shown on Appendix This is a historic boundary arrangement that, due to changes in the housing and population distribution within the area over time, should be redrawn to more appropriately link housing areas to each non-denominational primary school and more equitably balance the pupil population 2.2 • Newfield Primary School Newfield Primary School has Classrooms and a Nursery class for 32 children With this accommodation (and assuming an average of 30 pupils per class), the school could accommodate 240 pupils • The current pupil roll is 213 Pupil projections based on the average P1 intake over the last three years plus known housing developments in the area suggest the roll may decrease to 187 in August 2021 Stonehouse Primary School • Stonehouse Primary School has Classrooms, ASN Classrooms and a nursery class for 33 children With this accommodation (not including ASN classes), the school could accommodate 240 mainstream pupils • The current mainstream pupil roll is 217 Pupil projections based on the average P1 intake over the last three years plus known housing developments in the area suggest the mainstream roll may decrease to 191 in August 2021 Proposals 3.1 There are several housing developments underway in the Stonehouse Area with other areas identified as potential developments for the future Due to the “doughnut” nature of the existing Newfield Primary School’s catchment area (see Appendix 2) these developments are currently zoned to Stonehouse Primary School but geographically are closer to Newfield Primary School 3.2 36% of placing requests to Newfield come from areas that would be rezoned if the proposal was approved For example 16 children, 60% of the children, currently residing within the Cot Castle Road development, have chosen to attend Newfield Primary School through the Placing Request process, most likely due to Newfield Primary School being geographically closer than Stonehouse Primary School to this development Appendix shows the proposed change to the catchment line which would re-align the new housing development consisting of Cot Castle View, Cot Castle View East, Cot Castle View West and Cot Castle Grove to Newfield Primary School 3.3 Any future development on land adjacent to the Stonehouse Integrated Community Facility is also proposed to be re-aligned to Newfield Primary School 3.4 Appendix shows the detail of the streets included in the realignment to Newfield Primary 3.5 Given the capacity of both schools and the assumptions of expected pupil numbers coming from new housing developments, it is anticipated that the realignment will still allow for both schools to accommodate the predicted numbers of children generated from the new housing 4.1 General/Other Implications for the Council The intended effective date of any revised catchment realignment would be from the school session starting in August 2020 4.2 As part of the statutory consultation process, a public meeting will be held to fully engage with the local community on this proposal 4.3 Families with children already attending either school, and with a further sibling enrolling in P1 in respect of school sessions August 2020 through to August 2025 will have the choice for their P1 child to be granted placement in that school regardless of any catchment change 5.1 Educational benefits - assessment of the likely effects of the proposal The Council is committed to ensuring that our schools are first class for young people to learn and develop We want to provide the best learning experiences possible for children who attend our schools.travel, distance from school, parental choice 5.2 Staff It is not anticipated that this proposal would have a significant impact either negatively or beneficially on any members of staff in either of the affected primary schools 6.1 Assessing the impact on the local community affected by this proposal It is felt that this proposal will offer a more sensible division of the Stonehouse area with regards to current and proposed house building The proposal could allow for the possible increased opportunities for walking and cycling to school, it may result in a reduction in the use of cars at both school locations Given the assurances stated in section 4.3 above with regards the right of pupils to remain and the ability to follow siblings, it is therefore anticipated that there will be no negative impacts on the local community 7.1 Employee implications Employee resources at each primary school would continue to be provided by means of existing staffing protocols and agreed management structures 8.1 Financial implications It is anticipated that there will be no financial implications with the proposal 9.1 Responding to the proposal Interested parties are invited to respond to the proposal by making written or electronic submissions on the proposal using the form attached no later than Tuesday 1st October 2019 to: South Lanarkshire Council Education Resources (Central Support Team) Newfield/Stonehouse - Consultation Response Freepost SC05520 Hamilton, ML3 0BR education@southlanarkshire.gov.uk Please note that responses must be submitted to the address stated above and must be received by this date in order for them to be taken into account Appendix Distribution list and how to access a copy of the proposal document Notification of the proposals will be provided to the following consultees: The Parent Council or Combined Parent Council of affected schools The parents of pupils at affected schools The parents of any children expected to attend either primary school within years of the publication of this proposal document – to this end, notification has been given to parents of nursery children at Newfield Primary and Stonehouse Primary nursery classes The pupils at any affected school; All South Lanarkshire Council employees at the affected schools; Trade union representatives; Community Councils within the affected locality; All relevant users of the affected primary schools; South Lanarkshire Community Planning Partners A copy of this proposal document will be made available to: All Elected Members of South Lanarkshire Council; South Lanarkshire Youth Council; Education Scotland (formerly Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Education, HMIe); The Constituency MSP of the affected schools; List MSP for the area of the affected schools; The MP of the affected schools; Area Commander, Chief Inspector for Lanarkshire Division of Police Scotland; Chief Executive, NHS Lanarkshire; Chief Executive, Strathclyde Partnership for Transport; Area Commander, Scottish Fire and Rescue Services; Care Inspectorate The steps listed below have also been taken to ensure that the proposal document is widely available: Notice of the proposal and of publication of this proposal document has been placed within the Hamilton Advertiser All affected schools will promote this consultation through existing communication routes (school newsletters, school website etc); The proposal document has also been published on the South Lanarkshire Council website: www.southlanarkshire.gov.uk; If you need this information in another language or format, please contact us to discuss how we can best meet your needs Phone 0303 123 1015 Email: equalities@southlanarkshire.gov.uk The proposal document will also be available at the following locations: a Council Offices, Education Resources, Almada Street, Hamilton, ML3 0AA Phone 0303 123 1023 b All libraries in South Lanarkshire c All South Lanarkshire Council Q and A Offices d The establishments affected by the proposal Appendix – Existing catchment areas Appendix – Proposed catchment areas Appendix Education Resources Schools Modernisation Programme – consultation privacy notice Using Your Personal Information As part of Education Resources’ duties under the terms of the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010, we will undertake consultations and hold public meetings when considering a proposed change to a school catchment area, relocation of a school or the establishment of a new school or education stage The Consultation Response form is available for use when making responses to the Council We will collect personal information from this form in order to verify the identity of the consultee and in order that we can meet our duty to provide you with a response to any queries and to let you know when the report taking account of all consultations received is available to you We will only use the content of any responses in an anonymised manner, with all identifying information removed in relation to publishing responses in future documents We are required to provide copies of all consultation responses to Education Scotland (unless they say otherwise) in order that they can participate in the consultation process as required by law The responses provided to Education Scotland are anonymised We are also required to publish background papers to the public that we take account of in relation to the consultation report considered by the Council Your personal details are not included in any papers published in connection with the consultation We will not share your information with anyone else unconnected with these purposes We will not pass your personal information to someone outwith the EAA Your rights You have the right to ask us to: • confirm that we are using personal information about you, detail what that information is, to whom we have disclosed your information and a copy of the information that we have about you (The right of access) • correct any incorrect or misleading personal information that we have about you (The right to rectification) • stop using any or all of your personal information (The right to object) and • stop using your personal information until we can look into correcting your personal information or our justification for using your personal information or to stop us deleting your personal data where you need it in connection with any legal claims (the Right of Restriction) For more information on your rights and how to exercise them or for information about how we manage your personal information, you can get a copy of our full privacy notice: • https://www.southlanarkshire.gov.uk/info/200176/sharing_information_with_you/1730/general_privacy_notice or you can ask for a paper copy from the Data Protection Officer (details are below) If you have any queries or are unhappy about the way that we use your personal information or have responded to you in relation to any of your rights, you can contact: The Council’s Data Protection Officer The Data Protection Officer, Administrative and Legal Services, Council Offices, Almada Street, Hamilton ML3 0AA Phone: 0303 123 1015 Email: dp@southlanarkshire.gov.uk You also have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner about the way we have handled your rights, to enquire about any exercise of those rights or any other aspect of data protection law The Information Commissioner Information Commissioner's Office Wycliffe House Water Lane Wilmslow Cheshire SK9 5AF Phone: 0303 123 1113 (local rate) or 01625 545 745 if you prefer to use a national rate number https://ico.org.uk/concerns/handling/ Education Resources Consultation response form Please use this form to let us know what you think about the proposal You can complete this feedback form in Adobe Acrobat and print it out, or print it and complete it by hand, using block capital letters Return the form to: South Lanarkshire Council, Education Resources (Central Support Team), Newfield/Stonehouse - Consultation Response, Freepost SC05520, Hamilton, ML3 0BR; or as an email attachment to education@southlanarkshire.gov.uk (You will need Acrobat Reader Version or later to be able to save the completed form Go to http://get.adobe.com/reader to download a free copy.) The closing date for comments is Tuesday 29th October 2019 Proposal South Lanarkshire Council is seeking views on the following proposal, namely: to change the catchment areas of both Newfield and Stonehouse Primary Schools to better align new housing developments in the area to the primary school geographically closer to the development Name Address I agree with the proposal (please tick) Yes No Undecided Or, if you wish to comment on the proposal or provide an alternative suggestion, please use the space below and overleaf I am responding in my capacity as a (please indicate by ticking the appropriate box) Parent of pupil at Newfield Primary Parent Council of Newfield Primary Parent of child due to attend Newfield Primary in the next years Parent of pupil at Stonehouse Primary Parent Council of Stonehouse Primary Parent of child due to attend Stonehouse Primary in the next years Pupil at (state which school) Member of staff Trade Union Member of the public / community Elected representative Other interested party (please state in which capacity of interest) Please use this space if you wish to comment further: Handling your response - Please note that: • We will use the information you provide for the purpose(s) of this consultation, including statistical and analytical purposes; • We will pass a full copy of your written response to Education Scotland or a summary of it if agreed with them; and • We are subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 and therefore would have to consider any request made under that Act for information relating to written responses/records of oral representations made to us relating to this consultation Electronic publication and additional copies This consultation, and all other consultation exercises, can be viewed online on the consultation web pages of the council website at www.southlanarkshire.gov.uk You can find out about your nearest public internet access point at your local library Thank you for taking the time to respond